Lampiran Hasil SPSS Klasifikasi Case Processing Summary

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Lampiran Hasil SPSS


Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
klasifikasi N Percent N Percent N Percent
usia dini 23 92.0% 2 8.0% 25 100.0%
late 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%
normotension 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%

klasifikasi Statistic Std. Error
usia dini Mean 32.5217 1.55260
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 29.3019
Upper Bound 35.7416
5% Trimmed Mean 32.4686
Median 33.0000
Variance 55.443
Std. Deviation 7.44598
Minimum 20.00
Maximum 46.00
Range 26.00
Interquartile Range 13.00
Skewness .122 .481
Kurtosis -1.054 .935
late Mean 32.9600 1.34843
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 30.1770
Upper Bound 35.7430
5% Trimmed Mean 33.0667
Median 35.0000
Variance 45.457
Std. Deviation 6.74216
Minimum 20.00
Maximum 44.00
Range 24.00
Interquartile Range 10.50
Skewness -.325 .464
Kurtosis -.925 .902
normotension Mean 29.2800 .43405
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 28.3842
Upper Bound 30.1758
5% Trimmed Mean 29.2111
Median 29.0000
Variance 4.710
Std. Deviation 2.17025
Minimum 26.00
Maximum 34.00
Range 8.00
Interquartile Range 3.00
Skewness .485 .464
Kurtosis -.522 .902

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
klasifikasi Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
usia dini .119 23 .200* .968 23 .633
late .165 25 .076 .944 25 .179
normotension .162 25 .088 .949 25 .235
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
klasifikasi N Percent N Percent N Percent
kadar leptin dini 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%
late 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%
normotension 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%

klasifikasi Statistic Std. Error
kadar leptin dini Mean 61.3778 15.19605
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 30.0147
Upper Bound 92.7409
5% Trimmed Mean 55.3629
Median 23.5020
Variance 5772.999
Std. Deviation 75.98026
Minimum 1.64
Maximum 229.65
Range 228.01
Interquartile Range 114.43
Skewness 1.231 .464
Kurtosis .070 .902
late Mean 39.5085 11.88833
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 14.9722
Upper Bound 64.0448
5% Trimmed Mean 29.9840
Median 16.6880
Variance 3533.307
Std. Deviation 59.44163
Minimum 1.45
Maximum 282.73
Range 281.28
Interquartile Range 35.03
Skewness 3.196 .464
Kurtosis 11.900 .902
normotension Mean 15.4186 4.76389
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 5.5864
Upper Bound 25.2508
5% Trimmed Mean 12.0859
Median 4.0140
Variance 567.367
Std. Deviation 23.81946
Minimum .69
Maximum 98.21
Range 97.52
Interquartile Range 17.77
Skewness 2.284 .464
Kurtosis 5.403 .902

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
klasifikasi Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
kadar leptin dini .243 25 .001 .757 25 .000
late .283 25 .000 .606 25 .000
normotension .299 25 .000 .655 25 .000
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
klasifikasi N Percent N Percent N Percent
hf alfa dini 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%
late 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%
normotension 24 96.0% 1 4.0% 25 100.0%

klasifikasi Statistic Std. Error
hf alfa dini Mean 1330.9719 142.63058
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 1036.5968
Upper Bound 1625.3469
5% Trimmed Mean 1315.6473
Median 1246.7700
Variance 508587.079
Std. Deviation 713.15291
Minimum 165.10
Maximum 2791.20
Range 2626.10
Interquartile Range 1127.95
Skewness .426 .464
Kurtosis -.513 .902
late Mean 871.4436 120.74613
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 622.2358
Upper Bound 1120.6514
5% Trimmed Mean 826.0127
Median 882.3580
Variance 364490.672
Std. Deviation 603.73063
Minimum 14.70
Maximum 2675.51
Range 2660.81
Interquartile Range 694.12
Skewness 1.168 .464
Kurtosis 2.094 .902
normotension Mean 914.6540 132.50447
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 640.5476
Upper Bound 1188.7604
5% Trimmed Mean 866.7724
Median 752.2100
Variance 421378.456
Std. Deviation 649.13670
Minimum 101.47
Maximum 2716.00
Range 2614.53
Interquartile Range 1068.66
Skewness 1.074 .472
Kurtosis .930 .918

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
klasifikasi Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
hf alfa dini .122 25 .200* .966 25 .539
late .144 25 .192 .919 25 .050
normotension .170 24 .071 .900 24 .022
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

kadar leptin
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
dini 25 61.3778 75.98026 15.19605 30.0147 92.7409 1.64 229.65
late 25 39.5085 59.44163 11.88833 14.9722 64.0448 1.45 282.73
normotension 25 15.4186 23.81946 4.76389 5.5864 25.2508 .69 98.21
Total 75 38.7683 59.66027 6.88897 25.0417 52.4949 .69 282.73

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

kadar leptin
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
8.992 2 72 .000

kadar leptin
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 26423.556 2 13211.778 4.014 .022
Within Groups 236968.161 72 3291.224
Total 263391.717 74

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: kadar leptin
Mean Difference (I- 95% Confidence Interval
(I) klasifikasi (J) klasifikasi J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
dini late 21.86924 16.22646 .182 -10.4776 54.2161
normotension 45.95912* 16.22646 .006 13.6123 78.3060
late dini -21.86924 16.22646 .182 -54.2161 10.4776
normotension 24.08988 16.22646 .142 -8.2570 56.4367
normotension dini -45.95912* 16.22646 .006 -78.3060 -13.6123
late -24.08988 16.22646 .142 -56.4367 8.2570
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

NPar Tests
Kruskal-Wallis Test

klasifikasi N Mean Rank
kadar leptin dini 25 45.00
late 25 43.04
normotension 25 25.96
Total 75

Test Statisticsa,b
kadar leptin
Chi-Square 11.545
df 2
Asymp. Sig. .003
a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: klasifikasi

hf alfa
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
dini 25 1330.9719 713.15291 142.63058 1036.5968 1625.3469 165.10 2791.20
late 25 871.4436 603.73063 120.74613 622.2358 1120.6514 14.70 2675.51
normotension 24 914.6540 649.13670 132.50447 640.5476 1188.7604 101.47 2716.00
Total 74 1040.7038 680.94928 79.15875 882.9407 1198.4670 14.70 2791.20

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

hf alfa
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.588 2 71 .558

hf alfa
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 3203939.589 2 1601969.795 3.711 .029
Within Groups 30645570.507 71 431627.754
Total 33849510.096 73

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: hf alfa
Mean Difference (I- 95% Confidence Interval
(I) klasifikasi (J) klasifikasi J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
dini late 459.52828* 185.82309 .016 89.0076 830.0490
normotension 416.31788* 187.74877 .030 41.9575 790.6783
late dini -459.52828* 185.82309 .016 -830.0490 -89.0076
normotension -43.21040 187.74877 .819 -417.5708 331.1500
normotension dini -416.31788* 187.74877 .030 -790.6783 -41.9575
late 43.21040 187.74877 .819 -331.1500 417.5708
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

NPar Tests
Kruskal-Wallis Test

klasifikasi N Mean Rank
hf alfa dini 25 46.72
late 25 32.58
normotension 24 33.02
Total 74

Test Statisticsa,b
hf alfa
Chi-Square 6.945
df 2
Asymp. Sig. .031
a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: klasifikasi

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