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Site Safety Management - Policy / Plan

Cooper Constructions Pty Ltd

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic


Attachments – possibly supplied by you in this plan:

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Policy – Cooper Constructions Pty Ltd

The purpose of this policy is to provide………………………….


 To ……..
 To
 To
 To have
 To
 To
 And

‘Occupational Health and Safety” requires a person to ensure health and safety in workplaces “so far as
is reasonably practicable”.

Code of Practice (for building and construction workplaces)

Approved under section 5.1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 (July 1, 2008)

That all employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors to the site………………….

Our Commitment
In consultation with the HSR’s and people who will be working/present on the building site, a “Safety
Assessment” relevant and specific to the subject workplace will be undertaken1.. This will be done
before ………………

The “Safety Assessment template” supplied will be used for the consultation process and assessment and any necessary
actions will be undertaken.

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management – Cooper Constructions Pty Ltd


The site specific safety management plan is to be used by all Cooper Construction employees and
subcontractors for the life of the project.

The project is for the construction of one double storey unit at …………Street, Thornbury, Victoria

This plan covers the following areas:

 Safety Assessment (see attached)
 Site Safety Induction/Checklist (see attached)
 ……………
 ……….
 …………….
 ………….
 ………….
 ……………
 …………
 ……………..
 …………..
 …………..

Safety Assessment

See “Safety Assessment” attached

Site Safety Induction

Site safety induction will take place for all employees and contractors (the workers), who will be working
or present themselves on-site, as part of the general site induction. Others (including any members of the
public who might enter the site) will have the plan explained at the earliest possible opportunity.

The induction will include information about:

 How the plan is developed in consultation with workers

 How the plan operates

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
 How information about the plan can be accessed
 Who is responsible for maintaining the plan

Workers must acquaint themselves with the plan and have a full understanding of the procedures. Any
queries can be addressed to the contractor or supervisor. Any changes made to the plan, due to changes in
work or duties, will be notified to the workers as soon as they are made and regular tool box meetings will
be held to inform and/or discuss health and safety issues. Information will also be posted on the notice

Site Safety Induction (See “Induction Checklist” – Attachment)

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

Site Safety Management Plan – Cooper Constructions Pty Ltd

1. Contract Details

Principle Contractor:

Contractor address:

Contractor representative:

Contract description:

Location of works:

Timing of works (approximate): Start date: End date:

2. Responsibilities

Position held Safety responsibilities Contact number (direct)




Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

3. Emergency contact details

Name Position Contact number (direct)


First contact

Second contact

Third contact

Fourth contact                  

4. Scope and Activity Details

List Major activities

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

5. Safe Work Method Statements – See SWMS sheets attached

Complete the following section outlining how you will ensure that all employees and subcontractors understand the Safe Work Method
Statements (SWMS). Attach copies of the relevant SWMS.

6. First Aid and Injury Management

A first aid program for contractors is outlined in the First Aid Plan. Please describe below any additional first aid needs for this contract:

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

Describe any specific Injury Management processes for this contract:

7. Emergency Procedures

Identify specific emergency procedures or equipment required for the contract.

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

8. Incident reporting and investigation

Describe how incidents will be reported and investigated during the contract.

9. Specialised Work or Licensing

List any special licences required for the contract.

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

10. Training and Induction Requirements

Training and inductions for contractors are to be completed in accordance with the Induction Guidelines. List any relevant communication
or training methods used during the works in relation to safety, for example weekly toolbox meetings or safe procedure training:

11. Plant and Equipment Register

Complete the attached Plant and Equipment Register.

12. Chemical Management

Complete the attached Chemical Register listing all chemicals to be used.

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

13. Site Safety Rules and Monitoring

List any ongoing inspections, hazard management or incident reporting or investigation processes to be used during the works, if relevant.

14. Subcontractor Management

Complete the attached Subcontractor List detailing the subcontractors to be used and the details of the subcontractor management:

Sub Contractor Name Sub Contractor Representative Description of Work Date of Local
Name Induction
Jim’s Concrete Supplies Jim Pouring Concrete Footings 24/04/2008



Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

15. Sign Off

This Safety Management Plan and any attachments incorporate all the safety requirements outlined in the contract.

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

Antony Kuypers Melbourne Polytechnic
Site Safety Management Plan

Contractor Chemical Register G

To be completed by the contractor.
Note: MSDS to be made available by the contractor for all chemicals listed.

Product name Hazard Controls Required Location Quantity







Contractor signature:

Site Safety Management Plan

Contractor Plant and Equipment Register H

Type Registration Purpose Inspection Date and Inspected by

Include: Design, Design No, Item, Item No. (Use on Site) Frequency










Contractor signature:

Site Safety Management Plan

Safe Work Method Statement – Sub Contractors I

Activity:       Contractor:      

Prepared By:       Signature Date

Sub Contractor Representative:       Signature Date

List legislation, Codes or Standards
which applies to the work      
List what training or qualifications are
required to do the work      

Key steps Equipment or Plant Possible Hazards Risk Safety controls including personal Licences, qualifications
Required Score protective equipment (PPE) or
work permits





Site Safety Management Plan

Key steps Equipment or Plant Possible Hazards Risk Safety controls including personal Licences, qualifications
Required Score protective equipment (PPE) or
work permits







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