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An RTL Power Optimization Technique Based on

SystemVerilog Assertions
Khaled Khalifa Khaled Salah
Alexandria University Mentor Graphics
Alexandria, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

Abstract‫ ـــــ‬This paper presents a novel technique based on consumed power. Performing accurate and efficient power
System Verilog assertions to optimize the consumed power of enhancement as early as possible in the flow of creating any
RTL designs. The proposed technique helps the designer to design is important in creating a power optimized designs
enhance his RTL code towards achieving low power design. and essential for the successful low power designs. Our
The designer codes the proposed technique according to the
technique is concerned of performing accurate and efficient
design specifications and integrates the coded technique into
his test bench. The coded technique generates directive design power enhancement through being part of the design
massages which will be followed to modify and enhance the verification environment in the flow of creating RTL
design code to reduce the consumed power of the design. The designs.
idea behind this technique is to monitor the whole design
signals. Thus, this technique is a design-dependent technique as Our key contributions of this paper are as follows:
it depends on the design specifications. The coded technique
determines the targeted signals of the specific input then it I. Proposing a power optimization technique utilizing
displays the mistakenly setting signals which may consume System Verilog assertions.
additional wasted power. This technique can be applied and
II. A detailed discussion of our power optimization
included in any verification framework like the Universal
Verification Methodology (UVM) to integrate the power technique through a simple case study to compare
optimization feature of this technique with the features of the the power results of the original code with the
used framework. Through applying this technique, the optimized code after applying the proposed
consumed power of the design is significantly reduced as it technique.
catches each unused design signal that consumes additional III. An overview on how assertions are written to
wasted power. This paper explains how to apply the proposed generate directed test cases.
technique with respect to any design specifications and also IV. Providing a method of how to extract the consumed
provides the technique code itself of a simple RTL case study. power of any synthesizable code with respect to the
Moreover, it also attaches the resultant directive massages and
dissipated power in signals activities.
presents a comparison between the consumed power before
and after the modification of the RTL code according to the
directive massages of the coded technique. The rest of paper is organized as follows. In section II,
The proposed power optimization technique is presented. In
Index Terms— Design Power Optimization, System Verilog Section III. A simple case study is explained. Conclusions
Assertions, Verification Environment, HDL, RTL, Test Cases, are given in section IV.
Power Extraction.
With the explosive growth in laptops, portable personal
communication systems, and the evolution of the shrinking Design verification is considered to be the most important
technology, the research efforts in low power design process in the SoC design flow as more than 70 percent of
techniques have been intensified. Today, there are the time is spent on design verification. Since the
increasing numbers of portable applications requiring low verification process verifies the correctness of the design, it
power architectures than ever before. Therefore, may doesn’t concern of any other additional design code
architectures with low power consumption become the that doesn’t affect the design correctness. This additional
major candidates for design of microprocessors and system design code may cause consuming more additional wasted
components [1]. power as this code isn’t in the design specifications but it
The VLSI low power design problems can be broadly doesn’t affect the design correctness.
classified into two categories: analysis and optimization. For example, if the specifications of a certain design tell
Optimization is the process of generating the best design that when the input is high, the output signal (A) only must
with the lowest power consumption. The task of the design be high. But in the real implementation code, the designer
engineer is to carefully weigh each design code line with the wrote that when the input is high, both output signals (A)
specification constraints to generate the lowest design and (B) are high. In the implementation code, setting signal

