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Statement of Business Model

Tetris Grill Hub is a small restaurant that aims to provide a place where you can
enjoy Filipino warmth, food and nature. The restaurant will be located in Bambang,
Nueva Vizcaya. Tetris Grill Hub intends to serve families, youth, and residents near
the place from class A-B.

The business will be operated in a single proprietorship manner. I plan to get

supplies from the public market in Bambang and some will be from our own farm. I
will be hiring a cook from our province, and my staff will be coming from food
technology graduates from TESDA or other vocational schools.

The capital needed to be able to operate the business is Php 600,000. Listed below
are the Pre-Operation Expenses:
a. Refrigerator 25,000
b. Stove/ Griller 20,000
c. GE freezer 17,000
d. Utensils 25,000
e. Renovation (including signage and exhaust) 250,000
f. Furniture 80,000
g. Fire extinguisher 13,000
h. Pre – operating expenses 29,000
i. 2 months deposit and advance 44,800
Total required capital P 503, 800
The required capital will be fully financed by my parents.


Location and Target Market

Tetris Grill Hub’s location will be in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. The province of Nueva
Vizcaya is located in the heart of Northern Luzon. It is geographically located at the
southernmost part of Region II and is often referred to as the gateway to vast
Cagayan Valley Region.

The business’ target market would be the families, youth, workers and residents in
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya from class A-C.

Relevant Market Size

Nueva Vizcaya registered a total population of 366, 962 persons in 2000. Among
the 15 municipalities in the province, about 39% of the total population of Nueva
Vizcaya resided in the municipality of Solano (14%), Bayombong (13.8%) and
Bambang (11%).

Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya has a total of 34, 500 hectares

and has Total Population of 47, 657.
Average household size is 4.9

Results from my market survey:

50 respondents
People who eat grilled food 80%
Willing to pay Php 150 and above 72%
Willing to try 80%
52% of them eat twice a week in a restaurant and 24% eat once a week.

Market Size Results Market Size
People who eat grilled food 47,657 80% 38,126
Willing to try 38,126 80% 30,500

Willing to pay 30,500 72% 21,960

Relevant Market Size Frequency

21,960 24% 5,270 1 5,270 Once a week
21,960 52% 11,419 2 22,839 Twice a week

Willing to Pay
5,270 150 790,572
22,839 150 3,425,814

Relevant Market Size in peso a year P 4,216,386

Sales Target

As you can see from the table of Market size, the targeted sales of the restaurant
business will be P 4,216,386 a year. The restaurant wasn’t able to reach the sales
target based on the Financial Plan but we will try to think of more ways to be able to
reach this target in the future.

Business Registration

Tetris Grill Hub will start to apply for business registration on the month of October

Business Permits Done

Minor Renovations 2nd week of October 2014
Soft Opening 2nd week of November 2014

Highlights of Financial Performance

The sources and uses of funds indicate that the capital needed for the business to
run would be ₱ 600,000 and will be funded by my parents. There will be remaining ₱
96,200 cash and this will be used as the beginning cash for the first month of Year 1
in the cash flow statement. Tetris’ Grill Hub showed positive cash outflow for Year 1
and 2.

According to the income statement, the summary of the management’s performance

is good but there are also months that the business’ sales decreased that made the
restaurant’s net income low. Some factors that caused the income to decrease were
the expenses and purchases of the restaurant. In the income statement you will see
Output VAT and Input Vat. To compute for the output VAT, multiply Net Sales by 12%,
for the input tax, groceries, beverages, kitchen supplies, rent, electricity,
communication, water and supplies are included in the computation. We were able to
get the VAT payable by subtracting the input tax from the output tax.

The sensitivity Analysis shows how much income the restaurant will get if the sales
decrease or increase. Some factors that can cause a decrease of income would be
the purchases; if the COGS are high then the Gross Profit would decrease. It also
has the same case for the G&A expenses the higher the expenses the more the
income would decrease.

Keys to Success

• Quick and great service from my staff is one of the factors that will lead to the
success of this business. Food should be served not longer than a 15-minute
waiting time for the customers to be served.

• We will also prioritize the cleanliness of the place because this is the key part
of the customers dining experience.

