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International Business Management 11 (3): 5523-5529, 2017

ISSN: 1 993-5250
© Medwell Journals, 2017

The Effect of Internal Control on Accounting Information System

Azhar Susanto
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract: All organizations need information as a basis for decision making . Information has become a major
resource for most organizations, both for profit and nonprofit organization. In recent years, Accmmting
Information Systems (AIS) has become a system that is very important in an organization because it generates
important information for the organization. To prevent and minimize errors and frauds in applying accormting
information system in order to generate the information an internal control needs to be applied inside the
system. The aim of this investigation is to get the empirical eviden the influence of internal control on the
quality of accmmting information. The rmits of analysis in this study are the head and the staffs of finance
department in college in Bandtmg , Indonesia. The results show that internal control has effect on the quality
of accormting information system in the college.

Key words: Internal control, accmmting, information, system, accormting information system

INTRODUCTION and accessibility (Laudon and Laudon, 2012). High quality

information has the characteristics namely relevance,
Quality 1s the compatibility between the timeliness, accuracy, completeness and summarization
specifications required compared with the specifications (Hall, 2011 ). By looking at the role of information that is
generated (used) by the company (Azhar, 2013). A very important for organizations causes the organizations
high-quality decision requires high-quality information dependent on information systems or accormting
(Laudon and Laudon, 2012). So, a good quality of information system (Azhar, 2013a, b).
information where accounting information is as a part of In order the accounting information system can
it, can improve users decision on performing their desired generate the accounting information expected, an internal
action (Hall, 2011). The quality of accounting information control is required (Azhar, 2013a, b). The objective of
is influenced by the quality of accormting information internal control is to secure the assets and to ensure that
systems (Azhar, 2015). Information is required in everyone involved in the organization can follow the
decision-making (0 'Brien and Marak, 2010). The type of procedures set by the organization. Without the internal
information required will be directly related to the control that is integrated in the accormting information
structure and the decision that will be made such as system will encourage the emergence of a variety of
information for directors, executives, managers and frauds in the organization (Hurt, 2008). One of the main
team members in which different information will be goals of accormting information system is to control the
directed to the levels of management decision-making business held by the organization where accormtants can
involved (O'Brien and Marak, 2010). help in achieving this goal by designing an effective
In addition to improve the relationship among parts control system.
in the organization, high quality information will also
improve the quality of the rmderstanding of the Literature review
organization's managers to see the chang es that occur Internal control: Control is the process of ensuring that
both inside and outside the organization, so that the all activities of the organization are in accordance with the
organization's managers will quickly and accurately plan. This process is done by comparing the actual
respond to changes that OCCUR (Azhar, 2013a, b). High performance with the standards or goals that have been
quality information is the information that is accurate, set and then taking action to fix the deviations occurred
reliable, cwrent, complete, delivered with the appropriate (Rue and Byars, 2007). Control is the limits that are
format (Stair and Reynolds, 2010). High quality assigned to the user and the system. It aims to secure the
information has the dimensions namely accuracy, system against the risks or to reduce the damage that
integrity, consistency, completeness, validity, timeliness occurs in the system, applications and data (Effy,

