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Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882

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Demonstrating plasmid-based horizontal gene transfer in complex

environmental matrices: A practical approach for a critical review
Xavier Bellanger, Hélène Guilloteau, Sébastien Bonot 1, Christophe Merlin ⁎
Université de Lorraine and CNRS, LCPME, UMR 7564, 15 Avenue du Charmois, F-54500 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France


• We examined three methods for as-

sessing plasmid transfer in environ-
mental matrices.
• Isolation of transconjugants by cul-
ture is impaired by background
• Detection of plasmid transfer by fluo-
rescence is unsuitable for environmen-
tal samples.
• Molecular-based methods allow de-
tecting rare successful plasmid transfer
• Eukaryotic predation both promotes
and limits plasmid transfer in natural

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Plasmid-based dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental microbial communities is a matter of
Received 30 April 2014 concern for public health, but it remains difficult to study for methodological reasons. In this study, we used the
Received in revised form 16 June 2014 broad host range plasmid pB10 to compare and to point out the main drawbacks of the three different approaches
Accepted 17 June 2014
currently used to evaluate plasmid transfer in natural communities. Culture-based selection of transconjugants
Available online 5 July 2014
appeared to be compromised by high prevalence of antibiotic resistances among natural communities, unless
Editor: D. Barcelo high loads of initial pB10-donor inocula were used. Fluorescence-based detection of transconjugants reached a
dead-end consequently to the narrow host range of bacteria expressing fluorescent proteins from a genetically
Keywords: modified pB10 plasmid, in addition to the relatively high background level of fluorescence exhibited by some en-
Plasmid transfer vironmental matrices. The molecular-based approach was the only one to provide a mean to detect rare plasmid
pB10 transfer events following a low but realistic initial pB10-donor inoculation. Whatever the method, culture-based
Antibiotic resistance dissemination or molecular-based, the detection of successful transfer events in a given environmental matrix seemed to be
Environmental bacterial communities linked to the initial stability of the donor inoculum. Depending on the matrix considered, eukaryotic predation
Eukaryotic predation
plays a significant role in either limiting or promoting the plasmid transfer events.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 83 68 22 30; fax: +33 3 83 68 22 33. 1. Introduction

E-mail addresses: xavier.bellanger@univ-lorraine.fr (X. Bellanger),
helene.guilloteau@univ-lorraine.fr (H. Guilloteau), bonot@lippmann.lu (S. Bonot),
christophe.merlin@univ-lorraine.fr (C. Merlin).
The great promises once fueled by the discovery of antibiotics
Present address: Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann, Département EVA, are now severely altered by our increasing failure to treat commonly
41 rue du Brill, 4422 Belvaux Luxembourg. curable infectious diseases. Such failure results from the still rising