• Meals that will be served are not overpriced. We will make sure that our meals

are worth our customers’ money.

• Our existing restaurant in Nueva Vizcaya is one of the best in the area. One
the reasons why they are the best is because of the delicious food that they
serve. We would like to duplicate or even exceed the menu concept.

Management and ownership of the business


Tetris’ Grill Hub’s mission is to provide a place where people can enjoy Filipino
warmth by serving good quality and tasty grilled Filipino foods. To provide a great
staff, be able to share delicious grilled food at an affordable price and have every
customer feel satisfied and happy after meal. This restaurant aims to provide a
clean, and attractive place for the customers.


To be the #1 restaurant in Nueva Vizcaya who offers a variety of grilled Filipino foods
that are affordable to the people in the community.

Code Of Ethics

The restaurant will make sure that honesty will be practiced at all times. The owner
will make sure that the employees have good values and can be trusted. The
suppliers should be paid on time, and also the employees. As the future owner of this
business, I will make sure that the staffs are treated fairly, so that everyone could
experience a healthy and happy work place environment. This restaurant business
will have a clean environment, good quality of food and service so that our
customers could have a good experience with the restaurant.

Business Management

I would start my business as a single proprietary business.
Eventually, when I see that my business is growing maybe after 2-3
years I would entertain investors so that we can transform my
business in a corporation. This will entail additional capitalizations
from prospective partners. The angel financer would be my parents.

Environment Scan/External Analysis/Risk Analysis

Environment Scan/External Analysis

PEST Analysis

Political – Tetris Grill Hub will make sure to follow the regulations regarding hygiene,
health, food regulations and food standards. This business will make sure to practice
transparency, and honesty at all times. Good quality of meals would also be a
concern for the business because it is also important that the customers are healthy.

Economic - Tetris’ Grill Hub will be part of the Food Industry since it is a restaurant
business. Restaurant growth averaged 7.06% in the last 5 years. There is also an
increase in population in Philippines, and there is a raise in demand in restaurant
market because of this Tetris’ Grill Hub will have more target market.

Socio – cultural – people nowadays are becoming more health conscious that’s why
Tetris’ Grill Hub will try it’s best to serve food that contains less fat and also try to
provide healthy sandwiches in the future.

Technology – by using the internet and cellphones this restaurant business will be
able to contact its suppliers easily. Technology can also be used in promoting the
business and if Tetris Grill Hub expands in the future, we can also provide mini
tablets for the customers when they are choosing the menu and while they are
waiting for the food.

Risk Analysis

There are possible risks that the business may encounter:
• Internal pilferage This may be prevented by regular monitoring of inventory
and hiring diligent and honest workers. The staff must have an inventory of all
the equipment at the start and end of every operations.
• Thief and burglary. Provision of security guard and cctv facilities should be
• Fire the restaurant should provide fire extinguisher, also the emergency door
should be made known by placing stickers with signs of directions.
• Food contamination & poor quality. Food should be maintained above
standard at all times to avoid dissatisfaction of customers.
• Spoilage due to wrong forecast.
Historical statistics shall be maintained and events shall be anticipated to
have a more accurate forecast and reduce the possibility of spoilage.
• Fluctuating cost of raw materials. The restaurant will be having one or two
alternative suppliers and the possibility of sourcing raw materials direct from
the province where we have a farm shall be explored to negate price

I. Market Environment
A. Market Background

Type of Business

Tetris Grill Hub aims to provide a place where you can enjoy Filipino warmth, food
and nature. The mini restaurant will be located in Bambang, Nueva Vizacaya.

Market Segment

Tetris Grill Hub’s market segment would be families, students, workers, and
residents in Bambang Nueva Vizcaya from lower class A, class B to upper class C.

Relevant Market Characteristics / Factors

Written in the location, the province of Nueva Vizcaya is located in the heart of
Northern Luzon. It is geographically located at the southernmost part of Region II
and is often referred to as the gateway to vast Cagayan Valley Region. The province
of Nueva Vizcaya today stands strong and is proudly transforming into a fast
developing province because of the increase of businesses. In 2012, Bambang
became open to big dealers and businessmen as part of its progress. Now the town
has its own newly opened fast food chains and other marketing establishments.