Int. Business Manage., J1 (3): 5523-5529, 2017

2009). The implementation of control is aimed to theirbusiness processes (Gelinas et al., 2005). Internal
implement policies and to ensure that the "wrong" data control system consists of policies, practices and
does not get into the company's database (Effy, 2009). procedures rmdertaken by people on the organization,
Control is an activity that can evaluate and make manager and non manager to achieve the four general
adjustments needed from data input, processing and can objectives of their organization, namely to protect the
ensure that the resulting output is the expected output company's assets to ensure the accuracy and reliability of
(O'Brien and Marak, 2010). accormting records and information to improve efficiency
Internal controls can be defined as a process that is in operations companies to measure compliance with
influenced by some stakeholder that are designed to prescribed policies and procedures management (Hall,
provide assurance and capable of ensuring that 2011). Internal control has four basic objectives, namely
organizational goals will be achieved through the to maintain assets to ensure the reliability of financial
efficiency and effectiveness of operations the statements to enhance the efficiency of organization
presentation of financial statements that are trustworthy operation to improve compliance withmanagement (Hurt,
and compliance with laws and regulations (Azhar, 2013). 2008).
Internal control is also state as a process designed to The objectives of control, namely assets security,
improve reasonable assurance about the achievement of including to prevent or detect on a timely basis, to
Romney and Steinhart (2009) and Azhar (2010). An prevent the acquisition of rmauthorized, securing the use
effective internal control system must exist in every or disposition of corporate assets maintain records in
organization accmmting information system to help sufficient detail to accurately and fairly reflect the
achieving the mission and performance to increase company's assets provide information that is accurate
profitability and to minimize risks (Romney and Steinbart, and reliable provide reasonable assurance of the financial
2009). Internal control is a process designed rmder the report prepared based on GAAP promote and improve
supervision of the head of financial rmit and the board of operational efficiency including ensuring the company'
directors in the company and implemented by all the revenue and expenditures made rmder the authority of the
directors in the company, management and other board of directors and management encouraging
personnel to provide reasonable assurance that the adherence to the managerial policy specified and comply
reliability of financial statement and the arrangement of with laws and regulations (Romney and Steinbart,
financial statement for external pwposes have been in 2009).
accordance with generally accepted accormting principles The objectives of control are to keep the information
(Lander, 2004). systems frmction maintaining the confidentiality of
The objectives: the reliability of the process to information. The integrity and availability of data and
produce financial report, increase the effectiveness of resources to master the application compliance with the
operations in getting the objective and improve the laws of privacy and data security (Effy, 2009). Based on
efficiency on its operations, compliance with laws and the descriptions above the dimensions and indicators
regulations (Bodnar, 2010). Internal control is a process used for each component of internal control in this study
conducted by the board of directors, management and were preservation on assets compliance with data
people rmder their direction to provide reasonable security assets and privacy laws prevent or detect fraud
assurance (Romney and Steinbart, 2009). Internal control assets to ensure the quality of the accormting process
is the control of the accormting information system of an and its output to maintain the information systems
organization that is used by management to achieve frmction identify and record all financial transactions are
organizatioml goals (Nash and Heagy, 1993; Azhar, 2010). valid. Provide reasonable assurance that the financial
Internal control is the methods and procedures reporting prepared in accordance with GAAP, improve
related to the organization's activities in the field of ional efficiency proceeds received in accordance with
accormting has the objective to safeguard the assets and management's calculation record company expenditures
to improve the accuracy and reliability of the accormting are made in accordance with management policies.
records. Internal controls include policies, procedures and
information systems are used to protect the company's Accounting information systems: System 1s to
assets from loss or fraud and to maintain accurate rmderstand the system according to the experts. A system
financial data (Jones and Rama, 2006). Internal control is is a set of interrelated components and the components
a system,it is structured, to provide adequate confidence interact to achieve a goal. The system consists of
for an organizationto achieve a desired goal through subsystems smaller each sub-system perform certain