0048-9697/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882 873

occurrence of antibiotic resistances in bacteria following the produc- and Merlin, 2010; Merlin et al., 2011; Haug et al., 2010, 2011; Wan
tion and the consumption of antibiotics in therapeutics and animal et al., 2011). Practically, it consists in inoculating microcosms of envi-
husbandry (Davies, 2007; Davies and Davies, 2010; Aminov, 2010). ronmental samples with a donor bacterium and monitoring the evolu-
The loss in therapeutic potential associated with the dissemination of tion of both the plasmid and the initial host DNAs over time. Because
antibiotic resistances among pathogens has reached such a critical conjugative transfer is an intercellular form of DNA replication, the plas-
point that some reports are already describing a near-return to pre- mid to donor DNA ratio increases when the plasmid disseminates by
antibiotic era (Levy and Marshall, 2004; Roberts and Simpson, 2008). conjugation into the indigenous population. This method provides the
The relationship between antibiotic consumption and dissemination advantage of considering gene transfer on a wide range of possible
of antibiotics was acknowledged long ago and, so far, much emphasis indigenous recipient bacteria, culturable or not, but it requires the de-
has been given to the “hospital” context where antibiotics could act as sign of very specific sets of primers and probes for the non-ambiguous
selective agent. However, more recently, it has become obvious that quantification of donor and plasmid.
(i) antibiotics still exert effects on bacteria at low and environmentally All these methods have been used with various levels of success to
relevant concentrations (Yim et al., 2006), and (ii) hot spots of antibiotic pinpoint particular environments or parameters for their propensity
resistance gene transfer are likely to be found in various environments to support the transfer of MGEs. Still, as shown here, demonstrating
able to sustain high cell density (Dröge et al., 1999, 2000; Molin and the transfer of MGEs in environmental matrices is often a difficult and
Tolker-Nielsen, 2003; Aminov, 2011; Rizzo et al., 2013). tedious task, with no guarantee of success when it comes to work
To date, most of our knowledge regarding the dissemination of anti- with complex environments hosting already installed microbial com-
biotic resistances in the environment relies on retrospective evidences: munities. In this report, we used the broad host range plasmid pB10,
(i) the increasing occurrences of antibiotic resistances in various which is highly efficient for conjugative transfer, to revisit each of
receiving environments (Knapp et al., 2010), (ii) the absence of congru- these methodologies, and to highlight major drawbacks associated
ence between the phylogeny of the transferred genes and the phyloge- with working with complex environmental matrices. Plasmid transfer
ny of the corresponding hosts (Sørensen et al., 2005; Lal et al., 2008), was studied using environmental microbial communities maintained
(iii) the loss of synteny between closely related genomes resulting in microcosms as recipients. Special attention was given to the initial
from the insertion of acquired DNA in the host genome (Dobrindt stability of the donor bacteria and the repercussions it could have on
et al., 2004), and finally (iv) the association of the acquired resistance the detection of plasmid transfer events. The influence of eukaryotic
genes with mobile genetic elements (MGEs) such as plasmids, phages, predation on the persistence of the donor bacteria, and then on plasmid
transposons and integrons (Partridge, 2011). Despite being obvious transfer, was explored.
when analyzing acquired DNA sequences from bacterial isolates, the
transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in complex environments remains 2. Materials and methods
difficult to demonstrate when it comes to work with natural bacterial
communities. Yet, demonstrating directly the effectiveness of gene 2.1. Bacterial strains and media
transfer in natural communities is a prerequisite to precisely identify
environmental hot spots of antibiotic resistance gene dissemination, Bacterial strains used in the present study are described in Table 1.
as well as environmental parameters driving the evolution of bacteria Bacteria were routinely cultured at 30 °C under agitation (160 rpm)
towards more resistant microorganisms. in LB medium (LB Broth Miller, DifcoTM) supplemented with the appro-
It is now well understood that antibiotic resistant genes can spread priate antibiotic for selection. Unless stated otherwise, antibiotics were
in microbial communities thanks to genetic structures promoting their used for selection at the following concentrations: Amoxicillin (Amx):
mobility (Partridge, 2011). So far, most of our experiences have relied 30 μg.mL−1; Chloramphenicol (Chl): 20 μg.mL−1; Kanamycin (Kan):
on the transfer of conjugative elements (e.g. plasmids) that are be- 100 μg.mL− 1; Nalidixic acid (Nal): 20 μg.mL− 1; Rifampicin (Rif):
lieved to play a predominant role in the adaptation of bacteria to anti- 100 μg.mL− 1; Streptomycin (Str): 10 μg.mL− 1; Sulfamethoxazole
biotics pressure (Sørensen et al., 2005; van Elsas and Bailey, 2002; (Sul): 150 μg.mL−1; Tetracycline (Tet): 10 μg.mL−1. The concentrations
Thomas, 2000; Bennett, 2008). To date, three kinds of approaches of antibiotics were empirically adjusted on E. coli for being selective
have been used to monitor the transfer of known conjugative ele- when the genetic determinant for resistance is present (normal growth)
ments, mainly plasmids, in environmental matrices: culture-based, and counter selective when it is absent (no growth). For solid media,
fluorescence-based and molecular-based approaches (Rizzo et al., agar was added at 15 g.L−1.
2013). Culture-based methods consist in using selective media to
enumerate transconjugants after introduction of donor bacteria in en- 2.2. Construction of gfp-tagged pB10 plasmid derivatives
vironmental samples (Sørensen et al., 2004; van Elsas et al., 2004).
These approaches have been used for more than three decades, Plasmid pB10 was mutagenized by inserting a mini-Tn5-gfp transpo-
allowing the identification of several factors affecting plasmid transfer son using a procedure close to the one reported by Christensen et al.
efficiency. Nevertheless, they remain quite limited when indigenous (1998). An insertion library of mini-Tn5-gfp, conferring resistance
bacterial populations are used as recipients since less than 1% of envi- to kanamycin, was obtained in Cupriavidus metallidurans CM124
ronmental bacteria are believed to be culturable, and only a fraction of (AE815(pB10)) using a triparental mating with two other Escherichia
them are able to express the selective marker transferred (Sørensen coli strains, the donor JB120 and the helper HB101(pRK600). Insertion
et al., 2005). Later on, alternative methods making use of plasmids ge- clones were recovered on LB Rif (100 μg.mL−1) Kan (1 mg.mL−1), and
netically modified with fluorescent protein genes have been developed pooled in 10 mM MgSO4. The pool was further used as donor in a bipa-
for the fluorescent detection of transconjugants in complex environ- rental mating with the recipient strain E. coli CM125. Transconjugants
ments (Sørensen et al., 2005; Geisenberger et al., 1999). These fluores- displaying a pB10 plasmid enlarged by a copy of mini-Tn5-gfp
cence approaches advantageously provide information regarding the (i.e. pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) were selected on LB Nal (20 μg.mL− 1) Kan
localization where the transfers take place in complex community (100 μg.mL−1), and were further checked for the antibiotic resistances
structures (Geisenberger et al., 1999; Musovic et al., 2010; Dahlberg normally encoded by pB10. One of these transconjugants (strain
et al., 1998), but they are constrained by the need to genetically modify CM192), for which plasmid restriction analyses revealed a mini-Tn5-
the element studied. More recently, several teams, including ours, have gfp insertion in the vicinity of pB10 oriV (supplementary material), was
simultaneously developed a molecular biology-based approach, which retained for this study. Plasmid pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp was further intro-
makes use of quantitative PCR (qPCR) to monitor the dissemination of duced into various Proteobacteria species with a biparental mating be-
a given plasmid in the vastness of microbial community DNAs (Bonot tween the donor strain E. coli CM125(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) and a set of
874 X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882

Table 1
Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study.

Name/species Genotypes or characteristics References

pB10 wild type IncP-1 plasmid isolated from activated sludge Schlüter et al., 2003
pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp gfp-tagged derivative of pB10 this study
pJBA28 mobilizable suicide plasmid for mini-Tn5-gfp delivery Andersen et al., 1998
pRK600 ChlR, ColE1, RK2 tra genes; helper plasmid for triparental matings Kessler et al., 1992
Cupriavidus metallidurans
AE815 plasmid free and RifR derivative of wild type strain CH34 Springael et al., 1993
CM124 AE815(pB10), RifR, AmxR, StrR, SulR, TetR This study
Cupriavidus necator
JMP228::lacIq JMP228 with a mini-Tn5-lacIq insertion, RifR De Gelder et al., 2005
CM224 JMP228::lacIq (pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) This study
Escherichia coli
DH5α ϕ80lacZΔM15 recA1endA1gyrA96 (Nal R) thi-1 Sambrook et al., 1989
hsdR17(r-Km+ K ) supE44 relA1 deoR Δ(lacZYAargF) U169
DH5α(pB10) Nal R, AmxR, StrR, SulR, TetR Schlüter et al., 2003
HB101(pRK600) recAthi pro leu hsdRM1StrR; plasmid pRK600 ChlR Kessler et al., 1992
JM109 recA1 endA1 gyrA96 (NalR) thi hsdR17 supE44 Miller, 1992
relA1Δ(lac-proAB)/F'[traD36proAB + lacIqlacZΔM15]
JB120 MV1190(λpir)[pJBA28], KanR Andersen et al., 1998
Δ(lac-proAB) Δ(srl-recA)306::Tn10 [F’ traD36 proAB
lacIq (lacZ)M15] thisupEλpir
MG1655 Sequenced λ− and F− derivative of strain K-12 Blattner et al., 1997
CM125 NalR derivative of MG1655 This study
CM192 CM125(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) This study
Pseudomonas putida
SM1443 KT2442 with a mini-Tn5-lacIq insertion, RifR Christensen et al., 1998
CM237 SM1443(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) This study
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
PAO1 Wild type Holloway and Morgan, 1986
CM210 PAO1::lacIq(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) This study
Sinorhizobium meliloti
RM1021::lacIq RM1021 with a mini-Tn5-lacIq insertion, RifR De Gelder et al., 2005
CM217 RM1021::lacIq(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) This study

AmxR, ChlR, KanR, Nal R, RifR, Str R, Sul R,TetR: resistance to Amoxycillin, Chloramphenicol, Kanamycin, Nalidixic acid, Rifampicin, Streptomycin, Sulfamethoxazole, Tetracycline, respectively.

