Antonyms Unit Plan

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Rosa Alvarado
TLS 493 Spring 2019
Rosa Alvarado

Table of Contents:
Unit Schedule……………………………..……………………………….…3
Day 1………………………………………………………………………………5
Day 2………………………………………………………………………………7
Day 3 ……………………………………………………………………………10
Day 4…………………………………………………………………………….13
Materials Needed………………………………………………………….15

Rosa Alvarado

Unit Overview:
This unit helps kindergartners learn opposites which is an English Language Arts Writing

standard. With these lessons’ students will learn about the relationships in verbs and adjectives

and relate them to their antonyms. Understanding antonyms and their relationship to verbs and

adjectives opens students’ paths to great writing. At this age average students build simple three

or four-word sentences. The sentences often lack fluency and sound almost robotic such as “I see

a dog. I see a cat. I see a house.” These lessons will help students form more complex sentences

by encouraging them to write describing or action words in their writing. The three-word

sentences then become more descriptive such as “I see the soft cat. I see a big wide house.”

Learning about opposites helps students become better writers in a engaging way.

On day one students will be introduced to antonyms by using movement to associate

opposite words such as open and shut. We will also sing a song and look at some flashcards to

reinforce the movement activity. To finish the lesson, we will do a sorting activity in which the

students will match pictures of opposites. The second day of this unit will encourage students to

use real objects and apply what we are learning about standards. Students will pick real objects

or pictures of objects out of a gift bag and then draw pictures of the object in two opposite ways.

Students will work on their grasp of conventions by including opposites in their journals on day

three. On the last day of this unit students will use antonyms to describe themselves and then

they will create a humorous picture of themselves using the opposites of the words they used to

describe themselves.

Rosa Alvarado

Unit Schedule:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Introduction to Draw Opposite Writing Journals This is me Activity:
Antonyms as Pictures Use antonyms in The student will
Opposites: The student will Writing Journal create a list of
Song complete an opposite The student will use antonyms by first
Flash Cards work sheet in which an opposite word that describing
Opposites Sort they must draw the teacher has themselves with
The student will act pictures of the same chosen for them and words and then
out and sing a song object in one way write about it in their finding the opposite
about opposites, look then its opposite. journals. of those words.
at flashcards of
opposites, and then
complete an
opposites worksheet
by matching a word
with its opposite.

Rosa Alvarado

K.L.05b With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word
meanings. b. Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating
them to their antonyms.
K.L.02a Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing. Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I.
K.W.02 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose
informative/explanatory text in which they name what they are writing about and supply some
information about the topic.
Yearly Standards
K.2W.C6.PO9 - Write own name on personal work.

K.L.01a - Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking. a. Print many upper- and lowercase letters.

II-L-1:1 (Pronouns): Using personal singular subject and plural subject pronouns (e.g., I, you, he,
she, it, we, they).
I-L-1:1 (Adjectives): Using a series of adjectives in the correct order (e.g.,
quantity/size/shape/color) with instructional support.
I-L-2:4 (Vocabulary): Completing synonym and antonym word pairs.
I-W-1:1: Writing narratives using simple sentences that include sight words, CVC words, and
phonetic spelling to express ideas.
I-W-1:2: Writing expository responses using simple sentences that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to describe, explain, or inform.
I-W-3:1: Generating or expanding on ideas independently by drawing pictures and using key
vocabulary in graphic organizers. (e.g., storyboard)

Rosa Alvarado

Day 1 Lesson Plan

Title: Introduction to Opposites

Subject/Grade Level/ Date(s): Kindergarten

Time Requirements: 30 min

Materials List: Opposite Matching Worksheet, Opposite Flash Cards, Dr. Jeans Opposites

Type of Lesson: Whole group

Connection to Standards:
K.L.05b - With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in
word meanings. b. Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives
by relating them to their opposites (antonyms).

Other Yearly Standards

K.2W.C6.PO9 - The Highly Proficient student can correctly write their first and last name
without a model.
K.L.01a - The Highly Proficient student can use common nouns and verbs when he or she
writes and speaks.

ELL Connection
I-L-1:1 (Adjectives): Using a series of adjectives in the correct order (e.g.,
quantity/size/shape/color) with instructional support.
I-L-2:4 (Vocabulary): Completing synonym and antonym word pairs.I-W-3:1: Generating or
expanding on ideas independently by drawing pictures and using key vocabulary in graphic
organizers. (e.g., storyboard)
Instructional Objective:
The student will be able to identify and match pictures of antonyms.

Active Instructional Plan: The students will be introduced to opposites through movement
and song. They will look at flash cards and talk about what makes them opposite. Lastly, they
will complete a worksheet and match the opposites.

•Essential Questions: What is an opposite?

