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6.2 Indicate 2 errors during experiment ?

1- The positioning of the eyes when taking the reading of the amplitude of the resonance
curve. Because of the scale of the graph is too small. It may lead us to read the
amplitude is not accurate. Furthermore, the changes of the amplitude. It also may lead to
the human error and the result will may not get accurate when we read it.

2- These errors are unpredictable. They are chance variations in the measurements
over which you as experimenter have little or no control. There is just as great a chance
that the measurement is too big as that it is too small.

6.3 For considerable damping, give the maximum amplitude and its frequency?

Amplitude =1.1mm

Frequency =7hz

6.4 What the different between system in with damping and without damping?

The damping and without damping refer to two different types of

vibrations. The main difference between damping and without damping vibration
is that without damping vibration refer to vibrations where energy of the vibrating
object does not get dissipated to surroundings over time, whereas damping
vibration refers to vibrations where the vibrating object loses its energy to the
surroundings. In without damping vibrations, no resistive force acts on the
vibrating object. As the object oscillates, the energy in the object is continuously
transformed from kinetic energy to potential energy and back again, and the sum
of kinetic and potential energy remains a constant value. In practice, it’s
extremely difficult to find without damping vibrations. For instance, even an object
vibrating in air would lose energy over time due to air resistance. In damped
vibrations, external resistive forces act on the vibrating object. The object loses
energy due to resistance and as a result, the amplitude of vibrations decreases

6.5 Give two applications of damping system.

- Absorber

6.6 How the data tabulated in your experiments can be used to prevent
machine breakdowns?

With the data we have obtained during the experiments, we can know the position of
the damping has the best results. as we can see that a large damping is the best result
that can absorb vibration uniforms. therefore, we can prevent the engine damaged by

6.7 What are the variables in your experiments?



-Position of the needle valve

6.8 Does your experiment resemble a practical machine vibration problem?

Explain the similarities/differences.

Yes, this experiment does resemble a practical machine problem such as

rotating imbalance. Unbalance in rotating machines is a very common source of
vibration excitation. A “heavy spot” in a rotating component will cause vibration
when the unbalanced weight rotates around the machine’s axis, creating a
centrifugal force. Imbalance could be caused by manufacturing defects
(machining errors, casting flaws) or maintenance issues (deformed or dirty fan
blades, missing balance weights). As machine speed increases the effects of
imbalance become greater. Imbalance can severely reduce bearing life as well
as cause undue machine vibration.

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