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“ Tense is a change in the verb to express time.

Tense comes from a word meaning ‘time’

There are three great divisions of time - Present, Past and Future.

The name ‘Tense’ is given to the different forms of verbs which denote them.

“ The verb is the only kind of word which by its own forms can point at time. The
English verb has only two tenses formed by inflection, — the present and
Past. The Future is formed by the help of other verbs.

“ The Present Tense denotes that the action is going on now; as I love, I am
loving. The Past Tense denotes that the action took place, or was going on, in
time past; as, I saw him; He was walking. The Future Tense denotes that the
action is yet to take place. It is formed by the means of the verbs ‘shall’ or
‘will’, followed by the infinitive; as, I shall go; He will go.

“ Each tense has four forms — Indefinite; Imperfect (Progressive, Incomplete

and Continuous are other names); perfect; perfect continuous.

“ An action simply mentioned is said to be Indefinite; as I play, I played, I shall

play. An action mentioned as still going on is said to be imperfect. It is formed
by means of the verb ‘be’ and the imperfect participle (ing form); as, I am
playing, I was playing, I shall be playing. An action mentioned as finished is
said to be perfect. It is formed by means of the verb ‘have’ (has, had as
derivatives) and the perfect participle (past participle form of the verb i.e. III
form); as, I have played, I had played, I shall have played. The active voice
has a fourth form called the Perfect Continuous. It expresses an action going
on up to the present time; as, I have been writing -

Work Book for General English 149

Look at the given pictures carefully and try to understand and follow the
patterns :

Imperfect Table - 1

for 2 hrs / since

Continuous Perfect

She has played.
You are playing.

I have played.
He is playing.
I am playing.

She has been

(first form of
the verb)

I have been
I play.


Indefinite Perfect

am / is / are have / have /

+ verb 1st has + has +
form + ing verb in verb +
3rd form ing

Table - 2
Continuous Perfect
We were playing.
I was playing.

I had played.

I had been playing.

I played.

Indefinite Perfect

verb in was / were had + had /

(2nd) past + verb+ing verb in been +

form in 1st form 3rd form verb +


150 Work Book for General English

Imperfect Table - 3
I + Shall + Verb in Continuous Perfect
1st form e
ll b


ea hav
You/ He/ She/ It / u w g.
Yo ayin

an t e n

They / We + will + pl e

ll b


ne ang een
verb in 1 form
. h a .
ay I s ying

ur s
ho oe
l .

y pla

fo ng m ave
ll la

a p .

h ill la
y Perfect

ea all
w p
ill Continuous




He/ She/ It/ They / will will have been

We/ You + will + be + have / /

shall shall have
verb + ing

have + been + verb in
I + shall + be + verb verb in Ist form + ing.
+ ing 3rd form

Present Simple / Indefinite Tense

For every plural subject Do Interrogative Do I eat mangoes ?

they / we / you ‘do’ is used Does she eat mangoes?
but ‘I’ takes ‘do’ with it Do they eat mangoes ?
For singular subject he / Do we eat mangoes ?
she / it / and name ‘does’ Does in gative Does he eat mangoes?
is used. Do you eat mangoes?
In negative sentences we form Interro- Do I not eat mangoes ?
use ‘not’ after subject Do gative/ Does she not eat mangoes?
(You / we/ they / I) Negative Do you not eat mangoes ?

In negative sentences we I do not eat mangoes.

use ‘not’ after subject. Does Negative You do not eat mangoes
(He / she / it / names) She does not eat mangoes.

Past Simple Indefinite Verb in Negative : I did not eat mangoes.

“ With did always first form They did not eat mangoes.
first She did not eat mangoes.
of the verb is used. Did
“ Did is used with singular form Interrogative : Did I not eat mangoes?
and plural both. Did they not eat mangoes ?
Did he not eat mangoes ?

