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Dr Ravindra Deshmukh

Setting a Sturdy Base

for a Research Journal
in Architecture
There appears to be a dearth of media for architects to express
information in a professional manner. This is where research
journals can play a significant role and facilitate the acquisition
and dissemination of reliable information

here has been a paucity of scientific architecture journals in
India for a long time now. It is mainly because architects are
involved in professional and fieldwork, which leaves them
little or no time for research-oriented writing. Lately, a few
institutes have made successful attempts at publishing good
research periodicals. Here, we try to capture the essentials of creating a
strong foundation for such an effort.

Publications on Architecture
JSTOR, the research database, lists 180 titles under architecture and
architectural history, out of which 43 are research journals. It does not list
many more, which are published by renowned university presses and list-
ed by other research databases. Until the year 2000, there was no journal
in India devoted exclusively to research in
architecture, like the Architectural
Science Review from Austra-
lia. The Journal of the
Indian Institute of Archi-
tects is a mouthpiece of
the architecture frater-
nity in India. It covers
topics of mutual interest
and occasionally pub-
lishes research-oriented
material. Since 2013, it
has been carrying a tag
of a ‘refereed journal’
specially highlighted on

16 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People May 2014

its cover page as its members contrib- outlet for academics and profession- are, the manner in which articles
ute in writing, referring and selecting als’ (Tenopir & King, 2001). are sub grouped into themes and
what should be published. An architect can publish his/ the chronology of such themes
The monthly magazine called the her scholarly writing in a variety of until present times and the
Indian Architect, was a very popular print media— a neighborhood level announcement of future themes.
professional periodical during the news weekly, a regional or national • Subscription cost: Scientific
1960s and part of the 1970s. During newspaper, a fortnightly periodical, journals are expensive. There is
the same time, a magazine named a professional magazine, or even a a specific and limited subscriber
the Architect’s Trade Journal was coffee-table magazine. An author who base for it. International journals
gaining popularity due to its expo- wishes to publish in any of these can in developed countries are in the
sure to some good architectural proj- also present his research at a confer- range of USD 80 to 100 per year.
ects. The print media was gearing ence, resulting in the same being However, unlimited Internet access
for advancement in various fields. documented in its proceedings or in a to current as well as previous
Architecture remained elusive to me- research journal of choice. Publishing issues, for three months, may cost
dia inclusiveness. Academia was not in a research journal of international between USD 250 and 400.
keen toward architectural journal- standing brings credibility to the • Frequency of publication: The
ism, although books like Fountain- research findings proposed. number of issues in a year may be
head gained incredible popularity two (bi-annual), four (quarterly)
and applause from the architecture What makes a good or six (bi-monthly). Rarely is it a
fraternity and others at a global level. research journal? monthly issue. These days, online
During that time, Media Transasia There are seven important attributes subscription is preferred by most
launched Architecture+Design, of a good research journal. They are: people. Not only is it cheaper but
popularly known as A+D, a quality • Journal age: As a journal grows in it is eco-friendly and can be easily
professional magazine intermix- age, it matures to attain a status stored after download.
ing projects, theory, academics in the professional community, • Size: Most of the publications are
and ancient wisdom. It occasion- like the Royal Institute of British in a standard A4 format. Some may
ally showed research inclination. It Architects (RIBA) Journal, which be half or two thirds of it.
owed its instantaneous popularity, is quite old and popular in the • Article length: Typically, a
in professional as well as academic profession and widely respected submission should be of 3000-
circles, to its rich content, layout and within and outside the United 5000 words for a full research
print quality. It ruled the popularity Kingdom. paper. Anything less than 1600
index for almost three decades and • Circulation: Distribution of words and accepted, is normally
continues to do so. The Council of the journal can be analyzed in carried under the heading ‘Letters
Architecture came up in 2001 with many ways—on the basis of the to the Editor’.
Architectures Time, Space and People audience or readers, the region The outlets for publishing schol-
a professional magazine catering receiving the largest number of arly works can range from a tradi-
to a variety of writing needs. Lately, copies, the gender bias in the tional book or journal to an in-house
some efforts have been made to lay readership, etc. magazine or monograph. The article
a foundation for academic research • Number of articles published: can be either in the print or electronic
in architecture, giving a platform The number of articles per issue form. In India, there are a few research
for exclusive research interests. In is indicative of the general health journals published in the field of ar-
India, the journal seems to be quite a of a journal. However, it is more chitecture. Some of them are: ABACUS
popular medium. ‘Indeed, the schol- important to see the number of (An Internationally Refereed Bi-Annual
arly peer-reviewed journal tends to quality articles a journal is capable Journal of Architecture, Conservation
enjoy unchallenged leadership as the of publishing in a year. Other & Urban Studies), by Birla Institute of
preferred and traditional, publication important features worth noticing Technology, Mesra, Ranchi; JA: Journal

