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A as €c€raya.
€bh€sa—a shadow; reflection; an €cch€dita-cetana—a j…va whose con-
indication; a semblance, as in n€m€bh€sa, sciousness is covered by intense k€ma, like
bhakt€bh€sa etc. the embryo covered by the womb; a
abhidheya—a means for attainment; completely covered consciousness like
jñ€na, karma and bhakti are three means that of creepers, stones and trees. (3.38)
to attain a goal (S.B. 11.20.6); for attaining acintya—inconceivable (2.25); that which
the ultimate goal in terms of bhakti, it can be understood only with the help of
refers to the ninefold practices of s€dhana- the transcendental authority of the
bhakti. (2.24) disciplic succession and €stra.
abhidheya-vigraha—the presiding Deity acintya-bheda-abheda-tattva—cate-
of the process of abhidheya is R€dh€- gorical knowledge of the Supreme Person
Govinda-deva. who is inconceivably abheda (non-different
abhim€na—pride; a self-conception of from) and bheda (different from) His
one’s siddha-svar™pa, true identity. potencies.
€bh…ra—the cowherd community; KŠa acintya-akti—the Lord’s inconceivable
is sometimes known as šbh…ra-dulal, the potency.
darling of the cowherds; in his song ®ri a-cit-akti—the non-conscious energy
Vnd€vana-mahim€, KŠa-d€sa kavir€ja composed of the five gross material
Gosv€m… describes PaurŠa-m€s…, who is elements. (7.4)
yogm€y€ personified, as €bh…ra-n€gar… (the Acyuta—infallible; a primary name for
leader of the cow-herds). It also refers to ®r… KŠa; one who is never deviated, or
those who concealed themselves from shaken.
Paraur€ma in the Caucasion Hills. adbhuta-rasa—the rasa of wonder, one
abhy€sa—the regular practice of yoga in of the seven secondary rasas; the
accordance with the instructions of sad- expansion of the heart upon witnessing
guru. (6.35...); exercise or repetition; one extraordinary objects; is also called
of the six types of li‰gas, or indications vismaya (astonishment). (B.R.S.4.2.1)
for determining the meaning of the Vedas; (11.14)
abhy€sa-yoga—constant practice to adhaƒ—downward. (4.18)
withdraw the mind from external affairs adharma—irreligion; the failure to carry
and sense objects, and concentrate on ®r… out dharmic duties prescribed in €stra.
KŠa; the practice of frequent and adharmic—impious; one who is op-
repeated meditation on the abstract spirit. posed to the principles of dharma or who
(12.9...) hinders one’s devotional service to ®r…
abhyas™yaka—an envious person; one KŠa.
who ascribes the good qualities of s€dhus adhibhautika-klea—sufferings caused
to be faults. by other living beings (bh™tas). (2.56)
acala—non-moving, a mountain; the adhibh™ta—all gross phenomena;
mind of the sthita-dh…ra muni—a sage temporary, perishable and inert objects,
whose mind is fixed. (2.24) such as pots or cloth which change at
€c€rya—one who accepts the confiden- every moment. (8.4)
tial meanings of s€tra and engages others adhidaivika-klea—miseries caused by
accordingly in sad-€c€ra, person-ally the devas (gods), such as disturbances in
follow…ng that €c€ra himself, is described the weather. (2.56)

2 Glossary Glossary 3

adhik€ra—eligibility or authority by the sun in the twelve months of the year. (16.18) sundara, the embodiment and central
temperament and by the blessings of They include V€manadeva, the sun-god ahiˆs€—non-violence; a secondary focus of the twelve kinds of rasa.
superiors to perform a particular type of (S™rya-deva) and Indra. dharmic activity, that automatically akiñcana—one without material poss-
sev€. Sev€-adhik€ra diye koro nija d€s…—O ad˜a-p™rvam—the vir€˜-r™pa which follows bhakti. essions, KŠa and KŠa-sev€ being
Tulas…, giving me the adhik€ra for sev€, Arjuna had never seen before. (11.45) ahiˆs€ parama-dharma—”Non-violence one’s sole possession.
make me your own d€s…. advaita-v€da—non-dualism; imper- is the supreme religious activity.” An akiñcan€ bhakti—bhakti free from all
adhiyajña—the in-dwelling Antary€m…, sonalism; propounded by ®r… ®a‰kara ancient adage, also cited by Buddhists. attachment. (see keval€ bhakti).
or Supersoul situated in the bodies of all, šc€rya. Aila dynasty—dynasty in which J€hnu, aktsna-vit—a person of incomplete
giving inspiration to perform yajña and advaya-jñ€na—knowledge of the non- the son of Hotra, attained his status as a knowledge.
awarding the results of karma. dual nature of the Absolute Reality. br€hmaŠa. akara—the infallible; imperishable,
Adhokaja—the Lord who is beyond the advaya-jñ€na para-tattva—®r… ®r… Air€vata—name of Indradeva’s ele- immutable Supreme Lord. (3.15)
cognition and perception of the material R€dh€-RamaŠa, the highest reality phant; the dig-gaja or the elephant which akara-brahma—imperishable brahma.
senses. beyond mundane non-duality. protects the eastern direction. akara-tattva—categorical knowledge
adhyasa—false identification due to advit…ya-purua—®ri KŠa who is one ai… akti—divine controlling potency; of the indestructible and untransformable
ignorance. without a second and to whom no one is ai… is derived from the word, …a, the Absolute Truth; also called parabrahma;
adhy€tma-tattva—categorical know- comparable. Supreme Lord, master or controller. the two-fold purua, brahma and
ledge of the nature of the j…va who, in his Advit…ya-S€ra D…pik€—a book written aivarya—opulence (11.3); derived from Param€tm€. (14.18)
pure state, is unaffected by inert matter by ®r…la Gop€la Bha˜˜a Gosv€m… the word …vara; In regard to bhakti, this akaya—undecaying; unlimited. (5.21)
and spontaneously attracted to the n€ma, (1500AD), who was one of the renowned refers to devotion which is inspired by akualam—unpleasant, (like a morning
r™pa, guŠa and l…l€ of ®r… KŠa. Six Gosv€m…s of Vnd€vana. the opulence and majesty of the Lord, bath in the winter). (18.10)
adhy€tma-vidy€—spiritual science; advit…ya-svar™pa—the original form of rather than His m€dhurya (sweetness). It alaukika—non-worldly, transcendental;
transcendental knowledge. (10.32) KŠa who is one without a second. especially applies to His feature as antonym for laukika (worldly).
adhy€tma-yoga—the process of self- Agni—the deva of fire, son of Brahm€; his N€r€yaŠa. This type of devotion restricts aloluptvam—the absence of excessive
realization which is performed by wife, Sv€h€, is a daughter of Daka; he is the intimacy of exhange between the hankering.
contemplating the formless, unchanging, the divine personification of the fire Lord and His devotees. Amara-koa dictionary—an ancient
all-pervading qualityless feature. (This sacrifice; he is regarded as the aivarya-may…-l…l€—pastimes that dis- authoritative Sanskrit thesaurus, com-
process does not guarantee the attain- mouthpiece of the devas and messenger play the opulent aspect of ®r… KŠa. piled by ®r… Amarasiˆha, a Buddhist in
ment of the ultimate destination). (12.5) between the devas and mankind. aja—the j…v€tm€ who is without birth, the line of ®€kyasiˆha Buddha, also
adhy€tmika-klea—miseries caused by agnihotra—a special yajña or sacrifice. (2.20); ®r… KŠa whose birth is transcen- known as Gautama Buddha and Siddh-
the mind and body. (2.56) One who performs this sacrifice keeps a dental. (4.6) €rtha. It saliently indicates the difference
adhy€tmika-yoga—yoga related to sacred fire perpetually burning. (6.1) ajña—ignorant, foolish. between Lord Buddha, the twenty-fourth
brahma-realization. (12.1) Agnivea—the name of a sage in the ajñ€-cakra—the point between the of the l…l€-avat€ras of ®r… KŠa, and
€di-deva—the original God of all gods, palace of Yudhi˜hira, also known as eyebrows where the yog… concentrates ®€kyasiˆha Buddha, the founder of
®r… KŠa. (4.11) Jat™karŠa who began the famous brahmaŠa his pr€Ša. modern-day Buddhism.
€di-guru—the original teacher, ®r… KŠa. dynasty known as agniveya-vaˆa; the ajñ€na—ignorance; illusion. am€vasy€—the dark moon.
Tene brahma hd€ ya €di-kavaye, ”He who preceptor of DroŠa and Drupada, who akara—the first letter or vowel of the €maya—disease.
imparted knowledge of brahma through were childhood friends. Sanskrit deva-n€gar… alphabet; the begin- amedhya—impure; it is used to describe
the medium of the heart to the €di-kavi, aha‰-graha-buddhih—the intelligence ning sound of Vedic literature; akar€n€m food in tamo-guŠa, (17.10); food
the original scholar, Lord Brahm€.” whereby one thinks oneself to be the a-k€ro ‘smi. “Of letters I am the letter A” unofferable to r…-vigraha (the Deity).
Adit…—wife of Praj€pati Kayapa; mother Supreme. (10.33); and: a-k€reŠa ucyate visŠuƒ. “A- amn€ya-pram€Ša—evidence received
of the twelve šdityas; her eldest son was aha‰-graha up€saka—one who per- kara indicates ViŠu.”(Padma Pur€Ša) through paraˆpar€ or disciplic succession.
Indra and her youngest was Upendra or forms worship, taking himself as the akarma—action that bears no result aˆa—a portion or expansion of ®r…
V€manadeva, the dwarf avat€ra of the object of worship. He believes that the j…va because the fruitive result becomes KŠa.
Lord; she also took birth as Devak…, the and Bhagav€n are ultimately the same. burned up in the fire of perfect know- aˆa-avat€ra—a partial avat€ra.
mother of V€sudeva KŠa, and also as (up€sana-worship; graha-taking; aham- ledge. (2.47) aˆ…—the whole who possesses limit-
®ac…-m€t€. myself). (9.15) akartt€—non-doer; one who is unattached less aˆas.
šdityas—sons of Adit… and Kayapa, said aha‰k€ra—false ego, whereby one to actions (13.30). amum€n—that which emanates aˆus
to be twelve in number. They represent thinks, “I (aham) am the doer (k€ra).” akhila-ras€mta-m™rti—®r… ®y€ma- (rays), the sun.
4 Glossary Glossary 5

anabhisandh€ya—to not hold on to or bhakti). Refer to ®r…-M€dhurya-k€dambin… those things favourable for uddha-bhakti apr€kta-tattva—spiritual nature.
desire to enjoy the result of one’s by ®r…la Vivan€tha Cakravart… µh€kura. and reject unfavourable things. aprati˜h€—that which has no basis, like
activities. an€tm€—that which is not soul; inert anumant€—the permitter. a flower in the sky. (16.18)
anabhisva‰gaƒ—without excessive matter. anur€ga—(1) attachment in general; (2) apr€rabdha-karma—unfructified action.
attachment to sons, wife home etc, (13.8- an€tma-tattva—knowledge of an€tm€ spiritual attachment; (3) a specific stage The action has been performed and its
12) (inert objects). in the development of prema. result, although not yet manifested, is
an€dhik€ra—without adhik€ra; ineligib- anekadh€—manifold. any€bhil€a-™nya—devoid of desires gradually coming to fruition.
ility. a‰ga—limb, division, part; the various other than to serve ®r… ®r… R€dh€-KŠa, apray€sa—lack of endeavour.
an€di—beginningless; describes the practices of bhakti such as hearing and (™nya—void; anya—other; abhil€a— apsar€—a heavenly maiden.
j…v€tm€ as well as Bhagav€n. chanting. desires). €pta-k€ma—one who has already ful-
an€di-baddha—bound by the entangle- anirdeya—indescribable. apahata-p€pa—nullified sin, (apahata— filled his desires; a self-satisfied soul. A
ments of karma since time immemorial; ani˜am—undesired; the misery of hell. nullified; p€pa—sin); one of the eight description is given in ®r…mad Bh€g-
(an€di—without beginning, baddha— (18.12) characteristics of a self-realized person avatam describing R€sevara ®y€ma-
bound). an…varam—the concept that the cosmic whose sinful tendencies of avidy€ sundara, the master of the r€sa dance, as
anagha—“O sinless one.” An address to manifestation has no Ÿvara (controller) (nescience), are nullified. (14.26) €pta-k€ma.
Arjuna. but has come about by accident. (16.8) ap€na—the outgoing breath. arcana—the worship of the Supreme
an€mayam—free from agitation or annamaya—the first of the five stages of apar€—not transcendental; inert matter; Lord or arc€ within a temple. When this
disease. a person’s development; seeing every- material nature. worship is conducted internally, it is
€nanda—transcendental bliss (see hl€din… thing in terms of anna (food-grains). (13.5) apar€dha—that which is apa (under- known as m€nasi p™j€; is one of the nine
akti). antaƒ-karaŠa—antaƒ—internal; karaŠa— mining) to r€dha (bhakti); an offense; an primary a‰gas of bhakti (navadh€ bhakti);
€nandamaya—one of the five puruas; sense; in other words, the mind. impediment to bhakti. There are 64 sev€- arc€ means worship of an actual form of
being conscious of service to R€dh€ and antara‰ga-akti—®r… KŠa’s internal apar€dhas, 10 n€m€par€dhas, and 10 Godhead, not worship of a symbol or
KŠa. (13.5) potency, (7.5...) (antara‰g€—internal; dh€m€par€dhas to avoid. idea.
ananta-r™pa—O You who have un- akti—potency); ®r… R€dh€, the embodi- apar€-akti—the external potency; m€y€- arc…—the light of the sun. (8.24...)
limited forms. ment of the antara‰ga-akti. akti the Lord’s inferior illusory potency. ardharath…—one who requires the
ananta-v…rya—O You who have un- antarmukha—a j…va whose mukha- (7.14) assistance of a companion to defeat an
limited prowess. inclination is to antaƒ (internal or spiritual aparaspara-sambh™tam—the idea that enemy.
ananya—lit. without another; exclusive, life). there is no such thing as cause and effect. ari—an enemy.
one-pointed. antar-mukti—liberated within; an in- (16.8) Arjuna—®r… KŠa’s intimate friend and
anany€ bhakti—undiverted, unalloyed quisitive and faithful person (karma-yog…s aparimeya-akti—immeasurable stren- devotee to whom He spoke the Bhagavad-
bhakti; bhakti which is unmixed with any and bhaktas). gth. g…t€; he is the Nara portion of the
other desires; bhakti which has no Antary€m…—the in-dwelling Lord or apaurueya—a suprahuman creation. Nara-N€r€yaŠa sages, ®r… KŠa being the
motivation other than KŠa. Supersoul who guides the activities of all apip€su—freedom from thirst or desire N€r€yaŠa portion; an eternal libe-rated
ananya-cet€ƒ—undeviating conscious- living entities. (other than bhagavat-sev€). soul (nitya-siddha) who always serves ®r…
ness. antya—the last. apr€kta—non-material; transcendental; KŠa out of love.
ananya-manaƒ—undeviating mind. antya-ja—those of lower (or last) birth; beyond the influence of material nature; artha—acquisition of wealth. This is the
ananya-sev€—exclusive sev€ (service), outcasts. beyond mind and sensual perception; second puru€rtha, or goal of human life.
unmixed with other desires. aŠu-caitanya-j…v€tm€—the atomic, beyond the material world; situated in The desire to accumulate wealth is for the
ananya-yoga—bhakti unmixed with conscious j…va. the Lord’s transcendental abode, extra- satisfaction of the senses but the means
dependence on speculative jñ€na, fruitive aŠu-cid-vastu—an atomic conscious ordinary, divine, pure; consisting of are more refined than those who persue
karma or the austerities of tapa-yoga for entity; j…va-tattva‚ (aŠu—atomic; cit— spiritual consciousness and bliss. k€ma. Animals have no use for wealth.
attainment of perfection. conscious; vastu—entity). apr€kta-day€—transcendental com- They are happy simply with satisfying
anartha—unwanted desires, activities or an-udvega-karam—to not cause udvega passion. their belly and genitals. Human beings
habits which are likened to weeds (agitation) to others. apr€kta-parama-tattva—the supreme; in whom the animal propensity is
hindering one’s advancement in bhakti anugrahaka—one who is kind and truth; who is beyond the limitations of prominent may desire wealth, but it is
anartha-nivtti—refraining (nivtti) from facilitating. matter, transcendent. only for gross sensual enjoyment. Above
anarthas; the fourth stage in the €nuk™lyasya sa‰kalpaƒ pratik™lyasya apr€kta-rasa—supramundane (trans- them are persons who desire not only the
development of the bhakti-l€t€ (creeper of varjanam—determination to accept only cendental) mellows. satisfaction of the senses, but who also
6 Glossary Glossary 7

