4597-AAB-SC-09 R0v1 27

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One Za'abeel | 4597-AAB-SC-09

4-3 Typical End Mullion Bracket.xmct

Section Page 4 of 17
Design and Engineering Dept.

⌂ This subsec on verifies the bearing failure of connected material in a standard or short slo ed hole.

Design Parameters / Analysis

tp := 3.00⋅ mm

edf := 50.00⋅ mm

Bcm := VRf = 5.75⋅ kN ← Design Bearing Force on the

Connec on
Note: Taken from the subsec on
which verifies the shear
failure of bolt material in
transverse loading.

Code Based Checking BS 8118 Sec on 6.4.4

γm := 1.2

( )
ρ f := min 0.50 Yb + Ub , 1.2⋅ Yb = 540.00⋅ MPa

cm := 2.0 if ϕ ÷ tp ≤ 10 = 2.00

20⋅ tp ÷ ϕ if 10 < ϕ ÷ tp < 13

1.5 if ϕ ÷ tp ≥ 13

ϕ⋅ 2tp⋅ ρ f ← Design Bearing Resistance of Fastener

BRF_f := = 43.20⋅ kN

 cm⋅ ϕ⋅ tp⋅ ρa edf⋅ tp⋅ ρ a  ← Design Bearing Resistance of Connected Material

BRP_cm := min  ,  = 14.00⋅ kN
 γm γm 
( )
BRc := min BRF_f , BRP_cm = 14.00⋅ kN ← Design Bearing Resistance of Connec on

Design Criteria : Bcm ≤ BRc Code Check : Safe! ; Utilization Ratio = 41.04%

⌂ This subsec on verifies the bearing failure of connected material in a standard or short slo ed hole.

Design Parameters / Analysis

tp := 10.00⋅ mm

edf := 50.00⋅ mm

F bs := VRf = 5.75⋅ kN ← Bearing Force on the Most Stressed

Note: Taken from the subsec on
which verifies the shear
failure of bolt material in
transverse loading.

27 of 72
TempVer20.0_012018 | Engineer: D. Dumapit | Checked: S.M. Lomboy Jr.

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