Shri Borkar. C. N

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Institute I.T.I (G) Ratnagiri

Name of Instructor Shri Borkar. C. N.
Trade Information Technology & Electronic System
Objectives *To Use arithmetical operators in Program.
* To know different Arithmetic operators
*To know how the division operator operates?
* To know how modulus operator operates.

* Writing & Executing simple programmes in ‘C’

Proposed Date

Date of Demo

Time Required
20 min.
i) Equipments Computer system p4 type with Turbo C/C++

ii) Tools Trainees tool kit.

iii) Material NIL

Review In Last practical we have understand about sample

‘C’ program (Data Handling Inst.)
Link ‘C’ language provides all basic arithmetic operators.
Motivation All the operators called ‘Binary’ operators as they
act upon two operators at a time.

Presentation ‘C’ language supports a rich set of operators . An

operator is a symbol that tell the computer to
perform certain mathematical & Logical
Procedure Information points& Spot hints/Questions
( Doing) Safety ( Telling) (Asking/showing)
*Writing & Executing TASK 1,2:- See page No. 292
simple programs in ‘C’ *Identify Arithmetic operators C.O.P.A. Theory Book &
for ex.+,-,*,/,% with suitable Explain
*Arithmatical operators by’C’ + Addition
language provides all basic -
arithmetic operators. Subtraction
% Modulo
TASK 3:- *The given table on
*Observe how the division page No. 292 C.O.P.A.
operator operate on various Theory Book, Explain it.
data types. * It shows how the
For ex:- int/int = int division operate on
real/int = real various data types.
Int/real = real
real/real = real
Application:- Operators tells the computer to perform certain mathematical
manipulation. By using these operators in our program, the of
computers calculations will become easy.

Summary:- Arithmatic operators are used for calculations..

Participation of Trainee:- With participations of trainees attend each of command

carefully done to perform the practical.

Instructor Group Instructor Principal



Institute I.T.I (G) Ratnagiri

Name of Instructor Shri Borkar. C. N.
Trade Information Technology & Electronic System
Objectives *To Identify Logical Operators..
* To know what are the logical operators.
*To know how to use logical operators.

* Writing & Executing simple programmes in ‘C’

Proposed Date

Date of Demo

Time Required
20 min.
i) Equipments Computer system p4 type with Turbo C/C++

ii) Tools Trainees tool kit.

iii) Material NIL

Review In Last practical we have understand about sample

‘C’ program (Arithmatic Instructions.)
Link Logical operators are used to combine two or more
Motivation To know logical operators ,Explain with examples,
how to combine conditions?

Presentation Sample types of programming describing logical

Procedure Information points& Spot hints/Questions
( Doing) Safety ( Telling) (Asking/showing)
*Writing & Executing TASK 1: To Identify different See page No. 293 of
simple programs in ‘C’ logical operators :- C.O.P.A. Theory Book &
*identification of different Explaining Logical
logical operators for ex. operators.
Logical AND
Logical OR
Logical NOT
TASK 2:- *The given table on
To know what are the logical page No. 292 C.O.P.A.
operators. Theory Book, Explain it.
*Explain about meaning of * It shows how the
Logical AND division operate on
Logical OR various data types.
Logical NOT
*A logical Expressions yields a
value of one or zero.
*Explain it with the help of
truth table
TASK 3: To know How to use
logical operators.
* Logical AND
Logical OR
Logical NOT
are used in different situations.
*Explain the use of difference
between them with suitable

Application:- Logical operators are useful whenever two or more conditions are
to be combined.

Summary:- By understanding difference between logical operators

programmer can also exact/accurate operator as per conditions.

Participation of Trainee:- With participations of trainees , sample programs

having logical operators to be run by each trainee.

Instructor Group Instructor Principal


Institute I.T.I (G) Ratnagiri

Name of Instructor Shri Borkar. C. N.
Trade Information Technology & Electronic System
Objectives *To Install modem driver& verify connectivity.
*To install Dial-up connection & Create short-cut.

Installing & configuring Internet.


Proposed Date
Date of Demo
Time Required 20 min.
i) Equipments *Computer system with ‘p-4’ & win XP installed.
*Telephone line connected to the modem.
*Modem connected to the comp 2 port
* VSNL Internet pack.

ii) Tools Trainees tool kit.

iii) Material Nil

Review In last practical we have understand about sample ‘c’

program (Logical Instruction)