desire respect and recognition in society. superlative qualities. (steadying the mind), dhy€na KŠa; one of the nine processes of bhakti
They desire wealth primarily for this asamprajñ€ta-sam€dhi—the sam€dhi of (meditation), and sam€dhi (trance). as taught by Prahl€da Mah€r€ja. (refer to
reason. Because they are concerned with the natural and spontaneous expression asth™la—that which is not gross. S.B. 7.5.23-24)
the welfare of the body, mind, and society of the purified self. (6.25) astra—a weapon. €tma-pravaŠ€ buddhi—intelligence
at large. they accept some restrictions in €sana—a seat, or sitting posture for astra-astra—the science of warfare. which is inclined to realize the €tm€
the matter of their sensual enjoyment. meditation. auci-vrata—one who has taken a vrata (soul). (2.69)
Their performance of welfare activities asa‰ga—aloof and unattached. (9.6) (vow), to perform unclean behaviour. €tm€r€ma—one who takes €r€ma (de-
for others is as much as is favourable to (13.33) (16.10) light) in €tm€ (the self) and is thus
fulfil of their own goal. To accomplish asat—without substance; temporary; as™kma—that which is not subtle. satisfied in all circumstances.
their goal, wealth is necessary, therefore disrespect; duties performed without asura—un-godly; one who is opposed to €tma-rati—the stage of divine hap-
their puru€rtha is known as artha. faith. (17.28) dharmic principles and averse to the piness of the self.
artha-k€ma—one who is desirous of asat…—an unchaste wife. worship of Ÿvara, the supreme Lord. €tma-sambh€vita—one who considers
material prosperity. asat-k€rah—one who is disrespectful. asuraˆ bh€vam—an ungodly mood; himself worshipable.
arth€rth…—one who worships Bhagav€n asatya—untruthful; unreal. (16.18) hostility towards ®r… KŠa. (7.15) €tma-svar™pa—the self in its con-
as the bestower of artha (desired benefits). Asita-Devala—a sage who gave instruc- €suric—possessing the qualities of an stitutional position; jivera svar™pa
(7.16) tion to Mah€r€ja Yudhi˜hira. asura. (Ch.16) nitya-kŠa-d€sa (CC.Madya 20.108).
artha-€stra—€stra that deals with the araddadh€n€ƒ purus€ƒ—persons who asur… sampat—demonic qualities. €tma-tattva—the categorical knowledge
topics of economic development. are devoid of faith. aur™u—one not interested in sub- of the soul’s nature (2.31).
€rtta—one who approaches Bhagav€n in €rama—four stages of life—brahmac€r… missive hearing. €tma-tattva-vit—one who is conversant
a mood of distress. (7.16) (student), ghastha (householder), v€na- avamedha-yajña—an extremely ela- with the science of the €tm€ (see tattva-
Aryam€—the deity of pit-loka, the planet prastha (retired), and sanny€sa (ren- borate yajña performed by br€hmaŠas on vit).
of departed forefathers. ounced) in which one carries out behalf of powerful kings, wherein a horse €tma-vinigraha—control over intel-
€sakta-buddhih—one whose intelli- corresponding socio-religious duties in is sacrificed in the sacred fire and then ligence, mind and senses.
gence is free from mundane attach- the system known as varŠ€rama; a brought back to life. €tma-yoga—®r… KŠa’s own potency.
ments. hermitage, usually in the association of avattha—a type of banyan tree to which avastabhya—to take shelter.
€sakta-cetaƒ—one whose consiousness others, which is established to facilitate the material world is compared (15.1); a avat€ra—®r… KŠa Himself or His
is merged in €sakti. spiritual practices. symbol of ®r… KŠa’s opulence. (10. 26) plenary portion who descends from the
€sakti—deep attachment, especially for €raya—the receptacle of prema, KŠa’s Avin…-Kum€ras—physicians of the transcendental realm into this material
the Lord and His associates; the sixth bhaktas; shelter. devat€s. creation for deliverance; an €vea-
stage in the development of the bhakti- €raya-€lambana—the reservoir of atapaka—one who is not a tapasv…; he (empowered) j…v€tm€ (refer to 4.8 for
l€t€, awakened after ruci (taste for bhajana) attachment, the devotee; dependence on whose senses are out of control. different types of avat€ras).
matures. the shelter (of guru, €stra and s€dhu). atirath…—a warrior who can face un- avat€r…—®r… KŠa, the fountainhead of
asama—an unsteady mind, aquired by €raya-bhagav€n—Gurudeva, the sup- limited opponents. all avat€ras.
a dualistic view of life, such as resolution reme receptacle of love for ®r… ®r… €tm€—the Supersoul, the soul, in- avea-avat€ra—a special j…va em-
and rejection, attachment and aversion, R€dh€-KŠa can award €raya (shelter) telligence, mind, body, senses and self are powered by ®r… KŠa’s potency.
bhoga (enjoyment) and ty€ga (renun- at Their lotus feet to the submissive iya all known, at different times, as €tm€. (see avidvat-prat…ti—the faith or perception
ciation). (disciple). j…va, param€tm€). of avidvat (the uneducated, fools); those
asammoha—absence of anxiety and €rita—dependent. €tma-anubhava—the experience of the who think KŠa’s form to be made of
delusion. a˜€daa-vidy€—the eighteen types of €tm€ or self. matter and temporary.(11.52)
asamm™ha—undeluded by external or knowledge as mentioned in ViŠu €tma-bh€va-sthaƒ—entering the core of avidy€—nescience; culture of material
internal distractions, the opinions of Pur€Ša (Ch.1),(11.14). someone’s intelligence (Param€tm€). knowledge considering it to be the all-
differing philosophers or other obstacles a˜€‰ga-yoga—the eightfold yoga €tma-dharma—the natural devotional in-all. This conception is generally held
to bhakti. process, consisting of yama (control of inclination of the soul. by those in the fields of modern science,
asamorddhva—of whom there is no one mind and senses), niyama (following rules €tma-nivedana—self-dedication; offer- atheistic communism and hedonism (see
equal or greater. (sama—equal; ™rddhva— and regulations of yoga practice), €sana ing one’s very self as exemplified by Bal… m€y€-akti).
greater). (bodily postures), pr€n€yama (breath Mah€r€ja and by the vraja-vadh™s (gop…s avik€r…—the €tm€ (soul) who is not
asamorddhva-tattva—categorical know- control), praty€h€ra (withdrawal of the of Vraja), who abandoned everything subject to transformations such as
ledge of ®r… KŠa’s unequalled and mind from sensory perception), dh€raŠ€ including their reputation and honour for happiness and distress.
8 Glossary Glossary 9

€virbh€va—the appearance (spiritual samprad€ya in Uupi, KarŠataka. By or His upadea (instructions) as in ®r…mad- especially hearing, chanting,
birth) of a transcendental personality. associating with Gau…ya bhaktas headed Bhagavad-g…t€. remembering and meditating on the holy
This term means: coming within the by ®r… Vivan€tha Cakravart… µh€kura, he bh€gavata-kp€—mercy of the bh€gavad- name, form qualities and pastimes of ®r…
range of mundane vision. The ‘birth’ came to understand the supreme position bhakta. KŠa.
(janma) of ®r… KŠa, His avat€ras or an of ®r… Caitanya Mah€prabhu. He wrote bhagavat-parikara—an eternal associate bhajana-kriy€—taking up the practices
€vea (empowered) mukta-j…va is a many valuable €stras, the most prom- of ®r… KŠa, ®r… R€macandra, ®r… of bhakti, such as hearing and chanting.
spiritual reality and thus different from inent and astonishing being Govinda- Gaur€‰ga Mah€prabhu or other avat€ras. There are sixty-four a‰gas of bhakti, of
the birth of mortal persons who are bh€ya, which he wrote under the direct bhagavat-prema—love for the all- which the first four are to take shelter of
bound by their activities. guidance of ®r… Govindadeva Himself. opulent Personality of Godhead. the lotus feet of ®r… Guru, to receive d…k€
avyabhic€ra—unfailing; refers to keval€- This became the Gau…ya VaiŠava bh€gavata-prema-sev€—service rend- and ik€, to serve one’s guru with great
bhakti. commentary on Ved€nta-S™tra and thus ered with love to a bhagavad-bhakta. affection and to follow the path of the
avyabhic€riŠ… bhakti—bhakti which is protected the Gau…yas’ right to wor-ship bh€gavata-pr…ti—love for or love felt by s€dhus. Without adopting these prac-tices,
unfailing. ®r… ®r… R€dh€-Govinda. He is therefore a bhagavad-bhakta. there is no question of making any
avyakta—unmanifest; beyond the per- named Gau…ya-Ved€nt€c€rya. bh€gavata-smti—remembrance of the advancement in bhajana. This is the
ception of the senses. bali—an offering. qualities etc. of bhagavad-bhaktas. second stage of development of the
avyakta-bh€va—meditation on the bhaga—opulence. bhagavat-tattva—categorical know- creeper of bhakti which occurs by the
unmanifest or impersonal brahma-jyoti. Bhagav€n—the Supreme Lord, who is ledge of Bhagav€n realization; the influence of s€dhu-saŠga.
avyakta-svar™pa—the unmanifest form complete to an unlimited degree, in six principles taught by ®r… Bhagav€n. bhajan…ya—the worthy object of wor-
of the Absolute Truth; the brahma-jyoti. opulences: beauty, wealth, strength, fame, bh€gavata—a name for the bh€gavad- ship.
avyavas€y€tmik€ buddhi—buddhi (intel- knowledge, and renunciation, (v€n—a bhakta or ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam. bhakya—that which is worthy to be
ligence) which is not vyavas€ya-€tmik€ possessor; (of) bhaga—opu-lence). bh€gavat€mtam—the amta or nec- eaten.
(fixed); many branched intel- ligence. bhagavad-€r€dhana—worship of ®r… tarean essence of ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam; bhakta—one devoted in bhakti-yoga; one
avyaya—imperishable. Bhagav€n. written by ®r…la San€tana Gosv€m…. engaged in practicing worship of his
ayaa—infamy. bhagavad-arpita-k€mya-karma sak€ma- bh€gavata-sev€—service to the bhagavad- worshipable Deity.
ayukta—one who is not yukta (connected up€sana—offering the results of karma bhakta or bhagavat-€stra. bhakta-samprad€ya—the disciplic
in devotion). (work) to Bhagav€n of that which is bh€gavata-vismti—to forget the service successions of uddha-bhaktas; the com-
k€mya (personally desired) by the j…va; to bhagavad-bhaktas or to forget the munity of devotees.
B fruitive work thus offered is called sa- instructions given in the ®r…mad- Bhakta-vatsala—®r… KŠa, who is
baddha-j…va—the bound soul, condit- k€ma up€sana. (3.16) Bh€gavatam. affectionate to his devotees and relishes
ioned by the illusions of m€y€. bhagavad-arpita-karma—the offering of bhaga-yoni—a birth of good-fortune; blessing them, hearing their prayers and
bahira‰ga-akti—the Lord’s external or the fruits of one’s activities to Bhagav€n. reaping the result of past pious karma. interacting with them.
material potency, also known as m€y€. bhagavad-arpita nik€ma-karma- bhajana—the word bhajana is derived bhakta-v€tsalya—the quality of
This potency is the medium by which the yoga—the yoga of surrendering the fruits from the verbal root bhaj which is defined Vrajendra-nandana ®y€masundara’s
material world is created, as well as all of one’s action to Bhagav€n with nik€ma in the Garua Pur€Ša (P™rva-khand 231.3): affection for His unalloyed bhaktas.
affairs pertaining to it. Because the Lord (no fruitive desires). bhaj ityea vai dh€tuh sev€y€ˆ parik…rtitaƒ bhakti—the word bhakti comes from the
never directly contacts the material bhagavad-bhajana—full absorption in tasm€t sev€ budhaiƒ prokt€ bhaktiƒ s€dhana- root bhaj, which means to serve (see
energy, this potency is known as the dedicated service of Bhagav€n ®r… bh™yasi, “The verbal root bhaj is used bhajana). Therefore, the primary meaning
bahira‰ga or external. (7.4...) KŠa, following the bona-fide guru, specifically in the sense of sev€, or service. of the word bhakti is to render service.
bahirmukha—a materialistic j…va inim- sadhu and €stra. Therefore, when s€dhana is performed “The performance of activities meant
ical to ®r… KŠa and averse to spiritual bhagavad-bhakta—a devotee immersed with the consciousness of being a servant, exclusively for the pleasure of the
life. in nava-vidh€-bhakti (the ninefold- it is called bhakti.” According to this loka, Supreme Lord ®r… KŠa, which are done
bala—strength; a name of KŠa’s elder processes of bhakti) to Bhagav€n. kŠa-sev€, or loving devotional service to in a favourable spirit, saturated with love,
brother ®r… Balar€maj…; tapo-bala— bhagavad-vibh™ti—the opulences of KŠa is called bhakti. Such service is the devoid of other desires, and not covered
strength developed through austerity, devotion, such as dainya-meekness, intrinsic attribute of bhakti or bhajana. by karma and jñ€na is called bhakti.”
n€ma-bala—strength developed through ananyatva-remaining undeviated amidst Therefore, whatever services are (B.R.S.1.1.12)
accumulated n€ma-japa and so forth. m€y€’s allurements and so forth. performed in this consciousness may be bhakti-bh€va—the bh€va or ecstatic
Baladeva-Vidy€bh™aŠa—originally a bhagavat-kath€—narrations of ®r… referred to as bhajana. In the general sense, mood of pure loving devotion.
member of the M€dhva-Tattva-v€d…- Bhagav€n’s l…l€ as in ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam bhajana refers to spiritual practices; Bhakti-dev…—the presiding Deity of
10 Glossary Glossary 11

bhakti-yoga. All potencies of the Lord have bhakti-yoga. perspiration (sveda-ja) and plants (udbhid- Brahma-loka—The abode of Lord
personified forms. In M€dhurya-K€dam- bharadv€ja gotra—the dynasty desc- ja). (S.B. 5-18.31) Brahm€ within this material universe; it
bini (1.3) ®r…la Vivan€tha Cakravart… ending from the sage Bharadv€ja Muni, b…ja—seed; the first word of a mantra such is composed of buddhi (intelligence).
µh€kura explains that bhakti is the the father of DroŠ€c€rya. as oˆ which centres the mind upon the br€hmaŠa—one who realizes brahma is to
svar™pa-akti of ®r… Bhagav€n and that she bhart€—supporter; maintainer; guard- Personality who is the object of the be known as a br€hmaŠa; one of the four
is yadcch€, which means that bhakti has ian. mantra. varŠas or social divisions in the
her own will. Being sva-prak€a, self- bh€va—the eighth stage in the develop- bimba fruit—a crimson fruit to which varŠ€rama system; a priest or teacher;
manifest, she is not dependent on any ment of the creeper of bhakti; a special KŠa’s lips are frequently compared. br€hmaŠa is not a mere designation based
other agency in order to manifest in manifestation of uddha-sattva (samvit- brahma—is derived from bƒ meaning on heredity or a worldly occu-pation, it
a person’s heart. In the ®r…mad- vtti, the self-manifest cognitive function expand, or great. The general meaning is implies the unconditioned state of the
Bh€gavatam (1.2.6.) it is said: yato- of the Lord). In other words, the spirit, the unlimited, undifferentiated soul.
bhaktir-adhokaje ahaituky aprartihat€,” that constitutional characteristic of bh€va- effulgent rays emanating from the fully brahm€nanda—the bliss experienced by
by which causeless and uninterupted bhakti is that it is a phenomena which is complete body of ®r… Govinda, just as the one situated in brahma; when compared
bhakti for Lord Adhokaja arises.” The entirely constituted of uddha-sattva. It is sunrays emanate from S™rya deva, the to the great ocean of happiness of kŠa-
word ahaituky in this loka indicates that like a ray of the sun of prema and it softens sun god. Its limitless variegated prema-bhakti, it appears like the amount
bhakti has no cause. The only cause of the heart by various tastes. manifestations, composed of earth etc., of water contained in the hoof-print of a
bhakti is bhakti herself. ®r…la Vivan€tha bh€v€nuv€da—a commentary explain- are displayed in millions times millions calf.
Cakravart… µh€kura analyses the ing the inner mood (bh€va) of any €stra. of universes. Thus this universe is brahma-nirv€Šam—extinguishing (the
meaning of this statement. He says that bh€va-vibhor—enraptured with ecstasy. nothing but brahma, as ®r… KŠa corro- flame of) material existence; the spiritual
bhakti situated in the heart of a bh€va bhay€bhaye—bhaya means fear of borates in G…t€ (14.4). The j…v€tm€s who bliss attained upon entrance into brahma
bhakta is the only cause of her mani- accepting the duty of self-realization. This are frustrated by their attempts to enjoy which is free from all material
festing in others. Since the Lord is under fear is the cause of entanglement in the matter seek to merge into that brahma in contamination. (5.24...)
the control of His unalloyed bhaktas, He material world; and abhaya, fearless-ness, an inactive dormant state. (14. 27.12-15 brahmaris—a class of i (sage) who is
has invested such power in them. is the means of deliverance from it. and B.S. 5.40 yasya prabha prabhavato). situated in brahma realization.
Therefore, s€dhana is not the true cause bh…ma-parva—the chapter of the Mah€- Brahm€—creator of the material uni- brahm€stra—the most powerful wea-
of bhakti’s appearence. Bhakti-Dev…, being bh€rata which contains ®r…mad Bhagavad- verse and presiding deity over the quality pon in Vedic military science (superior to
self-willed, manifests bhakti in the heart g…t€. of passion. Sometimes when there is no nuclear weapons). It is released by mantra
when she is pleased with the devotee’s bhokt€—enjoyer. suitable j…va available, ViŠu Himself and only kills the person whose name is
unalloyed service attitude. Ultimately, bhokttva—the quality of being an takes the post of Brahm€; he is the €di- uttered in conjunction with the mantra.
this indicates that Bhakti-Dev… acts enjoyer. guru of the Brahma-M€dhva samprad€ya, Brahma-s™tras—(also known as Ved€nta-
through the agency of the Lord’s bhaktas Bhgu—one of the seven is (sages) born and ®r… KŠa’s direct son and iya s™tras); the aphorisms of Ved€nta that offer
who are situated in the stage of bh€va. from the mind of Lord Brahm€. (disciple). caturmukh…, our four-headed a complete systematic exposition of Vedic
When they see the sincerity of the bhukti—material enjoyment. Brahm€ is known as Vair€ja, sovereign revelation in the form of terse aphorisms
s€dhaka-bhakta, which is one with the very bh™ta-bh€vana—the maintainer of all of the universe. He has eight arms and (s™tras); the Brahma-s™tras have been
nature of their hearts, bhakti is transmitted manifestations. eight eyes and he serves as the universal interpreted monistically by ®r…
into the hearts of the s€dhakas. Other than bh™ta-bht—the support of all living creator and preacher of the Vedas. ®a‰kar€c€rya which is popularly
this, there is no other cause for bhakti’s entities and elements. brahma-bh€va—a desire to merge with considered to be the best exposition of
appearance. bh™ta-gr€mam—the group of gross the Lord’s impersonal brahma efful-gence. the Ved€nta. ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam, com-
bhakti-l€t€—the creeper of devotion to elements: earthy, liquid, fiery, airy and brahma-bh™ta—brahma realized; the posed by ®r…la Vy€sadeva, is the natural
be nurtured by the bhakta, with the water ethereal. state wherein one experiences bliss and commentary on Ved€nta-s™tra. This is
of regular hari-k…rtana and hari-kath€ and bh™ta-mahevaram—the great cont- is free from hankering and lamentation. evident in the first loka: janm€dy asya
protected by building the fences of rigid roller of bh™ta (Brahm€j…) and all bh™tas (18.54) yataƒ. This loka is identical with the
s€dhana so that destructive apar€dhas do (living beings). brahma-bh™y€ya—qualified to expe- second s™tra of the Brahma-s™tras.
not eat or trample it. bh™ta-stha—situated within all beings rience the spiritual nature. Through irrefutable philosophy and
bhakti-yoga—The path of spiritual (as Param€tm€); pervading the elements. brahmacarya—lit. spiritual cultivation; factual descriptions of His divya-l…l€,
realization through devotional service to bh™ta-viea-n€ma—the specific names the first €rama or stage of life in ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam, clearly delineates the
®r… Vrajendranandana. differentiating entities which are born varŠarama system; celibate student life. Personality of Godhead as the pre-
bhakti-yog…—a s€dhaka (practioner) of from wombs (jarayu-ja), eggs (aŠa-ja), brahma-jñ€na—knowledge of brahma. eminent spiritual tattva.
12 Glossary Glossary 13

brahma-svar™pa—the actual form of ®r… Candra—the moon god. form. praŠ€ma)

