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Name : Leoni fitri s

Class : xl – ips 2

Subjects : English


1. Man : why should you leave me? L love you.

Woman: … but l really have to go. l ‘m sorry.

a. l hate you

b. l love you too

c. l really do not want to be here

d. l ‘m sick of you

e. l don’t like you

answer: B. l love you too

2. Man : l really have to say that …

Woman: Thanks. But l ‘m sorry l can’t.

a. l ‘ m sorry .
b. you’re really jerk.
c. You’re really help me.
d. This is so embarrassing.
e. l have a crush on you.

answer: E. l have a crush on you.

3. Woman: Have you heard that the government will subsidize farmers who use
organic farming?
Man : … because not many farmers are willing to do organic farming
without some support from the government.

a. l disagree with the idea.

b. l don’t really care about it.
c. l think this is not a good idea.
d. l think it is a good idea.
e. L think the government should think about it twice.

answer : D. l think it is good idea

4. Man : … do you think that free education for poor people will be an effective

Woman: … because this is what they really need.

a. l think this will help them a lot

b. l don’t think that this is good
c. l think they will be spoiled
d. l don’t think that it’s necessary
e. l disagree with the idea

answer : A. l think this will help them a lot

5. Man : … l’ve booked the table but you give it to other customers.

Women: l’m really sorry, Sir. We’re going to fix it.

a. l really don’t mind

b. This is really a nuisance.
c. This is nice.
d. l like it.
e. l am really happy with that.

Answer : B.this is really a nuisance.

No. 6 to 10 the text below

A major affective factor in second or subsequent language literacy development is

age. As mentioned above , most learners in literate societies begin their formal
literacy education in their first language when they start school at about the age
of five. However, most second language learners do not begin to learn literacy in a
second language until they are older than this (Hammond and Derewianka
1999,p.30). some may be studying a second language at school or university while
living in their own culture. Others may have migrated to a new culture where they
must learn a second language in order to participate in the adopted society.

6. The passage above… text.

a. narrative

b. exposition

c. recount

d. news report

e. none of the options are correct

answer : B. exposition

7. What is a major factor in learning second language to language literacy

according to the writer?

a. intelligence

b. address

c. habits

d. age

e. experience

answer : D. age

8. Some may be studying a second language at second or university while living in

their own culture. The statement above is …
a. a supporting idea to the writer point of view

b. a thesis the writer expresses for his/her point of view

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