RifR recipient strains namely: E. coli JM109, P. aerginosa CM210, P. putida 2.3.2. Plate mating for strain construction
SM1443, S. melioti RM1021::lacIq, C. metallidurans AE815, C. necator Plasmid donor and recipient bacteria were cultured overnight in LB
JMP228::lacIq (Table 1), with a selection on LB Tet (10 μg.mL− 1) Rif at 30 °C under selective conditions. Bacterial cells were washed twice
(100 μg.mL−1). For microscopic observation (epifluorescence micro- by centrifugation and dispersed in one volume of 10 mM MgSO4. Fifty
scope Olympus BX 51, λex = 488 nm, λem = 515 ± 15 nm), bacteria microliters of each suspension were mixed directly on top of an LB
were previously cultured on LB plate amended (or not) with 400 μM plate and incubated overnight at 30 °C. Cells from the mating mixture
IPTG (isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside). For bacterial hosts expressing a were collected, dispersed and diluted in 10 mM MgSO4, and spread
poor level of fluorescence, plasmid pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp was transferred onto selective plates for selecting transconjuants. For the mobilization
back into E. coli CM125 by conjugation in order to confirm that no mu- of non-conjugative plasmid, a helper strain providing the transfer func-
tation had altered the expression of the gfp reporter. tion was also added to the mixture in a triparental mating.

2.3. Bacterial plate mating 2.4. Environmental matrices and microcosms

2.3.1. Biparental filter mating for conjugation studies 2.4.1. Environmental samples
Donor (E. coli DH5α(pB10)) and recipient bacteria (C. metallidurans Sediments from Moselle River (France) were described previously
AE815) were cultured overnight in LB at 30 °C under selective condi- (Bonot and Merlin, 2010). Cow (Prim’Holstein) manure was repeatedly
tions. Bacterial cells were washed twice by alternating centrifugation sampled in a dairy farm close to Nancy, in the Eastern part of France.
(10,000 g for 2 min at 20 °C) and cell pellets dispersion in one volume Fresh samples were obtained in a collector receiving fresh manure
of 10 mM MgSO4. Fifty microliters of each cell suspension were then continuously scraped from the barn. Manure characteristics obtained
mixed and spotted onto a 0.45 μm nitrocellulose filter (HA millipore from one of the samples gave: solid material: 11.6 % (mass); pH: 7.45;
filters, Ref HAWGO47A0) disposed on an LB plate that had been pre- conductivity: 10.97 mS.cm−1; dissolved O2: 0.28 mg.L− 1. Activated
warmed at the desired mating temperature. After incubation for a sludge and effluent were sampled in a slaughterhouse wastewater
defined length of time at either 22 °C (the operating temperature treatment plant (WWTP) dedicated to calves. Activated sludge samples
for the microcosm experiments) or 30 °C (the optimal growth tem- were collected in the biological basin and presented the following
perature for C. metallidurans), the bacterial mixtures were recovered characteristics: pH = 7.0; Dissolved O2 = 0.1 mg.L−1; total suspended
by vortexing the mating filters in microtubes containing 900 μL of solids (TSS) = 9.9 g.L−1; volatile suspended solids (VSS) = 4.3 g.L−1.
10 mM MgSO4. Bacteria were serially diluted in 10 mM MgSO4 and Effluents were recovered from an automatic sampler operating for 24
100 μL aliquots were plated on LB supplemented with either Tet h and presented the following characteristics: pH = 7.1; Dissolved O2
(selection of donor and transconjugants), Rif (selection of recipient and = 3.8 mg.L−1; TSS = 3.8 g.L−1; VSS = 0.1 g.L−1. The environmental
transconjugants), or Rif and Tet (selection of transconjugants), for viable samples collected were used to conduct plasmid transfer experiments
cell counts. Transfer frequencies were expressed as transconjugants per with E. coli DH5α(pB10) as donor and indigenous bacterial communi-
recipient-type cells. ties as recipient.
X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882 875

