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HOW TO USE Business-in-a-Box

First, we want to thank you for the interest you have shown in Envision SBS and in Business-in-a-Box™.
Like many business people already did, we are sure that you will soon understand the value of having a
tool like Business-in-a-Box in your hands.

This file includes tips to easily find the documents you are looking for and tells you more about how to
customize the documents to your own business situation.

Opening Business-in-a-Box
It is easy to access your documents templates. To go in Business-in-a-Box, you only have to click on the
shortcut available on your Desktop or in the Start menu of your computer. Another way is to go directly in
the directory where it is installed, typically located at C:\Business-in-a-Box\.

Finding a Document
There are two ways to find a specific document. First, you can intuitively BROWSE through our
documents classification structure. The classification structure has been made so that in most cases, you
will be able to go directly to the document you are looking for on your first guess.

You can also SEARCH for a category of documents or for a specific document by using Microsoft
Windows’ search functionality. To do so, you have to go in Business-in-a-Box, then click on the Search
button from your upper tool bar or select the departmental modules that you want to search in and right
click your mouse to access the Search function. From there, you need to enter the keywords relating to
the document you are looking for and click on the search button.

Customizing a Document
Once you are in the document you were looking for, you will need to fill every fields identified within
[BRAKETS]. Fell free to add or remove some paragraphs, change some words or anything else. The
documents provided are general models. Although Business-in-a-Box’s document templates will do most
of the job for you, no document can be perfect for your situation without your personal touch! To improve
the visual layout of the documents, we also suggest that you add your company’s logo when you see fits.

For the most part, this is all you have to know about how to use Business-in-a-Box. Since all documents
you could ever need in business are included in the library, we guess you are now seeing how easy to
use this software can be and how it can make your life easier.

If you would like more information about using Business-in-a-Box, please fell free to contact us at:

The Envision Team

Envision - Smart Business Solutions
Phone: 1-866-999-3311 x50
Email: ​

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