Possible Drivers of Market Change

Some possible driver of market change that I foresee is the development of

Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. This is a good opportunity to be one of the first grilling
restaurant in the province, we will make sure that the restaurant will be known and
will be the talk of the town from the start of the operation. Another possible factor of
market change is the weather; this might lead to late delivery of raw materials that
could lessen the number of customers.

Key Success Factors

• One of the factors that can make my business succeed is a quick and great
service from my staff. I will make sure that the waiting time for customers wont
be longer than 15 minutes.
• Tetris Grill Hub will also prioritize the cleanliness of the place because this is
the key part of the customers dining experience.
• Meals that will be served are not overpriced. We will make sure that our meals
are worth our customers’ money and be considerate about the pricing.
• Our existing restaurant in Nueva Vizcaya is one of the best in the area. One of
the reasons why they are the best is because of the delicious food that they
serve. We would like to duplicate or even exceed the menu concept. Since we

have already established a business in the area, it will be a bit easier to
market or promote Tetris Grill Hub.

Consumer Usage Habits

According to my survey the top three cuisines that people would choose is
Japanese, American and Filipino. People in the province would most likely choose
Filipino food and I think that this is an advantage to my business.

Consumer Attitudes / Preferences

Based on the survey that was conducted, customers usually eat out in groups of 4
and are willing to pay Php 150 and above when dining in a Filipino Restaurant. The
main feature that they want in a restaurant is the food quality, next is service, dining
environment, price and the restaurant concept.

Key Players / Competitors

Tetris Grill Hub’s possible competitors are the following:

In Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya there are only few restaurants in the area like Mang
Inasal, Jollibee and Mcdo. Mrs Baker’s Restaurant, kaboodle Grill and restaurant
and Balay ni Gloria are also possible competitors that is located in Solano, Nueva

B. Competition

Company / Enterprise Product Review

➢ Mrs. Baker’s Restaurant and Pastry Shop

The restaurant is known for it’s delicious pastries, cakes and meals.
➢ Mang Inasal is a barbecue fast food restaurant chain that specializes in grilled

➢ Kaboodle Grill is the home of the juiciest and crispiest Crispy Pata and
Boodle Feasts in Nueva Vizcaya.

Perceived Target Market

➢ Mrs. Baker’s Restaurant and Pastry Shop targets people who love pastries
and Filipino dishes in Nueva Vizcaya
➢ Mang Inasal targets people who wants to be able to eat grilled foods as much
as they can without spending too much.
➢ Kaboodle Grill targets people who love Grilled foods, Crispy Pata in Nueva

Awareness Level Among Consumers

Based on the survey I conducted when asked what restaurant comes to mind when
thinking of a Filipino restaurant in Nueva Vizcaya, majority answered Mang Inasal,
next is Mrs. Baker’s and third is Kaboodle Grill.

Purchase Rate / Consumer Buying Attitude Towards Products Offered

➢ Mrs. Baker’s Restaurant and Pastry Shop

This restaurant offers Filipino food like bulalo, beef tapa, kare – kare etc.
➢ Mang Inasal
Mang Inasal serves Filipino cuisine like grilled chicken, pork and milkfish
served with rice.
➢ Kaboodle Grill
They serve Crispy Pata and also grilled Filipino foods.


Mrs. Baker’s Restaurant and Pastry Shop and Kaboodle Grill’s way of penetration is
through internet and word of mouth.


Mang Inasal’s meals are usually priced at Php 100. For Mrs. Baker’s Restaurant and
Kaboodle Grill, they base their prices on their cost and add a mark up price.

Promotions Conducted

Mang Inasal promotes through advertisements, billboards, and websites. Mrs.

Baker’s Restaurant and Kaboodle Grill uses word of mouth, fliers and website to
promote their restaurant.

II. Marketing Mix Details

A. Business/Product Market Positioning Statement

Restaurants in the province usually don’t focus much on their interior, and based on
my survey consumers want to eat in a restaurant where they would feel at home and
relaxed. Tetris Grill Hub’s interior and concept will be different from the restaurants in
the vicinity. Through this, customers are able to feel at home while enjoying their
Grilled Filipino food.

