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Name: Alexandra Arellano

Assignment Title: Civil Rights- Mini Quiz

U.S. History
Date: 3/2/19

Step 1: Form & Gradebook

Title of Your Assessment
Mini Quiz- Civil Rights Movement
Purpose of your Assessment
This assessment would hold the purpose of review for a section on the Civil Rights Movement in
a U.S. History class. It would be taken after a week or two after learning the content for credit. It
would show me whether the students understand the content we are learning so far. It would
provide me with student data.
Link to Assessment
Link to Assessment Results (Responses)
- responses
Narrative, summary, and interpretation of assessment results
I think the assessment results were low in scores because although some questions were easier
than others because it is content based. These questions need background information and can be
taught in many ways. I made the quiz a total of 15 points, and the average was around 10 points,
which seems like a reasonable score in a classroom. Only one person got all 15 point which in a
classroom may be only 3- 4 students on average. The lowest score was 6 and I believe that this is
because the information it is asking. The most frequently missed question was one of my short
answered questions and the other one was a multiple-choice question but is one of those that you
need to know that content for. The short answer question is more a of trick question, and I
believe that is why some people missed it.
Link to your Gradebook

Step 2: Assignment/Activity w/ Rubric

Description of Assignment
You will imagine that you are fighting for civil rights at a protest. Students, can have the choice
of participating in two roles. One as a civil rights protester and one as a civil rights
advocate/keynote speaker. If you choose to be a protestor you will create a pamphlet that you
will pass out to bystanders to spread awareness of what you are fighting for. The role of the
advocate is to create a speech that bystanders and activist will hear at the protest. You are an
organizer and is well educated in your agreement.
Both the pamphlet and the speech require the following:
 One civil rights topic with summary
 3-5 facts, with credible evidence
 Purpose of speech must be stated clearly

Speech specific tasks:

 Minimum of 1,000 words
 Must Positive/ informative

Pamphlet specific tasks:

 Use of visuals
 Organization name
 Unbiased information

Historical Role Play : Civil Rights Protest

Teacher Name: Alexandra Arellano

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Role Point-of-view, arguments, Point-of-view, arguments, Point-of-view, arguments, Point-of-view,
and solutions proposed and solutions proposed and solutions proposed and solutions p
were consistently in were often in character. were sometimes in were rarely in c
character. character.
Required Elements Student included more Student included all Student included most Student includ
information than was information that was information that was information tha
required. required. required. required.

Historical Accuracy All historical information Almost all historical Most of the historical Very little of th
appeared to be accurate information appeared to be information was accurate information wa
and in chronological order. accurate and in and in chronological order. and/or in chron
chronological order. order.

Requriments All requirements were met.• Partial requirements were Not enough requirements None of the re
One civil rights topic with met. (Some visuals and met. were met.
summary • 3-5 facts, with some facts)
credible evidence • Purpose
of speech must be stated

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