Background of antibiotic resistant bacteria for Amx, Tet, Sul, and Str any possible DNA release from the donor bacteria in the phenomena
in natural communities was estimated as follows. Approximately, 20 g observed.
of environmental sample was resuspended in 20 mL of 10 mM
MgSO4, and checked at 200 rpm for 2 h at 30 °C. The particles were 2.5. Molecular biology analyses
allowed to settle for 30 min and the liquid phases were serially diluted
in 10 mM MgSO4 before being plated on a selective medium. The total 2.5.1. Total DNA extraction from environmental samples
viable counts were evaluated by plating on LB medium. Indigenous bac- Total community DNAs were extracted from 500 mg (wet weight) of
teria naturally exhibiting the resistance profile encoded by pB10 were environmental sample (sediment or sludge) following the procedure
enumerated in two steps: first a selection on LB supplemented with described by Porteous et al. (1997) later modified by Bonot et al.
Tet and Amx, and second a screening for additional resistances towards (2010). For liquid WWTP effluents, community DNAs were extracted
Sul and Str. from cell pellets collected by centrifugation of 25 mL samples using the
“Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit” (Promega) according to the
2.4.2. Isolation of pB10 transconjugant in manure recommendations delivered by the manufacturer. DNA concentration
Freshly sampled manure was slightly diluted with sterile water (one and purity were estimated spectrophotometrically based on absorbance
fourth of the volume), homogenized, and distributed in 5 mL aliquots. readings at 230, 260 and 280 nm, using a BioPhotometer™ (Eppendorf)
Each aliquot received a 400 μL inoculum of E. coli DH5α(pB10) cell sus- and according to the manufacturer’s procedure: A260 was used for the
pension in sterile water with a final concentration ranging from 2⋅104 to concentration calculation while ratios A260/280 and A260/230 were used
2⋅109 cfu.mL−1. The mixtures were homogenized once more and incu- for estimation of purity. The absence of residual inhibitors in the DNA ex-
bated at 30 °C for 24 h. They were then serially diluted in 10 mM MgSO4 tracts was checked by qPCR after spiking known quantities of target DNA
and 100 μL of each dilution were plated on LB for the enumeration of and/or by serially diluting the template prior amplification.
total culturable bacteria, or LB Tet Amx for a pre-selection of putative
pB10 bearing bacteria. For each assay, ca. 100 TetR AmxR colonies 2.5.2. Quantitative PCR assays
were randomly chosen and screened for resistance to Tet, Amx, Sul, The relative amounts of pB10 plasmid and E. coli DH5α genome in
Str, and Nal. Bacteria displaying the resistance profile of plasmid pB10 community DNAs were estimated by qPCR as described previously
and/or E. coli DH5α(pB10) were subjected to molecular analyses. (Merlin et al., 2011). Specific TaqMan® probes and primers have already
Crude DNA extracts were obtained by boiling 1 colony in 100 μL of been described in great details by Bonot and Merlin (2010). Briefly,
water for 5 min. The extracts were used for PCR tests using highly spe- quantitative PCR was performed in triplicate using a “StepOnePlus™
cific primer sets for either plasmid pB10 or E. coli DH5α DNA, and addi- Real-Time PCR System” (Applied Biosystems®) with thermocycling
tional stringency was gained by quantitative PCR (qPCR) using specific conditions set as follows: 2 min at 50 °C, then 10 min at 95 °C followed
Taqman® probes as previously described (Bonot and Merlin, 2010). by 45 cycles of 15 s at 95 °C and 1 min at 60 °C. Quantifications were
The absence of inhibitor in reactions was confirmed by running addi- carried out from 25 ng of total community DNA using a “TaqMan®
tional tests with the extracts spiked with defined quantities of pure E. Universal PCR Master Mix, noAmpErase® UNG” qPCR kit (Applied
coli DH5α(pB10) DNA. Biosystems®) as recommended by the manufacturer, with 800 nM of
each primer and 300 nM of TaqMan® probe, in a 25 μL reaction volume.
2.4.3. Microcosm operation and sampling Standards and controls were prepared as previously described (Merlin
Activated sludge, WWTP effluents, and cow manure were assessed et al., 2011). Most of the time, the evolution of either pB10 plasmid or
for their propensity to support the transfer of plasmid pB10 in micro- E. coli DH5α DNA over time appeared to follow a log-normal function
cosms. The slaughterhouse WWTP sludge or effluent microcosms with a decrease rate (expressed in “Log per day”) that could be calcu-
consisted of 800 mL environmental samples maintained in 1 L Schott lated from an exponential fitting. All reactions were carried out in trip-
bottles at 20 °C–25 °C without agitation. Transfer experiments started licate and data were normalized and expressed as a number of copies
by inoculating the donor bacteria E. coli DH5α(pB10) (Schlüter et al., per μg of community DNA. The high specificity of the primer/probe
2003) at a final concentration of 2⋅105 cfu.mL−1. At intervals, 50 mL sets for detecting pB10 or E. coli DH5α DNAs was systematically checked
samples were collected from the microcosms for molecular biology by verifying the absence of a qPCR amplification signal with total DNA
analyses. For cow manure microcosms, 200 mL of freshly sampled ma- extracted from non-inoculated environmental matrices (control).
nure was slightly diluted with 70 mL of sterile distilled water before
being inoculated with E. coli DH5α(pB10) at a final concentration 3. Results
of 107 cfu.mL−1. The mixtures were homogenized and distributed in
25 mL fractions in 50 mL conical tubes. The tubes were maintained 3.1. Plasmid pB10 as model for studying gene transfer
caps unscrewed at 30 °C and were sacrificed at intervals for molecular
biology analyses. For assessing the influence of eukaryotic predation This work resulted from a study aiming to evaluate the propensity of
on the transfer of pB10, the microcosms received an initial treatment environmental matrices to support the transfer of plasmid pB10, here
of cycloheximide at either 0, 0.1, or 1 mg.mL−1. used as a model. Plasmid pB10 was initially chosen for its characteris-
The E. coli DH5α(pB10) inocula were prepared by overnight culture tics: (i) it is a natural plasmid isolated from activated sludge (Dröge
in LB medium supplemented with 10 μg.mL−1 of tetracycline (at 30 °C et al., 2000), thus behaving normally in terms of regulation, (ii) it
under agitation at 160 rpm). Cells were washed twice by centrifugation belongs to the very ubiquitous group of broad host range IncP-1β
(10,000 g for 2 min at 20 °C) in 10 mM MgSO4 before being inoculated plasmids and therefore has the potential to invade a wide range of bac-
at a given concentration. For each plasmid transfer experiment, sets of terial species (Adamczyk and Jagura-Burdzy, 2003), (iii) it carries resis-
non-inoculated control microcosms were systematically run in parallel tance genes for Amx, Str, Sul, and Tet, thus providing four means for
in order to rule out any natural occurrence or resurgence of non-specific selection/screening, (iv) it is a fully sequenced element (Schlüter et al.,
pB10-like DNA sequences in the subsequent qPCR analyses. Additional 2003), thus allowing the use of molecular approaches, and finally (v)
sets of control microcosms were routinely run by inoculating replicate it transfers by conjugation with a relatively high efficiency as illustrated
microcosms with naked DNA instead of live E. coli DH5α(pB10) in Fig. 1. Here, 12 independent biparental filter matings between E. coli
cells. In all cases, the levels of DNA detected by qPCR after inoculation DH5α(pB10) and C. metallidurans AE815 were carried out independent-
with naked DNA were far below those obtained for the cognate micro- ly, at 22 °C and 30 °C, and for different lengths of time. At 30 °C, the op-
cosms inoculated with the corresponding cells (by at least 2 logs timal growth temperature for the recipient, the relative amount of
for equivalently sized inocula), therefore ruling out the incidence of recipient receiving pB10 ranges from 0.1% to 80% for mating durations
876 X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882