Work Book for General English 151

”” In present simple / indefinite tense verb in its first form is used eg.,
I eat mangoes.
You eat mangoes.
He eats mangoes.
She eats mangoes.
With singular subject he / she/ it,
Neeta eats mangoes. names verb takes s or es
He goes to school.
For affirmative sentences do/does is not used until it is used for emphasis as in
I do eat mangoes (in Hindi - ◊Ò¥ •Ê◊ πÊÃÊ ÃÊ „Í°U–)

” In Past Simple Indefinite Tense for affirmative sentences ‘did’, is not used until,
it is used for emphasis, as in I did eat mangoes. ( in Hindi - ◊Ò¥ •Ê◊ πÊÿÊ ÃÊ „Í°U)
To translate a sentence is to change it from one language to another without
altering its sense / meaning. We will discuss first the simple / indefinite form of
present, past & future tense.

Afffir ma
irma ti
mative Sentences
Structure :
Sub + verb 1st form +
other words.
I + drive + a car
Singular subject
Sub + verb 1st form + s/es
+ other words
She+drives + a car.
Simple / Structure :
Indefinite I + shall + verb 1st
Structure : form + other words.
Sub + verb 2nd form I shall drive a car. F
P + other words. U
A He/She/They / We +
will + verb in 1st form
S I + drove + a car. + other words.
T You drove a car. E
We+will+drive+a car.
They drove a car. I shall drive a car.

152 Work Book for General English

Translate the following sentences into English :
e.g. Present Past Future
◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹ÊÃÊ/ø‹ÊÃË „Í°U– ◊Ò¥Ÿ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê߸– ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê™°§ªÊU/ø‹Ê™°§ªË–
I drive a car. I drove a car. I shall drive a car.
fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹ÊÃÊ/ø‹ÊÃË „Ò– ©U‚Ÿ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê߸– fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹ÊÿªÊU/ø‹ÊÿªË–
He/She drives a car. He/She drove a car. He/She will drive a car.
⁄U◊‡Ê S∑ͧ‹ ¡ÊÃÊ „ÒU– ⁄U◊‡Ê S∑ͧ‹ ªÿÊ– ⁄U◊‡Ê S∑ͧ‹ ¡Ê∞ªÊ–

_________________ went
_________________ will go

fl„U ’Ê$¡Ê⁄U ¡ÊÃÊ „ÒU– ‚ÊÁ„U‹ Ÿ ‚’ πÊÿÊ– ◊Ò¥ S∑ͧ≈U⁄U ø‹Ê™°§ªÊ–
_________________ _________________ _________________

„U◊ Á∑˝§∑§≈U π‹Ã „Ò¥U– ©U‚Ÿ ‡ÊÃ⁄¢U¡ π‹Ê– fl„U ◊Èê’߸ ¡Ê∞ªÊ–
_________________ _________________ _________________

‚ÊŸÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ◊ÊŸÊ ≈UË.flË. ŒπÃË „Ò¥– ‚ÊŸ◊ ’Ê¡Ê⁄U ªß¸– ‹«∏UÁ∑§ÿÊ° ªÊŸÊ ªÊ∞¢ªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

≈UË.flË. ŒπŸÊ - watch T.V., ‡ÊÃ⁄¢U¡ - chess, ’Ê¡Ê⁄U - market

Neggative Sentences
tiv Present

Structure :
Sub + do/does + not +
verb in 1st form +
other words.
I do not drive a car

Simple /
Indefinite Structure :
Structure : Sub + shall/will + not
P Sub + did + not + + verb in 1st form + F
A verb in 1st form + other words. T
S other words. I shall not drive a U
T I did not drive a car. car. E
You will not drive a

Work Book for General English 153

Translate the following sentences into English :
e.g. Present Past Future
◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹ÊÃÊ/ø‹ÊÃË „Í°U– ◊Ò¥Ÿ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê߸– ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê™°§ªÊU/ø‹Ê™°§ªË–
I do not drive a car. I did not drive a car. I shall not drive a car.
fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹ÊÃÊ/ø‹ÊÃË „ÒU– ©U‚Ÿ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê߸– fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹ÊÿªÊU/ø‹ÊÿªË–
He/She does not drives a car. He/She did not drive a car. He/She will not drive a car.
◊Ò¥ ≈UË.flË. Ÿ„UË¥ ŒπÃÊ „Í°U– ⁄UÊŸË Ÿ •Ê◊ Ÿ„UË¥ πÊÿÊ– ¿UÊòÊ Á¬∑§ÁŸ∑§ Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê∞¢ª¥–
_________________ _________________ _________________