•Anticipatory Set: To begin our lesson students will stand up and perform some opposite
Example: Stand and sit, open and shut, loud and quiet, fast and slow, front and back, up and
down, small and big. Ask the students if they can tell you what kinds of words we just used.
Explain to students that opposites are a pair of words that are completely different from each

Rosa Alvarado

other. Play Dr. Jean’s Opposites video. After the video go over the flashcards. Make sure to
point out how they are different from each other. While discussing the opposite words
explain to students that there are describing opposites and action opposites. Give examples
of each.

•Modeling: Show students the worksheet and go over each picture so student know what
they are. Talk about each picture and its opposite and use real life examples to connect it to
students lives.

•Guided Practice: Show students a couple of examples.

•Independent Practice:
Students will work independently to complete the worksheet. The teacher should walk
around and make sure the students are matching the correct pictures.

•Closure: Have students come back to the rug and go over some of the flashcards again to
help them practice some of the pairs of opposites.

Assessment/Evaluation: The teacher will perform an informal assessment by walking around

and noticing who has had previous experience with opposites and will also assess the
worksheets that the students turned in. The teacher will look for evidence of previous
knowledge, lack of understanding of opposites as a concept or lack of understanding the

Students who need modification can have color coded worksheets to help them see the
connection between the images. Students who need an extension will write the words that
are being described in the picutres. EX. Sweet and sour

Rosa Alvarado

Day 2 Lesson Plan

Title: Draw the Opposite Gifts!

Subject/Grade Level/ Date(s): Kindergarten

Time Requirements: 30 minutes

Materials List: Draw the Opposites worksheet, pictures of objects or real objects, gift bags

Type of Lesson: Whole Group, group work

Connection to Standards:
K.L.05b - With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in
word meanings. b. Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives
by relating them to their opposites (antonyms).
K.W.02 - With guidance and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to
compose informative/explanatory text in which students name what they are writing about
and supply some information about the topic.

Other Yearly Standards

K.2W.C6.PO9 - The Highly Proficient student can correctly write their first and last name
without a model.
K.L.01a - The Highly Proficient student can use common nouns and verbs when he or she
writes and speaks.
K.WF.01b - The Highly Proficient student can correctly write all upper and lowercase letters in
their writing.
K.L.02a -Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Capitalize the first word in a sentence.

ELL Connection
I-L-1:1 (Adjectives): Using a series of adjectives in the correct order (e.g.,
quantity/size/shape/color) with instructional support.
I-L-2:4 (Vocabulary): Completing synonym and antonym word pairs.I-W-3:1: Generating or
expanding on ideas independently by drawing pictures and using key vocabulary in graphic
organizers. (e.g., storyboard)
Instructional Objective: The student will be able to identify opposites and draw two pictures
of the same object using the opposite describing words.

Active Instructional Plan: To help students understand the value of adjectives as antonyms
students will pick objects out of a gift bag and then draw it using the describing opposite
word written on the work sheet. For example: If the student picks a pencil they must draw
one big pencil and one small pencil under the corresponding box. In the worksheet.

Rosa Alvarado

•Essential Questions: What is an opposite? How can we use opposites to understand

describing words?

•Anticipatory Set: Ask students if they have ever gotten gifts for their birthdays. Pick a
couple of students to share what kinds of gifts they have gotten and then ask them what
their presents looked like. Make sure to ask a question regarding our opposite adjective
words to get them thinking about those words. Ask students if they usually know what is
inside their gifts. Tell students that when we get gifts, we don’t usually know what is inside.
Tell students that today we are going to play a game in which we reach inside a gift bag and
pick gifts.

•Modeling: Introduce the Draw the Opposite worksheets. Go over all the words and their
opposites so students can start thinking about the opposite words. After the class goes over
the words introduce the gift bags with the pictures of objects or real objects inside. Explain
that first we will trace the words. Second, we will pick a card or object. Third, we will draw it
in the first box under the word we traced. Then draw the opposite of the same object.
Explain to students that they will have one bag per group and that they can work together.

•Guided Practice: The teacher will do two examples with the class. Ask the students
questions such as what the first thing is I need to do. Going over the steps will ensure
students know what to do and keep the students engaged. The teacher should also make
sure to reiterate that the same object needs to be drawn for the matching opposites. Lastly,
remind students that their pictures need to match the words. Remind the students that they
need put their gifts back once they draw their picture.

•Independent Practice: Group students in heterogeneous groups of four or five at a table.

These students will share the same gift bag and objects. Students will each complete one
worksheet. The teacher will walk around and aid any students who needs help and to provide

•Closure: At the end of the lesson have students line up with their papers. Have a quick
discussion about what opposites are (a pair of words that are completely different from each
other. There are describing opposites and action opposites). Explain that today we worked
with describing opposites. After the discussion, have students turn in their paper to you and
verbally tell you an opposite as their exit ticket.