KŠa whose bodily ray is the brahma- Candra-ekhara—Lord ®iva who bears a cint€maŠi—a transcendental stone that darpa—pride in wealth and education.
jyoti. (Brahma-saˆhit€.vs.40, yasya prabh€) crescent moon in his hair. fulfils all desires; (cint€—desire; maŠi— darana—to behold, to meet; used in
brahma-tattva—categorical knowledge candr€yaŠa—a severe atonement. gem); spiritual cognition or perception. reference to beholding either the Deity or
of brahma. carvaka—an atheist philosopher, cit—consciousness; pure thought; spirit. advanced devotees; also a doctrine or
brahma-v€da-jñ€n…s—the scholars of the renowned for his addiction to ghee. cit-jagat—the all-conscious spiritual philosophical system, as in Ved€nta-
Vedas who state that realization of the catuƒ-lok… g…t€—the essence of world. darana.
brahma-jyoti is the highest possible real- Bh€gavad-g…t€ (10.8-11); the four verses Citraratha—the chief among Gand- Das€vamedha-gha˜˜a—a bathing place
ization, and that the personal form of that summarise the three Vedic divisions harvas and a representation of ®r… KŠa’s in Pray€ga (Allahabad) where in ten
Godhead emanates from impersonal of sambandha (relationship), abhidheya opulence. (10.26) days, ®r… Caitanya Mah€prabhu taught
brahma. (12.1-5 and 14.27) (means), and prayojana (the ultimate cit-rati—affinity for conscious reality. R™pa Gosv€m… the science of bhakti.
brahma-v€d…tva—a proponent of brahma- goal), in a nutshell. cit-akti—the potency that relates to the d€sya—relationship in servitorship.
v€da. caturbhuja-r™pa—the four armed form. cognizant aspect of the Supreme Lord. By d€sya-bh€va—the mood of servitorship.
brahma-vett€—a brahma realized person. c€turm€sya—the four months during the this akti, He knows Himself and causes datta-karma—charitable acts.
(2.49) rainy season (August to November) in others to know Him. Knowledge of the day€—compassion.
brahma-yajña—Vedic sacrifice; sacrifice which the practice of certain pre-scribed Absolute Reality is only possible with the deha—the gross physical body.
for spiritual realization. austerities are very potent for spiritual help of this potency. deh…—the embodied soul.
br€hm…—one who attains to the state of development. cit-s™rya—®r… ®r… R€dh€-Mural…-Mano- deva-deva—God of gods.
brahma, the plane of divine light. catur-varga—the four puru€rthas (goals) hara: the transcendentally conscious Sun. Devak…-nandana—son of Devak….
bhad-€raŠyaka ruti—an Upaniad of materialistic human society; dharma citta—the heart, thoughts mind and deva-mandira—a temple of the devas.
containing important lokas relevant to (religiosity), artha (economic consciousness. Devar… N€rada—a i (sage) amongst
Gau…ya VaiŠava philosophy. development), k€ma (sense gratifi-cation), citta-uddhi—purification of the heart. the devas; lit.n€ra (God); d€ (giver); a great
Bhat-s€ma—an eloquent and beauti- and moka (liberation). citta-vtti—the tendency of the heart; devotee of ®r… KŠa who spreads His
fully composed hymn from the S€ma-Veda; a cetaƒ—consciousness. disposition. glories throughout the universe.
representation of ®r… KŠa. (10.35) chala-dharma—cheating religion. codan€—inspiration, the subtle basis of devas—Celestial deities; godly beings
buddhi—intelligence; the ability to cid-€bh€sa—of the mind. action. (18.18) situated in the heavenly planets who are
discern subtle meanings. cid-aˆa—cognizant parts (of the endowed with great piety. They have
Buddhism—that philosophy introduced supreme whole, ®r… KŠa). D tremendous life-spans, and superior
by ®akyasiˆha Buddha which ex-pounds cid-€raya—the shelter of the cit daitya—the demonic sons of Diti. mental and physical prowess. They are
voidist concepts of the Absolute Truth, (cognizance potency). daiv…-m€y€-prakti—the divine material entrusted with specific powers for the
known as ™nyat€ or ™nyav€da. cid-jagat—the conscious creation of energy, divine because it acts under ®r… purpose of universal administration.
Goloka-Vnd€vana where even the Bhagav€n’s direction (9.11); see mah€- devatas—see devas
C stones and creepers are in full spiritual m€y€. deva-y€na—voyage on the path of light.
caitanya-h…na-vidhi-v€d…—one who consciousness. daivim prakrtim—that nature which is (8.26)
advocates the concept that the Absolute cid-vil€sa—transcendental sports. divine or spiritual. Devea—a name for KŠa; Lord of the
Reality is unconscious. cin-maya—cognizant, transcendental. daiv…-sampat—divine assets or qual- devas.
caitanya-svar™pa—conscious by orig- cin-maya-aha‰k€ra—pure spiritual ego, ities. Deva-re˜ha—a name for KŠa;
inal constitution; Nity€nanda-R€ma. ‘I am KŠa d€sa’. damah—to control the external senses. meaning best of the devat€s.
cakra—the disc weapon of ®r… ViŠu cinmaya-k€la—spiritual time. As stated dambha—to pose as a religious person devat€—see devas.
named Sudarana. in Brahma-saˆhit€ (5.56): nime€rdd€khyo while being irreligious; hypocrisy. dev…s—demigoddesses.
cañcalam—flickering; that which stays vrajati v€ na hi yatr€pi samayaƒ. “In the D€modara-l…l€—the celebrated child- dh€ma—an abode of ®r… Bhagav€n in
only a short time. spiritual world of Goloka, not a single hood l…l€ or pastime of ®r… D€modara which He appears and enacts divya-l…l€
chanda—a simple system of rhythmic particle of time is wasted.” There, there (KŠa). (divine pastimes).
Sanskrit metres composed of short and is total absorption in R€dh€-KŠa-sev€. d€na—charity. dh€ma-svar™pa—the real form of the
long syllables, learning which anyone can In this way, time, which means the d€navas—demons; 61 sons of D€nu, a abode where the Lord’s eternal pastimes
chant Sanskrit verse sweetly and pleas- interim between one event and another, wife of the praj€pati Kayapa. takes place with associates throughout
ingly. does not exist. daŠavat-pran€ma—offering praŠ€ma by the eight divisions of the day (a˜a-kal…ya).
c€Š€la—outcaste, dog-eater. cinmaya-nitya-r™pa—eternal conscious falling like a rod to the ground. (see dhana—wealth.
14 Glossary Glossary 15

Dhanañjaya—the winner of wealth; a dharm€mia—the nectarean dharma of who one worships and the bhakta’s dvi-bhuja—the two-armed form of
name awarded to Arjuna who accum- immortality. (12.20) specific relationship with Him in the KŠa.
ulated great wealth while conquering the dharma-€stra—€stra dealing with relationship of d€sya, sakhya, v€tsalya, or dvit…ya-abhinivea—to forget KŠa and
many kings of northern Bh€rata (India) topics of dharma. madhurya; divya-jñ€na hde prok€ita. ‘®r… to become absorbed, by m€y€’s influence,
in preparation for the the r€jas™ya-yajña dharm€tm€—a religious person. Guru can awaken divya-jñ€na in the heart in thinking about becoming a dvit…ya or
of Mah€r€ja Yudhi˜hira. dharma-v…ra—righteous hero. of a submissive disciple.’ second KŠa. Since KŠa is a-dvit…ya,
dh€raŠ€—concentration of the mind, the dharma-yuddha—a battle fought on the divyam cakuƒ—superhuman eyes or one without a second, KŠa’s prison
sixth step in a˜€‰ga-yoga. principles of dharma. The five P€Šavas divine vision. warden, m€y€ or Durg€ gives some
dharma—from the verbal root dh to were directly instructed by Bhagav€n ®r… dravya-yajña—the sacrifice of giving chastisement for this offense. (refer to
sustain; lit. that which sustains; 1) the KŠa to fight, only so that the people of material possessions in charity. S.B.11.2.37)
natural, characteristic function of a thing; the world could be protected by a dharmic dha-nicaya—firm determination to
that which cannot be separated from its king. attain keval€ bhakti. E
nature; 2) religion in general. 3) the socio- dharmic—pertaining to dharma; one who DroŠ€c€rya—a commander of the ek€da…—a fast from grains and beans
religious duties prescribed in €stra for is inclined to follow the principles of Kaurava army. Once, the sage Bharad- (minimum) so that the s€dhaka can totally
different classes of persons in the dharma. v€ja, glimpsing the form of the apsar€ immerse himself in activities of pure
varŠ€rama system; one’s fixed dharmyam—promoting the interests of Ght€c…, involuntarily discharged semen. bhakti; observed on the eleventh day of
occupation in relation to the highest dharma. He placed that semen in a droŠa (pot). A the lunar fortnight; bhakti-janan… (the
ideals known to man. Dharma is aspired Dhtar€˜ra—lit. one who dhta (holds on male child took birth in the pot; hence mother of bhakti). If one follows one’s
for by persons who not only desire to) r€˜ra (the kingdom); son of Ambik€ the child was named DroŠa. vrata (vow) devotionally on this day
enjoyment in this world, but who hanker and Vy€sadeva; brother of P€Šu and dta—seen. she,as our mother, will allow pure bhakti
for something more, like Svarga. For this Vidura. Since Ambik€ closed her eyes at Drupada—In the Mah€bh€rata War, to take birth within one’s heart.
prupose, it is necessary to follow the the mere sight of Vy€sa, their child, Drupada was one of the commanders of ek€ntik€—one-pointed, unflinching.
religious codes outlined in €stra. By Dhtar€˜ra, was born blind. His one the P€nava army and was killed by ek€ntika-bhajana—one-pointed, un-
following the religious duties prescribed hundred sons, headed by Duryo-dhana, DroŠa. D˜adyumna, Drupada’s son interrupted worship of the Lord.
according to varŠ€rama, one can enjoy led the armies that opposed the avenged his death. ek€ntika bhakti—one-pointed bhakti.
happiness in this life and attain Svarga. P€Šavas. duƒkha—unhappiness. ek€ntika ni˜h€—one-pointed faith.
The performance of dharmic duties is dhti—fortitude. dur€c€r…—one of poor conduct. G
foremost for such people, and therefore dhruvam—factual; fixed. d™radar…—a visionary. gad€—a club.
their puru€rtha (goal of life) is known as dhy€na—meditation; the seventh stage of Durg€—lit. dur—difficult; g€—to get out; Gandharvas—heavenly minstrels.
dharma.There are many types a˜€‰ga-yoga. Thus the word ‘durg€’ means a prison. GaŠea—the elephant-god; viay…s
of dharma. Str…-dharma (a woman’s dhy€na-yog…—one practicing a˜€‰ga- The material world is like a prison for the (materialists) worship him for material
dharma) refers to the duties, behaviour yoga, the eight-fold mystic yoga. baddha-j…vas; Durg€ is Mother Nature, the opulence and freedom from misfortune.
etc. that sustain the proper nature of a d…k€—receiving initiation from a goddess of material nature and consort His worship is one of the 64 principles of
woman. Similarly, dharmas such as spiritual master.In the Bhakti-sandharbha of Mah€deva ®iva. Deity worship. As the scribe of Vy€sa-
purua-dharma, br€hmana-dharma, ™dra- (Anucceda 283), Jiva Gosv€m… defines durmatiƒ—foolish. deva, he wrote down many of the Vedic
dharma; and sanny€sa-dharma, are d…k€. Learned exponents of the Absolute Duryodhana—lit. dur—bad yodhana— literatures.
described in dharma-€stras. Ultimately, Truth declare that the process by which fighter. King of the Kauravas; a partial Ga‰g€—the river of divine water which
however, dharma means the natual the guru imparts divya-jñ€na to the incarnation of Kali. falls from the paravyoma (the spiritual sky
attraction of the part for the whole, the disciple and eradicates all sins is known d™rv€ grass—a kind of grass used in the beyond this universe) and inundates the
j…va for KŠa. All of these other dharmas as d…ka. soma-yajña. three worlds.
are only related to this temporary body, divya—divine. dukta—wrong-doer, criminal. (7.15) garbha—embryo; conception.
therefore, in the midst of performing divya-jñ€na—transcendental know- dvandva—duality; a dual compound garbh€dh€na-saˆsk€ra—a process for
them, one must cultivate €tma-dharma, the ledge of the Lord’s form, and one’s word. (10.33) generating good offspring by ritual-
soul’s eternal occupation with KŠa, so specific relationship with Him contained Dv€para-yuga—the age preceding Kali- istically sanctifying the environment and
that one can come to the point, either now within a mantra. This means that at the yuga. In Dv€para-yuga people attained the consciousness of the couple. This is
or tomorrow, of sarva-dharm€n parityajya, time of initiation, the guru gives the perfection by performing excellent described in Hari-bhakti-Vil€sa.
giving up all secondary dharmas and disciple a mantra which, in course of time, worship of r…-arca-vigraha (the Deity Garg€c€rya—the guru of KŠa’s father,
taking full shelter of ®r… ®r… R€dh€-KŠa. reveals the particular form of the Lord avat€ra of the Lord). Vasudeva. He performed ®r… KŠa’s
16 Glossary Glossary 17

n€ma-saˆsk€ra (name-giving ceremony) householder. Guru to disciple. transcendental bliss, and as ®r… Caitanya
in Gokula, and wrote a famous literature gua—raw unrefined sugar in a solid guru-re˜ha—the best of gurus. Arjuna Mah€prabhu in the mood of ®r… R€dh€,
of kŠa-kath€ named Garga-saˆhit€. form; pronounced gaur; the word Gau…ya addressed KŠa saying: “You are greater He entices others to also taste €nanda.
Gau…ya-Samprad€ya—the school of is a derivative of this word because its than any superior person in this world. hiˆsa—violence.
VaiŠavism following in the line of ®r… teachings and the process of n€ma- hdya-granthi—the knot in the heart
Caitanya Mah€prabhu, headed by ®r…la sa‰k…rtana, given by ®r… Caitanya H consisting of fruitive desires.
R™pa, ®r…la Raghun€tha and other Mah€prabhu, is uniquely sweet and haˆsa—swan; often compared to the H…kea—lit. …a—Lord; h…ka—of the
Gosv€m…s. relishable like gua. mind of the bhaktas as they enter into senses; a name for KŠa meaning one
gauŠa—secondary. Guakea—Guaka means sleep or meditation on ®r… R€dh€- who turns His devotees’ senses towards
Gautama—the author of ny€ya-darana ignorance and …a means master; a name ®y€masundara’s lotus feet. (refer to Himself and those of the non-devotees
(the philosophy of logic) which is one of for Arjuna meaning conqueror of ignor- Mukunda-m€l€-stotram by Kulaekara away.
the six systems of philosophy (a- ance. Mah€r€ja). H™Ša—barbaric people people from East
darana). guŠa—lit. a rope; binding force; three Hari-bhakti-vil€sa—a book that des- Germany and part of Russia; the Huns.
g€yatr…—lit. tr… (that which gives qualities of material nature which bind cribes many aspects of VaiŠava life
deliverance); g€ya (through singing). She the j…v€tm€ as ropes do, due to accepting beginning with guru and iya, mantra- I
is mother of the Vedas. Brahma-saˆhit€ different mentalities and corresponding up€sana etc. It was written by ®r…la icch€ akti—the desire potency of the
states that Brahm€j… first heard the flute- activities. These ropes are named sattva San€tana Gosv€m… and ®r…la Gop€la- Lord.
song of KŠa through his eight ears as (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas Bha˜˜a Gosv€m… under the direct ihaika-sthaˆ jagat—where the entire
the syllable oˆ, then when he chanted it (darkness). All activities related to instruction of ®r… Caitanya Mah€prabhu; universe is manifest in a single place.
himself, it became g€yatr…. Thus being material nature are carried out by the composed of 20 vil€sas. Indra—the king of heaven.
fully enlightened, he became initiated as agency of these three guŠas. (Ch’s 14, 17 hari-candana—sandalwood paste first indriya—the senses.
a br€hmaŠa. and 18) offered to ®r… Hari. Ÿa—sometimes refers toViŠu; at other
G…t€—song. guŠa-avat€ras—the three primary Hari-N€ma—Hare KŠa, Hare KŠa, times to Rudra.
G…topaniad—the Bhagavad-g…t€. In his presiding deities of the tri-guŠas (the three KŠa KŠa, Hare Hare, Hare R€ma, i˜ani˜opapattiu—to remain equi-
G…t€-bh€ya (commentary) ®r… ®a‰kar- binding forces), Brahm€, ViŠu and ®iva. Hare R€ma, R€ma R€ma, Hare Hare; poised upon attaining material objects
€c€rya states, “The Upaniads are a herd They are known as tri-m™rti. these sixeen syllables destroy all the bad that are favourable or unfavourable.
of cows. Their milker is the cowherd’s son guŠa-bhokt—the ruler of the three qualities of the age of Kali (Kali-santaraŠa i˜a-yajña—a yajña to please one’s i˜a-
Gop€la-KŠa. P€rtha is a calf; the qualities of nature. (9.10) Upaniad). deva.
intelligent man is the drinker and ®r… G…t€ GuŠ€dh…a—controller of the three guŠas; hatha-yoga—a yoga process practiced by i˜ha-deva—one’s worshipful deity; the
is the very nectarean milk.” Hence, the Param€tm€. adopting different bodily postures in particular form of the Lord toward whom
G…t€ is the essence of all Upaniads. guŠa-maya—composed of qualities. order render the body supple so that a one is attracted and who is the object of
gop€la-t€pan… ruti—The Gop€la-t€pan… guŠa-sa‰ga—association with guŠas. person may perform prolonged medi- one’s love and service.
Upaniad is unique amongst the Upaniads guŠ€t…ta—transcendental to the guŠas. tation; the €sana (third portion) of the Ÿvara—the best and supreme controller,
in that it sweetly delineates the truths of guŠ€t…t€ bhakti—bhakti which is at…ta process of a˜€‰ga-yoga. Bhagav€n.
®r… ®r… R€dh€-KŠa’s loving affairs in the (transcendental) to the material qual-ities. Haya…ra-Pañcar€tra—an important …vara-tattva—the science of under-
company of Their sakhis. VaiŠavas have guŠ…bh™t€ bhakti—bhakti which is scripture in which information on the standing the transcendental position of
extracted many lokas from this Upaniad predominated by the guŠas. various forms of ViŠu are given and the Supreme Controller.
and chant them during their worship of guru—guru means heavy (with divya- which confirms the superiority of it…h€sa-samuccaya—the aggregate of
r…-vigraha etc. jñ€na) By steadiness the guru anchors the worship of the Lord’s personal form. Vedic historical documents.
gopa-vea—cowherd dress. disciple’s restless mind from m€y€’s hetuka-gana—seers who investigate the
go-rakaka—rearing and tending cows. turbulent waters; or, gu means ignorance cause and effect of the universe. J
gotra—seminal line traced from the and ru means dispeller; thus one who is hl€din…—the bliss potency; the svar™pa- jabal…—the name of an Upaniad wherein
praj€patis and forefathers. guru will dispell all ignorance (Skanda- akti which is dominated by hl€din… is the history of Satya-k€ma is described.
grainu—the Lord who swallows all Pur€Ša, guru-g…t€). personified as ®r…mati R€dh€r€n…; Hl€din… jaa—inert; dull.
beings at the time of annihilation. guru-dakiŠa—wealth or gifts offered to is the akti which arouses €nanda (bliss) jaa-jagat—the inert material world.
gha—derived from the verbal root grah: the guru by the disciple. in the heart of ®r… ®y€ma. Although KŠa jaa-mukti—liberation from bondage to
to grab, grasp etc.; a household. guru-parampar€—the system of trans- Himself is the reservoir of all pleasure, dead matter or from inert consciousness
gha-stha—one situated in a house; a mission of divine knowledge from ®r… through His hl€dini potency, He relishes (see brahma-nirv€Ša).
18 Glossary Glossary 19