May 2014 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 17


of Architecture by Chandigarh College and many things that should 2. Shun Glitz: Glitz and glamour
of Architecture, Chandigarh; SPAN- be avoided. can create a diversion from the
DREL, Journal of School of Planning If an institute wishes to publish a main focus of research. Simply
and Architecture (SPA), Bhopal; Con- research journal, here is a list of do’s: put, the cover page should not be
text: Built, Living and Natural, Journal 1. Maintain a Corpus Fund: It jazzy or in multi-color. It should
of the Development and Research is of primary importance to be simple, neat and attractive.
Organization for Nature, Architecture have a good body of funds on Ideally, not more than two colours
and Heritage by DRONAH, Gurgaon which the journal can survive. should be used and it should
(Refer Figure 1). Research has no room for being reflect the research status of a
partial in its objective. Inserting quality international journal
Do’s and Don’ts advertisements for income (Refer Figure 2).
There are many factors that go into supports a partial nature. This 3. Flaunt an Impressive Editor’s
making a good research journal. There creates bias, which is contrary to Profile: The editor should be of a
are many features that should exist the very purpose of research. very high quality and the person
should be known in the research
domain, and beyond. This not
only builds confidence but also
increases the contribution toward
the journal in terms of research
papers. Therefore, the editor
should be of international acclaim,
selected through a rigorous
selection process and in no way an
ad-hoc appointee.
5. Choose Editorial Team: The core
editorial team should be carefully
structured, as they form the driv-
ing force for the journal’s success.
They are responsible for giving
direction and focus to the journal.
They keep a check on the qual-
ity of the contents by subjecting
the submitted papers to rigorous
scrutiny. Hence, the editorial team
should comprise eminent people
from different fields of research,
representing various segments
of architecture and from diverse
nationalities and regions.
6. Avoid being Directionless: The
goal of the journal should be
precise. It should be focussed
on what it decides to publish. It
should have a specific research
aim and the objectives should be
Figure 1: Facsimiles of some Indian Architecture Research Journals interlinked with the aim. This aim

18 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People May 2014

Figure 2: Cover Pages of some International Journals

should appear, as a continuous are referred for other researches list on popular research databases
reminder, in the inside page of over a specified period of time. like JSTOR, EBSCO and Science
the cover. The journal should strive to Direct.
7. Outline Policy: The selection establish its research publication’s
process of articles/research quality to earn a very high Journal Let us look at what a research journal,
papers should be clearly stated Impact Factor (JIF) for its content, should not do:
(preferably inside the back cover). quality and citing. This, in turn, 1. Provide insufficient theoretical
Being a refereed journal, each will help it earn worldwide foundations.
short listed paper must go through credibility in the domain of 2. Use subjects or variables
a double blind review process, for architectural research. in the research that are not
final selection and publication. 9. Get Listed: One of the vital representative of the subjects or
8. Establish Quality: The success aspects of a research journal is its variables described in the theory.
and quality of a research journal international visibility alongside 3. Provide insufficient explanation or
is determined by the number of other eminent journals. This can definition of the concepts used.
times the published papers therein be achieved by endeavouring to 4. Provide insufficient clarification

