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Paray 700 701 702 703 704 105 106 107 708 709 710 m 12 73 m4 1s 16 nt 718 9 720 721 122, 723 724 125 7128 221 728 729 730 731 732 CHAPTER 7: COMPARISON AND SELECTION OF NDT PROCESSES TABLE OF CONTENTS graph GENERAL... .. - METHOD IDENTIFICATION ...-- +--+. e+ 0- NDT DISCONTINUITY SELECTION... .- 1... DISCONTINUITY CATEGORIES... .-------- DISCONTINUITY CHARACTERISTICS AND METALLURGICAL ANALYSIS»... +++ 02 ++ NDT METHODS APPLICATION AND LIMITATIONS . . BURST ete eee ets COLDSHUTS . 2. eee eee eee FILLET CRACKS (BOLTS)... ..- +. 0+ +e GRINDING CRACKS . . . - CONVOLUTION CRACKS... --. eee eee HEAT-AFFECTED ZONE CRACKING... . . - HEAT-TREAT CRACKS. . . SURFACE SHRINK CRACKS. . THREAD CRACKS . . TUBING CRACKS. . . HYDROGEN FLAKE ... ~~ HYDROGEN EMBRITTLEMENT. INCLUSIONS... .-.--- INCLUSIONS... . LACK OF PENETRATION LAMINATIONS . . . LAPS AND SEAMS . . LAPS AND SEAMS . . MICROSHRINKAGE. - GAS POROSITY .. . UNFUSED POROSITY . STRESS CORROSION - HYDRAULIC TUBING . MANDREL DRAG. . . SEMICONDUCTORS. . HOTTEARS.. 2... INTERGRANULAR CORROSI TH Figure TH 12 14 15 14 71-8 1-8 7-10 ll 7-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 Tt 1-18 19 7-20 1-21 1-22 1-23 124 1-25 1-26 1-21 1-28 7-28 7-30 1-31 1-32 LIST OF FIGURES Liquid Penetrant Test... - - Magnetic Particle Test. . - Ultrasonie Test... + + Eddy Current Test... 6 ss + Radiographic Test... - + + Burst Discontinuities . . . . Cold Shut Discontinuities . .. . Fillet Crack Discontinuity . . Grinding Crack Discontinuity . Convolution Crack Diseontinuities. . Heat-Affected Zone Cracking Discontinuity . ss. +. Heat~Treat Crack Diseontinuities. . . 2. eee Surface Shrink Crack Discontinuities ‘Thread Crack Discontinuities . . ‘Tubing Crack Discontinuity. . . Hydrogen Flake Discontinuity. . Hydrogen Embrittlement Discontinuity... ....-- Weldment Inclusion Discontinuities .-.-- +... Wrought Inclusion Discontinuities .. s+ eee Lack of Penetration Discontinuities. ...... + + Lamination Discontinuities . Lap and Seam Discontinuities in Rolled Threads. . . . Lap and Seam Discontinuities in Wrought Material. . . . Microshrinkage Discontinuity... +--+ +--+ eee Gas Porosity Discontinuity. . . Untused Porosity Discontinuity . Stress Corrosion Discontinuity . Hydreulie Tubing Discontinuities Mendrel Drag Discontinuities . . Semiconductor Diseontinuities . Hot Tear Discontinuities. . . - Intergranular Corrosion Discontinuity CHAPTER 7: COMPARISON AND SELECTION OF NOT PROCESSES 700 GENERAL nis chapter summarizes the characteristics of various types of disconti- muities, and lists the NDT methods that may be employed to detect each type of discontinuity. ‘The relationship between the various NDT methods and their capabilities ‘and limitations when applied to the detection of a specific discontinuity is shown. Such veriables as type of discontinuity (inherent, process, or service), manufacturing processes (heat treating, machining, welding, grinding, or plating), and limitations (metallurgical, structural, or proces sing) also help in determining the sequence of testing and the ultimate selection of one test method over another. 701 METHOD IDENTIFICATION Figures 7-1 through 7-5 illustrate five NDT methods. Each illustration shows the three elements involved in all five tests, the different methods in each test category, and tasks that may be accomplished.with a specific method. SeMENT PROCEDURE Task VisiBue OYE PENETRANT TESTING. PERSONNEL DETECT, SURFACE DISCONTINUITIES ‘UAL SENSITIVITY PENETRANT TESTING SPECIALIZED ‘APPLICATIONS FLUORESCENT PENETRANT EQUIPMENT TESTING Figure 7-1. Liguid Penetrant Test 702 NDT DISCONTINUITY SELECTION ‘The discontinuities that are discussed in paragraphs 706 through 732 are ‘only some of the many hundreds that are associated with the various products of today's industry.’ During the selection of discontinuities for inclusion in this chapter, only those discontinuities which would not be radieally changed under different conditions of design, configuration, standards, and environment were chosen. 1-3

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