Use the worksheets as an assessment tool. Students should have at least three images that
correctly depict the adjective that corresponds it.

Rosa Alvarado

Students who struggle with the concept should draw one or two of the objects correctly. If
they really struggle they can verbally tell you a pair of opposites. Students who need an
extension can come up with their own pictures or write a sentence describing the pictures.

Rosa Alvarado

Day 3 Lesson Plan

Title: Introduction to Opposites & Journal Writing

Subject/Grade Level/ Date(s): English Language Arts, Kindergarten, January 29, 2019

Time Requirements: 30-40 minutes

Materials List:
Dr. Jeans Opposites Song
One journal for each child
Flash Cards with Opposites
Type of Lesson: Whole Group

Connection to Standards:
K.L.05b - With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in
word meanings. b. Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives
by relating them to their opposites (antonyms).
K.W.02 - With guidance and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to
compose informative/explanatory text in which students name what they are writing about
and supply some information about the topic.

Other Yearly Standards

K.2W.C6.PO9 - The Highly Proficient student can correctly write their first and last name
without a model.
K.L.01a - The Highly Proficient student can use common nouns and verbs when he or she
writes and speaks.
K.WF.01b - The Highly Proficient student can correctly write all upper and lowercase letters in
their writing.
K.L.02a -Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Capitalize the first word in a sentence.

ELL Connection
II-L-1:1 (Pronouns): Using personal singular subject and plural subject pronouns (e.g., I, you,
he, she, it, we, they).
I-L-1:1 (Adjectives): Using a series of adjectives in the correct order (e.g.,
quantity/size/shape/color) with instructional support.
I-L-2:4 (Vocabulary): Completing synonym and antonym word pairs.
I-W-1:1: Writing narratives using simple sentences that include sight words, CVC words, and
phonetic spelling to express ideas.
I-W-1:2: Writing expository responses using simple sentences that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to describe, explain, or inform.

Rosa Alvarado

I-W-3:1: Generating or expanding on ideas independently by drawing pictures and using key
vocabulary in graphic organizers. (e.g., storyboard)
Instructional Objective:
Students will be able to say the opposites of verbs or adjectives.
The student will draw and write about their in their journals.

Active Instructional Plan:

This lesson is day 3 of a 4 day unit on opposites. We will begin by singing a song about
opposites and then we will review some flash cards as a group. After we review, students will
be reminded of the things good writers do. Students are encouraged to include some of the
describing or action words in their writing.

•Essential Questions: What is an opposite? How can we use opposites to understand actions
and describing words?

•Anticipatory Set: To start off daily writing journals we are going to review opposites by
singing along to our Opposites Song. Make sure to use hand gestures and exaggerated face
gestures to help them see how different the words are from each other.

•Modeling: After song, ask students if they can tell you what an opposite is. Tell students
that opposites are a pair of words that are completely different from each other (use hand
gestures joining both index fingers to show a pair and the separate them to show that they
are different). An opposite means that it is very different than the way you either do
something or the way you can describe something. These words are used to describe how
there are opposite actions. Like things we can do such as stand or sit. There are also opposite
describing words; these are words that we use to describe things or people such as tall and

•Guided Practice: Show students the opposites cards. Show one card at a time and as a
group come up with that cards opposite. Give plenty of think time. Ask them to whisper their
answer into their hand and hold it. Then say one, two, three, tell me and have them release
their answer. After they have shared an answer show them the corresponding card. Use
movements and gestures to show the meanings of the words. Go through the rest of the

•Independent Practice: Give students a word to use in their journal. Remind students that all
good writers start with an idea, start their sentence with a capital letter, use finger spaces,
and end with an end mark. Pass out journals and remind them to sit in a good working spot.
Walk around during this time and help students with writing.

•Closure: Remind students that opposites are a pair of words that are completely different
from each other. An opposite means that it is very different than the way you either do

Rosa Alvarado

something or the way you can describe something. Have them repeat after you the two
types of opposites (action opposites and describing words).

Before the closure walk around and perform an informal assessment and ask them to name
an opposite that relates to their picture. Example: If a student draws a tall house, say “I see
your house is very tall. Can you tell me the opposite of tall?”. Some students may not
understand opposite yet and may need help telling the opposite.
Within my lesson there are a variety of strategies that will benefit students with IEP’s and ELL
students. Examples of these are the use of pictures, a video with a song that is repetitive and
easy to learn, and exaggerated gestures to show opposites. Assessing students orally is
another benefit to all students because some students writing abilities are not yet developed.
Journals are a great differentiation tool because each student writes at their level of

Rosa Alvarado

Day 4 Lesson Plan

This is me! Describing with antonyms activity
Subject/Grade Level/ Date(s): ELA/ Kindergarten

Time Requirements: 45 min

Materials List:
Crayons, Large sheets of paper per student, opposite describing words
Type of Lesson: Whole Group

Connection to Standards:
K.L.05b - With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in
word meanings. b. Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives
by relating them to their opposites (antonyms).

