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Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361

Lesson Plan 2 Name and date: Rosa Alvarado November 15, 2018

Presenter: Rosa Alvarado

Lesson title: Details in writing through images
Age range:6-9
Medium: Tempera

A. Description:

This lesson will integrate creative expression with English language artists. Students will be
challenged to create detailed narratives in order to help their illustrator (a partner) depict
the image they had in mind. The illustrators will be using tempera paint and brushes to
illustrate for their authors. The lesson will encourage students to view things from others
perspectives as well as strengthen their creativity in art by challenging them to create art
pieces inspired by others words.

B. Objectives (the participant will…):

Students will be able to write a detailed narrative and then analyze the writing piece to
create a work of art that conveys the written work and its details.

C. Arizona Visual Arts and/or Media Art Standards:

AZ Common Core Standards: First grade-Writing-Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

1.SL.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas
and feelings clearly.

VA.CR.2.1b. Demonstrate safe and proper procedures for using materials, tools, and
equipment while making art.
VA.CR.2.1c. Identify and classify uses of everyday objects through drawings, diagrams,
sculptures, or other visual means.

D. Instructional Framework(s):

I think this lesson follows the creative self-expression framework because it is taking a
students’ creative idea and allowing them to put it down on paper. They have free range to
write about what ever they like. This lesson will also encourage them to get that need to
express themselves through art and integrate that into writing.

E. Vocabulary to Address with Participants:

Reflect- think deeply or carefully about.
Illustrate- provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures
Portray- describe (someone or something) in a particular way.
Detail- an individual feature, fact, or item.
Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361

F. Materials:
Notebook paper, tempera paint, brushes, different sizes of paper to paint on

G. Resources:
Picture of a man on a racing horse by Aldo Cacioppo titled Ricordi di Maggio taken from the
web site:

H. Activities:

1. Introduce the lesson by telling students that they will be using artwork to help them
become better writers. Explain that when we write any sort of idea down, we want to
have plenty of details. In writing we use details to help the reader picture or imagine
ideas or stories in their heads.
Tell the students that you are going to read something, and they must reflect or think about
what is being read. After they reflect, they must portray or describe what they pictured in their
Read the following passage:
Once there was a man who wore a red jacket and white pants. He loved to ride horses. He
rode a tan horse. He was the fastest horse in the world. The horse was so fast that all the
people they passed would look blurry!

2. Next ask the students “What kind of picture did you create in your head while I was
reading that?”. Listen to some of the idea’s students had and then when everyone has
shared show the actual picture. Ask students if their images were similar or different.
Ask them things such as:
• What words did I use to make you imagine that image?
• Are there any other words I could of used in my writing to help you picture this
• What made you picture that image?

3. Explain to students that they will be writing a brief narrative about something, someone
or an event. They will be writing the words, so they will be the authors and must include
enough detail so that anyone can illustrate or draw a clear picture of what they are
writing about.

4. After they write the narrative have them switch papers with a partner. They need to
read their partners story and then they must illustrate a picture for the story they read.

5. Illustrations can be made with any type of media. For this lesson we will be using
tempera paint. Have one student from each table get supplies. Once they have finished
with the illustration, they should share the picture with the author of the narrative.
Have them share the following ideas:
Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361

• Does this illustration match the words?

• Does this illustration match the authors ideas?
• What words could have helped the illustrator draw your idea?

6. Have students rewrite their narrative so that they include the things they discussed with
their partner. If there is time you can have them repeat steps 3-5 again to see if this
illustration matched the words better.

7. Students will be responsible for their own clean up. Clean up will begin when the
cleanup song is played, and they should finish by the time the song ends.

I. Closure:
At the end of the lesson have students share ideas on the following questions (within their
• Did the activity help you write more details in your writing?
• Was there something that surprised you about the activity?
• What was your favorite part of the activity?

After everyone shares have students place their work on the tables and have students walk
around to observe each other’s work.

J. Assessment:

Describe what assessment strategies you will use to check your objectives and standards.
Here a list of common methods to assess student comprehension and progress in art
Art will be assessed (through formal assessment) on quality of thought but not graded.
Summative Assessment

1 2 3
Writing 1 The student The student The student
created a created a created a
narrative narrative well
with no with less thought out
details than 3 narrative _________
details. with at least
3 details.
Writing 2 The student The student The student
did not try attempted was able to
Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361

and make to add more use feed

any detail but back from
revisions in could have peer to _________
order to added create an
add more more. elaborate
detail. piece of
writing with
details than
they started

K. Accommodations for Different Abilities and Identities:
The activity is modifiable to different writing abilities because some students might only be able
to come up with one or two sentences. The challenge is to encourage them to add detail in
their two sentences. For example instead of just writing “I see a dog” they can write “ I see a big
fluffy brown dog”.
L. Enrichment Activities:

Come up with an idea or two to provide extra challenges for students who finish early or
who ask for additional activities. Another thing you might think about is how the lesson
might be expanded upon in homework, involve parents or family members, or connect with
other communities.

M. Sequencing:
A lesson that can come before is to have students draw pictures for their own ideas or stories.
This will get them to understand how we can use pictures to represent ideas. A lesson after
would be to create a short book out of their sentences.

N. Pictures:

Attach pictures of your instructor samples, set-up, student production processes, student
work, etc.

O. Notes and Reflections About How the Lesson Went:

Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361

What did you observe happen? How do you feel about the lesson and the presentation?
Where did the students have the most difficulty? Where did you? How was the lesson
most successful? Etc.

I was a bit skeptical to pursue this lesson. However, it turned out to be a success. The main

objective of the lesson was to make sure your writing had enough detail so that someone else

could illustrate for the writing. While my peers completed the assignment, someone wrote about

a penguin who lived in a “chill” environment. My peer meant it in the context of cold. The peer

who drew a picture of it interpreted chill as laid back. This was phenomenal to see because I did

not expect that! It showed me that this lesson was serving its purpose of strengthening details in

a text. At first one peer said they though it was hard to draw for someone else because they

weren’t confident in their abilities. I explained that they didn’t have to worry about that and that

their only job was to draw what is described. On the contrary, this art piece should be easier to

draw because they didn’t have to come up with the art themselves. This gives them the freedom

to express themselves however they like by taking someone else’s words and turning it into an

image. Once I explained this my peer found it easy to start drawing and produced an amazing

piece of art that perfectly reflected the writing through the perspective of the illustrator. I learned

that this lesson can be used in all grades. The level of the writing can be adjusted for the different

grades. For example if you are working with kindergarten you might ask them to only write one

sentence such as : I see a dog. Then you encourage them to write describing in their sentence to

tell the reader and illustrator what kind of dog it was. For older students you can have them

write more in-depth sentences that express deeper messages. For example, one peer wrote: And

so, the tall, thin, shadowy women walked in the darkness along the sandy beach while searching
Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361

for her long-lost love. Overall, I am very excited to try this out with my future classroom and I

think that it will not only strengthen their art skills but make them greater writers in the process.

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