Á¬¢∑§Ë Ÿ„UË¥ ¬…∏UÃË „ÒU– ‡ÊÒ‹Ê Ÿ •¢ª˝¡Ë Ÿ„UË¥ ¬…∏UË– ⁄UÁfl ∑§Á∆UŸ ¬Á⁄UüÊ◊ Ÿ„UË¥ ∑§⁄UªÊ–
_________________ _________________ _________________

„U◊ ¬ÈSÃ∑§Ê‹ÿ Ÿ„UË¥ ¡ÊÃ „Ò¥U– „U◊Ÿ Á∑§ÃÊ’ Ÿ„UË¥ πÊ‹Ë– ’¢≈UË Ÿ„UË¥ Á‹πªÊ–
_________________ _________________ _________________

∑§Á∆UŸ ¬Á⁄UüÊ◊ - work hard, ¬ÈSÃ∑§Ê‹ÿ - library,

Interrrogative Sentences


Structure :
Do/Does + sub +
verb in 1st form +
other words + ?
Do + I + drive + a car ?
Does he drive a car ?

Simple /
Structure : Indefinite Structure :
Did + sub + verb in Will/Shall + sub +
P 1st form + other verb in 1st form +
A other words + ?T
words + ? U
T Did + I +drive +a car ? Shall+I+ drive+a car? R
Did they drive a car ? Will you drive a car?

154 Work Book for General English

Translate the following sentences into English :
e.g. Present Past Future
ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹ÊÃÊ/ø‹ÊÃË „Í°U? ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥Ÿ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê߸? ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê™°§ªÊU/ø‹Ê™°§ªË?
Do I drive a car ? Did I drive a car ? Shall I drive a car ?
ÄÿÊ fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹ÊÃÊ/ø‹ÊÃË „Ò– ÄÿÊ ©U‚Ÿ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹ÊÿÊ/ø‹Ê߸– ÄÿÊ fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹ÊÿªÊU/ø‹ÊÿªË?
Does he/she drive a car ? Did he/she drive a car ? Will he/she drive a car ?

ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ’‚ ø‹ÊÃÊ „Í°U– ÄÿÊ ≈UËø⁄U Ÿ •¢ª˝¡Ë ¬…∏UÊ߸? ÄÿÊ ¡Ê‚»§ π‹ªÊ ?
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ ‚Ê„UŸ ’Ê¡Ê⁄U ¡ÊÃÊ „ÒU? ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊Ÿ ªÊŸÊ ªÊÿÊ ? ÄÿÊ ⁄UÊÁ„Uà ÁŒÑË ªÿÊ ?
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ ⁄UÊŸË ªÊŸÊ ªÊÃË „ÒU ? ÄÿÊ ©U‚Ÿ ◊ȤÊ ’È‹ÊÿÊ ? ÄÿÊ •Ê¬ ∑§‹ •Ê∞¢ª ?
_________________ _________________ _________________

Exer cise
Translate the following sentences into English :

v. ⁄UÁfl Ÿ ªÊ«∏UË Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê߸– __________________________________

w. ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ •ë¿Ê ¬…U∏ÃÊ „Í°U? __________________________________

x. ©U‚Ÿ ¬òÊ Á‹πÊ– __________________________________

y. ÄÿÊ ‚ÊÁŸÿÊ Á◊$¡Ê¸ Ÿ ◊Òø ¡ËÃÊ– __________________________________

z. ‚ÈÁ◊à Ÿ ‚ÊŸÍ ‚ ’Êà Ÿ„UË¥ ∑§Ë– __________________________________

{. ◊Ò¥ øÊøË ∑§ ÉÊ⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê™°§ªÊ– __________________________________

|. ◊Ò¥ Á‚Ÿ◊Ê Ÿ„UË¥ ŒπÃÊ „Í°U– __________________________________

}. ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊Ÿ ÷Ê¡Ÿ Á∑§ÿÊ ? __________________________________

~. ◊ËŸÍ Ÿ ‚¢Ã⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ πÊ∞– __________________________________

vÆ. ⁄UÊπË ªÊŸÊ ªÊÃË „ÒU– __________________________________

Work Book for General English 155

Lets now discuss the present, past & future progressive in their affirmative,
interrogative and negative forms :


Afffir ma
irma ti
mative Sentences

Structure :
Sub + was/were +
Verb in 1st from + ing +
other words.
I +was+driving +a car.
You were driving a car.


