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Predictions Connect

1. What predictions do you have for the story based on the 1. What is the narrator feeling at the beginning of the
title, the author and the cover for the story? story?

2. Predict what is going to occur in the story.

2. Explain why you believe the narrator feels he needs to
kill the old man even though he explains that he truly
loves him.

3. Reflect on your predictions. Were any correct?

Vocabulary Critical Thinking Questions

1. Who is the narrator speaking to?
1. Foresight

2. Dissimulation 2. What is the narrator speaking about?

3. Vexed
3. What idea do you think he is considering?
4. Sagacity

5. Hearkening 4. Why do you think the narrator treats the old man so well
in the morning?
6. Concealment

7. Waned 5. Whose heart is the narrator hearing?

8. Suavity
6. Who is at the door?
9. Audacity
7. What is the noise?
10. Derision

8. Compare the narrator at the beginning of his plan to kill

the old man to the way he is acting now. Why do you
think the change might have occurred?

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