Week 2 - Literature Review

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Running header: Week 2 – Professional Development

Week 2 – Professional Development

Tatianna Ortega

National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690−Capstone Course

Daniel Weintraub
Week 2 – Professional Development

Professional development has become a part of a teacher’s life. This paper will discuss what

professional development is and why it is important for a teacher to attend various PD days not

only throughout the school year, but throughout their teaching career. I have already attended

numerous PD days, and some are by far better than others, but the fellowship among teachers is

always a benefit and very informative.

Week 2 – Professional Development
“New teachers juggle an overwhelming number of unfamiliar issues, such as classroom

management, instruction, curriculum, school culture and operations, test preparation and

administration, state standards, parent relations, and interactions with other teachers.” (Mizell,

2010) That is why teachers have many opportunities to expand their knowledge and continuously

try to perfect their craft with professional development (PD) days.

While PD benefits the teacher attending it first hand, the result of information learned

will also benefit the school and the students. A teacher can take back the knowledge received and

implement new material, lessons, or techniques in the class. They can also share the information

with colleagues and help them to utilize the new information. The teacher can also share or bring

back various knowledge for the school as a whole and even the administration. “Their ongoing

development creates a culture of learning throughout the school and supports educators’ efforts

to engage students in learning.” (Mizell, 2010)

Some parents think that teachers taking a day away from teaching their student is a waste

of time, while some fully support it. For those parents that question why teachers need

professional development days, “A teacher can never know enough about how a student learns,

what impedes the student’s learning, and how the teacher’s instruction can increase the student’s

learning.” (Mizell, 2010) It is all about the student and how the teacher an effective engage and

get the student to learn. Helping the parents to understand that is an important part in making

sure they are on board and part of the education team.

Personally I love attending different PD days. I get to spend a day learning new ways to

teach, new ways to help individual students, new material, and just soaking up new information.

Not only am I in a room full of adults, I am with adults who are similar to me. They can relate to
Week 2 – Professional Development
my stories, or specific students. They have ideas and solutions to help with any type of problem

in the class. The best part though, is that they actually pay attention, listen, and respond.

Professional development days can seem like a waste of time to some, but truly it is an

opportunity to learn and grow in our chosen field. It is a way to continue our journey of life-long

learners, and be able to support our students from every aspect they need.
Week 2 – Professional Development

Mizell, H. (2010). Why Professional Development Matters. Retrieved from Learning Forward:


Patricia M. Costantino, M. N. (2009). Developing a Professional Teaching Portfolio. Upper

Saddle River: Pearson.

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