Structure :
Sub + is / am / are +
verb + ing + other words.
I am driving a car.
She is driving a car.
You are driving a car.

Structure :
Sub + shall be / will be +
verb + ing + other words.
I shall be driving a car.
You will be driving a car.
They will be driving a car.

Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future
◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/⁄U„UË „Í°U– ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/⁄U„UËU ÕË– ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ „UÊ™°§ªÊU/ ⁄U„UË „UÊ™°§ªË–
I am driving a car. I was driving a car. I shall be driving a car.
ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/Ë⁄„UË „UÊ– ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„U Õ/⁄U„UË ÕË– ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ªU/⁄U„UË „UÊªË?
You are driving a car. You were driving a car. You will be driving a car.

156 Work Book for General English

◊Ò¥ S∑ͧ‹ ¡ÊŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ÃÒÿÊ⁄U ÃÈ◊ ÉÊ⁄U ¬⁄U ∑§Êÿ¸ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„U Õ– fl ∑§ˇÊÊ ◊¥ ¬…∏U ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
„UÊ ⁄U„UÊ „Í°U–
_________________ _________________ _________________

„U◊ ≈˛UŸ ◊¥ ÿÊòÊÊ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„U „Ò¥U– ◊Ê„UŸ ¬ÈSÃ∑¥§ π⁄UËŒ ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ– fl ∑§ˇÊÊ ◊¥ ¬…∏U ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÃÈ◊ •¬ŸÊ ∑§Êÿ¸ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„U „UÊ– ◊Ò¥ ⁄UÁ«UÿÊ ‚ÈœÊ⁄UŸÊ ‚Ëπ ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ– ◊Ò¥ ‚È’„U ©U∆U ⁄U„UË „UÊ™°§ªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÿÊòÊÊ - journey / travel, ‚ÈœÊ⁄UŸÊ - repair, ‚È’„U ©U∆UŸÊ - wakeup

Neggative Sentences

Structure :
Sub + was/were + not +
verb + ing + other words.
I+ was+ not driving+ a
Structure :
Sub + is / am / are + not
verb + ing + other words.
You+ are +not+driving+ a
Structure :
Sub + shall not be / will not
be + v+ing + other words.
I+shall+not be +driving+
a car.

Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future
◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/⁄U„UË „Í°U– ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/⁄U„UËU ÕË– ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ U/ ⁄U„UË „UÊ™°§ªË–
I am not driving a car. I was not driving a car. I shall not be driving a car.

Work Book for General English 157

„U◊/fl ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ⁄U„ „Ò¥– „U◊/fl ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ⁄U„ Õ– fl ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ªU–
We/they are not driving We/they were not driving They will not be driving
a car. a car. a car.

◊Ò¥ ’Ê¡Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê ⁄U„UÊ „Í°U– ◊Ò¥ ∑§ˇÊÊ ◊¥ Ÿ„UË¥ ‚Ê ⁄U„UË ÕË– ÃÈ◊ ¬…∏UÊ߸ Ÿ„UË¥ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

‚ÊŸ‹ «UÊ°‚ ◊¥ ÷ʪ Ÿ„UË¥ ‹ ⁄UÁfl Ÿ∑§‹ Ÿ„UË¥ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ– ÃÈ◊ ¬˝ÁÃÿÊÁªÃÊ ◊¥ ÷ʪ Ÿ„UË¥ ‹
⁄U„UË „ÒU– ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

fl ∑§‹ ¬ø◊…∏UË Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê ⁄U„U „Ò¥U– „U◊ ÷Ê¡¬È⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê ⁄U„U Õ– „U◊ ◊Èê’߸ Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

÷ʪ ‹ŸÊ - participate, Ÿ∑§‹ - copy, ¬˝ÁÃÿÊÁªÃÊ - competition

Interrrogative Sentences

Structure :
was / were + sub +
verb + ing + other words.
Was+ I+driving+a car?
Structure :
Is / am / are + sub.
verb + ing + other words.
Am+I+driving+a car?
Structure :
Shall/will + sub + be + v
+ing + other words.
Shall + I+ be+driving+ a
Translate the following sentences into English :
e.g. Present Past Future
ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/⁄U„UË „Í°U? ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/⁄U„UËU ÕË? ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ „UÊ™°§ªÊ U/ ⁄U„UË

158 Work Book for General English

Am I driving a car? Was I driving a car? Shall I be driving a car?
ÄÿÊ fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/⁄U„Ë „Ò¥? ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„ Õ / ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„ „UÊ¢ª?
Is he/she driving a car ? Were you driving a car ? Will you be driving a car ?

ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ •¬Ÿ Á◊òÊÊ¥ ‚ Á◊‹ ⁄U„UÊ „Í°U? ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ‚◊ÿ π⁄UÊ’ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ? ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ŸÊø ⁄U„UË „UÊªË?

_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ‚Ê¢S∑ΧÁÃ∑§ ∑§Êÿ¸∑˝§◊ ◊¥ ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ∑§‹ ŒÊÒ«∏U ◊¥ ÷ʪ ÄÿÊ «UÁfl«U ŒÈ∑§ÊŸ πÊ‹ ⁄U„U
÷ʪ ‹ ⁄U„U „UÊ? ‹ ⁄U„U Õ? „UÊ¥ª?

_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ fl •èÿÊ‚ ∑§Êÿ¸ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„U „Ò¥U? ÄÿÊ fl ÷Ê¬Ê‹ ¡Ê ⁄U„U Õ? ÄÿÊ fl ¡ã◊ÁŒŸ ◊ŸÊŸ ∑§Ë ÃÒÿÊ⁄UË
∑§⁄U ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª?

_________________ _________________ _________________

‚◊ÿ π⁄UÊ’ - wasting time, ‚Ê¢S∑ΧÁÃ∑§ ∑§Êÿ¸∑˝§◊ - cultural programme,

•èÿÊ‚ ∑§Êÿ¸ - exercise

Translate these sentences into English.

v. ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UË ÕË– w. fl ∑§ˇÊÊ ◊¥ Á‹π ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
___________________________ ________________________________

x. ◊Ò¥ ¬…∏UŸ ¡Ê ⁄U„UÊ „UÊ™°§ªÊ– y. ÃÈ◊ ÉÊ⁄U ¬⁄U ‚Ê ⁄U„U Õ–
___________________________ ________________________________

z. ÃÈ◊ ∑§Êÿ¸∑˝§◊ ◊¥ ÷ʪ Ÿ„UË¥ ‹ ⁄U„U „UÊª– {. ◊Ò¥ ∑§ˇÊÊ ◊¥ Ÿ„UË¥ ’Ê‹ ⁄U„UË ÕË–
___________________________ ________________________________

|. ÄÿÊ fl„U ‚Êß∑§‹ ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ „ÒU? }. ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ªÊ ⁄U„UË „UÊªË?
___________________________ ________________________________

~. ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ÁŒÑË ¡Ê ⁄U„U Õ? vÆ. ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ •¬ŸË ’„UŸ ‚ Á◊‹ ⁄U„UÊ „Í°U?
___________________________ ________________________________

Work Book for General English 159

Now we will talk about the perfect form of Present, Past and Future tenses
in various types of sentences i.e. affirmative, negative and interrogative :

Perfect Tense

Afffir ma
irma ti
mative Sentences

Structure :
sub + had + verb 3rd form +
other words.
I+ had +driven+ a car.
Structure :
sub + has/have + verb 3rd
form + other words.
I +have +driven+a car.
Structure :
sub + shall / will + have + Verb
3rd form + other words.
Clear your doubt
your car.

Pr esent P
Present erf
Perfect Tense
I / We / You / They have
He / She / It has
Past Perf
Perfect Tense

* I / We / You / They
He / She / It.

Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future
ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§ „UÊ/øÈ∑§UË „UÊU– ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§ Õ/øÈ∑§UËU ÕË– ÃÈ◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§ „UÊ•ÊªU/ „UÊ•ÊªË–
You have driven a car. You had driven a car. You will have driven a car.