978-1-5090-1496-5/16/$31.00 © 2016 IEEE

(A) is considered to be a specification code but setting
signal (B) is considered to be an additional code which A. Create Sequence Expressions
doesn’t affect the design correctness, but consumes In any design model, the functionality is represented by
additional wasted power. So, the verification environment the combination of multiple logical events. These events
must integrate a power specific verification code which is could be simple Boolean expressions that get evaluated on
responsible for catching the resources of the design code the same clock edge or could be events that evaluate over a
which consume additional wasted power and then displays period of time involving multiple clock cycles.
directive massages to help the designer to improve his SystemVerilog assertion provides a key word to represent
these events called "sequence" [2].
design code and optimize the design consumed power. This
In sequence step, the designer specifies the state of the
can help any design and verification engineer to catch the
design signals at every single input combination according
power wasting resources in the design code and accurately to the design specifications where every input combination
determine the correction of the code with respect to the sets some specific design signals to high state and the others
design specifications. to low state. Every single input combination has to be
One of the main power consumption resources in any described by two different types of sequences which are
design is pulling up the design signals to keep them in high state sequences and operating sequence.
state. Thus, this paper concerned of optimizing the State Sequences
consumed power of setting the design signals by The state sequences specify the signals state of a single
determining the unused signals which consume additional input combination in different expressions using different
wasted power. In this paper, we propose a novel technique SVA keywords and relationships to cover every single test
for any RTL design code to catch the coding mistakes in scenario to specify these signals setting state. To create the
setting the design signals and generate directive massages to state sequences, the designer will use SVA logical
help the designer to enhance the design code and optimize relationships to accurately specify the setting states of the
the design consumed power. Such a technique can be design signals. These SVA logical relationships are used to
applied on any RTL design code makes it a generic describe the relationships between different design signals
methodology. of a certain input combination which can be used to AND
The technique concerned of the design signals only which signals (&&), OR signals (||) or NOT signals (!).
are the design output signals and the design internal signals The state sequences are divided into two categories which
as the design input signals can’t be controlled by the design are continuous state sequence and change state sequences.
1) Continuous State Sequence
code itself. This makes us know for a fact that as the number
The continuous state sequence specifies the continuity of
of these design signals increase, the consumed power of the setting the state of certain design signals as a specific input
design subsequently increases. This proposed technique combination continues to be applied on the design input
employs System Verilog assertions based verification to signals for a period of time. Thus, the continuous state
continuously monitor the whole design signals and verify sequence is always only one sequence as it describes the
the functionality of each design signal with respect to the state of each design signal with respect to a specific input
design specifications. So, this technique is a design combination according to the design specifications.
dependent technique. Thus in this paper, we are going to 2) Change State Sequences
explain the creation criteria of the technique and how to The change state sequences specify the change of the
apply it on any design specifications. design signals state while a new input combination is
This section explains the proposed power optimization applied on the design input signals. So the number of
technique which utilizes System Verilog assertions. This change state sequences is more than one as any design
technique proposes two different types of assertions to signal can be in any state before getting set to the targeted
perform two different types of checks which are warning state of the new input combination. Even it can be more than
assertions and fault assertions by following certain creation the number of the design signals themselves as there are
steps which are shown in Fig.1. multi combinations of these states with respect to the design
specifications. Change state sequences will be created with
edge definitions as SVA has built in edge expressions that
Create Sequence Expressions let the designer monitor the transition of signal value from
(Specifying design specifications of setting the design signals
one clock cycle to the next. This allows the designer to
check for the edge sensitivity of signals. These built-in
functions are:
Create Property $rose (signal name): This returns true if LSB of the signal
(Specifying input combinations with respect to the design
specifications) changed to 1.
$fell (signal name): This returns true if LSB of the signal
changed to 0.
$stable (signal name): This returns true if the value of the
Assert Property
(Specifying the content of the displayed directive massages signal did not change.
whatever warning massages or fault massages)

Fig.1 The assertions creation flow.