100 In the following experiment, we used such a culture-based approach

30°C to assess the transfer of plasmid pB10 in manure microbial communi-
(transconjugants per recipient)

10-1 22°C ties. E. coli DH5α(pB10) was used as initial plasmid donor and the effect
of the inoculum size was studied concomitantly. Cow manure was sam-
Transfer frequency

pled twice at five-month intervals, at the same location, and aliquots

were inoculated independently with different concentrations of donor
bacteria ranging from 2⋅104 to 2⋅109 cfu.mL−1. After 24 h at 30 °C, pu-
10-3 tative pB10 bearing bacteria were pre-selected on LB-Tet-Amx and
further screened for resistance to Sul, Str, and Nal in order to identify
pB10 and E. coli DH5α typical antibiotic resistance profiles. Positive
candidates were further confirmed as E. coli DH5α (or not) and as
hosting plasmid pB10 (or not) by PCR using highly specific primer
10-5 sets, and final confirmation was obtained using qPCR where the higher
1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 24h stringency provided by the use of specific Taqman® probes could
Mating duration remove a few false positives (ca. 20%). The results obtained from two
independent pB10 transfer assays in manure are presented in Fig. 3.
Fig. 1. Transfer of pB10 in biparental matings. The donor E. coli DH5α(pB10) and the
recipient C. metallidurans AE815 were mated for different lengths of time at either 30 °C
or 22 °C.
Total count (LB) Donor at T0
ranging from 1 to 24 h, respectively, which clearly demonstrates both
Donor at Day 1 Transconjugants

Cell count (cfu.mL-1)

the high velocity and the high yield of pB10 transfer between two com-
patible partners.

3.2. Evaluating pB10 transfer in environmental communities by 106

culture-based approaches
Determining the efficiency of transfer of pB10 in a biparental mating
is nothing more complicated than having a robust selection to enumer-
ate the donor, the recipient and the transconjugant cells independently 102
in a mating mixture. Such selection is generally more difficult to achieve #0 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
when it comes to work with environmental matrices as natural commu- Mating test (Manure M1)
nities can exhibit relatively high levels of background resistance to-
wards the antibiotics used for selection. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the B
relative amount of bacteria exhibiting the antibiotic resistance profile
of pB10 ranges from c.a. 0.02% to 7% of the culturable bacteria in a few
Cell count (cfu.mL-1)

natural communities tested, even though none displayed the pB10 sig- 108
nature at the molecular level. This clearly points out at least two techni-
cal difficulties to evaluate the transfer of plasmids in environmental
communities using culture-based methods: first, the antibiotic resis-
tance profile, by itself, is not enough to differentiate background resis-
tance from the appearance of transconjugants and, therefore, does 104
Total count (LB) Donor at T0
not signify that transfer has occurred; second, the identification of
Donor at Day 1 Transconjugants
transconjugants should combine a robust selection procedure and addi-
tional sets of screening, including specific PCR tests for instance, which #0 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
also leads to a noticeable increase of the workload as shown next. Mating test (Manure M2)

109 C
Total count (LB) 100
Viable cell count (cfu.mL-1)

AmxR, TetR, SulR, StrR count

107 10-1
Transfer frequency

y = 5E-09x0.9926
6 R2 = 0.94568
10 (0.05%) (7.19%) 10 -2

105 (0.02%) (0.56%) 10-3

104 (3.58%)
103 (0.10%) Repeat M1
102 10-5 Repeat M2
1 -6
10 10
100 102 104 106 108
M1 M2 AS RS E S1 S2 Donor Count at Day 1 (cfu.mL )
Environmental matrices
Fig. 3. Transfer of pB10 in manure communities. A and B: Enumeration of donor and
Fig. 2. Background resistance in environmental communities. Numbers in parentheses transconjugant cells in 18 independent mating experiments involving 9 initial concentra-
indicate the relative abundance of bacteria showing resistance profiles as encoded by plas- tions of donor cells and 2 different manure samples (M1 and M2). C: Relationship between
mid pB10 for Amx, Tet, Sul, and Str. Environmental matrices tested: M1 and M2: manure; the transfer frequency (transconjugant per indigenous cell) and the stability of the donor
AS: activated sludge; RS: recirculation sludge; E: WWTP effluent; S1 and S2: river sediments. (enumerated at Day 1).
X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882 877