B. Year 1 Gross Sales and Marketing Objectives

We would be estimating that it will have 64 customers every day. That would come
up with 1,408 customers every month and 16, 896 a year. Estimating that every
person would pay 150php, Tetris’ Grill Hub will be able to generate P 2, 834, 400 in
year. In order to attain this gross sales, Tetris Grill Hub will make sure to give its best
effort to be known to the public, and be able to deliver good impression and
customer feedbacks on the restaurant.

C. Marketing Strategies

Based on question number 10 in my survey questionnaire, majority of the customers
are willing to try a new restaurant because of the recommendations or through the
word of mouth. I will first give priority to the restaurant’s target market. We will also
be promoting Tetris’ Grill Hub in the Internet by creating Facebook and Instagram
accounts. This wouldn’t cost anything so it would truly be a great idea to enter online

D. Marketing Mix
Product / Service
a. Product Strategy

• The food in our restaurant will be served in a banana leaf over a plate.
Restaurants these days usually go for modern type design and construction. I
think that having a mini garden-inspired restaurant would attract more people

since it’s unique and fresh looking.

• We will also make sure to have a quick, quality and great service from our

staff, ‘good customer relationship’ should be valued in my business.

• Best quality grilled Filipino foods will be served.

• Reasonable and ‘value for money’  meals will be served. Tetris Grill Hub will
not be competing for lower prices because customers will surely come back
due to best food, service and ambiance.

b. Product / “Formula”

Tetris Grill Hub will have its own unique recipe for its Grilled Filipino meals.

c. Packaging/Presentation

The food in Tetris Grill Hub will be eaten in a banana leaf over a plate. Tetris ’ Grill
Hub’s packaging/presentation includes the design/interior of the restaurant.

d. Branding

TETRIS’ GRILL HUB will be the restaurant’s brand name taken from the name of the

owner. I believe that this name will catch the attention of my target market.

a. Pricing Strategy

The mark up value will be different for every meal and will range between 100-
250%. Since Tetris Girll Hub’s target customers are from lower class A- upper class
C the pricing of products would still be reasonable and affordable to them.

b. List Price

Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich 90

Grilled Sausage & Egg 180
Grilled Longganisa & Egg 180
Chicken Inasal 190
Boneless Chicken Barbecue 200
Inihaw na Liempo 200
Grilled Boneless Bangus 190
Griled Squid 200
c. Estimated Product Costs

Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich P 90

Cost per serving: P 35
Mark up: P 55 ( 157% )

Grilled Longganisa & Egg P180
Cost per serving: P60
Markup: P120 ( 200% )

Grilled Sausage & Egg P180

Cost per serving: P90
Markup: P90 ( 100% )

Chicken Inasal P190

Cost per serving: P40
Markup: P150 ( 375% )

Boneless Chicken Bbq P200

Cost per serving: P70
Markup: P130 ( 185% )

Inihaw na Liempo P200

Cost per serving: P70
Markup: P130 ( 185% )

Grilled Boneless Bangus P 190

Cost per serving: P90
Markup: P100 ( 111% )

Grilled Squid P 200

Cost per serving: P100
Mark up: P 100 ( 100% )

d. Gross Margins

Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich P 90

Cost per serving: P 35
Gross Margin: P 55

Grilled Longganisa & Egg P180
Cost per serving: P90
Gross Margin: P90

Grilled Sausage & Egg P180

Cost per serving: P90
Gross Margin: P90

Chicken Inasal P200

Cost per serving: P80
Gross Margin: P120

Boneless Chicken Bbq P200

Cost per serving: P80
Gross Margin: P120

Inihaw na Liempo P200

Cost per serving: P80
Gross Margin: P120

Grilled Boneless Bangus P 190

Cost per serving: P80
Gross Margin: P110

Grilled Squid P 190

Cost per serving: P90
Gross Margin: P 100

Place / Distribution / Location

a. Distribution Strategy

Tetris Grill Hub might consider delivery service in the future for the customers who
cannot visit or wont be able to come to the restaurant.

b. Modes of Selling

Tetris’ Grill Hub will ensure to give proper training to the staff so that the customers
will have the utmost satisfaction and will surely come back and bring more friends
and new customers in the restaurant.