Operating Sequence
After specifying every setting state of the whole design Listing.2 The creation code of the property step
signals of every single input combination in the state 1 //Property of input combination1: x’bxxx //
sequences, the designer has to integrate these state 2 property p_x’bxxx;
3 @(posedge …) ( specific input combination) (|->,|=>)
sequences into only one operating sequence which will be 4 (so_x’bxxx “operating sequence of the specific input
verified during simulation. The binary operator (or) is used 5 combination”);
to logically combine all of the different state sequences of a 6 endproperty
certain single input combination to cover all test scenarios C. Assert Property
described in every state sequence. The operating sequence The property is the one that is verified during a simulation.
will succeed when any of the state sequences succeed and It has to be asserted to take effect during a simulation. SVA
will fail when all of the state sequences fail. provides a key word called "assert" to check the property
After explaining the creation of sequences, the sequence [2]. In this step, the designer asserts the property of each
expressions must be coded as shown in Listing.1. input combination and specifies the displayed information
B. Create Property of the directive massages. A designer can print a custom
A number of sequences can be combined logically or error or success message using the "action block" in the
sequentially to create more complex sequences. SVA assert statement. In this action block, several system tasks
provides a keyword to represent these complex sequential can be used to control over severity of a failing assertions.
behaviors called "property" [2]. In property step, the As ($fatal) will be used with fault massages and ($display)
designer integrates the input combination with its operating is used for warning massages. Thus, the assert property step
Listing.1 The creation code of the state sequences must be coded as shown in Listing.3.
1 // input combination1: x’bxxx // Listing.3 The creation code of the assert property step
2 // State Sequences 1 //Assert property of input combination1: x’bxxx //
3 // Continuous State Sequence 2 assert_pro_x’bxxx: assert property ( p_x’bxxx)
4 sequence s1_x’bxxx; sig1 && !sig2 && … ; endsequence 3 else ($display,$fatal) ("%m: warning/fault massage:
4 information of the directive massage");
5 // Change State Sequences
6 sequence s2_x’bxxx; $rose (sig1) && !sig2 && … ; After explaining the assertions creation flow of the
endsequence proposed technique which is presented in Fig.1, this
7 sequence s3_x’bxxx; $rose (sig1) && $fell (sig2) && …. ; technique follows the assertions creation flow to propose
endsequence two different categories of assertions which are warning
8 //………. The other change state sequences …………` assertions and fault assertions.
9 // Operating Sequence of input combination (x’bxxx) 1) Warning Assertions
10 sequence so_x’bxxx; s1_x’bxxx or s2_x’bxxx or s3_x’bxxx or Warning assertions are responsible for catching the
…. ; additional code which doesn’t affect the design correctness,
11 endsequence but consumes additional wasted power. These warning
sequence according to the design specifications. In this assertions will be created by following the assertions
integration, the designer will use concurrent definition creation flow presented in Fig.1. Warning assertions display
which is based on clock cycles. In concurrent assertions, test directive warning massages which contain directive
expression is evaluated at clock edges based on the sampled information to be followed by the designer to modify and
values of the signals involved. In SVA, clock cycle delays enhance the design code and reduce the design consumed
are represented by a "##" sign and implication operator power. This directive information must be displayed as
with its different types. There are three types of implication shown in Listing.4.
operator which are overlapped implication, non-overlapped Listing.4. The displayed information of different directive massages.
implication and implication with a fixed delay on the 1 //Displayed Information of the directive massages //
consequent. 2 Warning/Fault massage: input combination,
3 additional/wrong setting signals, correct setting signals.
Overlapped implication: Overlapped implication is
denoted by the symbol (|->). If there is a match on the 2) Fault Assertions
antecedent, then the consequent expression is evaluated in Fault assertions are responsible for catching the wrong
the same clock cycle. code which violates the design specifications and affect the
Non-overlapped implication: Non-overlapped implication design correctness. Thus, fault assertions are used as
is denoted by the symbol (|=>). If there is a match on the directed test cases to verify the correctness of setting the
design signals and correct them. These fault assertions will
antecedent, then the consequent expression is evaluated in
be created by following the assertions creation flow shown
the next clock cycle. A delay of one clock cycle is assumed in Fig.1 except in property step. In property step, (not)
for the evaluation of the consequent expression. operator is used to create a forbidden sequence from