May 2014 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 19


of the reasoning behind methods Nowadays, scientific publishing is • Appeal: The article should be
and procedures. rapidly shifting from a paper-based written in a way that is appealing
5. Comprise individual paragraphs system to one of predominantly elec- enough to encourage a reader to
that do not form a logical whole. tronic distribution, in which universi- read it carefully.
6. Use amateurish tone and style, ties purchase site licenses for online Clearly, the primary aim of
which reduces the quality of access to journal contents (Bergstrom a quality professional research
presentation. & Bergstrom, 2001). This saves cost, journal is to disseminate scholarly
7. Carry out research incorrectly shows efforts toward sustainability knowledge amongst members,
through illegitimate or invalid and has better dissemination power. It peers, other interested professionals
procedures. is an important aspect in considering and researchers. ‘…the advent of
8. Contain content irrelevant to the publication of a research journal. Also, the peer-reviewed journal provides
discipline of the journal or not many libraries do not consider acces- one of the important and significant
interestingly innovative enough to sibility to back issues while subscribing. avenues for the dissemination and
be published. In fact, back issues or facility to refer to extension of knowledge’ (Bergstrom
9. Overemphasize the methodical archives is essential. & Bergstrom, 2001). This underlines
and technical components at the Most readers of scholarly articles are the rigor that goes into setting up a
cost of interpreting and drawing people who have to sift through moun- vision for a robust journal in the field
meaning from the results. tains of information before they find of architecture in India.
10. Have a weak conclusion. exactly what they need. Therefore, it is
11. Use the same data/research results important for readers to be able to de- References
in a slightly differently manner in termine, within a few minutes, whether 1. Bergstrom, C & Bergstrom, T.
various publications to increase an article is relevant for their research 2001. The Economics of Scholarly
the chances of publication. or not. If that is not immediately clear, Journal Publishing, University of
Source: Tenopir & King 2001 the article is usually just set aside in Washington; Retrieved August
favour of some other, more useful 16, 2008, available at: http://web.
Reach and Richness article. Therefore, the editorial team archive.org/web/20021201013750/
Once a decision about setting up a should make sure that the article under octavia.zoology.washington.edu/
research journal is reached, the manag- consideration provides the reader with publishing/ecology_citationprice.
ing board should be made aware of the following information instantly: html
the characteristics associated with a • Aim: The aim of the article 2. Sellitto, C. 2013. ‘A study of journal
respectable research journal. ‘Publish- should be clearly formulated on publication attributes: Some
ing attributes include journal age and the first page. considerations for academics in
size, circulation, number of articles • Key points: The important the information systems discipline’,
published, annual subscription cost, information should flow logically Centre for Tourism and Services
frequency of publication and article from one point to the next, Research, Victoria University,
length, attributes that have all been clearly indicated with subtitles, Melbourne; available at:
alluded to as being associated with a introductions and conclusions. 3. http://www.webology.org/2009/
journal’s standing and quality (Sellitto, • Implication: The implication of v6n1/a66.html
2013). These variables determine the the article, its intended audience 4. Tenopir, C & King, D 2001, ‘Lessons
wide diffusion and quality of a journal. and its use should be clearly for the Future of journals’, Nature
Sellitto also observes that surprisingly described. 413 (6857), pp 672-673
there is a correlation between the • Readability: The article should
length of articles (richness) and the be jargon-free, with recognizable
journal’s circulation (reach). These two diction, short, crisp sentences and Dr. Ravindra Deshmukh is Professor,
Dr. BN College of Architecture, Pune, India.
factors, therefore, play a key role in an easy-to-follow thread Contact: ravindra.deshmukh@bnca.ac.in
transmitting knowledge. of thought. Photographs: Courtesy the Author.

20 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People May 2014

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