Promotions / Action Programs

a. Promotions Strategy

People have access to Internet connection today, promoting simply through social
networking sites or blogs is effective. Also, word-of-mouth of satisfied customers will
be solicited but in order to increase sales I will be giving promos during Valentine ’s
Day, Summer, and Christmas Season.

b. Message

Delightful Filipino meals. Your garden kitchen in the city.

This business aims to provide people a place where they can enjoy Filipino warmth
and food without having to leave the city. Tetris’ Grill hub will surely make the
customers feel relaxed and feel like they are in their native provinces through the
delicious food that will be served.

c. Medium

Based on my survey, most of the people get to know a new restaurant through word-
of- mouth. Through my parents, relatives, friends of my parents and relatives, my
friends, classmates, community and my own connections, my restaurant will be
made known and advertised. I will be using brochures and I will be spending just a
bit for ads in the magazines or newspaper. I will also have free taste around the area
of some food that I will be serving in my restaurant.
Marketing Contribution to Operating Costs

Total Sales 2,721,540

(-)COGS 1,163,840

Gross Profit 1,557,699
(-) G&A expenses 1,289,892

Net Income pretax: 267, 808

Product Specifications
The menu is based on popular Filipino dishes as follows:

• Grilled Ham & Cheese

• Grilled Sausage & Egg
• Grilled Longganisa & Egg

• Chicken Inasal
• Boneless Chicken Barbecue
• Inihaw na Liempo

• Grilled Boneless
• Grilled Squid

Standard Cost

Measurements of menu was based on Lola Delia’s Grill Hub’s specifications and
shall be procured in Bambang Market. However, to further reduce cost, products
from our farm shall be used whenever possible.

Chicken Inasal Ingredients Price Quantity
Cost per order: P40 Chicken breast with 500/4kg 4 kg
Selling Price: 190 wings – 16 servings
Magic Sarap 15/50g 2tbsp(14g)
Vetsin 37/250g ½ tbsp. (6g)
Ground pepper 100/250g 1 tbsp (9g)
Salt 20/1000g 1 tbsp
Fish sauce 38/1L 1.5 cup
Vinegar 30/1L 1.5 cup
Brown Sugar 22/500g 2 cups(320 g)
Charcoal 10/pack 5 packs
Atsuete oil 50/250g 2 cups
Bbq sticks 16 sticks
Ginger 50/1000g 100 g
Garlic 80/1000g 70 g
Sinamak 3 tbsp
Good for 16 servings

Grilled Ham & Ingredients Price Quantity

Cheese Sandwich Wheat bread-gardenia 60/11 pcs 2 slices
Cost per order: P 35 Cheese - quickmelt 261/72 pcs 2 slices

Selling Price: P 90 Mozzarella cheese 350/1000g 15 g (grated)

Ham - frabelle 85/8pcs 1 slice

Grilled Sausage & Ingredients Price Quantity

Egg Hungarian 60 1
Cost per order: P 90 Egg 10 2

Selling Price: P 180 Garlic rice 18.75 1.5

Ingredients Price Quantity

Chicken Inasal Chicken breast with 500/4kg 4 kg
Cost per order: P40 wings – 16 servings

Selling Price: 190 Magic Sarap 15/50g 2tbsp(14g)

Vetsin 37/250g ½ tbsp. (6g)
Ground pepper 100/250g 1 tbsp (9g)
Salt 20/1000g 1 tbsp
Fish sauce 38/1L 1.5 cup
Vinegar 30/1L 1.5 cup
Brown Sugar 22/500g 2 cups(320 g)
Charcoal 10/pack 5 packs
Atsuete oil 50/250g 2 cups
Bbq sticks 16 sticks
Ginger 50/1000g 100 g
Garlic 80/1000g 70 g
Sinamak 3 tbsp
Good for 16 servings

