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Literature Review:

Cloud Computing is playing a major role in altering the face of the Health Care I.T. with respect
to recent ongoing health problems and government mandates in handling of Electronic Health
Record’s (EHR’s). The basic main problem that the Health Organizations are facing is how to
analyse the heaps and bundles of data i.e. in other words how to examine the substantial
scale information of patient health records or the other important information that is related
to their organization. Cloud Computing technique can be defined as one of the favourable
innovation that provides on-demand administrations for storing data, handling and examining
the information. The present established data processing frame works can no-more handle
this large amount of data, so in-order to achieve better performance, and to understand the
adaptability issues we require a better distributed framework on cloud environment. So, in
order to deal this issue’s we are going to propose a Cyber Physical System (CPS) for handling
the large amount of patient’s data that is present with health care organizations. In this para
I am going to present some papers which are relevant to our area of study in the form of
Literature Review.

The author in [4] for the first time addressed the problem of handling the large amount of
data that is present in the health care organizations. Through his studies he stated that the
collection and handling of patient’s important data is difficult for the Health organizations
because it requires lot of labour. Not only it needs lot of labour, but it is also a risky process
because there might be lot of mistakes that can happen while collecting and analysing this
data and the other most important aspect is that the data collected cannot be accessed in
real time. So he addressed all these issues and came out by proposing a solution saying that
it is required to automate this process. To make this whole process automated, he made use
of “sensors” and connected these sensors to all the medical equipment’s which are internally
connected with one another to exchange service. This solution is similar to the concept of
wireless networks. All the patient’s data will now be available in the “cloud” through which
the medical staff members can access the patient’s data. The main advantages of this solution
is that we can access the patients data in real time and there will be very less possibility of
errors to be made in collecting patients data.
In the paper [5] authors proposed a new system called as “Med-Cloud”. In other words, this
system can also be defined as a individual personal health record. In their study they stated
that every day there are so may number of patients that are being admitted in the hospital
and the number is even increasing more and more in the future. In this scenario it becomes
very hard for the Health care organizations to store all these patient’s vital data and to be
honest the existing systems doesn’t afford to store such huge amounts of patient data. So,
the authors proposed a solution that each and every patient can easily create their own health
record in the cloud, and if at any time they visit the hospital then they can give their access to
the hospital medical staff to view their personal health data. To create their own health
records author provided a common web portal for the developers to use which makes life
easier. Finally, he concluded that his proposed solution makes use of “cloud” in utmost
manner and creates a medical system in which many people from various parts of the world
can makes use of it and share their EMR’s and create their own health care applications.

Author in [6] has taken a step forward and came up with a different kind of idea by proposing
a new solution in retrieving patient health record. In their research, author stated that the
Health care organizations will provide treatment to the patients by the data which is obtained
with their professionalised surgeons, equipment’s etc. He also stated that the main reason
of his research is due to one sole reason that is, some patients who are mentally disabled,
unconscious patients cannot be able to provide their medical condition to the treatment
providers due to in appropriate communication and hence the medical practitioners fail to
provide proper treatment. To overcome this issue author proposed Palm Vein Pattern
Recognition based medical retrieval system for physically affected people. This system makes
use of Cloud Computing techniques to retrieve the patient health data which in terms helps
the Health Organizations by reducing their burden to store the health records of such type of

Contrary to the papers that which I have presented so-far, In the paper [7] the authors after
all their study, they stated that it is not only important to analyse, retrieve and manage the
data of patients but it is also very important to maintain the quality of data which we are
retrieving. In their research paper they stated that “Cloud” is now being used as a medium
for storing the data of patients in the form of EHR’s. So these EHR’s will be exchanged from
one Health organization to another in secured manner and they will access the data of the
patient. During this process it is very important to maintain the quality of data because if
anything goes wrong it can have great impact on any health care system and can raise issues
like un-authorized access and provenance etc. In order to deal with these issues authors
proposed initial framework which defines quality of data attributes and this proposed
framework reflects the elements in health care system and functionality of EHR.

Author in [8] proposed a new technique of providing a personal medical smart card to each
and every patient so that the patients vital data can be stored in the smart card rather than
storing the data in the database of Health care organization or in the “cloud”. This smart card
consists of all the medical data of the patient and helps in transferring the data from one
health organization to another in a easy manner and hence every patient is intended to carry
their own personal smart card. These cards will be issued under proper authorization of the
government officials. Once if any of the patient visited any hospital the doctors can access the
personal smart card of the patient and by that they can understand the health condition of
patient and provides treatment accordingly. Service providers are responsible to update the
data in the patient’s card if at all required.