Link It is largely due to the modem’s ability to use the public

telephone system to transmit the received digital
Motivation The modem is probably the simplest & most common
means of allowing communication between remote
Presentation In simple terms,modulation /demodulation process is a
means by which digital information from computer is
converted in to a form that can be transmitted over the
public telephone network.
Procedure Information points& Spot hints/Questions
( Doing) Safety ( Telling) (Asking/showing)
*Installation & configure Task1: Installation of modem&
Internet verify connectivity
*Click start button on desktop
*It appears start up menu.
*Click on setting
*It appears submenu.
*In submenu click on control
*Double click on modem icon to
select & install modem device
*Click on ‘ADD’ button on modem
*On each option click on ‘next
button to proceed with
*Next click on com.2 port to select
it as the port which the modem is
connected it will get highlight.
*Then by step press Finish button
to complete the installation.
Task2: Install dial up connection Each & every step
software to create short cut for observe monitor screen for
dial up. operating further steps.
*Click start button on desktop See figures on COPA
*Click on start menu accessories. practical book page. 582-
*Click on menu item created on 587
communications to list sub menu
*Click on submenu item on dial up
Networking for its installation.
* Double click on dial up
networking panel
*By certain operating steps the
finish button appears click on the
* Double click on newly created
dial-up connection short cut.
*Check the short cut to verify it.

Application:- A modem can normally be used to connect a single computer to another

single computer which is in remote place. However the software does exist that enables
many computers to access a modem connected to a single PC over a network.

Summary:- The Term ‘MODEN’ refers to process known as modulate/Demodulate. Using

the modem to connect to the internet requires a connection through public telephone
Participation of Trainee:- Operating the “operating –steps’ steeply the trainees can
perform the modem installation practical.
Instructor Group Instructor Principal

Institute I.T.I (G) Ratnagiri

Name of Instructor Shri Borkar. C. N.
Trade Information Technology & Electronic System
 To open Internet Explorer
 To set default print page size A-4 in page set up
 Set default open page to in the
internet options of Internet Explorer.
 Set the history folder to contain page visit
histories only upto 15 days.
 Delete temporary files in ‘General’ tab of the
options menu in Internet Explorer.

 Installing & Configuring Internet.

 Skill of Identification

Proposed Date
Date of Demo
Time Required 20 min.
i) Equipments *Computer system P-4 with windows 98 or higher
version XP installed.
*Telephone Line Connection to the modem.
*Modem connected to Com-2 port
01 set

ii) Tools Trainees tool kit.

iii) Material Nil

Review In last practical we have understand about Installation
of Modem & configure Internet.

Link The Internet is world wide collection of network,servers,

gateways & computers using a common set of
telecommunication protocol to inter operate them

Motivation The internet can provides world access to Information &

resources. It can possible to find information about
almost any subject.
Presentation Step by step perform the various objectives given in the
practical to perform.
Procedure Information points& Spot hints/Questions
( Doing) Safety ( Telling) (Asking/showing)
*Installing & Task:1) Double click on the internet Observe the screen
configuring Internet. explorer icon found on your appears on monitor.
computer desktop to open.
*Click on the menu option page See monitor screen &
setup. then operate.
*Select the size-Choice ‘A-4’
Task3: Paper setting to
*From menu bar choose view &
click on menu item option
*set the page as:
-page: start page
-Number of days to keep page
history:15 Observe monitor
*click on OK button to save the screen properly before
new setting. to operate any
Task5: Delete the ‘General’ tab options.
*Open the menu item options.
*In displayed dialog box, choose
General tab.
*Click on the button ‘Delete files’
available under the block
‘Temporary Internet files’
*Click on ‘OK’ button to delete the
*Skill of files in the temporary internet
identification folder.
*Repeat all the steps of this
experiment till you get use to it.
*To the skill learnt in this exercise
Application:- All types of software & hardware companies are finding new ways to
promote & sell their product on the internet . The appearance of a particular
website may slightly vary depending on the browser you.

Summary:- Today Internet Explorer is a public, co-operative & self sustaining

facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people world wide.

Participation of Trainee:- By operating the computer system step-by-step the

trainees can perform the practical clearly.

Instructor Group Instructor Principal


Institute I.T.I (G) Ratnagiri

Name of Instructor Shri Borkar. C. N.
Trade Information Technology & Electronic System
Objectives  To open Internet Explorer
 Visit the site
 To create a account in
 Send new mail against received mails.
 Log out of your newly created account.

 Installing & configuring Internet.

 Setting E-mail account.

Proposed Date
Date of Demo
Time Required 20 min.
i) Equipments * Computer system with p4 type
* Win XP installed in P.C.
* Available Telephone Line

ii) Tools Trainees tool kit.

iii) Material NIL

Review In last practical we have understand about Using

Internet Explorer.

Link Hotmail is he worlds largest provider of free web-based


Motivation The Hotmail is based on the premise that e-mail acess

should be easy & possible from any computer connected
to world wide web.