jaa-prakti—the material nature which Jan€rdana—a name of Bhagav€n knowledge. bhukti (sense gratification) are described
is composed of inert energy. meaning one who thrills the hearts of jñ€na-gamya—the Lord who is access- by ®r…la R™pa Gosv€m… to be like two
jaa-v€d…—one who adheres to the view mankind. ible through true knowledge. witches haunting the hearts of the j…vas,
(v€d… ) that there is nothing but matter jana-ruti—lit. that which is heard by the jñ€na-m€rga—the path of jñ€na. ®r…la Prabodh€nanda Sarasvat…-p€da says
(jaa ); an atheistic scientist. people; rumor, news. jñ€namaya—one of the five puruas that one who has received the merciful
ja…ya-k€la—cosmic time; mundane janma—birth. (stages of a j…vas development); one who side-long glance of ®r… Gaura will con-
time. japa-yajña—chanting of the holy name. perceives everything he encounters in sider the mere thought of kaivalya to be
jagad-guru—universal guru. The actual The word japa comes from the verbal root terms of knowledge, €tm€-tattva. (13.5) like hell because in it, there is no
guru of the universe is of course ®r… jap which means to utter or whisper jñ€na-maya-yajña—the renunciation of opportunity to serve KŠa.
Bhagav€n. He is all-pervasive and is the repeatedly (espcially prayers or incant- material possessions which is per-formed k€la—time.
only person really qualified to give ations). In the ®abda-kalpadruma, japa as in knowledge of Bhagav€n. k€la-r™pa—KŠa’s form of controlling
spiritual guidance to everyone in the been defined as the utterance of mantras jñ€na-mir€ bhakti—bhakti mixed with time.
cosmic manifestation; However if one of either within the heart of verbally. jñ€na, bhakti predominating. kali-yuga—the present age of quarrel
the j…vas submits his will to the jagad-guru jijñ€su—one who approaches Bhagav€n jñ€na-ni˜h€—steadiness in knowledge. and hypocrisy which began 3102 B.C. the
then he should also be known as jagad- in a mood of inquisitiveness. (7.16) jñ€na-pradh€n…-bh™t€ bhakti—mixed day on which Lord ®r… KŠa departed
guru since he has taken the Lord within jit€tm€—one whose mind is jita (conqu- bhakti, where bhakti predominates over from this earth for His abode. It lasts for
his heart. He bcomes empowered by ®r… ered or under control). (18.49) jñ€na. 432,000 years. Approx-imately five
Bhagav€n to represent Him to everyone, jitendriyaƒ—controlled senses; a type of jñ€na-s€dhana—the practice to obtain thousand of those years have now
everywhere. yoga yukta jñ€n… (5.7) jñ€na. passed. (refer to SB. 12 Ch. 2)
jagat-pati—the master of the universe. j…va—the soul, is eternally the servant of jñ€na-sanny€sa—renunciation out of kalpa—one day in the life of Lord
jaghanya—abominable tendencies. KŠa but is bound by aha‰k€ra to think knowledge; renunciants who study Brahm€; it is equivalent to one thousand
jainism—a religious movement begun that he himself is the master. Each j…va in ®€r…raka-bh€ya, the commentary of divya-yugas . Each divya-yuga is one cycle
many hundreds of years ago by King every species of life is a distinct ®a‰kar€c€rya. of the Satya, Dv€para, Tret€, and Kali-
Arhat. The followers of Jainism ideal- individual with a distinct mood. jñ€na-svar™pa—absolute knowledge yugas, altogether 4,320,000,000 years.
istically try to emulate Mah€r€ja j…va-prakt…—the source of the conscious understood properly through parampar€. (8.17).
¬abhadeva by practicing non-violence, entities; the marginal potency (ta˜astha- jñ€na-yajña—sacrifice in the form of k€ma—the first and lowest of the four
and by not using vehicles. ¬abha was akti). deliberation on cit-tattva, the spiritual puru€rthas (goals of human society).
an avat€ra of ®r… KŠa. whose history is j…va-akti—(see ta˜astha-akti). nature. Those who have no desire other than the
described in the Fifth Canto of ®r…mad- j…va-tattva—categorical knowledge of jñ€na-yoga—the path of spiritual real- satistaction of the gross seneses aspire for
Bh€gavatam. Lord ¬abha followed the the j…va, his nature and position. The j…vas ization through a philosophical search for such pleasure. Those in whom the animal
path of an avadh™ta, one who has are infinitesimal potential parts of truth. propensity is unrestricted have no
transcended duality, and he wandered Bhagav€n and therefore, like sparks of a jñ€n…—one in search of knowledge, objective other than gross sensual
naked oblivious to externals. He was very fire, they require the protection of the impersonal or transcendental. (7.16) enjoyment, their puru€rtha is known as
exalted but Jains are unable to actually Lord at all times. As embers of a fire have jñ€nendriyas—the knowledge acquiring k€ma. 2) material lust, the desire to please
follow his example because one cannot no independent glowing power so the senses: the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and one’s own senses. This is in direct
artificially become advanced in this way. j…vas are lifeless without surrender to the skin. (3.34) opposition to prema which is the desire
jalpa—logical argument that utilises Supreme Lord. jñ€t€—the knower. (13.18); one who to please the senses of ®r… KŠa. 3) In the
continuous fault finding of the j…v€tm€—the spirit soul; (see j…va). knows the truth about the j…v€tm€. (18.18) case of material k€ma that desire is directd
opponent’s statements to establish one’s jñ€na—(1) knowledge; that which helps jñ€t€-svar™pa—factually understanding toward oneself but in the case of the gop…s,
own opinion as superior. us to know something. (18.18) (2) the knower. k€ma is directed toward KŠa. Their
Jamadagni—a br€hmaŠa who possessed knowledge which leads to impersonal jñeya—the object of knowledge. desire to pease KŠa is so intense that it
a k€madhenu (wish-fulfilling cow). He was liberation; this concerns the €tm€’s jñeya-svar™pa—the object of those who is not bound by any restrictions. For
slain by a group of katr…yas for the sake distinction from matter and its identity desire liberation, the brahma-jyoti. (13.18) KŠa’s pleasure they are willing to
of the cow and his son Paraur€ma took with brahma. (3) transcendental know- jyotiƒ—effulgence. transgress the boundaries of family,
revenge by slaying the katr…ya ledge of one’s relationship with KŠa. society and reputation. Therefore, this
population of the world. jñ€na-cakusa—the eyes of trans- K unrestricted desire, which is fully of the
J€madagnya—Paraur€ma, the son of cendental knowledge. Ka—Brahm€. nature of prema, is appropriately referred
Jamadagni. jñ€na-d…pa—the lamp of transcendental kaivalya—oneness, or mukti. Mukti and to as k€ma.
20 Glossary Glossary 21

k€ma-dhenu—a cow who can fulfill all the results of work for the satisfaction of ment other than to ®r… ®r… R€dh€-Mural…- KŠa-sev€-v€sana-b…ja—the seed of the
desires. Bhagav€n. Manohara’s lotus feet.To that extent one desire to render ananya-sev€ to ®r…
kamal€sana-stham—Lord Brahm€ who karma-pradh€n…-bh™t€ bhakti—bhakti will be deprived of a nectarean life filled R€dhik€-RamaŠa planted in the heart by
is situated on the Sumeru mountain, mixed with karma, wherein bhakti with rasa which is experienced by the ®r… Guru.
which is like the whorl of the lotus of the predominates over karma. Vraja-v€s…s headed by Nanda Mah€r€ja. KŠa-tattva—categorical knowledge
Earth. karm€rambha—the beginning of ext- For this reason, much stress is placed on from €stra about the unique position,
k€mya-karma—fruitive activities. (2.47) ensive endeavours (like the building of a this topic. It is also known as anany€, qualities etc., of ®r… KŠa.
Kandarpa—Cupid; the indirect cause of mansion). akiñcan€, viuddh€, and nirguŠ€ bhakti. KŠa-venn€—a river in South India.
the birth of living beings; ®r… KŠa’s karma-sa‰g…—one who is attached to Khasa—Mongolians, Chinese and other ktsna-vit—a person of complete know-
representative as a progenitor. (10.28) performing fruitive action. races north of India. ledge.
karaŠa—cause; refers to the senses as a karma-sa‰graha—the basis of karma. kinnaras—a kind of minor devat€ who kam€—forgiveness; tolerance.
source of happiness and misery. (13.21) (18.18) plays musical instruments and sings with kara—perishable.
KaraŠodakaay… ViŠu—the plenary karma-sanny€sa—the renunciation of the Gandharvas. katriya—lit. ki—destruction; t—
portion of ®r… KŠa, who, while reclining fruitive work. (Ch 5) Kira˜a—Indian aboriginal tribe. deliverance; one of the four varŠas in the
in a corner of the paravyoma (the spiritual karma-v€sana—desires for the results of k…rtana—congregational singing of ®r… varŠ€rama system; an administrator or
sky), creates through His breathing the karma. KŠa’s names accompanied by mda‰gas warrior.
cosmic manifestation composed of karma-yajña—sacrifice for fruitive gain. and karat€las as performed by ®r… ketra—the field of the body. (13.1...)
uncountable brahm€Šas (universes). karma-yoga—the path of spiritual Caitanya Mah€prabhu. It also refers to ketra-jña—the knower of the field; the
karma—a term for work, or activity in realization in which the fruit of one’s all processes for describing ®r… Bhagav€n partial ketra-jña is the j…va; the complete
general; pious activities of the four varŠas work is offered to Bhagav€n. through His names as well as His forms, ketra-jña is Param€tm€. (13.1...)
perform karma through Vedic guidance karmendriyas—the five working senses: His qualities, His associates and His K…rodak€y…-purua—the ViŠu exp-
which lead to material gain in this world arms, legs, speech, genitals and anus. pastimes. K…rtana is one of the nine most ansion of ®r… KŠa who lies within an
or to the heavenly planets after death. (3.34) important a‰gas (limbs) of bhakti. ocean of k…ra (milk); His expansion
karma-bandhana—the bondage of the karm…—one who performs karma in k…rti—fame. known as Param€tm€ enters within every
j…va in the cycle of karma. accordance with the Vedic injunctions. kiora—a fresh youth, 11-15 years old. atom and the heart of all beings as a
karma-codan€—the impetus to perform kartt€—the doer or direct agent. klea-ghn…—lit. destroyer of misery; one witness, giving remembrance,
action. (18.18) kartt€-svar™pa—the peformer of karma of the six symptoms of bhakti which knowledge and forgetfulness. (15.15)
karma-k€Ša—a division of the Vedas when discussed in terms of his specific completely destroys misery. (see B.R.S. ku-karma—sinful activity.
which involves the performance of significance. 1.1.17) kumbhaka—holding of the breath.
ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites kartttva—the working agent; refers to kriy€—activity. kumbh…-p€ka-naraka—a hellish planet
directed towards material benefits or the presiding deities of the senses. (13.21) krodha—anger. where persons who cooked innocent
liberation; kevala vier bhaŠa Narottama k€rya—duty. kp€—mercy. creatures for the enjoyment of the tongue
d€sa µh€kura categorizes karma-k€Ša Kauravas—the desendants of King Kuru kpaŠa—lit. kpa—mercy ; na—less; a are themselves cooked in boiling oil.
and jñ€na-k€Ša simply as pots of poison. who fought together at Kuru-ketra. They miser; one who is attached to the fruits kuñja—a grove or forest bower for the
(9.20-21) are differentiated from the P€Šavas by of his activities and hides from even the pleasure-pastimes of ®r… ®r… R€dh€-
karma-m…m€ˆs€—one of the a- this title, but originally all of them are thought of ®r… Bhagav€n. (2.49) Rasevara; a natural shady retreat with
daranas (six-philosophies). It was Kauravas. KŠacandra—®r… KŠa who has twenty- sides and a roof formed mainly by trees
propounded by Jaimin… ¬…. This kavi—poet. four and a half (candras) moons on His and climbing plants.
philosophy states that if a person k€z…—Muslim ruler. sac-cid-€nanda body. Kuruketra—the field of the Kurus, an
performs work according to his nature, Kena Upaniad—the Why? Upaniad; an kŠa-gati—the dark path amongst the ancient dharma-ketra (holy place) where
then Bhagav€n is bound to provide him upaniad filled with questions relevant to celestial firmament by which one returns Paraur€ma performed penances of
with all of his necessities. the ultimate purpose of human life. to the material world. (8.26) atonement. It is still visited to this day
karma-mir€ bhakti—bhakti mixed with Kei-™dana—KŠa, the killer of the kŠa-paka—the dark fortnight of the (especially on days when there is an
karma, bhakti predominating. demon Ke…. moon; one of the times of leaving the eclipse) for shelter from inauspicious
karma-phala—the fruits of one’s act- kevala—exclusive. body whereby a yog… returns to this effects.
ivities; reactions to work either good or keval€ bhakti—exclusive bhakti. Until material world. (8.26) Kuru-prav…ra—O great hero among the
bad. bhakti becomes keval€, exclusive, it is kŠa-prema—pure love for KŠa (see Kurus; an address to Arjuna.
karma-phala-ty€ga—the renunciation of understood that one has some attach- prema). kuala—auspicious, pleasant.
22 Glossary Glossary 23

k™˜a-stha—firmly situated in one’s own l…l€-vil€sa—the delightful play of ®r… ing smile. imports of the €stra, has realized para-
svar™pa; free from of sensual agitation. R€dh€ and ®r… Hari’s pastimes. Madhus™dana Sarasvat…—1540-1632; brahma and who is detached from the
(6.8) (13.21) li‰ga-ar…ra—the subtle body consisting formerly a follower of advaita-v€da, but material world.
Kuvera—the treasurer of the devat€s, god of mind, intelligence and ego. attracted by the Gau…ya VaiŠava mah€-pralaya—the dissolution and
of wealth; a friend of Rudra-deva. lobh€—hankering or greed. dharma he entered the path of bhakti. He devastation of the universe which takes
lobh€-may… bhakti—bhakti performed wrote a commentary on Bhagavad-g…t€ place at the end of Brahm€’s life.
L spontaneously out of lobh€, without entitled G…t€-g™h€rtha-d…pik€. mah€rath…—a warrior who can face
l€bha p™j€ prati˜ha—profit, adoration, considering the regulative principles. mah€-b€ho—O mighty armed one. 10,000 opponents at one time.
and distinction; three subtle man- lubdha—one infatuated with sense mah€-bh€gavata—a topmost devotee; mahari—a great sage.
ifestations of k€ma (sex desire or lust). pleasure. uttama-bh€gavata. mah€-tattva—the aggregate of the five
laukika—mundane, of the loka (people); mah€-bhakta—an exalted bhakta. gross and three subtle material energies
antonym—alaukika (transcendental). M Mah€bh€rata—by far the world’s longest is called pradh€na. When it is activated
laukik… raddh€—mundane faith. mad-bhakta—this loka (9.34) refers to a epic poem. It describes the ancient history by the glance of Mah€-ViŠu it becomes
l…l€—divine sportive pastimes. The jñ€n… who is endowed with bhakti. Karm…s, of the world leading up to the battle of known as Mah€-tattva.
Lord’s activities, whether in the matter jñ€n…s, yog…s, tapasv…s and nirviea- Kuruketra. It was written by ®rila KŠa mah€tm€—magnanimous or a great
of the creation of the material world or may€v€d…s cannot understand the real Dvaip€yana Vy€sadeva for the benefit of soul; a title of respect offered to those
in the matter of transcendental ex- essence of Bhagavad-g…t€. Only bhagavad- the people of this age of Kali who have elevated in spiritual consciousness.
changes of love with His devotees, are bhaktas can understand it. no interest in philosophy. He has mah€-v€kya—the great phrase oˆ which
all l…l€ and are never under the influence m€dhur…—the nectar of KŠa’s sweet- strategetically placed a beautiful jewel of is found throughout Vedic literature.
of lust. All of His pastimes are mani- ness. There are four m€dhur…s which philosophy in the form of ®r…mad- mah€-v…ra—O great hero.
festations of His self-willed potencies and belong to no one but ®r… KŠa. They are: Bhagavad-g…t€ in the midst of this epic. mah€-viŠu—a name of KaraŠodakaay…
are therefore known as l…l€, divine sport veŠu-m€dhur… (the sweetness of KŠa’s mah€bh™ta—the five great gross ele- ViŠu.
or play. These pastimes which exhibit the flute), r™pa-m€dhur…, (the sweetness of His ments: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Mahevara—the Supreme Controller,
different rasas (relishable mellows) beauty), l…l€-m€dhur… (the sweetness of His mahad brahma—the great brahma; refers sometimes ®ambhu ®iva, and some-times
displayed by the Lord in d€sya rasa; pastimes) and prema-m€dhur… (the to material nature. (14.3) Bhagav€n ®r… KŠa.
sakhya-rasa, v€tsalya-rasa and m€dhurya- sweetness of KŠa’s devotees). mah€-jana—a spiritual authority. One mama yoniƒ—Paramevara’s place of
rasa, are regularly heard, described, and m€dhurya—sweetness or beauty. In who truly understands religious prin- impregnation; the material nature.
meditated upon by devotees as an regard to bhakti this refers to devotion ciples. The twelve principal mah€janas are m€ˆsa—a word meaning meat which is
important part of their practice of which is inspired by attraction to the identified in the ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam still current in Hind…; lit. m€m (me) sa (he);
s€dhana-bhakti. Lord’s sweet and intimate feature as a (6.3.20) as Lord Brahm€, Bhagav€n my life for his life and his life for mine;
l…l€-avat€ra—KŠa’s pastime man- beautiful young cowherd boy. This type N€rada, Lord ®iva, the four Kum€ras, ‘that which I am now eating, will also eat
ifestations eg. Niˆha, Var€ha, K™rma of devotion allows for the greatest Lord Kapila, Sv€yambhuva Manu, Pra- me in the next life’.
etc. exchange of love between KŠa and His hl€da Mah€r€ja, Janaka Mah€r€ja, manana—meditation on KŠa. (12.12)
l…l€-kath€—topics or narrations of ®r… devotees. Bh…ma P…t€maha, Bal… Mah€r€ja, ®uka- mana-nayana—the eyes of the mind.
KŠa’s and ®r… Gaur€‰ga’s nectarean M€dhurya-kaambin…—”The Cloud- deva Gosv€m…, and Yamar€ja. m€nasi sev€—service rendered within
r€g€tmika rasa laden l…l€. bank of Sweetness” written by ®r… mah€-k€la—the all annihilating time of the mind. Sev€-dhy€na is also service to
l…l€-prabhava—the secret reality of the Vivan€tha Cakravart… µh€kura. It the giant vir€˜-r™pa; inexhaustible time. the Deity contemplated within the mind.
Lord’s appearance in the material world. describes in eight v˜is (showers) the mah€-k€ruŠika—greatly compass- m€nitva—the desire for honour and
l…l€-puruottama—®r… KŠa, The progressive steps of bhakti beginning with ionate. prestige. (13.8-12)
Supreme Person whose l…l€-m€dhur… raddh€ and culminating in prema. mah€-madhura-m™rti—the most sweet manohara—mind-enchanting. KŠa’s
(pastime-sweetness) is unsurpassed by m€dhurya-may… prema-bhakti—the form of ®r… Vrajendra-nandana. n€ma, r™pa, guŠa and l…l€ are all manohara.
any of His other avat€ras. process of worship in the moods of Vraja mah€-m€dhurya—pinnacle of sweet- mano-vtti—attitude or function of the
l…l€-pu˜i—various pleasing articles or (vraja-bh€va), in which the vraja-v€s…s see ness. mind.
activities which nourish ®r… ®r… R€dh€- the Supreme Svayaˆ Bhagav€n as mah€-mahevara—KŠa, the supreme mantra—lit. man (mind) tra (delivering).
KŠa’s l…l€ or nourish the bhakta’s Vrajendra-nandana ®y€masundara. controller of all controllers. A verse composed of names of Bhagav€n
attachment to the hearing of that l…l€. m€dhurya-par€vara—the climax or mah€-m€y€—(See m€y€ akti). addressing one’s i˜a-deva, (worshipable
l…l€-sakh€—friend to KŠa in His vessel of sweetness. mah€-muni—great sage. Deity).
pastimes. m€dhurya-smita-h€sya—sweet laugh- mah€purua—one who is expert in the manus—the Praj€patis (universal pro-
24 Glossary Glossary 25

