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Daily Promises of God

for educators
2nd Thessalonians 3:3

NIV - But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

RSV - But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from evil.


KJV - But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.


LB - But the Lord is faithful; he will make you strong and guard you from satanic a>acks of
every kind.

Note to the educator

It is not common to speak about Satan the Devil in our 0mes, however, that doesn’t make him
any less real. He is the prince and the power of the air. He loves evil and hates those who love

the Lord. Our hope lies in the Lord Who has already defeated him. Reject nega0ve or strange
thoughts in the name of Jesus. Disregard fiery darts of doubt to discourage you. Know your
enemy, but don’t play with your enemy. Pray for your students who listen to music that takes
them far away from God. Ask the Lord to intervene on their behalf and show them more

wholesome ways to spend 0me under those ear buds.

1:16 PM prayer

Please pray to con0nually be salt and light in our school communi0es.

Quote for the day

There is only one way to bring up a child in the way he should go and that is to travel that way
yourself. Abraham Lincoln



Where we read the Bible with our brother and sisters in the public schools

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