Interestingly, the two repeats carried out differed significantly with re- IncP-1 plasmids (Suzuki et al., 2010). The different bacteria hosting
spect to the stability of the donor cells over the 24-h incubation periods. pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp, harboring or not a lacIq gene, were then observed
The first repeat (Fig. 3A) showed a 5-log decrease of the E. coli by epifluorescence microscopy after having been induced or not
DH5α(pB10) count compared to the inoculum, and the recovery by IPTG. In the wild type lacI derivative E. coli CM192, the gfp gene
of transconjugants was relatively weak. Conversely, in the second re- was expressed in both IPTG-induced and -non induced cells (Fig. 4A
peat (Fig. 3B), the E. coli donor strain DH5α(pB10) appeared to be far and B), while in the lacIq strain E. coli JM109(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) the
more stable, with only a 1- to 2-log decrease, and the recovery of fluorescence was solely observed with IPTG-induced cells (Fig. 4C).
transconjugants was relatively high. In light of these experiments, it This demonstrated the absolute necessity of using a lacIq allele in a
seems that the frequency of transfer is directly related to the amount donor strain for a good control of the PA1/04/03 promoter, and thus
of donor cells able to maintain in the environmental matrices, which to prevent background fluorescence in the absence of inducers. The in-
itself depends on both the size of the initial inoculum and the stability troduction of plasmid pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp in Sinorhizobium meliloti
of the donor over time (Fig. 3C). RM1021::lacIq, Pseudomonas putida SM1443, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
The latter experiment highlighted two important points. First PAO1::lacIq, and Cupriavidus necator JMP228::lacIq, all harboring a lacIq
the screenings of putative transconjugants have to be conducted in allele, led to various levels of fluorescence upon IPTG induction, from
depth to ascertain the acquisition of the plasmid. For the experiment strong in P. putida to very weak in C. necator and even no signal in
presented in Fig. 3, approximately 1000 isolates were screened P. aeruginosa (not shown), which already indicates a strong species
independently (i) on 5 antibiotics and (ii) at the molecular level, to re- dependence for gfp expression (Fig. 4D, E, and F). Furthermore, the in-
veal the presence of either the pB10 or the E. coli DH5α signature. troduction of plasmid pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp in C. metallidurans AE815,
Transconjugants could be enumerated this way, only because they rep- for which the IPTG induction is dispensable (no lacI gene), also gave a
resented a significant proportion of the multiresistant isolates, thus weak fluorescence (Fig. 4G). The weakness of the fluorescence observed
making the screening fruitful. If the background of resistant bacteria for P. aeruginosa and C. metallidurans was coherent with the poor lac
was to be higher among natural communities, then more isolates should promoter expression reported for these bacteria compared to E. coli
have been screened to have a chance of isolating transconjugants, thus (Ribeiro-dos-Santos et al., 2010; Baumberg et al., 1980). In comparison,
making the approach almost impossible to carry out for practical the microscopic observation of activated sludge with the same setting
reasons. This also means that, to be effective, a culture-based approach gave an autofluorescence with an intensity comparable to the one
necessarily implies the use of high loads of donor cells in order to observed for C. metallidurans AE815(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) (Fig. 4G
have a chance to isolate a successful transfer event. In other words, and H). Seeing (i) the strong species-dependence for expressing the
such a kind of approach is not really appropriate for the identification gfp gene, and (ii) the non-negligible autofluoresence of some of the
of rare successful transfer events. Second, it should be noted that a environmental matrices (here activated sludge), fluorescence-based
great variability was observed from one repeat to another although approaches did not appear to be fully adequate for monitoring pB10
the manure was sampled twice (but independently) at the same transfer in complex environmental matrices.
site. This is likely to reflect the fluctuation of important parameters Fluorescence-based approaches have already proven to be useful
that can easily vary over time, such as the presence and the quantity for in situ monitoring of plasmid transfer in complex structures such
of predators, as well as the structure of the microbial communities, for as biofilms (Haagensen et al., 2002; Król et al., 2011). It even allowed
instance. In the meantime, this raises the question of the significance studying plasmid acquisition at individual cell levels in structured com-
of replicate experiments when they are carried out on a same (split) en- munities, and estimating the influence of parameters as subtle as the
vironmental sample. Identifying trends and driving parameters in gene distance between mating partners, their relative orientation, or the
transfer should rather take into account the sample variability in terms relative cell length of the recipient, for instance (Seoane et al., 2011).
of matrix permissiveness. In this respect, comparing the behavior of dif- Additionally, apart from being culture independent, the fluorescence-
ferent environmental matrices, even as unique repeats, might be more based approaches present the advantage of being sensitive enough
informative than wrongly repeated experiments that present the risk to enable the identification of rare fluorescent transconjugants in the
of simply averaging the outcome of a particular case. vastness of “dark communities”. Nevertheless, these approaches have
mainly been used in complex but pure in vitro systems such as flow
3.3. Using gfp-tagged pB10 for fluorescence-based plasmid transfer cell biofilms, solely involving the mating partners, and where the proper
monitoring expression of the gfp could be tested independently beforehand. As a
matter of fact, we showed here that the fluorescence emitted is limited
Over the past 20 years, a few genetic tools have been developed to certain bacterial hosts, which restricts the range of possibilities espe-
allowing the introduction of fluorescent protein genes in plasmid se- cially when studying plasmid transfer in complex natural communities
quences for in situ monitoring of plasmid transfer by confocal fluores- of unknown microbial composition. This is without counting on the
cence microscopy-based approaches. Despite implying the modification background fluorescence of the environmental matrix that may outbal-
of the plasmid sequence, and therefore working with a non-natural plas- ance the poor expression of gfp in some transconjugants and further
mid, we attempted to use such approaches with the aim of monitoring limit the use of fluorescence-based approaches for these particular
plasmid pB10 transfer in complex environmental communities. First, applications.
plasmid pB10 was randomly mutated with a mini-Tn5 derivative
carrying a gfp gene controlled by a modified Plac promoter (PA1/04/03), 3.4. Detecting rare successful transfer events by molecular-based approaches
which led to the isolation of the E. coli strain CM192 (Table 1), carrying
plasmid pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp. Theoretically, such a construction should Getting around the limitations associated with the detection of rare
be used with a donor strain carrying a lacIq mutation in order to avoid transconjugants in natural bacterial communities led us to develop
background levels of gfp expression. Upon plasmid transfer into a an alternative methodology based on a molecular biology approach
recipient bacterium, the absence of LacI repressor is supposed to (Bonot and Merlin, 2010; Merlin et al., 2011). Conjugative transfer of
promote the zygotic induction of gfp expression, finally making the plasmids is a replicative process, leading to an increasing plasmid
transconjugants fluorescent (Sørensen et al., 2005). First, the ability of to donor genome ratio that can be monitored by qPCR directly on com-
plasmid pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp to promote the fluorescence of its host munity DNA. Because of the high sensitivity of the qPCR, transfer is ex-
was evaluated by introducing the construction into a set of bacterial pected to be detectable even if rare, and much lower donor inoculum
species/strains representative of three proteobacterial classes (α-, β-, can be used in order to minimize its impact on the behavior of the indig-
and γ-Proteobacteria) that are believed to be the preferred hosts for enous microbial community studied. Additionally, this approach also
878 X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882


A(f) no IPTG A(pc) E(f) + IPTG E(pc)

S. meliloti CM217
E. coli CM125

(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) (pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp)
B(f) + IPTG B(pc) F(f) + IPTG F(pc)

C. metallidurans AE815 C. necator CM224

E. coli CM125

C(f) + IPTG C(pc) G(f) no IPTG G(pc)