genitors) who are delegated by ®r… cowherd boy by the influence of yoga- and dharma), relate only to the happiness Pleased by his service attitude, Durv€s€
Bhagav€n to generate human pop- m€y€. of the body and senses. But all these types blessed him that he could go to the
ulation. From manu, the word m€nava m€y€maya—constituted of m€y€. of happiness are mixed with distress. heavenly planets in his present body.
(man) is derived. In one day of Brahm€ m€y€-akti—the external energy of the Even in Svarga there is fear of demons When the deva-d™tas came in a celestial
there are fourteen manus; the present Lord. This potency influences the living and in Brahm€-loka there is fear of the airplane to bring him there, he refused to
manu is Vaivasavata Manu. entities to accept the false egoism of being cosmic annihilation. Furthermore, all go with them and instead he preached to
manuya-loka—middle planetary independent enjoyers of this material such puru€rthas cannot be the goal of them about temporary nature of the
systems. world. There are three functions of m€y€: human attainment because all living heavenly planets.
manvantara—the reign of one manu pradh€na, which creates the illusory entities ultimately desire that happiness m™ha—lit. one who is bewildered;
(progenitor of mankind) which is one designations of the j…va, avidy€, which which is eternal an uninterrupted by any fruitive workers, who are bereft of hari-
fourteenth of a kalpa (day of Brahm€). superimposes these designations on to trace of misery. Such happiness is not to kath€ and hence no better than animals.
M€rga-…ra—November-December; the the j…va, and vidy€, which removes these be found in thees three objectives. The (7.15)
best of months because grains are superimpositions. (see 5.16) fourth puru€rtha,which follows dharma, m™ha-graheŠa—to take foolishly.
collected from the field at that time. m€y€v€da—the doctrine of illusion; a is for those who aspire for moka and do mukha-cakra—moonlike face.
Mar…ci—the controlling deity of all the theory advocated by the impersonalist not hanker for the other three goals. Such mukhya—primary.
winds in the universe. followers of ®a‰kar€c€rya which holds people are indeed few in number. Such mukta-j…va—a liberated j…va eternally
marka˜a-vair€gya—pretentious, un- that the Lord’s form, this material world persons seek a form of happiness which situated in a loving relationship with ®r…
steady renunciation like that of a monkey. and the individual existence of the living is not temporary and which abounds in Bhagav€n.
(2.64) entities are m€y€ or false. This phil- misery like the happiness resulting from mukti—complete emancipation from the
marud-deva—the forty-nine wind-gods. osophy accepts the authority of Vedic dhama, artha, and k€m€. They consider bondage of the material energy as
marut—windgod. texts, but interprets them is such a way such happiness as merely bodily expressed by false conceptions of I and
mary€d€—lit. mary€ (standard) d€ (giver); as to advance an impersonal conception happiness and since the body is temp- mine. There are five types of mukti:
setting the proper standard of conduct for of the Absolute and deny the personal orary, such happpiness is also temp- s€r™pya—obtaining the same form as the
humanity. feature of Godhead. It is known as orary. As long as one is connected to the Lord; s€m…pya—living in close proximity
m€ryad€-puruottama—®r… R€ma- covered Buddhism since Buddhism is temporary body, one will not be able to to the Lord; s€lokya—living on the same
candra, who established ideal conduct for overtly atheistic. attain eternal happpiness. The question planet with the Lord; s€r˜i—having the
humanity by His exemplary obed-ience m€y€v€dism—to follow m€y€v€da arises as to how the relationship with the same opulence as the Lord; and s€yujya—
to His father’s will, by His eka- patn…-vrata philosophy. body can be severed. The j…va’s becoming one with the Lord by merging
(vow to accept only one wife), His rigid m€yay€ apahta-jñ€na—one whose relationship with the temporary body is with His body or the brahmajyoti.
adherence to His vow to save S…t€-dev… knowledge is covered by m€y€’s in- only due to the bondage of m€y€. If the mukulita—budding.
and His selfless renunciation of Her, all fluence; that intelligence which is under bonds of m€y€ can be cut, the j…va’s mukulita-cetana—budding conscious-
for the sake of leading people on the path the influence of m€y€ thereby considering relationship with the temporary body ness; refers to the condition of the baddha-j…va.
of dharma. that only Lord N€r€yaŠa in VaikuŠ˜ha is will cease and one will be able to find mumuku—one desiring mukti.
m€yay€pahta-jñ€na—one whose know- worshipable and not ®r… KŠa. eternal happiness. One who thinks in this muni—one who endeavours to app-
ledge has been stolen by illusion (7.15) mayi—in Me (the Supreme Lord, ®y€ma- way endeavours to remove this bondage, roach the Absolute Truth by dint of
m€sa-paka—the phases of the moon. sundara). and destruction of it is known as mukti intellectual prowess.
mat-parama—those who consider only medh€—intelligence. or moka. Because this is the sole objective
KŠa to be the goal of life and who have mir…—rock sugar; used in India to help of those following this puru€rtha, it is N
totally dedicated their all-in-all to Him. in the cure for jaundice. known as moka.(see mukti). na-aabdam—not incapable of being
m€tr€—sense objects perceived by the mleccha—people who are unable to moka-laghut€-kariŠ…—one of the six known through words; knowable by
senses. properly utter the Vedic mantras; principal qualities of bhakti. Its happ-iness words.
Maudgalya-gotra—the lineage de- barbarians. causes the happiness of moka to appear n€gas—divine serpents.
scending from the sage Mudgala. moha—absorption in illusory objects. insignificant in comparison. naimittika—occasional, causal, in-
maun…—one who takes a vow of silence. mohana—that which creates delusion. moka-ty€ga—renunciation with the cidental.
m€y€—lit.m€ (not) y€ (this); that which moka—liberation from material bond- purpose of attaining moksa. naimittika-karma—occasional religious
is not; an illusion; (see m€y€-akti). age This is the fourth puru€rtha, or goal Mudgala ¬i—a sage who used to duties induced by specific circum-
m€y€-m€nuya-vigraha—the form of of human attainment. The three types of perform yajña on P™rŠim€ and Am- stances, such as the worship of the
Bhagav€n which appears as an ordinary puru€rthas described thus far (artha, k€ma €vasy€. Once Durv€s€ Muni visited him. forefathers and devas in the r€ddha
26 Glossary Glossary 27

ceremony. A person enters into the realm n€m…—the personality of ®r… N€ma, nidh€nam—the resting place; place of nirup€dhika-bhakti—bhakti free from all
of anany€ bhakti to ®r… KŠa only when KŠa Himself. dissolution. external designations.
one completely abandons these act- nara-bali—offering a human being in nidr€—sleep; depression of the mind, nirup€dhika-prema—prema free from
ivities. yajña. born of tamo-guŠa. mundane designations; prema for ®r…
naikarmya—freedom from karma and its N€rada-pañcar€tra—a narrative in five niƒaktika—that which is devoid of KŠa and for all His aˆas (parts)
reactions; action performed in KŠa parts: 1) knowledge which gives parama- potency. irrespective of bodily identifications such
consciousness for which one suffers no tattva (the supreme truth); 2) knowledge niƒsa‰ga—unaffected by external sa‰ga; as nationality, colour, age, and species.
reaction. which awards mukti; 3) knowledge which aloof or detached. nirup€dhika-sneha—non-conditional
naiktika—one who insults others. awards bhakti; 4) knowledge which nikhila-ras€mta-sindhu—the ocean of affection for ®r… Bhagav€n.
nai˜hika-brahmac€r…—one fixed in the awards siddhi 5) t€masic know-ledge all rasa imbued nectarean mellows. nirv€Ša-moka—liberation from bon-
vows of brahmac€rya throughout one’s interspersed with numerous mantras, nir€h€ra—to forcibly restrain the senses dage to matter by extinguishing material
entire life. stotras and kavacas. It is described how from their objects; to fast. desire.
n€ma—®r… N€ma, the holy name of N€rada Muni once approached Lord ®iva nir€k€ra—that which is without form. nirveda—to be detached from the
KŠa, is ®r… KŠa Himself. N€ma is for knowledge; many important lokas are nirañjana—non-duplicitous. material world; renunciation. (2.52)
invested with all potencies, avat€ras, quoted by the Gau…ya-VaiŠava €c€ryas nirapeka-bhakti—unalloyed bhakti nirvikalpa-sam€dhi—entering into
qualities, paraphernalia, entourage, l…l€, from this €stra. independent of jñ€na, karma or personal trance unwaveringly.
dh€ma and so forth and chanted by the nar€dhama—the lowest of mankind. One endeavour. nirvik€ra—not subject to transform-
bhaktas as part of their practice of s€dhana- who gives up the path of bhakti due to nirddi˜a-viaya—relevant instructions ation.
bhakti. lack of faith. (7.15) guiding the s€dhaka to the uddi˜a-viaya nirviea—devoid of variety, feature-less,
N€m€bhasa—a semblence of the holy naraka—hell. (goal directed by ®r… Guru). (2.45) without distinction.
name. The stage of chanting in which one nar€kara-r™pa—KŠa’s human-like nirdoa—free from fault. nirviea-jñ€na—knowledge of the
is becoming cleared of sins and offenses form. nirguŠa—that which is devoid of material featureless impersonal aspect of the
but has not yet attained pure chanting. narakara-vapu—human form. qualities; transcendental to the modes of Absolute.
namaƒ—lit. na (not) ma (me); i.e., namaƒ nara-l…l€—KŠa’s human-like pas- nature. nirviea-svar™pa—the indistinct,
means to abandon aha‰k€ra, false ego. times. nirguŠa-bhakti—bhakti beyond the effulgent aspect of Bhagav€n.
n€m€par€dha—offensive chanting of ®r… N€r€yaŠa—the four handed expansion influence of the three guŠas. (see keval€ nirvtti-m€rga—the path of renun-
N€ma; chanting of the holy name which of the Supreme Lord KŠa; the opulent bhakti). ciation of sense enjoyment.
is not accompanied by the attempt to give Lord of VaikuŠ˜ha. nirguŠa-brahma—an erroneous con- ni—(prfx.) without.
up sinful and offensive behaviour in na˜avara—a beautiful actor. ception of brahma in which it is supposed nik€ma—without material desire.
one’s life.. navadh€ bhakti—ravaŠam (hearing), that the Supreme Absolute Reality is nik€ma-bh€va—one whose heart has no
n€ma-sa‰k…rtana—the congregational k…rtanam (chanting), smaranam (rem- devoid of all qualities. ®r… KŠa who is expectation of reward.
chanting of r…-hari-n€ma as demon- embering) p€da-sevanam (service to the free from all material qualities, aloof from nik€ma-dharma—performance of
strated by ®r… KŠa Caitanya Mah€- lotus feet), arcanam (worship of r… m™rti), the guŠas and yet the master of the guŠas prescribed duties wherein the fruits are
prabhu and the other members of the vandanam (offering prayers), d€syam is the actual nirguŠa-brahma. offered to ViŠu. (see nik€ma-karma yoga).
Pañca-tattva; the dharma for Kali-yuga. (servitude), sakhyam (friend-ship), €tma- nirguŠa-jñ€na—knowledge trans- nik€ma-jaiva-dharma—the eternal
Whatever benefit was achieved in Satya- nivedanam (offering one’s very self to ®r… cendental to the guŠas (conditioning dharma of the j…va, i.e. to be engaged as
yuga through a˜€‰ga-yoga, by Tret€- yuga KŠa as in the mood of the gop…s). qualities). ®r… KŠa’s eternal servant.
through agni-hotra yajña, in Dv€para- nava-kiora—a young boy. nirguŠ€ raddh€—faith unaffected by the nik€ma-karma—actions performed
yuga through r…-vigraha up€sana nava-yogendras—the nine yog…s in €nta- guŠas. without any desire for the fruits. Two
(worship of the Deity) is in this age rasa. nirguŠa-tattva—scientific knowledge of types of people perform nik€ma-karma;
achievable through r…-n€ma-saˆk…rtana. neti neti—the principle of negation transcendence. one offers everything only for the
The devat€s praise the age of Kali because through mental speculation followed by nirguŠa-vastu—an object beyond the pleasure of ®r… Bhagav€n, and the other
such a sublime process of self-realization M€y€v€d…s. They examine the world to three guŠas. to achieve a state of €tmar€ma or
is presented, awarding the very highest determine what is satyam (the Absolute nirjala—fasting without water. liberation.
benefit to humanity. Truth) and continuously conclude, “It is nirlepta—unaffected by material sense nik€ma-karma-jñ€na-mir€ pradh€ni-
n€mask€ra—to offer respect. not this, and also not this...” Thus they objects. bh™ta-bhakti—when bhakti predominates
n€ma-yajnaiƒ—acts that are yajña in conclude that God is avyakta (un-manifest nirmama—nir (without) mama (mine); yet is mixed with nik€ma-karma and
name only. brahma). devoid of feelings of possessiveness. jñ€na.
28 Glossary Glossary 29

nik€ma-karma-yoga—worship of the ny€ya—the system of logic propounded pañcar€trik… vidhi—the principle of jective of human life. (see puru€rtha)
Supreme Lord performed by working by Gautama Muni. One of the six following the practices of pañcar€tra. param€rtha—the supreme goal.
without attachment to the fruits of one’s principal philosophical systems of pañca-s™n€—the five places in which a param€rtha-bahirmukha—those averse
prescribed duties. Bh€rata-vara (a-darana). householder inevitably kills animals: the to the supreme goal of ®r… KŠa’s lotus
nik€ma-karm…—a person who accepts fire place, the slab for grinding con- feet; atheists, agnostics, skeptics and
regulated life and performs nik€ma- O diments, broom, pestle and mortar and moralists.
karma with the ultimate goal of trans- oˆk€ra—the sound representation of water pot. (3.13) param€rthika-raddh€—transcendental
cendence. para-tattva brahma. (8.11...) P€Šava—a name for Arjuna; a son of faith; faith in param€rthika, that which
nikapa˜a—one who is free from the oˆ tat sat—three words indicating the P€Šu. relates to the supreme spiritual truth or
cheating propensity. Supreme Absolute Reality. (17.23-28) paŠita—learned scholar. ultimate reality; that which relates to a
nikarma—action which has no re-action. p€pa—sin. higher object.
nikarmat€—the state of nikarma. P p€pa-yonayah—those of sinful birth. parama-sarala—one who is most simple;
nikarmya—that which fosters nikarma. pada—a line of Sanskrit verse; abode; a par€ bhakti—bhakti which is under the non-duplicitous.
ni˜h€—fixed adherence, established foot; that which gives evidence in direct shelter of ®r…mat… R€dh€r€Š…. (3.19) parama-satya-svar™pa—the embod-
devotional practice that does not waver establishing the Supreme Lord. parabrahma—The Supreme Absolute iment of the highest truth.
at any time. The fifth stage in the padam avyayam—the indestructible Truth, ®r… KŠa; the supreme brahma. (see param€tm€—the Supersoul situated in
development of the bhakti-l€t€. shelter-giving abode of ®r… Bhagav€n. brahma) the hearts of all living entities as a witness
ni˜h€ par€—the highest stage of being p€da-sevanam—service to the lotus feet para-dharma—the duty prescribed for and source of remembrance, knowledge
firmly established in bhakti. of the Lord and His uddha-bhaktas; one others. and forgetfulness.
nistrai-guŠya—that which is free from of the nine a‰gas (limbs) of bhakti. parama-bh€gavata—most exalted param€tm€ nar€kti—the Lord situated
the three modes of material nature. padma—a lotus. bhakta. in the hearts of all. He sometimes
nitya—eternal, regulated. Padma-Pur€Ša—one of the six s€ttvic- parama-bhakta—most exalted bhakta. manifests as a human being to His
nitya abhiyukta—one who is nitya pur€Šas. paraˆa bh€vam—transcendental nature. unalloyed bhaktas.
(always) yukta (united) with the Supreme pañca-mah€bh™ta—the five great ele- paraˆa dh€ma—the supreme abode. Paramevara—the Supreme controller.
Lord by prema. ments: gross, liquid, fiery, gaseous and (10.12) par€ mukti—supreme liberation.
nitya-acintya-bhed€bheda-r™pa-para- ethereal. (7.3) parama-m€dhurya-bh€va—the ecstatic Parantapa—O chastiser of the enemy,
tattva—the highest scientific knowledge pañcama-puru€rtha—the fifth and mood of supreme sweetness (showed by Arjuna.
which explains the inconceivable oneness highest goal of life, prema. ®r… Caitanya in disributing ®r… N€ma to par€ akti—®r… Bhagav€n’s trans-
and difference of the Lord’s eternal form pañca-r€tra—a group of bhakti-€stras the baddha-j…vas). cendental or superior potency which has
in relation with His energies. (see acintya- which assist the principal a‰gas (limbs) parama-gati—the supreme destination, three divisions: cit, ta˜astha and m€y€.
bhed€bheda-tattva) of bhakti which is bh€gavad-vidhi (the the supreme planet KŠaloka, Goloka (7.14) (see par€ prakti)
nitya-cinmaya-vastu—eternal con- hearing of ®r… N€ma). They cover five Vnd€vana. Paraur€ma—lit. r€ma—one who de-
scious entity. topics: 1) abhigamana (the process of param€nanda—transcendental bliss. lights; parau—in fighting with the axe;
nitya-cit-tattva—eternal spiritual cleansing the mandira etc.), 2) up€d€na param€nanda-maya brahma—brahma son of Jamadagni and Renuk€; the sixth
consciousness. (performing €ratika with flowers, incense who is transcendental bliss personified; of the da€vat€ras (ten avat€ras of Lord
nitya-j…va—the j…va exists eternally. etc.), 3) …jy€ (worship, bathing etc of r…- parabrahma ®r… ®y€masundara, who ViŠu) mentioned in ®r… Da€vat€ra-
nitya-karma—routine obligatory duties. viŠu-m™rti), 4) sv€dhy€ya (performance stands in a tri-bha‰ga-lalitam (graceful Stotram by Jayadeva Gosv€m…; He slew
nitya-mukta—eternally liberated. The of mantra-japa (meditation on ®r… N€ma three-curved pose). all the katriyas of the world to give
j…va, once liberated, can never again be and ®r… G€yatr…) and 5) yoga (recitaton of parama-pada—the supreme abode; oˆ protection to the br€hmaŠas.
bound by m€y€. stotrams (verses and prayers), tad viŠoƒ paramaˆ padaˆ sad€ payanti para-tattva—the science of under-
nitya-r™pa—eternal form. performance of n€ma-k…rtana and study s™rayoƒ; godly persons always behold the standing the highest truth, kŠas tu
nitya–siddha parikara—an eternally of €stras such as Bhagavad-g…t€, ®r…mad- supreme abode of ®r… ViŠu; (¬g-Veda- bhagav€n svayam (S.B 1.3.28).
perfect associate of ®r… KŠa. Bh€gavatam which establish tattva- jñ€na). saˆhit€). parikli˜am—to regret giving in charity.
nitya-r…-vigraha—the form of the Deity The Pañcar€tras are numerous. Some of parama-pavitra—supremely pure; (see parin€ma—transformation. (9.4)
is eternal, although sometimes manifest them are prominent in the ®r… Ÿopaniad 8) parin€ma-v€da—the misleading phil-
and sometimes unmanifest. Gau…yaVaiŠava parampar€: ®r… N€rada- parama-purua—®r… Bhagav€n, the osophy taught by ®r… ®a‰kar€carya which
nitya-yukta—always connected with Pañcar€tra, ®r… Haya…ra-Pañcar€tra and supreme enjoyer. states that the body of ®r… Bhagav€n is
KŠa. ®r… ®€Šilya-Pañcar€tra. parama-puru€rtha—the supreme ob- subject to transformation.
30 Glossary Glossary 31