160 Work Book for General English

fl/„U◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§ „Ò¥U– fl/„U◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§ Õ– „U◊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§U „UÊ¥ªU–
They/we have driven a car. They/we had driven a car. We shall have driven a car.

◊ËŸÊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ë „ÒU– ◊ËŸÊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ë ÕË– ◊ËŸÊ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ë „UÊªË–
Meena has driven a car. Meena had driven a car. Meena will have driven a car.

_________________ _________________ _________________

⁄UÊ¡‡Ê ∑§ß¸ ’Ê⁄U Á∑§ÃÊ’ ¬…∏U øÈ∑§Ê „ÒU– fl„U •¬ŸÊ ∑§Ê◊ ∑§⁄U øÈ∑§Ê ÕÊ– ◊Ò¥ Á∑§ÃÊ’ ¬…∏U øÈ∑§Ë „UÊ™°§ªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

‚ÈŸË‹ πÊŸÊ ’ŸÊ øÈ∑§Ê „ÒU– „U◊ ‚Ê◊ÊŸ ⁄Uπ øÈ∑§ Õ– ⁄UÊœÊ ªÊŸÊ ªÊ øÈ∑§Ë „UÊªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

◊Ò¥ øÊÿ ¬Ë øÈ∑§Ê „Í°U– ÃÈ◊ Œ⁄UflÊ¡Ê πÊ‹ øÈ∑§ Õ– ÃÈ◊ ÁøòÊ ’ŸÊ øÈ∑§ „UÊ•Êª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

Neggative Sentences

Structure :
sub + had + not + verb 3rd
form + other words.
I+ had+ not+ driven+ a car.
Structure :
sub + have/has + not + verb
3rd form + other words.
I +have+ not +driven+ a car.
She has not driven a car.
Structure :
sub + Shall / will + not + have +
verb 3rd form + other words.
I+ shall +not +have +driven+
a car.
We will not have driven a car.

Work Book for General English 161

Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future

◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê / ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê ÕÊ / ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê „UÊ™°§ªÊ U/
øÈ∑§UË „UÍ°– øÈ∑§UËU ÕË– øÈ∑§UËU „UÊ™°§ªË–
I have not driven a car. I had not driven a car. I shall not have driven a car.
fl/„U◊ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê øÈ∑§ „Ò¥U– fl/„U◊ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê øÈ∑§ Õ– „U◊ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê øÈ∑§U „UÊ¥ªU–
They/we have not driven a car. They/we had not driven a car. We shall not have driven a car.

◊Ò¥Ÿ ∑§Ê◊ Ÿ„UË¥ Á∑§ÿÊ „ÒU – ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ‚ÈœÊ⁄U øÈ∑§Ê ÕÊ– ◊Ò¥ S∑ͧ‹ Ÿ„UË¥ ¬„È°Uø øÈ∑§Ê „UÊ™°§ªÊ–
_________________ _________________ _________________

„U◊ Á»§À◊ Ÿ„UË¥ Œπ øÈ∑§ „Ò¥U– fl ⁄U‹ ◊¥ Ÿ„UË¥ ’Ò∆U øÈ∑§ Õ– ⁄UÊ◊‹Ê‹ Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê øÈ∑§Ê „UÊªÊ–
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÃÈ◊ ÁøòÊ Ÿ„UË¥ ’ŸÊ øÈ∑§ „UÊ– fl„U ¬˝ÿÊª Ÿ„UË¥ ∑§⁄U øÈ∑§Ê ÕÊ– fl ªÊŸÊ Ÿ„UË¥ ªÊ øÈ∑§ „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

¬˝ÿÊª - experiment,

Interrrogative Sentences
Structure :
Had + sub + verb 3rd form +
other words.
Had +I +driven +a car ?
Structure :
Have/Has + sub + verb 3rd
form + other words.
Has he/she driven a car?
Have + I +driven +a car ?
Structure :
Shall / will + sub + have + Verb
3rd form + other words.
Shall+I+have+driven+the car?
Will you have driven a car?

162 Work Book for General English

Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future

ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê / ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê ÕÊ / ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê „UÊ™°§ªÊ U/
øÈ∑§UË „UÍ°? øÈ∑§UËU ÕË? øÈ∑§UËU „UÊ™°§ªË?
Have I driven a car? