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Subject: Computer Organization and BASIC

Subject code: Comp-214
Chapter # 1 Computer Fundaments
1.1: Describe the computer with the help of its block diagram.

Input Unit:

Input unit of a computer system consist of input devices. Input devices are
used to enter data and istructions (or commands into the computer.

Output Unit:
Output unit of a computer system consist of output devices. An output device
is used to recive the output from the computer in a readable form.

CPU (Central processing unit):

Central processing unit is the most important unit of a computer. It is

generally referred to as the brain of a computer. CPU is also called a processor.

Control Unit:

The control unit is the most important part of the CPU. It controls and
coordinates all other units of the computer system.

Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU):

The A.L.U performs diffrent arithmetical and logical operations such as addition,
multiplication, subtraction etc and logical comparisions.

Memory Unit:

Memory is the place where the computer programs and data is store, two types
of memory in computer system

1.2 : Describe computer generation?

A computer is an electronic device. It is used to solve diffrent kids of problems. It

solves problems according ta a set of instruction given to it.

First generation of Computer:

The vacum tube technology was used in first generation computers. A vacum
tube was very expensive. The most important computer that come in first
generation computer are ENIAC and UNIVAC-I.

Disadvantages of First Generation Computer:

Following are disadvantages of computer:

 These were very large in size

 These are most costly.
 These were very slow in data processing speed.
 These consumed a large amount of energy.
 Vacum tubes get hot burn out.

ENIAC stand for Electronics Numarical Integrator and calculator.

UNIAC Stand for Universal Automatic Copmuter.

Second generation of Computer:

The transister technology was used in second generation computer.The
transistor was invented in 1947 at Bell Labs by three scientists.The names of these
scientists are: William Shockley,John Bardeen and William Brattain.
Advantages of Transistor :
Following were some important advantages of a tranistor:
 200 transistors are about the same size as one vacuum tube. So the size of
computer became very small.
 Transistor was less expensive than a vacuum tube.
 A transistor can work 40 times faster than a vacuum tube.
 Transistor did not get hot and burn out like a vacuum tube.
Third Generation Computer:
The IC (Integrated Circuit)technology was used in third generation computers.
The concept of the IC was given by Jack St. Clair Kilby in 1958. The first IC
was invented and used in 1961. The size of an IC is about ¼ inch square.
Features of Third Generation Computer:
 These computers were smaller in size.
 These were faster in data processing.
 These were more reliable.
 These were less expensive.
 Less energy was consumed.
 These were easy to operate.
Fourth Generation Computer:
The microprocessor was used as CPU in fourth-generation computers. The
fourth-generation computer may be called microprocessor was developed in
Features of Fourth Generation Computer:
 These computers are smaller in size.
 These are less expensive.
 These have very high processing speed.
 These have very large internal and external storage capacity.
Fifth Generation Computer:
Fifth generation computers are based on artificial intelligence (AI).
These are still in development stage. Some applications of this generation
are being used today. These computers will use such devices having
capabilities to communicate with the user in natural spoken language.
1.3: Differentiate between Analog, Digital and Hybrid computer.
Ans: Analog Computer:
The analog computer uses electronic and mechanical
phenomena to solve a problem. It converts one kind of physical quantity
into another.
Digital Computer:
Digital computers process data in numerical form using digital
circuits. They perform arithmetic and logic operations with discrete
values. These values are 0 and 1.
Hybrid Computer:
The hybrid computers have best combined features of both
analog and digital computers. These computers contain both the digital
and analog components.
1.4: Enlist computer classification.
Ans: Computers are classified into following four main groups:
 Super computer.
 Mainframe computer.
 Mini computer.
 Micro computer.
1.5: Differentiate between super, mainframe, mini and micro
Ans: Super Computer:
Super computer is the most powerful computer. It is
also large in size. It can perform more than one trillion calculations
per second. The example of super computer is Cray T90.
Mainframe Computer:
Mainframe computer is the second largest computer. It
can process and store large amount of data. It is larger in size, and
expensive. IBM S/390 is an example of mainframe computer.
Mini Computer:
Mini computer is known as minicomputer because of its small
size as compared to other computers at that time. Like mainframe
computer, a mincomputer can also support multiple users. The HP
3000 is an example of mincomputer.
Micro Computer:
Micro computer is also referred to as personal computer (PC). It
is typically designed for individual users.
Subject: Computer Organization and BASIC
Subject code: Comp-214
Chapter # 2 Central Processing Unit
2.1: Enlist the constituents of C.P.U.
Ans: The two typical components of a CPU include the following.
 Control unit.
 Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU):

2.1.1: Describe of Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).

Ans: The A.L.U performs diffrent arithmetical and logical operations such as
addition, multiplication, subtraction etc and logical comparisions.

2.1.2: Describe the control unit.

Ans: The control unit is the most important part of the CPU. It controls and
coordinates all other units of the computer system.

2.1.3: Describe the memory unit.

Ans: Memory is the place where the computer programs and data is store, two
types of memory in computer system.

2.2: Define system bus.

Ans: The data and instructions inside the computer flow from one unit to another
in the form of bits. The units of computer are connected together by a
communication channel called a bus.

A bus connects the following units:

 Central Processing Unit.
 Main Memory.
 Input / Output Devices.

Different types of system buses are as follows:

i. Data Bus.
ii. Address Bus.
iii. Control Bus.

2.3: Define the address, data and control bus.

Ans: Data Bus:

A type of system bus, which is used to transfer data from one unit to another, is
called data bus. It connects the CPU, main memory, input/output devices and
secondary storage devices.

Address Bus:

A type of system bus, which is used to carry address information, is called address
bus. The Adress Bus only connects the CPU to main memory.

Control Bus:

A type of system bus, which is used to carry control information from control unit
to other units, is called control bus.
Subject: Computer Organization and BASIC
Subject code: Comp-214
Chapter # 3 Input Devices & Output Devices
3.1: Define input devices.

Ans: The devices that are used to enter data and instructions into the computer are
called input devices.

3.1.1: Write the names of any four input devices.

Ans: Four input devices are: keyboard ,mouse, scanner and light pen.

3.1.2: Define keyboard.

Ans: Keyboard is the most commonly used input devices. It is used to enter textual
data into the computer. The keyboard looks like a typewriter keypad.

3.1.3: Define mouse.

Ans: A mouse is a pointing input device. It is used to control the pointer on a

display screen and to give commands to the computer.

3.1.4: Define scanner.

Ans: A scanner is an input device. It reads images and text printed on the paper. It
converts them into digital form and stores into the computer.

Types of Scanner:

The most popular types of scanner are :

 Monochrome scanners.
 Flatbed scanners.
 Color scanners.

3.1.5: Define light pen.

Ans: Light pen is a light-sensitive input device. It is used to draw maps on the
computer screen or to make menu selections.

3.2: Define output devices.

Ans: : The devices that are used to receive information from the computer are
called output devices.

3.2.1: Define monitor.

Ans: The monitor is the most commonly used output device on PCs. It is also
called a display or screen.

3.2.2: Define printer.

Ans: An output device that prints the output on the paper is called printer.

Types of Printer:

i. Impact Printer.
ii. Non-Impact Printer.

1: Impact Printer.

A printer that produces output on paper with striking a print hammer or set of
pins against an inked ribbon is called impact printer;

Types of Impact Printer:

a) Dot Matrix Printer.

b) Daisy Wheel Printer.
c) Line Printer

2: Non-Impact Printer.
The printers that produce output on paper without striking the paper are
known as non-impact printers.

Types of Non-Impact Printer:

a) Laser printer.
b) Inkjet printer.
3.2.3: Define plotter.
Ans: A plotter is a large-scale printer. It is used for drawing and printing
maps or charts etc. It consists of one or more automatic pens .
Subject: Computer Organization and BASIC
Subject code: Comp-214
Chapter # 4 Storage Devices
4.1: Define magnetic and optical storage.
Ans: Magnetic Storage:
Magnetic storage or magnetic recording is the storage of data on
a magnetized medium. Magnetic storage uses different patterns
of magnetisation in a magnetisable material to store data and is a form
of non-volatile memory.
Optical Storage:
Optical storage is the storage of data on an optically readable
medium. Data is recorded by making marks in a pattern that can be read
back with the aid of light, usually a beam of laser light precisely focused on
a spinning optical disc.

4.2: Describe the floppy diskettes.

Ans: A floppy disk is a magnetic storage medium. It is also called simply a
diskette. It consists of a plastic disk. A folppy disk drive (FDD) is used to
write and read data to and from the floppy disk.
A floppy disk is portable storage medium. It is mosly used for transferring
data between computer systems. It is 1.44MB. Its data access speed is also
slow than other storage devices. It is less expensive.
Floppy disks come in three basic sizes i.e. 8-inch, 5.2-inch and 3.5-inch.
4.3: Describe the hard disk.
Ans: Hard disk is also called fixed disk. It is permanently fixed within the
system unit. Most digital computers have at least one hard disk drive. Some
large-scale computers normally contain many hard disks.

The data storage part of the hard disk consists of one or more metallic circuit
platters. Each platter is coated with magnetic material on both sides. Both sides of
the platters have their own read/write heads.

4.4: Describe the magnetic tape.

Ans: Like magnetic disk, magnetic tape is also formatted before storing data on it.
The tape is divided into segments or frames. Each frame is magnetically marked by
a gap. Each frame is further divided into horizontal rows called tracks (or
channels ).

A frame is divided into 9 tracks. The first 8 tracks are used for recording the code
of specific character. The 9 track is used for recording the parity bit. The parity bit
is also called check bit.

. 1

4.5: Define CD-ROM.

Ans: CD-ROM stand for Compact Disk Read Only Memory. It’s only readable.
User cannot change the information. It store 650 MB information.

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