Presentation Hotmail is web based e-mail provider which means you

can send & receive messages from any computer
connected to the Internet.
Procedure Information points& Spot hints/Questions
( Doing) Safety ( Telling) (Asking/showing)
* Installation & Task 1: To open Internet Explorer See the monitor screen.
configuring the Internet *Double click on Explorer icon on
Task2: Connect to Observe instruction in
*Clear the address bar of the COPA practical book pages
Internet Explorer & then type the from 594-596
address as
*The browser will start connecting
to web site specified in address
Task3: Create an account See Task3 on COPA(NIMI)
*To create account in Book page 595 for details you need to sign-up & explain to trainees.
with all your details.
*To do ,click on table ‘sign-up’
*Fill the computer screen form
*Click on the button “continue
*Click on the button shown below
in the form as ‘I accept’
* Click on the button continue.
*Various mails you will receive
when did mail arrived & its
subject of the mail.
Task4: To compose new massage Observe the monitor
*Click on compose button new screen carefully & then
window will open operate the instructions
* Fill up new window dialog box. displayed on it
*Type ‘TO’ address & subject of accordingly.
the mail.
*If you want to attach any file to
massage, click on attach tab,
select the file. Then click on send
Task5: Log out from new
*Click on ‘Log out’ button to log
Application:- The hotmail is web based E-mail provider you can use hotmail from home,
workplaces ,school, an internet cafe, from a friends house or any other computer in the
world with an internet connection. Your message is stored in a certain location, so your
inbox will always be up to date.

Summary:- The Hotmail is very easy to use, if everything is fine, it takes less than a
minute to get started on Hotmail & its pages are so worked out to load quickly.
Participation of Trainee:- With the steps given in practical, with trainees participation
perform the practical along with the instructions.
Instructor Group Instructor Principal



Institute I.T.I (G) Ratnagiri
Name of Instructor Shri Borkar. C. N.
Trade Information Technology & Electronic System maintenance
Objectives  To prepear Video Conferencing Set-up.
 Installation Of Camera To P. C.
 Aiding Contacts.
 Starting A Video Conferencing.
 Setting Up Video Conference Software & Hardware
Skills  Operating & Interfacing of Digital Camera.

Proposed Date

Date of Demo

Time Required
20 min.

i) Equipments * Computer system with p4 type & U S B Port.

* Web Camera with its Driver C. D; The Microphone.
* Available Telephone Line connection,
* A Video-Conferencing Partner with all of the above
ii) Tools Trainees tool kit.

iii) Material Various connecting cords as required for various connections.

Camera Stand if provided.

Review In last practical we have understand about Creating E-


Link Video Conferencing is the process of simultaneous

participations of various users where video & audio from one
user to another is send.

Motivation The Video conferencing works as various camera

simultaneously swap live picture between the T.V. screen in
each location you can view or observe picture on computer

Presentation The video conferencing equipment requires a computers,

colour monitor, digital camera & other control units & this
equipments are connected to telephone line . It is a telephone
Procedure Information points&
( Doing) Safety ( Telling)
*Setting of video TASK 1&2: Prepear video conferencing set-up :-- For monitoring the
conferencing video or picture
Hardware & software * Fix/Install the web camera to the proper required Image requires
place. television or
* Install the driver from C.D. which comes with your computer monitor,
camera & plug camera into USB port of P.C. As per viewer’s
*Install MSN messenger. This tool offers a range of choice.
features that it is integrated into Microsoft products &
* Download program to hard disk, then double click on it
* The MSN messenger window will open. Click on the
link to sign in.
TASK3: Aiding contacts:
* The list of contacts will create with home you want to
video conference. They will also want to add you as a
* You also need their passport email address & they will
need to know your passport e-mail address.
*Open messenger & sign in with your passport login.
* Click on messenger’s add contacts link or toolbar
*Operating & Task4: Starting a video conferencing *some time video
Interfacing of Digital * To start video conferencing double click on the icon for taping of the entire
camera. messenger in P.C. try & sign in. meeting is also
* open net meeting. If you did not choose to create a available.
desktop icon. When you installed it, this program is
typically found under the start>programs>accessories>
communications menu.
* Click on Net meetings start video button you will see
yours self through your camera. * Three or four as
*In messenger window, select a contact & then click on required camera
Actions menu>start net meeting follow the prompts. recording is also
*The contact person will receive an invitation they can possible by using
accept or not accept. If they accept you will also receive multiple video
a pop-up window to accept. conferencing.
* If some one wishes to invite you to a meeting. You
must be signed into Microsoft passport. You will then
receive their invitation in a pop-up dialog box to accept
or not to accept it.
* After the invitation is accepted, you will both able to
see & hear the other in the Net meeting, window when
conversation will set finish to finish the Net meeting.

Application:- The video conferencing is using for many purposes:- 1) Job interviews 2) Sales
presentations & product launches. 3) Company meetings 4) Training purposes.
5) Operation theater, for demonstration. 6) Distance Education & learning.
7) Telemedicine.
Summary:- The basic requirement for videos conferencing required a kit which contain
video/web camera ,mike, communication link such as MTNL or BSNL , ISDN
telephone Line & computer system with USB port.
Participation of :- With the participation of trainees as given steps, follow step one by one
Trainee to perform the practical.
Instructor Group Instructor Principal

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