E. coli JM109

D(f) D(pc) H(f) H(pc)

P. putida SM1443

+ IPTG Activated sludge

Fig. 4. Fluoresence of pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp bearing bacteria. E. coli CM125(pB10::mini-Tn5-gfp) contains a wild type lacI allele, C. metallidurans AE815 does not possess any lacI gene,
all the other strains are provided with lacIq allele.(f) fluorescence microscopy; (pc) phase contrast image.

offers the advantage of overcoming the limitations associated with both, plasmid transfer (Fig. 5A1 and A2). However, in the 1 mg.mL−1
the poor culturability of environmental microbes (often considered to cycloheximide-amended microcosm, the donor bacteria declined con-
be less than 1%), and the limited host-range in which selective markers tinuously while pB10 remained relatively stably detected in the com-
are expressed for the specific selection of transconjugants. munity DNA (Fig. 5A3). This resulted in an increasing plasmid to
In this study, the levels of pB10 and its initial host E. coli DH5α were donor ratio indicating that plasmid transfer had occurred. Surprisingly,
monitored in three different environmental matrices maintained in mi- the experiment was repeated on manure sampled at the same location
crocosms (manure, activated sludge, and WWTP effluents) following but at a different period and led to different results (Fig. 5B). In this sec-
the initial inoculation of the donor bacteria (Fig. 5). Except for the ond experiment, the 1 mg.mL− 1 cycloheximide amendment did not
WWTP effluent microcosms, the relative abundance of E. coli DH5α have any observable effects neither on the stability of the donor bacteria
and plasmid pB10 decreased at the same pace indicating a simple nor on the promotion of pB10 transfer. This demonstrates once again
donor loss (Fig. 5A1, B1, and C1). Although both parameters decreased that relatively rare transfer events could be difficult to reproduce
in the WWTP effluent microcosms, the loss of E. coli DH5α was sharper using similar environmental matrices obtained from two independent
than the one of pB10, which led to a 25-fold increase in the plasmid to samplings of the same environment. This also shows that an important
donor ratio, meaning that pB10 had transferred (Fig. 5D1). In most of parameter such as predation may not always drive the stability of the
the transfer experiments carried out, the relative abundance of E. coli donor bacteria and that alternative parameters, such as competition
DH5α(pB10) started to decrease immediately after inoculation. This with indigenous bacteria should also be considered.
led us to hypothesize that the absence of pB10 transfer could be linked The effects of cycloheximide amendments were also evaluated on
to a poor initial stability of the donor bacteria, either due to antagonistic activated sludge and WWTP effluent microcosms (Fig. 5C and D). In
effects from the indigenous bacterial communities and/or due to preda- both cases, cycloheximide significantly reduced the initial loss of the
tion by protozoa. The latter was evaluated in transfer experiments using donor bacteria. Nevertheless, despite this improved persistence, the
microcosms treated beforehand with a eukaryotic inhibitor. In a first set pB10 plasmid to E. coli DH5α ratio remained stable over the course of
of experiments, microcosms were set up with freshly sampled farm ma- the experiments signifying that, contrary to what was observed with
nure that received a single cycloheximide amendment (0, 0.1, or the first manure experiment (Fig. 5A), cycloheximide did not favor the
1 mg.mL−1) before being inoculated with E. coli DH5α(pB10) donor transfer of pB10. This was even unexpected considering the fact that,
cells. Fig. 5A shows that cycloheximide strongly reduced the initial as mentioned earlier, pB10 transfer was observed in the untreated efflu-
loss of E. coli DH5α(pB10) following inoculation, which moved from ent microcosm (Fig. 5D1). Thus, if eukaryotic predation appears to play
a 2-Log loss in the control experiment to a 1-Log loss and finally a re- a significant role regarding the initial persistence of the donor bacteria
duced loss when cycloheximide was amended at 0.1 and 1 mg.mL−1, E. coli DH5α(pB10), it cannot alone explain the lack of transfer in non-
respectively. For both the 0 and 0.1 mg.mL−1 cycloheximide amended permissive environmental matrices. To the contrary, in certain instances
microcosms, the decline of plasmid pB10 paralleled the one of E. coli limiting the predation had a negative effect on pB10 transfer, as seen
DH5α DNA, which indicates the loss of the donor bacteria without with the WWTP effluents. To the best of our knowledge, if the influence
X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882 879

Fig. 5. Transfer of pB10 in environmental communities. Stability of pB10 (squares) and E. coli DH5α (triangles) in manure (A and B, two samples collected independently), activated
sludge (C) and WWTP effluent (D) microcosms, treated or not with cycloheximide (0, 0.1, and 1 mg.mL−1). Each data point is an average of 3 values obtained from triplicate qPCRs.
Error bars represent standard deviation.

of predation is well recognized (Hahn and Höfle, 2001; Rønn et al., eukaryotic predation may influence bacterial plasmid transfers in two
2002), it remains poorly documented and far from being fully under- different ways. First by grazing on donor bacteria, eukaryotic predation
stood regarding plasmid transfers. The experiment presented in Fig. 5 may actively reduce the chance of observing a rare transfer event.
showed that, depending on the population considered, opposite effects This explains why such rare events became observable upon cyclohex-
could take place when using eukaryotic inhibitors. This suggests that imide treatment in the first manure microcosm experiment (Fig. 5A).
880 X. Bellanger et al. / Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 872–882