Implication with a fixed delay on the consequent: This happening. In other words, it is expected that the property to
type uses both of overlapped and non-overlapped be false always. If the property is true, the assertion fails.
implications, however the designer specify the number of Thus, fault assertions also display directive fault massages
clock cycles delay. It is recommended to use overlapped as shown in Listing.4 which contain directive information to
implication to easily specify the targeted delay directly after be followed by the designer to correct the design code with
the symbol of overlapped implication (|->) using "##" sign. respect to the design specifications.
Thus, the property creation just must be coded as shown in
Consumed power of
As setting the design signals to high state increases the the DE-MUX code
consumed power of the design, this paper is interested in Before applying the modification of the
the case where the signals of the clocked de-multiplexer is 17 mW
technique directive massages
high ‘1’. This de-multiplexer is one hot output design After applying the modification of the
14 mW
which has two input control signals; regardless of the technique directive massages
clock and reset signals; and two output signals as shown in
Fig. 2. This paper studies only when input (A) is high. The
other input signal is a one bit select signal which chooses RTL Design Simple RTL
only one output of the two de-multiplexer outputs will be Tesetbench
set to the high state (‘1’). We have implemented the de-
multiplexer using Verilog hardware description language. Xilinx ISE QuestaSim
In Listing.5, the case statement of the de-multiplexer (RTL Synthesis) (RTL Simulation)
Verilog RTL code is provided. Place and Route Simulation Dump
To generate the power report of the RTL code, some Netlist
files are needed to be generated from the RTL code. These
files are the native circuit description file (.ncd) and the
value change dump file (.vcd). The NCD file is a fully XPower Analyzer
placed and routed netlist file generated from the place and (Consumed Power Calculation)
route process in Xilinx tool [3]. The VCD file contains a
Power Report
series of time-ordered value changes for the signals in the
given simulation model which generated from Questasim PWR
tool [4]. To generate the VCD file from Questasim tool, a
simple test bench must drive the RTL code to insert all of Fig.3 The flow of extracting power report of the RTL code.
the valid input combinations to the design input signals.
Finally, the resultant power report file (.pwr) is generated
from XPower Analyzer tool [5] as shown in Fig. 3. IV. CONCLUSIONS
After applying the proposed technique in Listing.6 on the This paper proposed a novel technique which employs
de-multiplexer code in listing.5, the resultant directive the power of System Verilog assertions to optimize the
massage will be as follow: DE_MUX design consumed power. We have discussed our technique
_tb.dut.output_monitoring.assert_set_out1: Warning strategy which is utilizing System Verilog assertions to
Massage: select: 1’b0, Out2:1'b1, Out2:1'b0. continuously watch the whole signals of the design since
Enhancing the de-multiplexer code according to the any design signal is set at any time can be monitored. Thus,
displayed directive massage makes out2 in line 4 of this technique catches the code mistakes in setting the
Listing.5 must be equal to 0. By comparing the power design signals which consume additional wasted power and
reports of the de-multiplexer code before and after the displays directive massages to correct the design code.
modification of the directive massages, the power results in Regardless of the abstraction level of the design code, the
TABLE.1 shows that the consumed power of the modified proposed technique is a generic methodology which can be
de-multiplexer code is reduced by more than 17.5%. applied on any design code to enhance it. The proposed
Clk Reset technique can be included in any verification framework to
Out1 integrate the power optimization feature of this technique
A with the features of the used framework. For our future
DE-MUX work,, we are going to create a computer aid design tool to
Out2 systematically generate the proposed types of assertions
Select (1bit)
Fig.2 The architecture and the truth table of the DE-MUX case study. according to the user design specifications to be attached in
Listing.5 The case statement of the DE-MUX case study the user verification environment. So the designer doesn’t
1 case (select) need to think about all possible cases and the CAD tool will
2 1'b0 : begin automatically generate them.
3 out1 = A ;
4 out2 = A ; // Insert directive warning message
5 end
[1] Yeap, Gary K. Practical low power digital VLSI design. Springer
6 1'b1 : begin
Science & Business Media, 2012.
7 out1 = 0 ;
[2] S. Vijayaraghavan and M. Ramanathan. A Practical Guide for
8 out2 = A ;
SystemVerilog Assertions. Springer, 2005.
9 end
10 default : begin [3]
11 out1 = 0 ; nx 13_1/ise_c_overview.html.
12 out2 = 0 ; [4]
13 end [5]
14 endcase nx11/pp_p_process_xpower_analyzer.html.

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