Boneless Chicken Ingredients Price Quantity

Barbecue Butter 54/250g ¼ tsp
Cost per order: P 70 Salt 20/250g 1 pinch

Selling Price: P 200 Pepper 100/250g 1 pinch

Evaporated milk 24/370ml 3 tbsp
MashedPotato powder 672/2.5kg 25g
Chicken Breast 140/1kg 1 kg = 6 portions
Magic Sarap 15/50g 8g
For marinade:
Soy 60/920g 60ml
Garlic 80/1000g 61g
Banana Catsup 27/550g 2 tbsp(30 ml)
Peanut Butter 1 tbsp(15 ml)
Ground pepper 100/250g 1/8 tsp
Uling 2 packs
Cooking oil 75/1000ml 1/3 cup
Carrots 80/1000g 22g
Beans 80/1000g 25g
Butter 41/225g 1 tsp
Salt 20/1000g 1 pinch
Oil 75/1000ml 2 tbsp for siding
Pepper 100/250g 1 pinch

Good for 3 servings

Grilled Longganisa & Ingredients Price Quantity

Egg Longganisa 400/2kg 2 kg = 34 pcs (3 pcs
Cost per order: P 60 Egg 5/pc per serving)

Selling Price: P 180 Fried rice 9 cups/ 1000g

Fried garlic 80/1000g
Cooking oil 75/1000ml

Ingredients Price Quantity

Inihaw na Liempo Liempo 210/1000g 2 kilos = 16 pcs
Cost per order: P 70 Brown Sugar 20/1000g 1.5 cups

Selling Price: P 200 Soy Sauce 60/950g 2 cups

Vinegar 30/1L 1 cip
Pepper 100/250g ½ tsp
Vetsin 73/500g ½ tsp
Garlic 80/1000g 60g
Chili pepper 10/pack 8 pcs
Mix Vinegar 360 g
Uling 10/pack 3 packs
30/1L 480 ml
Good for 8 servings

Grilled Boneless Ingredients Price Quantity

Bangus Boneless Bangus 140/1000g 1kg
Cost per order: P90 Tomato 60/1000g 150g

Selling Price: P 190 Onions 80/1000g 86g

Salt 20/1000g 32g(2 tbsp)
Magic Sarap 3/8g 8g
Soy 60/920ml 120ml
Siling Labuyo 10/125g 2 pcs
Uling 10/pack 1 pack
Kalamansi 60/1000g(43pcs) 1 piece
Good for 2 servings

Grilled Squid Ingredients Price Quantity
Cost per order: Squid 257/1000g 1kg = 3 servings
P 100 Tomato 60/1000g 70g

Selling Price: Soy 60/920 ml 45 ml( 3 tbsp)

200 Bbq stick 10/50 pcs 3 pcs

Paminta 100/250g 1 pinch
Vetsin 37/250 g 1 pinch
Brown Sugar 18/500g 11 g (1 tbsp)
Charcoal 10/pack 1 pack
Atsuete oil 45/250g 1 tbsp

Production Plan

Onion Beans Egg Tomato Carrots Garlic Ginger Calaman

Grilled Ham and

Grilled Sausage and 2(10)
Grilled Longganisa and 2(10)
Chicken Inasal 70g(20) 100g(30
Boneless Chicken bbq 25g(20) 61g(20)

Inihaw na Liempo 60g(20)

Grilled Boneless 86g(15) 22g(15)

Grilled Squid 150g(15)

9kg 3.5kg 280 15.75kg 2.3 kg 26.7kg 2.1 kg 7kg

Meat per week

Ham Hungarian Chicken Breast Longganisa Liempo Boneless Squid


Grilled Ham and 3pcs

Grilled Sausage and 1 pack
Grilled Longganisa and 3kg
Chicken Inasal 4kg

Boneless Chicken Bbq 4kg

Inihaw na Liempo 2 kg

Grilled Boneless 2 kg
Grilled Squid 2kg

x7 days 21 1 pack 56 kg 3kg 14 kg 14 kg 14kg



Cheese Vetsin Salt Ground Vineg Fish Butter Magic

Pepper ar Sauce Sarap

Grilled Ham and 2 slices
Cheese (15)

Grilled Sausage and

Grilled Longganisa and
Chicken Inasal 6g(20) 6g 9g 1L 14g(20)

Boneless Chicken Bbq 6g 250g

Inihaw na Liempo 1L

Grilled Boneless 32g (8g)20

Grilled Squid

2 packs 1kg 500g

1L 1L 2 packs 2-3 packs

Catsup Pepper Atsara Brown Soy Chili

Sugar Sauce pepper

Grilled Ham and

Grilled Sausage and
Grilled Longganisa and
Chicken Inasal 320g

Boneless Chicken Bbq 30ml 250g

Inihaw na Liempo 1000g 950g

Grilled Boneless 125g

Grilled Squid 250g 11g(15)

2 packs 1/2 kg 1.4kg 1L 1 pack

Rice = 9 cups/ 1000g = 405 servings

Charcoal = 2 sacks/week


The restaurant’s location will be in Pandayan Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. One of the
location of the suppliers is only 5 mins away from the restaurant.