On the other hand, eukaryotic predation is also known for its role in (Götz and Smalla, 1997; Top et al, 1990) or the indigenous bacteria
maintaining the dynamics of the bacterial population (Huws et al., (van Elsas et al., 2004; Merlin et al., 2011), should determine the level
2005). Indeed, predator grazing limits the overgrowth of bacterial of successful transfer events that reflects the permissiveness of an envi-
population and therefore indirectly contributes to maintain a growing ronmental community in a given environmental matrix.
state that has been demonstrated to be of prime importance for plasmid To date, demonstrating the transfer of a known plasmid, delivered
transfer (Seoane et al., 2011). Consequently, predation may promote by a donor inoculum into indigenous bacteria, has involved three
or limit plasmid transfer depending on whether grazing mainly contrib- main approaches (culture-based, fluorescent-based, or molecular-
utes to dynamize the bacterial population or to bring down the level of based), each of which having its own biases and technical limitations,
donors, both phenomena being non exclusive. as illustrated in this study with plasmid pB10. Culture-based ap-
Because it is highly specific and it does not rely on gene expression, proaches mainly rely on the isolation of transconjugants based on the
the qPCR approach we developed definitively got rid of the limitation acquisition of a particular resistance phenotype. The relatively high
associated with the culture-based selection of transconjugants. Still, background levels of resistances in environmental samples make the
considering an average bacterial genome size of 2 Mbp, a qPCR carried culture-based selection of transconjugants difficult unless high loads
out with 25 ng of community DNA, and an average copy number of of donor bacteria are introduced in the environmental samples in
10 plasmid copies per cell for IncP plasmids, measuring 10 copies of order to outcompete naturally resistant bacteria. Moreover, because
pB10 brings the detection limit to one plasmid bearing bacterium out transconjugants are indistinguishable from naturally resistant indige-
of ~ 107 bacterial genomes screened. This may not appear very high nous bacteria, additional screenings are necessary to ascertain the
but, on the other hand, the absence of background makes the data presence of the plasmid. These screenings could consist in RFLP analyses
100% reachable for evaluating horizontal gene transfer as opposed to on plasmid extracts, southern blot hybridization with plasmid specific
culture-based approaches. With the molecular approach, horizontal DNA probe (Götz and Smalla, 1997; Fulthorpe and Wyndham, 1992),
gene transfer should be thought slightly differently than usual and or specific PCR typing (Götz and Smalla, 1997; Bonot and Merlin,
should rather be regarded as a DNA sequence invasion into a communi- 2010). Despite involving tedious screening tasks and being focused on
ty metagenome. If plasmid conjugation is concerned, the invasion can the poorly culturable fraction of the indigenous bacteria, culture-based
be considered as effective when the plasmid sequence is maintained approaches remain the only mean to identify the bacterial actors
in the indigenous community metagenome, which then appears as an supporting plasmid transfer. If they have provided the basis of our cur-
increasing plasmid to donor ratio over time. Considering this, a major rent knowledge on horizontal gene transfer in the environment, we be-
drawback comes with the fact that the implantation of the plasmid se- lieve these approaches still suffer from the unrealistic levels of donor
quence may be missed by the experimenter simply because the plasmid inoculum used when it comes to providing a transfer frequency. In
to donor ratio does not increase significantly in the event of a very low this respect, fluorescent-based approaches could have been interesting
level of transfer combined to a too stable persistence of the donor host alternatives as they rely on the production of a fluorescent protein
in the indigenous population. Ideally, a quick disappearance of the that is naturally absent from the microbial communities. Nevertheless,
donor host allows a better evaluation of the plasmid persistence in the the background level of fluorescence associated with some environmen-
indigenous community metagenome. Nevertheless, as discussed above tal matrices, combined with the narrow expression range of the fluores-
this donor disappearance also has to allow time for the plasmid transfer cent genes, strongly limits the possibility of monitoring plasmid transfer
to occur. using fluorescent-based approaches in complex environments. This
is even particularly troublesome considering the fact that even using
4. Discussion (i) a narrow set of bacterial species, all belonging to the preferred host
class for IncP-1 plasmids (Proteobacteria; Suzuki et al., 2010), and (ii) a
4.1. Studying plasmid transfer in environmental matrices Plac-gfp expression system also originating from the proteobacterial
system, the fluorescence emission displayed severe strain/species-
Despite the ever-increasing retrospective evidences showing the dependent limitations. These drawbacks have initially motivated us to
dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in the environment explore a molecular-based approach that finally appeared sensitive
(Aminov, 2011), detecting an antibiotic resistance in an environmental enough to detect rare transfer events under low (but realistic) donor in-
isolate does not necessarily mean that it has been acquired by horizontal oculum size. Theoretically, it remains limited on a quantitative point
gene transfer in the environment of concern. Actually, demonstrating of view. Indeed, because it solely relies on the fact that the plasmid
gene transfer is a difficult matter when it comes to deal with environ- shows a better persistence than its donor host, it does not make the
mental microbial populations, even for plasmids that have been repeat- difference between repetitive transfer events and the growth of
edly pointed as highly proficient for promoting gene dissemination. transconjugants. And, since it is analyzed at the level of a community
Plasmid-mediated gene dissemination in environmental communities metagenome, further analyses of transconjugants are not possible. On
has been studied in several ways depending on the global experimental the other hand, it allows detecting rare successful transfer events that
strategy used and the fundamental question asked. Typically, the exog- should then be interpreted as the invasion and possibly the persistence
enous isolation of plasmids from environmental communities has been of a plasmid sequence in the vastness of the community metagenomes.
used for characterizing the mobile fraction of a studied phenotype, like In conclusion, we believe this molecular approach to be particularly
a community resistome for instance. In such a case, the indigenous valuable at least for two reasons. First, because it can tolerate low
community is used as donor while a selectable recipient is added to amounts of donor inocula, it can be seen as poorly invasive, thus
the environmental matrix for isolating transconjugants with acquired allowing the matrix effect to be studied without interference. Second,
phenotypic traits such as antibiotic resistances. Further analysis of the despite focusing on rare transfer events, and being poorly quantita-
transconjugants, including plasmid extraction, RFLP, or replicon typing, tive, it remains more exhaustive as it also considers the non-culturable
allows characterizing the mobile genetic elements initially involved part of the microbial community, which represents at least 99% of its
in the transferred phenotype (Smalla et al., 2000; Oliveira et al., 2012). content.
Alternatively, when it comes to study the permissiveness of an environ-
mental community to support the transfer of a known mobile element, 4.2. Parameters affecting plasmid transfer
the experimental strategy would rather consist in inoculating the indig-
enous community with a donor bacterium hosting a plasmid of recog- This study also illustrates the great variability inherent to working
nizable features. Next, the identification of transconjugants, resulting with environmental matrices. In spite of this variability, important
from the transfer of the plasmid into either a provided recipient parameters, such as the stability of the initial donor inoculum and
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