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Math 1210 Signature Assignment: Curve Analysis

Complete analysis of the function f(x) = x - 3x1/3
The domain is determined by defining any
1. Domain of y; [(-∞, ∞)] constraints or undefined points,
of which there are are none for this function.

2. Intercepts of y at the point; (0, 0)
 The intercept points can be determined
Intercepts of x at the points; (-3√3, 0), by finding the x value when y=0,
and the y value when x=0.

-f(x)≠f(x) -f(x)= f(-x)
Symmetry can be found if every x can be replaced with -x,
3. Not symmetrical about the X-axis or Y-axis.
 and every y can be replaced with -y. In this case, the
equation is only equal when both x and y are made negative,
Symmetrical about the origin. therefor symmetry exists about the origin.

lim f(x) = x-3√x

lim (1) = 1
lim(x) = ∞
4. No vertical or Horizontal Asymptotes x—>∞
1 +/- ∞
No vertical or horizontal asymptotes.

Decreasing intervals; (-1, 1)

5. Increasing intervals; (-∞, -1)U(1, ∞)

The critical points are found by evaluating the derivative
f’(x) = 1 - —
6. Critical points; (-1, 2) (1, -2) f(1)=-2 , f(-1)=2 , f(0)=0

The concave up and down is defined by the

7. Concave Down; (-∞, 0)
 points that meet at the ends of the curve across
Concave Up; (0, ∞) the critical points to direct back at the x-axis.

The inflection points are found by evaluating f’’(x), and solving for 0
8. Inflection points; (0, 0)
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9. Handwritten work and Graph

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Graph of the function,

Digitally renderedbygraph
generated of the function;
f(x) = x - 3x1/3

y = x - 3x1/3

Symmetry comparison
f(-x) = x - 3x1/3

Symmetry comparison
-f(x) = x - 3x1/3
Ollerton 4!

Reflection Summary on The General Curve Analysis Process

In completing this assignment, I came across several problems, as graphing and graph analysis
is generally my weaker suit. The easiest resolve was to reference my homework notes, and the
assignments from modules four and five that cover curve sketching. The next hurdle was realizing I
was going to have to do some of the steps out of order to understand the graph well. So, the first
calculations I made were finding the x and y intercepts, and then the derivatives of the function in
order to find the critical and inflection points. By this point I was able to make a relative sketch of
the graph, and then complete the steps more thoroughly, knowing better what I was working with,
having established a better visualization. The most challenging calculation beyond that was the limit
evaluation, but a quick review and extensive evaluation of each trait of the function in limit format
allowed me to determine with confidence that there were no asymptotes, which I had already
presumed based on the other calculations, and the way the graph was beginning to take shape.
Ultimately, though each step seemed daunting at first, they were rather simple, and completed one by
one fleshed out the aesthetic of the graph before I drew it, and well before I digitally graphed it.

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