Int. Business Manage., J1 (3): 5523-5529, 2017

frmctions that are importan and supports a larger system collecting, processing and reporting financial aspects of
(Romney and Steinbart, 2009) the system is an integration information. Same key success factor of the accollllting
of sub-systems/parts/components of both physical and information system according to Romney and Steinbart
non-physical are interconnected with one another and (2009) are:
work together in harmony to achieve a particular goal
(Azhar, 2013a, b). The system is a set of interrelated • Usefulness: Output in the form of information will
components with clear bmmdaries work together to help management and users make decisions
achieve one goal (O'Brien and Marak, 2010). The • Efficient The benefits of the system exceed the costs
frmdamental role of accmmting information systems in of its implementation
organizations are generating accmmting information • Realiability: The system continuesly is able to
quality (Azhar, 2013). process data accurately and completely
Definition of information according to the experts: • Availability: Access system for users can be carried
Information is data that has been organized and out well
processed to provide benefits to the users (Romney and • Timelines: The required information can be produced
Steinbart, 2009). Information is data that is presented in a by the system when needed
form that is useful in decision-making activities • Customer service: Customer service can be carried
Information has value to decision makers because it out efficiently
reduces llllcertainty and increase knowledge about a • Capacity: The capacity of the system must be able to
matter of concern (Gelinas et al., 2005) the information is handle all of the company's operations
data that has been processed that gives meaning and • Ease of use: The system must be user friendly
benefits (Nash and Heagy, 1993). • Flexibility: The system should be able to handle
An Information systems, according to the experts is
the operational and chang es that anse m
a collection of sub-systems both physical and non
physical interconnected and work together in harmony to • Trustability: The system can easily be llllderstood in
achieve a goal processing data into useful information.
facilitatinguser problem solving
(Azhar, 2013), the information system can be defined • Uditability: Auditability supposed to be built at the
technically as a set of interrelated componentsor
beginning of the manufacturing system
sub-systemis to campture, collect, record, process and
• Security: Only authorized users who have granted
distribute information to support decision making in an
access or allowed to change the data system
organization (Laudon and Laudon, 2012). Information
systems depends on hwnan resources, hardware,
Characteristics of quality information system
software, data and media commllllication network
(Halandy and Ghabban, 2009):
(O'Brien and Marak, 2010).
Accollllting is an information system that measures,
process and commmricate financial information about
• Correctness: The extent to which the system meets
economic entities (Needles et al., 2008) is a system to the required specifications
collect and process financial information on an
• Reliability: The extent to which the system can be
organization and provide information to decision makers expected to perform the fllllctions as needed
(Libby el al., 2009) is an information system that identifies
• Efficiency: The amollllt of computing resources and
andcornmllllicates the economic events of an organization code used to perform the fllllction
to the users. • Integrity: The extent of access to systems or data by
An accollllting information system according to the WIButhorized persons can be controlled
Romey and Steinhart (2009) is a system that collects, • Usability: Effort required to learn, operate, prepare
records and processes the data to produce information for the input and interpret output
decision makers. Where as Jones and Rama (2006) state • Easy to maintain: Little effort required to find and fix
that the accollllting information system is a part of the a problem
management information system that produce accollllting • Flexibility: The effort needed to modify the operati ng
and financial information from daily accollllting system
transactions. The same point of view came from • Testability: Effort required to test a system to
Gelinas et al. (2005) state that the accollllting information ensure that the system has made the appropriate
system is a subsystem of the information system that fllllction

Int. Business Manage., 11 (3): 5523-5529, 2017

• Portability: Effort required to transfer the program

from one hardware and/or software system Internal control Accounting
environment to another
i information system

---I --..
• Reusability: The extent to which the system (or part
of the system) can be reused in other applications ..,-- ... .,- .. ... _
• Interoperability: Effort required to couple one system
///�'Brien & Mara��:--· •. ,.,.•
to another (2010), Laudon &
' Laudon (2012),
, :
The quality of the information system has ' Mckeown (20 11 ), '
characteristics same of them are ease to use, ease to learn, \,,
Romney & Steinbart
based on user requirements, features, accurate, flexible, ,,
..,,. '
_,, .. -,.-�-'
sophisticate, integrated and customize (Sedera and Gable,
2004). Based upon the dimensions used in this study were
flexibility easy of learning , user friendly/ease of use, Fig. 1: Theoretical framework
realiability Sophistication: Acessible, usefulness well
Integrated/ integration flexible to the make chang es easily. controls, managers and practitioners are expected to
improve the security of accounting information systems
MATERIALS AND METHODS and security technol og y for organizational success
(Musa, 2010).
Theoritical framework: Internal internal and accounting
information system: Internal controls are needed in the Research model and hypothesis: Based on description
running of information systems to be able to produce above, the model can be described as follows shown in
accounting information expected by management Fig. 1.
(Azhar, 2013a, b). Internal control refers to the way an
organization to safeguard assets and ensure that Hypothesis: Internal control affects the quality of
everyone follows the procedures of the organization. accounting information system.
Without a good internal control in accounting information
systems, organizations will experience fraud (Hurt, 2008). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
One of the main objectives of accounting information
system is to control the business of the organization, an The population in this study is the chief and
accountant can help achieve this goal by designing an staff accounting/finance at state and private
effective control system (Romney and Steinhart, 2009). universities in the city who use accounting information
Effective internal controls must exist in all organizations systems in data processing of accounting transactions. In
to help achieve the mission and performance and this study, the minimum sample size taken using power
profitability objectives and minimize risk in business
analysis method. With the 5% significance level,
activities. Control over information systems must be
statistical power of 80% of the total direction of the arrow
developed to ensure that the proper data entry,
pointing towards the highest numbered constructs 3 and
processing techniques, methods of storage and output
R2 is 0:25 then the minimum sample size taken in this study
information. Thus, control of information system designed
is 59 samples. In this research, there are two types of data
to monitor and maintain the quality and safety of input,
process, output and storage activities information system are prim ary data and secondary data. Methods of data
(O'Brien and Marak, 2010). collection is done by sendi ng questionnaires by mail in
Internal control is closely related to the integrity which each unit of analysis will be sent a questionnaire
of financial and administrative information systems 3-4. The analysis is done through structural equation
(Halandy and Ghabban, 2009). Performance of operations, modeling (Structural Equation Model with the assessment
reliability of financial reporting and legal compliance, of PLS-SEM) to be able to answer the problem formulation
internal control mechanisms must gradually be built into and answer hypothesis. The assessment of PLS is used
enterprise information systems (Yang et al., 2011 ). Strong for the measurement model built number of samples
internal control system is highly relevant for organizations used is< 100.
because organizations are particularly vulnerable to fraud In this research model developed in structural
and is closely related to information systems used models and measurement models. Structural models
(Cahill, 2006). Most organizations have adequate security (inner model) in this study consisted of latent exog enous