paro dharma—the highest dharma (see are mixed with karma and jñ€na, bhakti oˆ. (10.25) prayacitta—atonement.
®r…mad-Bh€gavatam 1.2.6). being prominent. pr€Š€yama—lit. €y€ma (expanding) pr€Ša prayojana—a goal or object of attain-
paroka-v€da—remaining hidden, secret praj€pati—a j…va empowered to create (breath). (4.29) ment. In terms of bhakti, this refers to the
or speaking in an indirect way. KŠa says living beings throughout the universe. pr€rabdha-bhoga—enjoyment that is ultimate goal, ®r… KŠa prema, R€dh€
in ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam (11.21.35): paroka- The chief praj€pati is Brahm€. coming as the fruit of previously dasyam.
v€d€ ayaƒ parokaˆ ca mama priyam. “The prak€ik€-vtti—the commentary which performed activities. prema—love for KŠa which is extre-
statements of the is are indirect (paroka) illuminates. pr€rabdha-karma—the results of pre- mely concentrated, which completely
and I also enjoy speaking in this way.” pr€kta-jñ€na—knowledge relating to vious activities which have already melts the heart, and which gives rise to a
(7.1) matter, ajñ€na, avidy€. begun to bear fruit in the form of deep sense of mamat€, or possessive-ness
p€rtha-sakh€—®r… Kna, the friend of prakti—material nature. (4.6) happiness and distress. in relationship to the Lord.
Arjuna. prakti-guŠas—the three binding qual- pras€da—grace, mercy; generally refers prema-bhakti—a stage of bhakti charact-
parada—an associate of Bhagav€n in ities of material nature; sattva (good- to remnants of food offered to the Deity erized by the appearance of prema; the
one of His avat€ras. ness), rajas (passion) and tamas (dark- as His sanctified remnants; may also refer perfectional stage of devotion. (see B.R.S.)
paruyam—harshness; cruelty. ness). to other pras€d… (sanctified or blessed) Prema-dev…—the goddess of love.
pary€pti—the complete reality, Bhag- prakti-tattva—scientific knowledge articles such as incense, flowers, garlands, prema-lakaŠa-bhakti—bhakti charact-
av€n. of prakti (material nature); vidy€ˆ and clothing and especially the pras€da erized by prema.
paryuitam—food cooked the previous c€vidy€ˆ ca yas tad vedobhayaˆ saha of engaging with pure consciousness in prema-may… sev€—service which is
day; stale. avidyay€ mtyuˆ t…rtv€ vidyay€mtam KŠa’s nitya-divya-premamay… sev€ imbued with love.
p€aŠd…—an offensive religious im- anute. One who learns about matter and (eternal divine loving service). prema-puruottama—the Supreme
postor; heretic; atheist; one whose nature transcendence side by side transcends prasann€tm€—a joyful soul; the first Person as He displays and distributes
is like a p€aŠa (stone). death and obtains the blessings of characteristic of one situated in brahma- prema; ®r… Caitanya Mah€prabhu.
pau-bali—a sacrifice of animals. immortality. (®r… Iopaniad 11), (Ch. 13) bh™ta; having transcended the gross and Premeya-Ratn€vali—a book by ®r…la
paya—behold! prajalpa—idle talks not related to KŠa; subtle bodies manipulated by the three Baladeva Vidy€bh™ana, meaning a List
phalgu-vair€gya—renunciation of that one of the ten kinds of citra-jalpa (mad modes of material nature. (18.54) of Proven Tuths. ®r…la Vidy€bh™aŠa here
which is the energy of ®r… Hari and which talks) displayed by ®r… R€dh€ in prat…ka-up€saka—the worship of the establishes some important philo-
could be utilized in His service, as Bhramara-g…ta (Her dialogue with a bee). devas considering them to be supreme. sophical principles of Gau…ya VaiŠava
material; false renunciation. (B.R.S. pram€da—delight, intoxication, mad- (9.15) siddh€nta. 1) r…-kŠa-paratamatva
1.2.126) ness; may refer to a material covering of prati˜h€—support. (KŠa’s positon as superlatively
pi€ca—fiend. perception or to divyonm€da (the divine pratyag-€tm€—the pure soul. supreme), 2) ri-harir akhil€mn€ya-
p…t€mbara—a yellow dho˜…. symptoms of self-realized souls in the pratyaka-anubhava-svar™pa—the vedyatve (the purpose of all the Vedic
p…t€mbara-dh€r…-svar™pa—the original perfectional stages of kŠa-prema-bhakti). living entities eternal relationship of literature is to know ®r… Hari), 3) viva-
form of ®r… KŠa who wears a lightning pr€Ša—life energy; life air; the in-coming service to the Lord, the real form of the satyatva (the truth of the cosmic
yellow dho˜i. breath. There are ten types of pr€Ša. (4.27) soul. Directly experiencing spiritual manifestation), 4) bheda-satyatva (the
pit-gana—the assembly of the fore- praŠ€ma—lit. bowing to the ground; an emotions and true form of the self. differences between the j…vas and Ÿvara
fathers. offering of respect and dedication be- (pratyaka—directly experienced; anu- are factual), 5) bhagavad-d€satva (ser-vice
pitloka—a planet of the forefathers. tween bhaktas; especially one should offer bhava—the actions which display or to ®r…- Bhagav€n is the j…va’s primary
pit-y€na—voyage on the path of the praŠ€ma, before all r…-m™rtis, before ®r… reveal the spiritual emotions situated characteristic), 6) j…va-taratamya (dif-
forefathers. (8.26) Guru, tridaŠ…-sanny€s…s and also before within the heart; sva—own; r™pa—form). ferentiation amongst the j…vas), 7) kŠa-
prabhava—origin, cause of existence. bhaktas whose hearts are free from the pratyaka-avagamam—that which can p€da-padma-labdhv€ mokaƒ (through
prabh€va—opulence, power, might, propensity to critize others. be perceived or realized directly. attaining KŠa’s lotus feet moka is
majesty. pr€Šamaya—one of the five puruas praty€h€ra—withdrawal of the senses available), 8) amala-kŠa-bhajanaƒ mokaƒ
PrabhaviŠu—one who is inbued with (stages of human development); one who from the sense objects; the fifth step in (faultless worship of KŠa is actual
supremacy, dominion and so forth; the perceives life in terms of pre-sevation. a˜€‰ga-yoga. liberation), 9) pram€Ša-traya pratyaka,
Lord as creator of various effects and (13.5) pravtti—a tendency. anum€na abda (there are three kinds of
forms at the time of creation. praŠava—lit. the syllable which gives pravtti-m€rga—the path of following evidence: direct, hypothesis based on
pradh€na—(see m€y€-akti). pr€Ša; derived from the dh€tu (Sanskrit one’s pravtti (tendency) i.e. regulated experience and the Vedas).
pradh€n…-bh™t€ bhakti—the perfor- verbal root) praŠu—to make a rever- sense enjoyment; dovetailing, also pretya—the next world.
mance of activities related to bhakti that berating humming sound; the syllable known as €ropa-siddha-bhakti. pr…ti—affection, love.
32 Glossary Glossary 33

priya-parikara—a very dear eternal absorption in the object of one’s affection. ‘mellow quality’; the spiritual abda—sound, word, noun.
associate of the Lord. The primary characteristic of r€g€ is a transformation of the heart which takes abda-brahma—the imports of Vedic
priyatama—KŠa, the most dear object. deep and overpowering thirst for the place when the perfectional state of love €stra; the sound avat€ra of parabrahma.
pthak—distinct, separate. object of one’s affection. When the loving for KŠa, known as rati, is converted into sac-cid-€nanda—that which is com-
pulaka—a sattvika bh€va in which the thirst to please the object of one’s liquid emotions by combining with prised of sat (eternal existence), cit
bodily hairs stand erect on end due to affection becomes so intense that in the various types of transcendental ec-stasies. (spiritual consciousness) and €nanda
ecstatic emotions. absence of such service one is on the rasamay… bhakti—the loving devotion of (bliss); often refers to the transcendental
Pulinda—country conquered by Bh…ma verge of giving up his life, it is known as the residents of Vraj; essence of hl€din… form of Sri KŠa or the siddha-svar™pa
and Sahadeva; Greece. r€ga. and samvit-aktis. realized j…v€tm€: Sac-cid-€nanda Bhakti-
p™j€—worship. r€ga-m€rga—the path of r€ga, or rasika-bhakta—one who is able to relish vinoda µh€kura.
puŠya-karma—pious activities. spontaneous attachment. bhakti-rasa within his heart. At the stage sac-cid-€nandamaya—consisting of
p™raka—equilibrium of the life airs r€g€nug€—anuga (one following) r€ga (in of bh€va, a bhakta’s heart beomes infused eternality, cognizance and bliss.
during kumbhaka, a step of praŠ€y€ma. the footsteps of the r€g€tmika-bhakta). with uddha-sattva from the heart of one sac-cid-€nanda-para-tattva—the
Pur€Šas—eighteen historical sup- r€g€tmika—one whose very €tm€ of KŠa’s eternal associates in Vraja. This Supreme Absolute Reality who is per-
plements to the Vedas written by ®r…la (nature) is r€ga; the bhakti of KŠa’s uddha-sattva is then known as kŠa-rati, sonified eternality, cognizance and bliss.
KŠa Dvaip€yana Veda-vy€sa; he wrote eternal associates such as the gop…s and the first dawning of prema. When this sad-€c€ra—lit. pure action; the de-
six Pur€Šas for men in sattva-guŠa, six for gopas which is permeated with r€ga. This permanent sentiment of love combines marcation between human and animal
those in rajo-guŠa and six written for specifically refers to the eternal residents with other ecstatic emotions, it generates society. This is a topic of serious study
those in tamo-guŠa. of Vraja, who are attracted to ®r… KŠa the unique experience of bhakti-rasa. One for a s€dhaka. In Hari-bhakti-vil€sa, sad-
p™rŠa-cid-vastu—Bhagav€n, the com- in a mood of intimate love, free from any who is eligible for this taste is known as €c€ra is divided in three sections:
plete conscious entity. conception of His opulence or majesty. a rasika bhakta. nityaktya (daily regulative principles),
p™rŠa-vik€sita—fully blossomed; des- r€g…—one attached to the results of his raso vai saƒ—He,Bhagav€n is certainly paka-ktya (regulative principles related
cribes the consciousness of a mukta-j…va. karma (actions). the embodiment of all rasa. (see akhila- to fortnightly duties) and m€sa-ktya
p™rŠim€—the full-moon. r€j€—king. ras€mta-m™rti). (saƒ—He; vai— certainly; (monthly duties).
Puru—a son of of Mah€r€ja Yay€ti who r€jasic—related to the material mode of (is) rasa—the embodiment of all rasa). sad-guru—a pure guru; a spiritual
accepted his father’s request to ex-change passion. rati—(1) attachment, fondness; (2) a stage preceptor who follows sat (the pure path
his old age for his youth. (see S.B Canto rajo-guŠa—the material quality of in the development of bhakti which is of the s€dhus as described within €stra
9, ch.18) passion. synonymous with bh€va. and as delivered through parampar€).
purua—enjoyer; refers to either j…va or rahasya—confidential topic or secret. ratri-j€garaŠa—remaining awake thr- s€dhaka—one who performs s€dhana,
Ÿvara. r€kasa—a flesh-eating demon, gen- oughout the night. following a spiritual discipline to achieve
puru€rtha—the four goals of human life: erally endowed with mystic powers. recaka—the out-going breath; a stage of a specific goal.
k€ma, artha, dharma and moka. rakoghna-mantra—mantra for slaying pr€n€y€ma. s€dhana—the method one adopts to
purua-avat€ra—the purua-avat€ras are r€kasas; G…t€ 11.36 is famous in mantra- ju—straight. accomplish a specific goal. Without
®r… KŠa’s three expansions that create €stra for this purpose. tvik—a priest who performs a yajña on s€dhana one cannot obtain s€dhya, or the
the cosmic manifestaion for the uplift- Ram€nuj€c€rya—the €c€rya of the ®r…- behalf of another. (3.14) goal of one’s practice. There are many
ment of the rebellious j…vas: K€raŠodakaay…- samprad€ya, the VaiŠava samprad€ya ruci—taste; the fifth stage in the different types of s€dhana corresponding
ViŠu, Garbhodaka€y… ViŠu and begun by ®r…mat… Lakm… Dev…, the development of the creeper of bhakti. Ruci to various goals. Those who desire
K…rodaka€y…-ViŠu. (see S.B. 1.3.1-3 and goddess of fortune; the propounder of develops after acquiring steadiness in material enjoyment adopt the path of
2.6.39-42) viit€dvaita-v€da, (qualified monism) bhajana. At this stage, with the awakening karma as their s€dhana. Those who desire
purua-s™kta—a stotram (hymn) from the wherein it is stated that although all of of actual taste, one’s attraction to spiritual liberation adopt the path of jñ€na as their
¬g-Veda glorifying Param€tm€. the energies of God are one, they each matters, such as hearing, chanting, and s€dhana. Those who aspire for the eternal
Puruottama—the supreme enjoyer. maintain their individuality (vaii˜ya). other such devotional practices, far loving service of ®r… KŠa adopt the path
p™ti—putrid foodstuffs. raŠa—delight, battle (as an object of exceeds one’s attraction to any type of of bhakti as their s€dhana. The s€dhana of
delight). material activity. bhakti refers to spiritual practices such as
R rañj—to color; from which the noun rajo Rudra—one of the eleven expansions of hearing, chanting and so on.
r€ga—a deep attachment which is (passion) is derived. Lord Siva. s€dhana-da€—(practice stage)‚ the
permeated by spontaneous and intense rasa—the exact English equivalent is stage where one practices s€dhana.
untranslatable, but is herein rendered as S s€dhana-siddha—one who attains
34 Glossary Glossary 35

perfection through s€dhana, eg., M€rken- prakti; faith characterized by material aktis (potencies); parasya aktir viv-idhaiva cultivating knowledge of his relationship
deya ¬i. desire. r™yate / svabh€vik… jñ€na- bala-kriy€ ca— with Him.
s€dhu—in a general, sense this refers to sahasra-b€ho—an address to KŠa; O ’The Lord has multifarious aktis and thus sambandhika—relationship; conditional
any good person, a religious person or thousand armed one! (11.46) His deeds are apparently performed behaviour. (9.30)
bhakta; specifically it refers to bhaktas who sainya—soldier; relating to an army. automatically as a natural sequence.’ sambandhika-bh€va—loving relation-
are highly advanced. Such bhaktas are also sak€ma—with desire. (®vet€svatara Upaniad 6.8) ships.
known as mahat (great souls) or bh€gavata sak€ma-bhakti—bhakti performed with akty€vea-avat€ra—an empowered samm™ha—completely bewildered.
(devotees who embody the material desires. As material desires are incarnation; a j…va who, due to sub- samprad€ya—a line of disciplic suc-
characteristics of Bhagav€n). of unlimited varieties, so sak€ma-bhakti mission to Bhagav€n, becomes €vea cession transmitted from guru to disciple,
s€dhu-sa‰ga—the association of saintly has many forms. (empowered) by Him to act powerfully who in his turn becomes €c€rya and
persons; the second stage in the develop- sak€ma-karma—actions performed with on His behalf. continues the process.
ment of the creeper of bhakti and the most a desire to taste the material fruits. s€lokya—the liberation of attaining the s€mprad€yika-dh€r€—the current s€m-
important factor for advancement in sak€ma-karm…—a person who accepts same planet as the Lord. prad€ya flowing from ®r… KŠa through
bhakti. Since the genuine s€dhu is the regulated life, but maintains material ama—control of the mind. the genuine succession of self-realized
external manifestion of Bhagav€n, his desires. sama-dar…—one who possesses equal spiritual masters which floods the baddha-
sa‰ga is tantamount to uniting the baddha sakh€—a male friend, companion or vision. j…vas with the liquid of trans-cendental
j…va with Bhagav€n. The word s€dhu- attendant; name for KŠa’s friends such sama-dar…tva—the quality of being knowledge (see parampar€, €mn€ya).
sa‰ga does not mean merely to be in the as ®r…d€m€ and Madhuma‰gala. In G…t€ equipoised in happiness and misery. samprajñ€ta-sam€dhi—sam€dhi in
proximity of s€dhus, it means to seek them this refers to Arjuna. sam€dhi—concentration of the mind; which one is conscious of the difference
out, to remain with them, to offer them €kha-candra–ny€ya—lit. ny€ya (the meditation or deep trance either on between knowledge, the object of
obeisances, to serve them as far as logic) showing candra (the moon) by first Param€tm€ or kŠa-l…l€. (6.25) knowledge and the knower. (6.25)
possible, to hear spiritual instructions pointing to a €kha (tree branch) where sama-duƒkha-sukha—one who is equal saˆs€ra—the cycle of repeated birth and
from them, to perform spiritual practices the moon is visible. This analogy illu- in happiness and distress; equanimous. death in this material existence.
under their direction, to follow in the strates how a spiritual teacher explains a samaƒ sarveu bh™teu—one who has saˆs€ra-k™pa—the deep dark well of
footsteps of their behaviour and to spiritual principle by first giving his equal vision towards all beings. material life.
conduct one’s life according to their audience some familiar point of ref- sam€sa—when two words are combined saˆs€ra-y€tan€—the torture of birth
instructions. erence. such as, ‘A man is like butter; a in Sanskrit to make up one word it is and death.
s€dhya—the object or goal which is woman, like fire.’ called sam€sa. The resulting combined saˆsk€ra—a sacred or sanctifying
desired by a person and for the attain- sakhe—O friend! word is called samasta-pada or com-pound ceremony; reformation or training of the
ment of which he undergoes a suitable sakh…—®r… R€dh€’s female friend, word. There are six types of sam€sa: mind; impression on the mind of any
process is known as s€dhya. There are companion or attendant; such as Lalit€ dvandva, bahubr…hi, karma-dh€ray€, tat- previous purificatory act in this or in prior
many different types of s€dhyas, or objects and Vi€kh€. purua, dvigu and avyay…- bh€va. ®r… KŠa births.
of attainment, and these are generally sakhya-bh€va—one who has a mood of says (10.33) dvandvaƒ sam€sikasya ca— saˆspara-moka—the (feeling of)
grouped into four categories: dharma friendship with KŠa and who thus among com-pounds I am the liberation derived from the contact of the
(religiosity), artha (economic follows in the footsteps and under the dvandva-s€masa. senses with their sense objects.
development), k€ma (material enjoy- guidance of one of ®r… KŠa’s r€g€tmika samat€—to be equiposed; equanimous; samyag vyav€sita—staunch resolve.
ment) and moka (liberation). The s€khas such as Sud€m€ or Subala, eg., to see with equanimity and understand samvaya—harmony
s€dhya-vastu, or object of attainment for Gopa-kum€ra (see Bhad-bh€gavat- the distress of others as one’s own. saˆvit—the potency which bestows
the bhaktas is KŠa prema. €mtam). sama-veda—one of the four Vedas; it is transcendental knowledge of the Lord
s€dhyadevas—a class of demigod. sakhya-rasa—love or attachment for renowned for sublime hymns of praise (see cit-akti).
sa-guŠa—with material qualities. KŠa expressed in a friendly mood; one to ®r… Bhagav€n. san€tana—eternal.
sa-guŠa-brahma—an erroneous con- of the five primary rasas with KŠa sambandha-jñ€na—knowledge per- san€tana-dharma—the eternal religion
ception of brahma in which it is supposed which manifest when the s€dhaka has taining to the waking one’s siddha-svar™pa concerning the science of the soul.
that the qualities of brahma, such as the attained the stage of bh€va or prema. (eternally perfect relationship) with San€tana Gosv€m…—one of the six
forms of Bhagav€n’s l…l€ avat€ras, are sak…—the witness; Param€tm€. KŠa. Gosv€m…’s of Vnd€vana; elder brother
ultimately material. akti—potency or energy. sambandhaka—one who is establishing of R™pa Gosw€m…. He is the writer of
sa-guŠa-raddh€—faith within the aktim€n—the possessor of akti (ener- His eternal relationship with ®r… Madana- Hari-bhakti-vil€sa and Bhad-bh€gavat-
influence of the binding qualities of gies). ®r… KŠa is the possessor of many mohana, the sambandha-vigraha, and is €mta.
36 Glossary Glossary 37