K.W.02 - With guidance and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to
compose informative/explanatory text in which students name what they are writing about
and supply some information about the topic.

Other Yearly Standards

K.2W.C6.PO9 - The Highly Proficient student can correctly write their first and last name
without a model.
K.L.01a - The Highly Proficient student can use common nouns and verbs when he or she
writes and speaks.
K.WF.01b - The Highly Proficient student can correctly write all upper and lowercase letters in
their writing.
K.L.02a -Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Capitalize the first word in a sentence.

ELL Connection
II-L-1:1 (Pronouns): Using personal singular subject and plural subject pronouns (e.g., I, you,
he, she, it, we, they).
I-L-1:1 (Adjectives): Using a series of adjectives in the correct order (e.g.,
quantity/size/shape/color) with instructional support.
I-L-2:4 (Vocabulary): Completing synonym and antonym word pairs.
I-W-3:1: Generating or expanding on ideas independently by drawing pictures and using key
vocabulary in graphic organizers. (e.g., storyboard)

Instructional Objective:
The student will be able to come up with a list of adjectives and say and write the opposite.

Rosa Alvarado

Active Instructional Plan:

•Essential Questions: What is an opposite? How can we use opposites to describe

What is an adjective? How can we use opposites to understand adjectives?

•Anticipatory Set:
To begin our lesson students will stand up and perform some opposite motions.
Example: Stand and sit, open and shut, loud and quiet, fast and slow, front and back, up and
down, small and big. Ask the students if they can tell you what kinds of words we just used.
Remind them that opposites are a pair of words that are completely different from each
Tell the students that you met someone who has never seen a picture of a dinosaur. Tell
them that you had a hard time telling them what it looked like. Ask students to help the
teacher and ask the students to think of some words that describe dinosaurs. Ask them to
think of words that they would use to tell someone who has never seen a dinosaur before.
Call on students using the “popcorn” method (students raise hands and know to give an
answer quickly and them move on to the next student). Write the words the students used
to describe the dinosaur. Explain to the students that these words are describing words. Ask
the students to take a moment and think about what some of the opposites of these words
would be. Call on students and write the words that they mention.

Explain to students that today they will come up with words that describe themselves and
then use those words to draw a picture. Then they will write the opposites of those words
and draw a picture using the opposite describing words. Make sure to explain to students
that their pictures just like their words should be the complete opposite from what they
usually look like just like their words.

•Guided Practice:
Make an example for the students. Tell the students that you must come up with words that
would help someone who has never met or seen you. The words need to help the person
make a picture in their head. Have them close their eyes and think about what words
describe you. Pick students to share five words that describe you. Write them in list on one
side of the paper and then draw a picture according to the words given to you by the
students. Explain that now we must find the words that are the complete opposite of the
words we just wrote. Have students share what they think is the opposite and write them
down on a separate paper along with the picture showing their opposite.

•Independent Practice: Students will be given a large white sheet of paper. They will close
their eyes to think of words to describe themselves. They will have to think and write words
on one side of the paper and then they will draw a picture of themselves using these words.
After they complete their first picture students will get another sheet of paper and look at

Rosa Alvarado

the words from their first picture and write the opposites of those. They must also draw an
opposite picture.
The teacher should walk around and provide assistance to make sure the students are using
words that have opposites.

The students will place both their papers on their desks. To conclude the lesson, students will
have a gallery walk and observe others’ illustrations. Remind students to read the opposite
words they used on both images.
Summative. Students should successfully come up with a list of four corresponding opposites.
The image they drew should match the words they wrote.

For students who need modification use the opposite describing words below. These will
guide the student in their first drawing but encourage them to come up with the opposite of
the words on their own. Students who need differentiation should come up with a list of six
or more opposite describing words.

Rosa Alvarado

Day 1:

Rosa Alvarado

Day 2


Draw the Opposites!

big small

high low

Rosa Alvarado

thin thick

short long

Rosa Alvarado

Day 3

Dr. Jeans Opposites Song

One writing journal for each child

Rosa Alvarado

Flash Cards with Opposites

Day 4
Opposite describing cards

hot cold
short long
thick thin
up down
big small
dry wet
young old
asleep awake
heavy light
fast slow
back front
full empty
empty full
clean dirty
happy sad
Rosa Alvarado

sit stand
quiet loud


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