Int. Business Manage., 11 (3): 5523-5529, 2017

be seen the value of all valid weighting factor is above 0.5.

( Q�:i of ) For CR also above the standard 0.7 and AVE values
above the standard set.

� Second order analysis: The second order analysis is used

to test the validity and reliability of each of the
Fig. 2: Structure model dimensions that make up the variable. The test results of
each dimension on each variableconfirmatory factor
analysis as presented in Table 2. Based on the results of
X1 A111 x n11+<'>i
confrmatory second order factor analysis can be seen the

X2 A211 x n11+02 value of the weight factor of each dimension is valid form

Xi A312 X TI12+03 any variables measured. Value Composite Realibility (CR)


x4 Am x ni2+0 4 shows a number greater than the standards indicate that


X, = A 512 X TI12+0 , all dimensions have consistency dala measure every

x6 =
A613 x n1i+o6 variable and subsequently the value of Average Variance
x7 = Am x nu+o7 Extracted (AVE) show that on average the information
TI111 X TI11+TI112 X TI12+TI113 x n1i contained in each dimension can be expressed in any
variables that internal control and the variable quality of Variable internal control, based on Table above can
the accounting information system is an endogenous be seen that the estimated coefficient of determination
variable. (R2), the largest in internal control expressed by peng 3
(improve operational efficiency). These results show that
the dimensions of improving operational efficiency is the
Measurement model: Measurement model for internal
most important factor in weight reflects internal control.
control: the equation used.
Furthermore, to the variable quality of the accounting
information system, also can be seen that the estimated
Measurement model for quality of accounting coefficient of determination (R 2 ), the largest in the quality
information systems: The equation used: of accounting information system is expressed by the
dimensions SIA (sophistication). Sophistication is a more
A12 x n2+E1 y6
A64 x n4+E6 important factor in reflecting the quality of accounting
Y2 =
A22 n2+E2 y7
X =
A74 x n4+E7 information system.
Yi A32 X n2+E3 Y2 A21 x n1+E2
= =

y4 = A4ix n3+E4 Y i = A31 x n1+E i Structural model: Thestructural model is a model that
A, ix ni +E, y4
A41 xn i +E4 connects the latent variables with latent variables
endogeneous exogenous or endogenous variable
while the structural equations of the model are shown in relationship with the other endogenous variables. In this
study hypothesized that the internal control affects the
Fig. 2:
quality of accounting information systems. The following
are the results of the significance test of these
hypotheses through statistical hypothesis as follows:
Evaluation of measurement model shown in Table 1.
• H 0: �SIA.PI = 0 internal control does not affect the
First order analysis: Based on the results of the first quality of accounting information system
order variable internal control confirmatory factor analysis • �srA, Pr = Internal control does not affect the quality of
can be seen the value of all the weight factor valid as a accounting information system
measure for each indicator is above 0.5. Realibility
composite value (CR) of each dimension is greater than Statistical tests used were:
the standard value is above 0.7 indicating that the
indicators have consistency in measuring each dimension. SI , KP
nilai-p=l-f[-1 O A.
Likewise, the value of Average Variance Extracted STDE VSIA, K P
(AVE) of each indicator is greater than the standard
(where the standard value greater than 0.5) For the �1 1=0,80;Z-N(O,l)
variable quality of the accounting information system can

Int. Business Manage., J1 (3): 5523-5529, 2017

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