Sourcing Plan

Tetris Grill Hub plans to get supplies from the public market near the restaurant, and
also in Cabanatuan which is 2 hrs from the Bambang.

Materials/Supplies Requirement Schedule

Meat and fish is scheduled to be bought once a week.

Procurement of supplies will be on COD basis. However, negotiations will be
conducted for a possible term payment if good relationship with suppliers has been

Inventory Control System

• Manual count of the inventory will be checked before the opening hour and after
the closing hour by the chef. Inventory checking for utensils will be also be done
before opening and after closing of the restaurant. Finished goods will be stored
in the refrigerator or freezer and will be categorized for easy inventory
• After closing hour, reporting of sales will be done manually.

Product Source

• Raw Materials, meat and fish will be procured in Bambang Public Market
• Restaurant, office supplies, and condiments will be purchased in Cabanatuan
• Solano market
• Savemore meat section

Supply Chain

Processing &
Supplier Purchaser Customer

Process Flow

Total Production Time: 16 mins
Total waiting time: 13 mins

Restaurant & Kitchen


Supplies bought from the market

Check items, prepare for portioning

Prepare ingredients (5 mins)

Fry/Grill (10 mins)
Portion for packaging

Storage or Plating (1 min)

This ground floor plan was designed for my previous plan for this restaurant
Serve Food
business but since I changed the location, the area will be a bit smaller but the
structure of the layout will be similar.
Total area: 33 square meters

Organization Chart


Cook Assistant


• Owner – I will be the owner or the manager of the business. For the
meantime, I will find someone who is trustworthy and responsible
enough to be the restaurant’s manager since I am still busy with
• Head/Cashier – is in charge of welcoming the guests with smile and
greetings. In charge of the register, handles all the cash and credit
card transactions, balancing the register at the end of the shift or
end of the day and calculate sales
• Assistant Cook - Clean and prepare cooking station, preparation of
food for example slicing, chopping, and peeling, storage and
disposal of food and cooking.
• Waiter – Grill Hub is open at 8am. The assistant cook should check
if all lights, fans, faucets, are functioning. Greet customers, escort

them to their seats, and present them menus, and takes order and
collects payment from the customers. The waiter will also be the
one to clean the dishes at the end of the day.

Listed below are some of the traits and qualities that the service personnel must
1) Excellent health and physically fit

2) Alertness

3) With pleasant disposition

4) Courteous, honest, dependable, prompt and loyal

5) Well-groomed

6) Willing to learn and follow instructions

7) Possesses human skills- ability to work harmoniously with people

8) Possesses technical skills- knowledge of the procedures and

techniques essential in the performance of a specific task.

9) Possesses conceptual skills- has an overall concept of the

catering/restaurant service operation.

Closing time areas of responsibility that applies to every staff in the restaurant

o Double checking of padlocks especially in front and in the kitchen

o Chiller is functioning
o Ice cream freezer is tightly closed and covered
o TV, fans, are switched off.
o Windows are closed

Operating Schedule
Sunday- Thursday 10AM-10PM
Friday and Saturday 10AM-12AM

9AM 10 AM
prepare Opening
supplies/cl of
eaning restaurant


Quality Control Measures

Tetris Grill Hub will be frequently checking the:

• Freshness and quality of ingredients
Tetris Grill Hub will ensure that the supplies bought from the markets are
clean and fresh. The restaurant will also measure the supplies to avoid
miscalculations when portioning.
Tetris Grill Hub will have storage for the cold and hot sup
plies. The restaurant will also have separate place for
the raw meat, poultry, seafood and other foods.
The staff will make sure that the storage maintains its
temperature to keep the supplies fresh.
For quality and quantity check of the raw materials, Tetris Grill Hub will have
to review weight/volume for each ingredient by providing measuring tools. The
chef will check the presentation of dishes being served.
• Staff and cooks attire
• Sanitation of utensils
• Clean tables, floor and restroom

Summary of Operation Budget

Record Keeping



(add)Sales tax
Deposits received
Charged tips owed
LESS: Customer

Employee Discounts
Staff Meals
No. Customers




Day Net Sales Sales Tax Deposit



Tetris Grill Hub aims to provide a place where you can enjoy Filipino warmth, food
and nature.
Tetris Grill Hub will now be located in Bambang, Nueva Vizacaya. My parents will be
the one who will provide the capital needed to be able to run this business which is
Php 600,000. Measurements of menu was based on Lola Delia’s Grill Hub’s
specifications and shall be procured in the market of Bambang Nueva Vizcaya. Tetris
Grill Hub’s average selling price would be Php 150.00 Tetris Grill Hub’s mark up
value for the menu will be different for each meal that will be served. The restaurant
will be expecting 55-70 customers everyday based on the Market Research and
survey around the area. The restaurant will be expecting this much customers
because we are fully aware about the market in Bambang Nueva Vizcaya, because
we have already established a restaurant business there, and we own a commercial
lot which Tetris Grill Hub will be located.

For year 1, Tetris Grill Hub will have a total net income of Php 219,494 and Php
114,461 for year 2. I believe that in the succeeding years, with accurate
assumptions, correct pricing and continuous hard work this business will earn a lot.

List of Assumptions

For the List of Assumptions G&A expenses are included and also the pre-operation
expenses. Here are the assumptions of expenses:
a. Salaries and Wages

We assumed that the employees would be working 26 days in a month.

2 Assistant Cooks, 2 Waiters, 1 Cashier the minimum wage is 311, that would come
up to P32, 344 for 5 employees.

b. Rent
The rent for the place is Php 10,000 and there would be a payment of P 22,400 for
rental deposit and prepaid rental for two months

c. Electricity is estimated at maximum of Php 6,000/month

d. Water is Php 5,000/month

e. Raw Materials/Ingredients is 40% of gross sales

The following are the Pre-Operation Expenses:

a. Refrigerator 25,000
b. Stove/ Griller 20,000
c. GE freezer 17,000
d. Utensils 25,000
e. Renovation (including signage and exhaust) 250,000
f. Furniture 80,000
g. Fire extinguisher 13,000
h. Pre – operating expenses 29,000
i. 2 months deposit and advance 44,800
Total required capital P 503, 800

Sources and Uses of Funds

a.Tetris’ Grill Hub will be financed by my parents. They are willing to provide the
capital needed for my business to operate.
b. The total start-up capital would be Php 503, 800
c. The Angel Financer would be providing a total of Php 600,000 leaving Php 96,200
cash balance.
d. There will also be 2 month rental deposit and advance.

Cash Flow Projections for Year 1 and Year 2

a. Gross sales are determined by the number of customers per day for every month,
and the average amount that they are willing to pay.
b. SSS , Philhealth and Pagibig will be provided for the employees.
c. Income tax is from the Income Statement.
d. Owner’s allowance is also shown in the Cash Flow Statement.
e. The beginning Cash is Php 96, 200 and ending cash for year 2 is Php 325,983
f. Input Vat is 12% of purchases

Cash Flow Year 1

Cash Flow Year 2

Income Statement for Year 1 and Year 2
a. Income tax is computed through the Tax Table.

b. We assumed that there will be VAT from the start of the operation.

c. In year 2, there is an increase in salaries by 10%
d. Output Vat is 12% of sales

e. Computation for Output tax and input tax is shown below:

Year 1

Year 2

Income Statement Year 1

Income Statement Year 2

Balance Sheets
a. All the data came from the list of assumptions, Pro Forma Cash Flow, and Income Statement.

Break – Even Analysis
Year 1
Breakeven Sales in Peso is P 612,002
Breakeven Sales in Units is 4,080

Year 2
Breakeven Sales in Peso is P 664,814
Breakeven Sales in Units is 4,432

Sensitivity Analysis

The chart shows a decrease and increase of the sales based on Year 1.

Performance Ratio

VI. References,_Nueva_Vizcaya#Demographics


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