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I got my results back from my volleyball quiz. On the first question the students go 40% correct.

question was how many players can be on one side of the court at a time. The answer was 6. This shows
me that I need to go over that key rule again. The second question was better with 60% go it right. Which
I can live with because only two of the 5 student got the answer wrong. That tells me that I need to go
over that content with those two students to help them understand that rule. The third question only one
person got it right. This shows me that I need to go over that rule again. If only one person got it right.
That is not very good. The fourth question only one person got it wrong. I just need to go over with that
student to see how they are coming with that rule. The last question 60% of the students go it right. Only
two people got the question wrong. So I just need to go over that rule with those two students to help
them understand that rule. Overall the results are not to bad. We just need to work on some rules together
as a class.

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