sanc€r…-bh€va—specific moods of one varŠ€rama system. medicinal There are gods. s€ttvic—related to the material mode of
immersed in ecstatic love for ®r… ®r… four stages of sanny€sa: k™t…caka—one sarva-ga—moving everywhere (the goodness.
R€dh€-KŠa. (BRS) who resides in a k™t…r (hut) and accepts wind). (9.6) satya—truth.
sandhin…—the potency which accom- alms from a family or €rama till his sarva-gata—all-pervading brahma; satya-dharma—the religion of truth; ®r…
modates the spiritual existence of s€dhana reaches maturity; bah™daka—then existing or living everywhere. (2.24) Vinu’s nature of pure truth, (see ®r…
Bhagav€n and His associates, embodied he travels on t…rtha-y€tr€ (pil- sarva-harah—all-devourer (death). Ÿopaniad 15).
by Lord Baladeva. grimage) and bathes in bahu (many) (10.34) satya-k€ma—one who desires truth
sandhy€—prayers recited daily at the udakas (waters) practicing detachment sarva-jña—omniscient. (above all else). Once a young boy named
three junctions of the sun (tri-sandhi) with through dependence on Bhagav€n; sarva-niyant€—the regulator of every- Satyak€ma approached Gautama Muni
the earth: sunrise, high noon and sunset. parivr€jak—then, when divya-jñ€na arises thing. for br€hmaŠa-d…k€ but he could not
sandhya-up€sana—worshipping three in his heart, he preaches his realizations sarva-aktim€n—®r… KŠa, the poss- inform the muni of his father’s varŠa. The
times a day by remembering g€yatr…- to everyone in every village; parama- essor of all potencies. boy asked his mother but she told him
mantras. haˆsa—by full absorption in kŠa-kath€, sarv€raya—the resting place of every- that she did not know. Satyak€ma
sa‰ga—association; may either be su- kŠa-tattva and kŠa-k…rtana, he becomes one. informed the muni of this, and because
sa‰ga (good association) or ku-sa‰ga (bad fully mature and the haˆsa (swan) of his sarva-svar™pa—KŠa, who manifests to of the boy’s rigid adherence to satyam,
association). mind always dives and surfaces in ®r… ®r… the worshipper in whatever form the despite covertly admitting his mother’s
sa‰ga-varjita—free from the attach-ment R€dh€-KŠa’s nava-nava-l…l€. worshipper desires to see Him. identity as a prostitute, the muni accepted
to the results of one’s activities, devoid sanny€s…—a person in the renounced sarv€tm€—He who is everything. him as an actual br€hmaŠa. (see
of the association of non-devotees, free order of life; the highest order in the sarvatra-ga—all pervading. Javalopaniad)
from the influence of externals. varŠ€rama dharma system; one who sarva-vit—the knower of everything. satya-sa‰kalpa—a name of Bhagav€n
sa‰grahaƒ—the basis of action. (18.18) renounces the fruits of activity. sarva-vy€paka—all pervading. meaning that His sa‰kalpa (deter-
sa-ni˜hita—fixed. €nta-rasa—the mellow of peacefulness; sarvevara—the omnipotent Lord. mination) becomes satya (fact); He desires
sa‰kalpa—the mind’s function of appreciating the greatness of the Lord; €stra—Vedic scripture; derived from the and the creation takes place; a
sa‰kalpa (acceptance and determination) similar to that of a Param€tma realized Sanskrit verbal root €s (to govern, characteristic of a self-realized person
after vikalpa (doubt and introspection). yog…; one of the primary rasas. command). Thus, €stric injunctions are whose desires attain fruition.
a‰kha—a conch shell. €nta-rati—neutral and peaceful at- authoritative and should be accepted as satyav€d…—one who speaks the truth.
s€‰khya—(1) analytical discrimination tachment. Absolute Truth. aucam—cleanliness, both internal and
between spirit and matter; (2) the path €nti—peace. astra—weaponry. external.
of bhakti by analysing the 24 universal araŠ€gati—surrender; approaching for €stra-jña—one who is fully conversant ®aunaka—the head of the great sages at
elements. Understanding Paramevara to refuge or protection; the six symptoms of with €stra. Naimis€raŠya who were present when
be the controller of these elements, one araŠa (surrender) are: 1) acceptance of €vataˆ puruam €huƒ—’They declare ®r…la S™ta Gosv€m… spoke ®r…mad-
engages in His sev€. all that fosters growth of r…-bhakti-l€t€, Him to be the eternal supreme person.’ Bh€gavatam to Parikit Mah€r€ja.
s€‰khya-yoga—yoga which gives ana- 2) avoidance of anything that hinders sat—eternal, pure, godly; is used to saundarya-m€dhurya—beauty and
lytical knowledge about €tm€-tattva and that growth, 3) keeping firm faith that ®r… describe brahma. Vrajendra-nandana ®r… sweetness.
an€tm€-tattva (scientific knowledge of the ®r… R€dh€-KŠa will always extend the KŠa is the complete sat entity; also sautr€maŠi—a yajña to Indra in which
soul, the Supersoul and inert objects). protective umbrella of Their lotus feet refers to His dh€mas, avat€ras,His bhaktas, lower class people who are addicted to
sa‰k…rtana-yajña—congregational over Their devoted servants, 4) bona-fide guru etc. (17.26) alcoholic beverages offer them to him.
chanting of the Lord’s holy names; the acceptance of Their Lord-ships as one’s a˜aka—a group of six. This yajña is performed once in a month;
yuga-dharma especially suited for the age exclusive guardians, 5) submissive satata-yukta—those who are always mentioned in ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam
of Kali. offering of one’s full self at Their lotus devoted. (10.23.7).
sankucita—hesitating; contracted; the feet and 6) always feeling one’s self lowly satk€ra—worship, honour, flattery. saviea—with features and unique
state of a baddha-j…va. and humble. sattamaƒ—the best of godly men. qualities.
sa‰kucita-cetana—shrunken cons- sarga—creation. sattva-guŠa—the binding quality of saviea-jñ€na—knowledge of the
ciousness; without any sign of spiritual ar‰ga—the name of Bhagav€n ®r… mode of goodness. personal features and qualities of the
consciousness. ViŠu’s bow. sattva-saˆuddhi—full purification of Supreme Absolute Truth.
sanny€sa—1) completely giving up the sarva-antary€m…—the in-dwelling existence. saviea-svar™pa—the personal form of
results of one’s activities. (18.1-12) 2) the witness in all; Paramatma. sattva-uddhi—the purification of the the Lord who possesses distinctive
fourth €rama or stage of life in the sarva-deva-p™j€—the worship of all the j…v€tma’s existence. characteristics.
38 Glossary Glossary 39

sa-vic€ra—an type of samprajñ€ta- was finally blessed by Dv€rak€dh…a-KŠa flour and allowed to ferment. This drink in the second loka of this work. In this
samm€dhi. (6.25) with His Sudarana-cakra. is said to be highly exhilarating and to Pur€Ša all kaitava-dharma (cheating
sa-vitarka—argument; an type of iya—disciple; derived from the dh€tu increase the duration of life. religion) is totally rejected and only
samprajñ€ta samm€dhi. (6.25) (verbal root) €s (to command) indicating sop€dhika-sneha—affection on the ahaituk…-bhakti (unmotivated devotion) is
savyas€cin—a name of Arjuna that that a iya must accept r…-guru’s €sana bodily platform. encouraged (see Ved€nta).
means expert at shooting arrows. (order) as his very life. sph€—a thirst for sense enjoyment. ®r…-Bhakti-ras€mta-sindhu—a book
s€yujya-mukti—liberation desired by the ®iva—auspicious; the destroyer of the raddh€—faith in the statements of €stra written by R™pa Gosv€m… explaining the
impersonalist followers of ®a‰kar-€c€rya; material creation and presiding deity of which is awakened when one has science of bhakti-yoga.
also the destination given to ®r… tama-guŠa. accumulated pious devotional activities ®r… Caitanya-®ik€mta—a philoso-
Bhagav€n’s enemies such as ®iup€la. Skanda-Pur€Ša—a Pur€Ša written for over many births or by the association phical book written in Bengali by ®r…la
Because in that state there is no facility those in rajo-guŠa. and mercy a uddha-vaiŠava; the first Bhaktivinoda µh€kura. It presents an
to render sev€ to KŠa, it is never loka—In Sanskrit composition, padya or manifestation of the bhakti-l€t€-b…ja; the elaborate description of the progressive
accepted by VaiŠavas even if offered by poetry is expressed in the form of lokas seed of the creeper of bhakti. The inner steps a s€dhaka must undergo, from the
the Lord, Himself. or verses and stanzas; a padya is regulated essence of that b…ja is the conception lowest step of attachments within
sev€—service, attendance on. by a number of syllables (akara) or by implanted within the disciple’s heart to mundane society, to the highest step of
sevaka—servant. the number of instants (m€tr€). In ®r…mad serve ®r… R€dh€-KŠa in a particular kŠa-prema.
sev€par€dha—an offence in sev€. There Bhagavad-g…t€, an anu˜ubha (eight capacity. r…-m™rti—the worshipable Deity; may
are 64 sev€par€dhas. syllables) is called a loka. r€ddha—a ceremony in honour and for be made of 8 materials: paint, metal,
sevya-tattva—categorical knowledge smaraŠam—remembrance of the names, the benefit of deceased relatives. The jewels, wood, earth, sand, stone or mind
about the worthy object of sev€. forms, qualities and pastimes of ®r… forefathers are offered piŠa, an oblitory (implanted on the lotus of one’s heart);
siddha—one who has attained per- KŠa; the third step of navadh€ (ninefold of rice and meal, which endows them one of the five most potent practices of
fection and thus has all siddhis. bhakti). with a body suitable to attain pit-loka, bhakti (panc€‰ga)— s€dhu-sa‰ga, n€ma-
siddh€nta—conclusive truth; demon- sm€rta—those who follow the non- the planet of the forefathers. There they k…rtana, bh€gavata-ravaŠa mathur€-v€sa
strated philosophical precept; auth- spiritual smtis, a br€hmaŠa follower of enjoy a high standard of material enjoy- r…-m™rtir raddhay€ sevana. (see C.C.
oritative principle of €stra. ®a‰kara; one who ridgidly adheres to the ment. Madhya 22.128)
siddha-svar™pa—the personal form, of smtis, being overly attached to external rauta-parampar€—the path of re- ®r…-S€r€rtha-variŠ…—the commentary
the soul in the perfectional stage of kŠa- rituals without comprehending the ceiving divine knowledge (divya-jñ€na) on Bhagavad-g…t€ composed by ®r…la
sev€. underlying essence or conclusion of through the parampar€ of self-realized Vivan€tha Cakravart… Th€kur; s€ra—
siddhi—perfection; there are eight siddhis €stra. gurus by ruti (hearing). essence; artha—meaning; variŠ…—
achieved by a˜€‰ga-yog…s. smti—(1) that which is remembered; (2) ravaŠam—hearing. It is the first of the shower.
ik€—instruction. tradition as distinguished from uti. The processes of nava-vidh€ bhakti. The entire ®r…d€m€—one of ®r… KŠa’s prominent
ik€-guru—the person from whom one body of sacred literature which Vedic philosophy and culture has been sakh€s; the brother of ®r…mat… R€dh€r€Š….
receives instructions about how to remembers ®r… Bhagav€n (in contra- passed down by the process of hearing ®r…la ®r…dhara Sv€m…p€da—a VaiŠava
progess on the path of bhajana, is known distinction to ruti, which is directly heard so the ability to hear attentively from saint who is said to have been formerly a
as the ika or instucting spiritual master; by or revealed to the is). These include transcendental sources is of prime follower of ®€‰kar€c€rya. He took to
one may accept any number of ik€- the six Ved€‰gas, the dharma-€stras such importance. heart the last instructions given by his
gurus; ®r… Govindadeva acts as the as Manu-saˆhita, the Pur€Šas, and the re˜hatara—more perfect. guru: “Bhaja govinda (just worship
original ik€-guru as He instructs Arjuna Itih€sas (histories). r…—beauty; Lakm…, ®r…mat… R€dh€r€Š…. Govinda).” ®r… Caitanya Mah€prabhu
and through him, all living entiities. Since snigdha—affectionate; foods that are ®r… Guru—a pure, bona-fide spiritual accepted ®r…dhara Sv€m…’s ˜…k€ (com-
ik€ and d…k€-gurus are equal and fattening; milk, cream etc. master who has established his relation- mentary) on ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam as
identical manifestations of KŠa, sneha—affection. ship with ®r… KŠa. authorative.
acceptance of ik€-guru must be soma-rasa—the nectar drunk by the ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam—the crest jewel of r…mat—opulences, riches or fortune.
accompanied by the same serious devas which grants them relative Vedic literatures. The nectarean ripened ruti—(1) that which is heard, (2)
commitment as acceptance of d…k€-guru. immortality. fruit of the tree of Vedic knowledge. ®r… revelation, as distinguished from smti,
®iup€la—an incarnation of a gate- soma-yajña—a sacrifice mentioned in Caitanya proclaims it to be the amala- tradition; infallible knowledge received
keeper of VaikuŠ˜ha who appeared in the Vedas wherein the soma plant was pur€Šam (spotless Pur€Ša) for therein, no by Brahm€ or by the great sages in the
KŠa-l…l€ to nourish Bhgav€n’s past-imes pressed between stones, sprinkled with fruitive motivation is offered for the beginning of creation and which de-
by serving Him as His enemy, and who water, strained, mixed with ghee and performance of pious deeds, as affirmed scends in disciplic succession from them;
40 Glossary Glossary 41

the body of literature which was directly social body. ™nyav€d…—a voidist; follower of the samvit, and hl€din….
manifest from the Supreme Lord. This su-dur€c€ra—one who commits the most teachings of Buddha. svar™pa-tattva—truth about the Lord’s
applies to the original four Vedas (also abominable actions. S™ta Gosv€m…—spoke the ®r…mad original form.
known as the nigama) and the Upaniads. su-durdaram—very rare sight; difficult Bh€gavatam as he heard it from ®uka-deva svar™pa-vigraha—the vigraha (Deity
stabdha—proud. to gain vision of; rare to see. Gosv€m…, to the sages at Naimis- €raŠya. form) who is the svar™pa (original form
sthay…-bh€va—one of the five essential sukha—happiness. S™rya—the sun god. of ®r… KŠa) descending as an avat€ra,
ingredients of bhakti-rasa; the permanent sukha-s€dhya—having the s€dhya susthita-prajñ€—one who is perfectly although appearing as a temporary
sentiment of love for Bhagav€n in one of (objective) which awards the highest equipoised in sam€dhi. (2.57) manifestation.
the five primary relationships of happiness. s™tras—concise aphorisms which contain Svayaˆ Bhagav€n ®r… KŠa—®r… KŠa,
tranquility, servitude, friendship, ukla-gati—the bright path within the compressed knowledge for easy learning the original Personality of Godhead from
parental affection or conjugal love. celestial firmament which leads to moka. and remembrance. whom all avat€ras emanate.
sthita-prajñ€—a sage whose intelligence (8.26) sva-aˆa-param€tma—the Supersoul, a svayaˆvara—a contest to win the hand
is fixed in self-realization. (2.54...) ukla-paka—the bright fortnight; the plenary portion of Svayaˆ Bhagav€n. of a princess in marriage wherein the
stuti—praise or prayers in glorification bright path which leads to moka. (8.26) (8.4) princess herself (svayam) chooses (vara).
of the Lord. ®ukr€c€rya—the guru of the asuras; the sva-bh€va—nature, disposition. ®y€masundara Mural…dh€r…—the sup-
Subala—one of ®r… KŠacandra’s cow- greatest poet. (10.37) svabh€vaƒ—j…vas in their constitutional remely beautiful form of ®r… KŠa whose
herding friends. sukti—piety, virtue; pious activity. Sukti state; also means those who create complexion is like a fresh, dark rain cloud
Sud€ma-Vipra—a br€hmaŠa friend of ®r… is of two types: nitya, eternal, and material bodies because they identify and who plays sweetly on His flute
KŠa. naimittika, temporary. The sukti by which their €tm€ with the body. (8.3) (Murali).
sudarana-cakra—the invincible disc one obtains s€dhu-sa‰ga and bhakti is sva-bh€va-v€d…—one who declares that
weapon of the Lord. nitya-sukti. It is eternal because it yields nature is supreme; a member of a T
uddha-bhakta—a purified and per- eternal fruit. Bhakta-sa‰ga, or the Buddhist sect. tad-a‰ga—the limbs or various aspects
fected bhakta, free from any internal association of bhaktas, and bhakti-kriy€- sva-bh€vik…—naturally, inherent. of tat (that, the Absolute Truth).
defect. sa‰ga, or contact with acts of bhakti, are sva-dharma—one’s prescribed duty; tad-vastu—the Absolute Reality.
uddha-bhakti—The cultivation of nitya-sukti. These activities are said to be occupation according to one’s svabh€va. tadek€tma-r™pa—®… KŠa’s expansion
activities which are meant exclusively for nitya-sukti and not bhakti proper when svaˆa—®r… Bhagav€n’s plenary por- forms which are almost identical with
the pleasure of ®r… KŠa, or in other they are performed accidentally or tions. Svayaˆ Bhagav€n.
words, the uninterrupted flow of service without pure raddh€. When this type of sv€ˆa-r™pa—the form of His plenary tad…ya-vastu—objects belonging or
to ®r… KŠa, performed through the sukti acquires strength after many expansions. related to ®r… Bhagav€n, such as Tulas…,
expression of various spiritual senti- lifetimes, raddh€ develops toward s€dhu- sv€ˆsa-tattva—categorical knowledge Yamun€, the dh€ma or the bhagavad-
ments (bh€vas), which is not covered by sa‰ga and anany€ bhakti. The sukti by of ®r… Bhagav€n’s plenary expansions. bhakta.
jñ€na (knowledge aimed at impersonal which one obtains material enjoy-ment Svarga-loka—the heavenly planets tamasaƒ param—beyond darkness.
liberation) and karma (reward-seeking and impersonal liberation is naimittika- within this material universe. t€masic—related to the material mode of
activity), and which is devoid of all sukti. It is temporary because it produces svar™pa—constitutional nature; the ignorance.
desires other than the aspiration to bring temporary results. Karma, yoga, and jñ€na eternal constitutional nature and identity tamasi raddh€—faith in ghosts and
happiness to ®r… KŠa, is called uttam€- are all naimittika-sukti. Naimittika-sukti of the self which is realized in the stage spirits.
bhakti, pure devotional service. (BRS does not have the power to awaken faith of bh€va. tamo-guŠa—the material mode of
1.1.11.) in transcendental objects, such as the svar™pa-gata—constitutional behav- ignorance or darkness.
uddha-bhakti-tattva—categorical Lord’s holy name, mah€pras€da, bhakti, iour; bhajana which is fully conscious Tantra-bh€gavata—a €stra quoted by
knowledge of pure devotional service. and the vaiŠavas. activity performed for KŠa by the j…va ®r…la M€dhv€c€rya stating that all ninety
uddha-rasa—pure nectar. s™kma-ar…ra—the subtle body of mind, in his pure state; also called amir€ bhakti million devas and seventy million is are
uddha-sattva—pure, transcendental intelligence and ego. or keval€bhakti. (9.30) n€r€yaŠa-y€na, meaning that they are all
goodness. (see viuddha-sattva) Sumeru—a golden mountain on which svar™pa-lakaŠa—the intrinsic charac- devotees of N€r€yaŠa, but among them,
uddha-svar™pa—the j…va, situated in his the Ga‰g€’s waters fall and are thereby teristic of the j…va. only a few are n€r€yaŠa-par€yaŠa, fully
original, pure nature. distributed to the various varas of Bh™- svar™pa-akti—the internal potency of dedicated to Him.
™dra—a member of the caste of lab- maŠala. It is circled by the sun-god on the Lord which is superior to His tapa—austerity.
ourers; considered the legs of the vir€˜-r™pa, his chariot. (S.B 5th Canto ch 16) marginal and external potencies. The tapasy€—performance of austerities.
universal form, as well as the legs of the ™nya—void. svar™pa akti has three divisions: sandhin…, tapo-yajña—the sacrifice of performing
42 Glossary Glossary 43

