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MG5 Specialized Training

Using Microsoft Excel - filtering and summarizing

data; pivot tables

January 10, 2017

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited

Learning Objectives

► To learn and be able to use the basic and advance

Microsoft Excel tools and techniques for efficient and
effective audit documentation.
► To encourage our staff to be more productive in the audit
by using the Microsoft Excel tools and techniques.

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Shortcut Keys

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Shortcut Keys

Work with Data Selections

► Go to specific cell F5
► Select entire row Shift + space
► Select entire column Ctrl + space
► Select entire worksheet Shift + ctrl + space

Insert and Edit Data

► Edit the selected cell F2
► Insert/edit a cell comment Shift F2
► Select all cells with comments Ctrl + Shift + O
► Delete comment Shift + F10 + M
► Insert link Ctrl + K

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Shortcut Keys

Insert and Edit Data (cont’d)

► Insert column/row Ctrl + shift + plus sign
► Delete column/row Ctrl + minus sign
► Hide selected rows Ctrl + 9
► Unhide hidden rows within the selection Ctrl + shift + 9
► Hide selected columns Ctrl + 0 (zero)
► Unhide hidden columns within the selection Shift + F10 + U
► Group rows or columns Alt + shift + right arrow
► Ungroup rows or columns Alt + shift + left arrow
► Hide detail (collapse a group of cells) Alt + A, H
► Show detail (expand a collapsed cell group) Alt + A, J
► Insert current date Ctrl + ; (semicolon)
► Insert current time Ctrl + Shift + : (colon)
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Shortcut Keys

Insert and Edit Data (cont’d)

► Paste special, values and number formats Alt + E, S, U***
► Paste special, formula Alt + E, S, F***
► Paste special, values Alt + E, S, V***
***Might also use Ctrl + Alt + V and select among paste special options.

► Insert the AutoSum Formula Alt + =
► Insert a function into a formula Shift + F3
► Making cell references in a formula absolute F2, F4
► Trace precedents Alt + M,P
► Trace dependents Alt + M,D
► Remove arrows Alt + M,A,A
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Shortcut Keys

Format Data
► Displays the format cell dialog box Ctrl + 1
► Apply outline border from cell or selection Ctrl +Shift + &
► Remove outline borders from selected cells Ctrl + Shift _ (underscore)

Manage Multiple Worksheets

► Insert a new worksheet Shift F11
► Rename current worksheet Alt + O, H, R
► Delete current worksheet Alt + E, L
► Move current worksheet Alt + E, M
► Switch between worksheets Ctrl + PgUp or PgDn
► Select current and next sheet(s) Shift + Ctrl + PgDn
► Select current and previous sheet(s) Shift + Ctrl + PgUp
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Shortcut Keys

Manage Multiple Workbooks

► Switch between open workbooks Ctrl + Tab
► Close the selected workbook window Ctrl + F4
► Minimize current workbook window Ctrl + F9
► Maximize selected workbook window Ctrl + F10

Work with the Excel Ribbon

► Display/hide the ribbon Ctrl + F1
► Display the right click shortcut menu Shift + F10

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Commonly Used in Audit

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Functions Commonly Used in Audit

 SUM Illustration 4
 SUMIF Illustration 5
 ROUND Illustration 6
 ABS Illustration 7

 PRICE Illustration 8
 PRICEDISC Illustration 9
 YIELD Illustration 10
 YIELDDISC Illustration 11
 PMT Illustration 12
 COUPPCD Illustration 13
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Functions Commonly Used in Audit


 DAYS360 Illustration 14


 HLOOKUP Illustration 15
 VLOOKUP Illustration 16

 COUNT Illustration 17
 COUNTA Illustration 18
 COUNTIF Illustration 19
 FORECAST Illustration 20

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Functions Commonly Used in Audit

 LEFT Illustration 21
 RIGHT Illustration 22
 MID Illustration 23
 REPLACE Illustration 24
 CONCANTENATE Illustration 25
 PROPER Illustration 26
 UPPER Illustration 27
 LOWER Illustration 28
 TRIM Illustration 29

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Functions Commonly Used in Audit

 IF Illustration 30
 IFERROR Illustration 31
 ISODD Illustration 32
 ISEVEN Illustration 33

 SORT Illustration 34
 FILTER Illustration 35
 TEXT TO COLUMNS Illustration 36
 REMOVE DUPLICATES Illustration 37
 WHAT IF ANALYSIS – GOAL SEEK Illustration 38

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Functions Commonly Used in Audit


 GROUP Illustration 39
 UNGROUP Illustration 40
 SUBTOTAL Illustration 41
 DROP-DOWN LIST Illustration 42
 WARNING MESSAGES Illustration 43


Please refer to 3_Summarizing Data from Multiple Worksheets file for
the illustrative exercise.

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Audit Tools

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Audit Tools

1) Immaterial 11) Agrees to

2) Waive 12) Facing arrows
3) Not applicable 13) Sum selection Illustration 45
4) Blue tick mark 14) Create review mark
5) Column blue tick mark 15) Convert cells to textbox
6) Footed 16) Create sign-off box
7) Red tick mark 17) New text box
8) Column red tick mark 18) Name/header Illustration 46
9) Cross footed 19) Create workpaper index
10) Correctly calculated 20) Fence
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Audit Tools

21) Utilities
 Flux analysis Illustration 47
 Merge balances Illustration 48
 Smart copy down
 Fill background dark
 Fill background light
 Find combinations
22) Delete
23) Reveal

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Audit Tools

► You can also use and
modify shortcut keys of
various audit tools in the
Audit Tools Preferences.
► Use audit tool default colors
or as specified by your
engagement team.

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Navigating Other Tabs

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Navigating Other Tabs/Ribbons

1) Office Button
2) Home
3) Insert
4) Page Layout
5) Formulas
6) Data
7) Review
8) View
9) PDF-Xchange V6
10) Audit Tools
11) Audit Enablers

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Pivot Table
and Pivot Chart

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Pivot Table and Pivot Chart

1) Create a PivotTable
2) Change the Values Field
3) Modify a PivotTable
4) Sort, Filter, and Slice a PivotTable
5) Create a Calculated Field
6) Format a PivotTable
7) Create a PivotChart

Please refer to 4_MS Excel_Pivot file for illustrative exercises.

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Important Reminders:
Do’s and Don’ts

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Do’s and Don’ts

1. Organize file e.g. creating a folder for each
client/engagement/audit period.
2. Keep formatting consistent.
3. Use the right function.

1. Link within the same file and not to/from other files.
2. Do not calculate numbers manually.

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Thank You

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