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Ms. Stith
Undesign the Redline Analysis English I

Directions: You are going to look at five parts of the exhibit. For each exhibit, you are going to identify the key points, select a quote
and relate it back to one of the research questions we are using.

Research Questions:
1. How has setting historically impacted the people of Baltimore and their ability to achieve their dreams?
2. What are the modern impacts of setting on individual’s ability to achieve their dreams?
3. How does
Excerpt this essential
1 (Pages question relate to you, your neighborhood, your community, or your city?
Exhibit Part 1
1. What are the key points of this exhibit?






2. What was most interesting or beneficial to you from this part of the exhibit?






3. Which research question is this excerpt relevant to? How will the excerpt help you answer that question?





Exhibit Part 2
1. What are the key points of this exhibit?






2. What was most interesting or beneficial to you from this part of the exhibit?






3. Which research question is this excerpt relevant to? How will the excerpt help you answer that question?





Exhibit Part 3
1. What are the key points of this exhibit?






2. What was most interesting or beneficial to you from this part of the exhibit?





3. Which research question is this excerpt relevant to? How will the excerpt help you answer that question?





Exhibit Part 4
1. What are the key points of this exhibit?






2. What was most interesting or beneficial to you from this part of the exhibit?






3. Which research question is this excerpt relevant to? How will the excerpt help you answer that question?




Exhibit Part 5
1. What are the key points of this exhibit?






2. What was most interesting or beneficial to you from this part of the exhibit?






3. Which research question is this excerpt relevant to? How will the excerpt help you answer that question?





1. How does this exhibit as a whole make you consider our research questions and their relationship to you,
your experience or your life?




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