austerities. in the holy rivers. such as KŠa’s anklebells, peacock vaibhava—majesty, power.
tapo-yog…—a yog… who practices au- trai-guŠya—a name for the knowledge feather or His garland. vaibhava-prak€a—expanded forms
sterity for purification from the pro- related to the three Vedas which indicate uddi˜a-viaya—the subject to be which reveal the power of the Lord, such
pensity for sense-gratification. the pursuit of karma and jñ€na, features illustrated; the highest obejective of any as the expansions of ®r… KŠa to
tat—refers to brahma; is the cause of the of the three binding qualities of prakti €stra. (2.45) accomodate the 16,108 r€Š…s (queens) of
universe; removes atat. (17.25) (material nature). unnata-ujjvala-rasa—the most elevated Dv€rak€.
t€ta—son; an affectionate name for a tret€-yuga—lit. the third; by astrological relationship of divine conjugal love vaibhava-vil€sa—expanded pastime
dear disciple. (6.40) reasons in this cycle of yugas; the second relished by ®r… Caitanya Mah€prabhu; the forms of opulence which have similar
ta˜astha-lakaŠa—marginal charac- of the the four yugas: Satya, Tret€, peak of divine ecstasy as tasted by ®r… ®r… attributes to the original but are
teristics. Dv€par€ and Kali. R€dh€-KŠa in Their most confidential individually unique eg., the twenty-four
ta˜astha-akti—lit. the akti (energy) stha tridaŠ…-sanny€sa—the Gau…ya VaiŠava pastimes. expansions of N€r€yaŠa and the different
(situated) ta˜a (marginally); the marginal sanny€s… carries a tri-daŠa to chasten and upa—very close. arrangements of the a‰kha, cakra, gad€
energy of the Lord in which the j…vas are purify his body, mind and words so that upam€—analogy. and padma in each expansion. ®r…
situated. Although the j…vas are part and they will engage wholeheartedly in the Upaniads—108 principal philoso-phical R€dhik€’s expansions of the god-desses
parcel of the internal energy of the Lord, service of Mukunda. The tridaŠa is to treatises that appear within the Vedas. of fortune.
they are subject to the external energy of remind himself and others that sense up€saka—a worshipper. vair€gya—detachment or indifference to
Bhagav€n, being covered by m€y€, and pleasure is illusory and that the goal of up€san€—worship. this world; spiritual discipline involving
are thus known as ta˜a-sth€, or marginal. life is to remember KŠa. up€sana—spiritual practices, especially the acceptance of voluntary austerities to
tat-pad€rtha—the j…va. tri-vidha—three kinds. worship of the Deity. Up€sana literally achieve detachment from the objects of
tattva—the word tattva is made up of tŠ€—desire. means to sit near. Thus, up€sana refers to the senses.
two parts: tat meaning that, and tva tu˜i—satisfaction. all those activities by which one vaii˜ya—speciality, a uniquely dis-
meaning quality or category. Thus tat will ty€ga—reunciation of possessiveness. approaches the Lord in order to offer tinguishing characteristic.
refer to a specific branch of the VaiŠava (18.1-12) worship. vaiŠava-apar€dha—an offence against
siddh€nta and tva to the various aspects ty€g…—a renunciate; one who gives up up€sya—the person worthy of worship. a person who has dedicated his life to the
to be appreciated about that particular the life of material sense gratification. up€sya-tattva—categorical knowledge service of ®r… ViŠu or ®r… KŠa; the
topic. Thus, when tat refers to guru, tva tvaˆ-pad€rtha—the Absolute Truth. pertaining to the highest object of greatest offence. It is named h€t…-mata (the
will refer to the €stric process for tvam-pad€rtha-jñ€na—knowledge of worship. mad-elephant offense); just as a mad
approaching guru, the qualification and the Absolute Truth. Urjevar…—®r…mat… R€dh€r€Š…, the elephant can easily uproot and destroy a
non-qualification of guru etc. tvaˆ purusottama—O best of persons! controller of the month of Karttika which plant, so an offence to VaiŠava will
tattva-dar…—one who has realized the tvi€—luster, complexion. bestows all energy to the bhaktas. destroy the delicate bhakti-l€t€. One must
Absolute Reality. ™rj…—a person endowed with great therefore carefully avoid such apar€dhas
tattva-jñ€na—conclusive knowledge of U power and influence. by behaving with all VaiŠavas according
the truth. ucchi˜am—food remnants; one of three Urukrama—®r… KŠa whose activities to the principle given by ®r… Caitanya
tattva-jñ€n€rtha-daranam—to under- most potent items for awakening love of are wonderful; especially refers to Mah€prabhu, Himself: tŠ€d api etc.
stand the value of studying the various KŠa; bhakta-pada-dh™li €r bhakta-pada- V€mana-deva as He took three steps of (®ik€taka 3)
tattvas of VaiŠava-siddh€nta. jala / bhakta-bhukta-avaea tin maha-bala land by the gift of Bal… Mah€r€ja. vaiŠava-d…k€—receiving initiation
tattva-vid vaiŠavas—those devotees of the dust of a bhakta’s feet, the water that uma-pa—they who drink hot items, the from a bona-fide guru.
the Lord who are fully conversant with has washed his feet and his food- pits (forefathers). vaiv€nara—the digestive fire in the
tattva-jñ€na. remnants are the three most potent uttama-bh€gavata—the highest level of stomach of all living beings. (15.14)
tattva-vit—one conversant with tattva- substances for attaining ecstatic love for bhakta; one who always sees bhagavad- vaiya—a member of the caste of cow
jñ€na (categorical knowledge of the KŠa. (C.C. Antya 16.60) bh€va (ecstatic love for Bhagav€n) within protectors, agriculturists or business-
various truths embracing Gau…ya udaya-giri—the mountain in the east all beings and sees all beings situated men.
VaiŠavism, m€y€-tattva, where the sun rises. within Bhagav€n. (C.C. M€dhya 22.72) vaivasvata-manvantara—the period of
…vara-tattva and so forth. Uddhava—an advisor, minister (mantr…), uttama-jñ€na—topmost transcendental time in which the universe is governed
˜…k€—commentary. and close friend of Sri KŠa in Dv€rak€; knowledge; knowledge concerning the by Vaivasvata-Manu, the present Manu.
t…rtha—a holy place, specifically a holy a disciple of Bhaspati; a jñ€na-mira- platform of the uttama-bh€gavata. v€k—speech.
place where t…rtha-y€tr…s (pilgrims) bathe bhakta. vana-m€l€—a forest flower garland.
udd…pana—a stimulant to kŠa-prema, V vanam€l…—®r… KŠa who wears gar-
44 Glossary Glossary 45

lands of forest flowers. Upaniads in concise statements. vijñ€namaya—one of the five puruas the unlimited expansions of ViŠu.
v€nt€…—v€nta (vomit) €… (eater); one Therefore the word Ved€nta especially (stages of a person’s development), ViŠu-Yamala—a Vainava €stra.
who, after rejecting material enjoyment refers to the Ved€nta-s™tra (see uttara- wherein one perceives everything in vi-oka—without grief.
and taking sanny€sa, again returns to m…m€ˆs€); ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam is con- terms of realizing the tattvas of the €stra. viuddh€tm€—pure intelligence; a type
worldly sense enjoyment is known as a sidered to be the natural commentary on (13.5) of yoga yukta jñ€n….
v€nt€…, an eater of his own vomit. Ved€nta-s™tra by the same author, vikalpa—the mind’s function of doubt- viuddha-bhagavad-bhakti—supre-mely
V€r€ha-Pur€Ša—one of the six s€ttvic Vy€sadeva. Therefore, in the opinion of ing and introspection; a necessary pure devotional service to Bhag- av€n,
Pur€Šas. the VaiŠavas, ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam is the function of spiritual realization before (see keval€ bhakti).
varŠa-sa‰kara—lit. a mixture of the ultimate conclusion of Vedic literature. sa‰kalpa (determination and realization). viuddha-bhakti—devotion fully free
varŠas; unwanted population. Vedant€-s™tra—(see Ved€nta). vikarma—activity disobedient to Vedic from selfish desire.
varŠ€rama-dharma—varŠa means Vedic—of the Vedas. injunctions; sinful activitiy. (2.47) viuddha-jñ€na—pure knowledge.
social order and €rama means a place of veŠu-kara—with a flute in His hands. vik€sita—bloomed; a description of the viuddha-sattva—the state of un-alloyed
€raya (spiritual shelter); a shelter for vibhinn€ˆa—the separated parts of heart of a mukta-j…va. goodness which is beyond the influence
mankind ensuring both material and Bhagav€n. vimtyu—not liable to death, immortal; of material nature. ®r…la ®r…dhara Sw€m…
spiritual advancement; the Vedic system vibhu—Bhagav€n, who is all-pervading a characteristic of a realized person; no gives the following definition: “The self-
for the organization of civilized society and boundless. possibility exists of becoming degraded. revealing agency of the cit-akti through
which divides society into four varŠas or vibh™ti—Bhagav€n’s divine opulences. vimukta—a distinguished person even which the Lord and His paraphernalia
orders of br€hmaŠa, katriya, vaiya, ™dra, vibh™ti-svar™pa—the form of opulence; amongst liberated souls. are revealed to the devotee. Because it has
and four €ramas (stages of life), the devat€s are Bhagavan’s forms of vipra—stirred within; inspired; a no contact with the external (material)
brahm€c€rya, ghastha, v€na-prastha and opulence. br€hmaŠa learned in €stras dealing with energy it is known as viuddha-sattva.
sanny€sa. (18.41) vibh™timat—that which has majestic transcendence. viuddha-svar™pa—the pure constitut-
VaruŠa—god of the waters. qualities. v…ra-rasa—the mellow of chivalry; one ional position of the j…va. When thus
vasanta—spring; also known as tu-r€ja, vibh™ti-tattva—categorical knowledge of the twelve gauŠa-rasas (secondary situated, the j…va can render service to
or the king of seasons. concerning the variegated opulence of ®r… mellows). Bhagav€n.
V€sudeva—KŠa‚ the son of Vasudeva. KŠa. vir€˜-purua—the universal form or viuddha-tattva—categorical know-
Vasus—eight devat€s with shining vibh™ti-yoga—yoga through com- complete Cosmic Being who has auth- ledge which is untouched by the
qualities such as p€vaka (the firegod). prehending ®r… KŠa’s divine glories. ority over all of the devat€s (see adhidaiva). influence of mental speculation; re-vealed
v€tsalya-bh€va—the mood of parental vidvat prat…ti—perception based on Virocana—an asura, son of Prahl€da knowledge.
affection felt by ®r… KŠa’s father and transcendental knowledge. By this, Mah€r€ja and father of Bali Mah€r€ja. viuddha-viea—especially pure.
mother, Nanda Mah€r€ja and Yaod€ KŠa’s bhaktas, who are endowed with v…rya—heroism. viuddha-viea-dh€ma—the abode of
M€iy€, as well as those who follow in conscious vision (cit caku) realize His visarga—the secondary creation per- utter purity.
their footsteps. human form to be directly the abode of formed by Brahm€j…; the second of the ten vivar™pa—the universal form. (Ch. 11)
Veda—the four primary books of sac-cid-€nanda. (11.52) topics of ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam; activities of vivedeva—a class of devat€ worshipped
knowledge presented by ®r…la Vy€sa- vidy€—knowledge the conditioned soul and his daily by Vedic householders to become
deva; Rg, S€ma, Atharva and Yajur. vidy€-vrtti—the function of real know- perpetuation of the conditioned state. free from sins incurred by pañca-s™na, the
ved€‰ga—six auxiliary portions of the ledge. viaya-€lambana—subservience to ®r… inadvertant harming of living beings. (see
Vedas; 1) ®ik€—proper pronunciation vigraha—the Deity form of the Lord. KŠacandra as the object of rasa. 3.13)
and articulation of Vedic Sanskrit, 2) vi-jar€—without age, ageless; a charac- viaya-pravaŠ€ buddhi—intelligence vivar™pa—the universal form.
chandas—rhythmic metres for chanting teristic of a realized person; freedom from which tends towards the objects of sense vivar™pa-up€saka—a worshipper of the
lokas, 3) vy€karaŠa—grammar, 4) old age, eternally youthful. gratication. (2.69) universal form.
nirukta—an explanation of difficult Vedic vijighaˆsu—freedom from the desire to viea—unique, special. vivar™pa-up€sana—worship of the
words, 5) jyotia—astrology, 6) kalpa—the enjoy sense objects; a characteristic of a vismaya—wonder. universal form. (9.15)
ceremonial process of Vedic ceremonies realized person. vismaya-rasa—the mellow of astonish- vivato mukham—whose faces are on all
for yajña. vijit€tm€—pure mind; a type of yoga ment. sides; four-headed Brahm€.
Ved€nta—conclusion of Vedic know- yukta jñ€n…. (5.7) ViŠu—vi (pervading) nu (person); one Vivevara—Lord of the universe.
ledge; The Upaniads are the latter portion vijñ€na—realization of divine know- who is all-pervasive; the Supreme Lord vitaŠa—fallacious argument.
of the Vedas, and the Ved€nta-s™tra ledge; realization of ®r… KŠa’s m€dhurya of the cosmos. vivartta—to mistake one object for
summarizes the philosophy of the (sweetness). ViŠu-tattva—categorical knowledge of another; illusion. (9.4)
46 Glossary Glossary 47

viveka—wisdom, discrimination. preach the message of KŠa to the master of mystic power.
vraja—lit. You should go (to My conditioned souls. yog…—one whose heart remains con-
exclusive shelter) In other words, “You yatnav€n—an endeavouring person; one nected with ®r… Bhagav€n; one who
should go to the land of Vraja, where ®r… who takes a staunch vow. endeavours for spiritual perfection.
®r… R€dh€-M€dhava engage in Their a˜a- yauktika-prat…ti—perception based on yojana—a measurement equal to eight
k€l…ya-nitya-l…l€ (daily eight-fold eternal reasoning; one of the three types of miles.
pastimes). (18.66) perceptions related to KŠa’s eternally yuga—The four yugas or Ages: Satya,
Vrajendra-nandana—®r… KŠa, the son blissful form by devas and persons who Tret€, Dv€para and Kali.
of the king of Vraja. are proud of their jñ€na. (11.52) yuga-avat€ra—the avat€ras who teach
vrata—A vow undertaken for self- yavana—Turks. the yuga-dharma in the four ages; in Satya-
purification and spiritual benefit. yay€tm€ supras…idati—(yay€—by which; yuga the avat€ra was ®ukla. He taught
VŠis—a king of the Yadu dynasty. €tm€—the self; supras…dati—becomes a˜€‰ga-yoga. In Tret€ the avat€ra was
vyakti—a person. completely satisfied. (S.B. 1.2.6) The Yajña-m™rti. He taught agnihotra-yajña
Vy€sa—the literary avat€ra; the compiler supreme occupation (dharma) for all (fire sacrifice). In Dv€para-yuga the
of Vedas, Pur€Šas, Upaniads, Brahma-s™tra humanity is that by which men can attain avat€ra was Pthu Mah€r€ja. He taught
and ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam. to loving devotional service unto the ®r…-m™rti-sev€ (Deity worship) and in
vyavas€y€tmika buddhi—determined, transcendent Lord. Such devotional Kali-yuga, the present age, the avat€ra
one-pointed intelligence. service must be unmotivated and was the most glorious and magnanimous
uninterrupted to completely satisfy the ®r… KŠa Caitanya Mah€prabhu who
Y self. inaugerated the hari-n€ma-sa‰k…rtana-
Y€dava—KŠa, the best of the Yadu yoga—spiritual discipline to link one yajña.
dynasty. with the Supreme; to stabilize the mind yukta-tamaƒ—the best of yog…s.
yajam€na—he on whose behalf a yajña so that it is not disturbed by sense objects. yukta-vair€gya—appropriate renun-
is performed. yoga-aivarya—mystic opulence; to ciation, where all things are properly
yajña—1) a sacrifice in which a deity is make the impossible possible. utilized in ®r… KŠa’s service.
propitiated by the chanting of prayers yoga-bala—the strength achieved by
and mantras and the offering of ghee into yoga practice.
the sacred fire. 2) any kind of intense yogam€y€—the internal spiritual my-stic
endeavour which is directed at achieving potency of the Lord which engages in
a particular goal. arranging and enhancing the Lord’s
yajña-sthal…—the place where yajña is pastimes. (3.25)
offered. yoga-mir€ bhakti—bhakti mixed with
yaka—ghost or spirit. yoga, but where bhakti predominates.
Yama—Yamar€ja. yog€r™ha—adept in yoga. (6.3...)
Yamar€ja—the demigod who chastises yoga-arurku—one who desires to
sinful persons after they leave their perform yoga and has just begun climing
bodies. the yoga ladder (6.3...)
yaa—fame. yog€tm€ purua—Param€tm€.
Yaod€ m€iy€—KŠa’s mother. yoga-vit—a knower of yoga.
Yaod€-nandana—the son of Yaod€. yoga-vittama—the best knowers of yoga.
yat€tm€—self-controlled. (12.1)
yatayaƒ—plural of yat… (saint or yoga-vittara—the better knowers of
sanny€s…); persons who make spiritual yoga. (12.1)
endeavour by performing strict vows. yoga-yajña—sacrifice through per-
yat…-dharma—the spiritual principles to formance of a˜€‰ga-yoga.
be cultivated by a renunciant; a sanny€s… yoga-yukta-jñ€n…—a jñ€n… who per-
takes a vow to give up personal sense- forms nik€ma karma yoga. (5.7)
gratification to please KŠa’s senses and Yogevara—®r… KŠa, the supreme

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