Calculate Size of Pole Foundation

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Calculate Size of Pole Foundation & Wind Pressure on Pole

 Calculate Pole foundation size and Wind pressure on Pole for following Details.
 Tubular Street Light Pole (430V) height is 11 Meter which is in made with three different size of Tubular Pipe.
 First Part is 2.7 meter height with 140mm diameter,
 Second part of Pole is 2.7 meter height with 146 mm diameter and
 Third part of Pole is 5.6 meter height with 194 mm diameter.
 Weight of Pole is 241 kg and there is no any other Flood Light Fixtures Load on Pole.
 Total Safety Factor is 2.
 Wind zone category is 3.
 The Pole is installed in open terrain with well scattered obstructions having height generally between 1.5 m to
10 m.
 Foundation of pole is 700mm length, 700mm width and 1.95 meter depth. The Average weight of foundation
concrete is 2500 Kg/M3.

Wind Pressure according to Location:
 Wind Zone is 3 so Wind Speed as per following Table.
Basic Wind Speed-Vb (As per IS 802-Part1)

Wind Zone Basic Wind Speed, vb m/s

1 33

2 39

3 44

4 47

5 50
6 55

 Wind Speed (vb) = 44Mile/Second.

 Co-efficient Factor (K0)=1.37
 K0 is a factor to convert 3 seconds peak gust speed into average speed of wind during 10 minutes period at a
level of 10 meters above ground. K0 may be taken as 1.375.
 The Pole is used for 430Vand wind zone is 3 so Risk Co-efficient (K1) as per following Table
Table 2 Risk Coefficient K1 for Different Reliability Levels and Wind Zones (As per IS 802-Part1)

Reliability Level Wind Zone- Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind

1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4 Zone-5 Zone-6

1 (Up to 400KV) 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 (Above 400KV) 1.08 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14

3 (River Crossing) 1.17 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.28 1.3

 Risk Co-efficient (K1) =1

 Terrain category (K2) for Open terrain with well scattered obstructions having height generally between 1.5 m
to 10 m is 1 as per following Table
 Terrain category (K2)=1
Terrain Roughness Coefficient, K2 (As per IS 802-Part1)

Terrain Category Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Exposed open terrain with no Open terrain with well Terrain with
obstruction and in which the scattered obstructions numerous
average height of any object having height generally closely spaced
surrounding the structure is between 1.5 m to 10 m. obstructions.
less than 1.5 m.

Coefficient, K2 1.08 1 0.85

 Reference Wind Speed (Vr)= Vb / K0.

 Reference Wind Speed (Vr)= 44 / 1.37 =32 Mile/Second.
 Design wind Speed (vd)= Vr X K1 X K2.
 Design wind Speed (vd)= 32 X 1 X 1 =32 Mile/Second.
 Design Wind Pressure (Pd)=0.6 x vd2
 Design Wind Pressure (Pd)=0.6 x (32)2 =614.4 N/m2
 Design Wind Pressure (Pd)=614.4/10 =61.4 Kg/m2
Foundation Detail:
 Total Weight =Pole Weight +Foundation Weight.
 Total Weight = 241 +(0.7×0.7×1.95×2500) =2620.75 Kg
 Stabilizing Moment = Total Weight X (Foundation Length/2)
 Stabilizing Moment = 2620.75 X (0.7/2) = 920.41 Kg/Meter.
Pole Detail:
 First Part of Pole (h1) = 2.7 meter
 Diameter of First Part (d1) =140mm
 Second Part of Pole (h2) = 2.7 meter
 Diameter of Second Part (d2) =146mm
 Third Part of Pole (h3) = 5.6 meter
 Diameter of Third Part (d3) =194mm .
Wind Pressure on Pole:
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 1st Part of the pole=pdxh1xd1x(h1/2+h2+h3)x0.6
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 1st Part of the pole=61.4×2.7x(140/1000)x(2.7/2+2.7+5.61)x0.6
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 1st Part of the pole=134.47 Kg/meter—I
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 2nd Part of the pole=pdxh2xd2x(h2/2+h3)x0.6
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 2nd Part of the pole=61.4×2.7x(146/1000)x(2.7/2+5.61)x0.6
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 2nd Part of the pole=112.76 Kg/meter.—-II
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 3rd Part of the pole=pdxh3xd3x(h3/2)x0.6
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 3rd Part of the pole=61.4×5.6x(194/1000)x(5.6/2)x0.6
 Overturning Moment due to the wind on 3rd Part of the pole=112.14 Kg/meter.—III
 Total Overturning Moment on Pole due to Wind=134.47+112.76+112.14=359.36 Kg/meter.
Safety Factor:
 Calculated Safety Factor= Stabilizing Moment / Total Overturning Moment on Pole.
 Calculated Safety Factor=920.41/ 359.36 =2.56.
 For safe Design Calculated Safety Factor > Safety Factor
 Here Calculated Safety Factor (2.56) > Safety Factor (2) hence
 Design is OK
 B : If Calculated Safety Factor < Safety Factor then Change Foundation Size (Length, width or depth)

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