In the paper [9] authors stated that data in Health organizations is increasing a lot day to day.
All this data need to be processed well and should use in appropriate manner for better
decision-making purpose. Analysing of patient’s data plays a vital role because based on the
result the decision is taken to provide the suitable treatment. In this research paper authors
proposed a Hadoop framework deployed on cloud computing environment in order to handle
the large-scale health data which is present. Further they have also discussed about the
impact of analysing and processing large scale data on cloud environment. At the end they
have concluded by saying Hadoop frame work is the best option in order the process the
large-scale health data parallelly.

In the paper [10] authors have taken one step forward and proposed a health prediction
model which helps in predicting the future health condition of the patients. Lot of structured
and un-structured data is generated from the hospitals, health organizations which is very
hard to analyse and it doesn’t help’s in any manner to predict the near-by future health
condition of the patient so that they can be cautious enough in protecting themselves.
Authors have addressed this problem and proposed the health prediction model to solve this
issue. In the conclusion they mentioned that their research has been successful and produced
the results with 90% accuracy. They also stated that their proposed framework model can be
used in prediction of heart disease, cancer severity.

Author in [11] proposed Cloud Computing based framework for effective transfer of patient
health data records from one hospital to another in order to improve the quality of the
service. He also stated that Cloud Computing is the best solution to handle the large amount
of patient data which is available with health care organization. The model which the author
proposed in this paper have a specification that this model helps in increasing the capacity of
data sharing of the patients when compared with other cloud computing models.

In the paper [12] author proposed an architecture based on No-SQL which is related to data
analytics. This is a patient driven architecture which is used for storing the data of the patients
which is rapidly increasing. This architecture helps in storing the data within very short span
of time, hence it is time saving and it is also flexible in storing expandable data. In this paper
author also suggests it will be better if we make use of relational database management
system which enables lot of storage space, avoids repeated data and delete’s unwanted data
time to time.

Author in [13] proposed a health system that support to collect personal data in a dynamic
way by mobile devices. It stores their daily healthcare information by using cloud computing
and big data. They also investigated the relationship between people’s health condition and
lifestyle by proposing an algorithm to do the deep data mining
Gap in the Literature:

Of all the papers which I have presented above, some papers proposed the solution to how
to deal with large amount of data that is generated from health care equipment’s like X-ray
scanner, ECG’s etc. Some papers proposed solution by offering personal smart health cards
and shown this as a solution to deal with large amount of data in the Health organisations.
Among all these the main gap which we noticed is that until now no one proposed a
framework which handles the large amount data which is generated from the electronic
devices used in hospitals like mobile phones or the data generated from advanced
instruments which are used in hospitals like electronic monitors, scanners etc. All these
instruments came into existence due to the great progress in advancement of information
technology used in health care industry. The vast amount of data that is present should be
analysed, processed in a decent manner for better decision-making purposes which helps in
providing the fruitful service to the patients. The present established data processing frame
works can no-more handle this large amount of data, so in-order to achieve better
performance, and to understand the adaptability issues we require a better distributed
framework on cloud environment. Our aim is to provide a better cloud framework which is
discussed in the further report.


[4] Carlos Oberdan Rolim, Fernando Luiz, “A Cloud Computing Solution For Patient’s Data
Collection” Published in Second International Conference on E-Health, pp.71-77, May 2010.

[5] Dalia Sobhy, Yasser El-Sonbaty. Et al, “Med Cloud- Health care Cloud computing system”,
7th International Conference For Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, pp.295-300,
April 2012.

[6] N. Karthikeyan, R. Sukanesh, “Cloud Based Emergency Health Service In India”, Journal Of
Medical Systems, vol.36, pp.4031-4036, August 2012.

[7] Smart Card Projects

[8] Omar Almurity, Gary Wills et al, “Toward A Frame Work For Data Quality In Cloud Based
Health Information System”, Published in Fourth International Conference on E-Health,
pp.457-468, June 2013.

[9] Sreekanth Rallapalli, Gondkar. RR, “Impact of Processing and Analyzing Healthcare Big
Data on Cloud Computing Environment by Implementing Hadoop Cluster”, International
Conference on Computational modelling and security, pp.16-22, February 2016.
[10] Prasanna Kumar Sahoo, Suvendu Kumar Mohapatra et al, “Analysing Health Care Big Data
With Prediction For Future Health Condition”, IEEE Conference on Health and Bigdata,
pp.2174-2180, January 2017.

[11] Richard Millham, “An Enhanced Cloud Computing Model For Patient Record
Management”, Journal On Public Health, vol-1, pp.1-13, October 2013.

[12] C. Lin et al., “Temporal event tracing on big healthcare data analytics,” in Proc. IEEE Int.
BigData Congress, 2014, pp. 281–287.

[13] H. Takeuchi and N. Kodama, “Validity of association rules extracted by healthcare-data-

mining,” in Proc. IEEE 36th Annu. Int. Conf. EMBC, 2014, pp. 4960–4963.

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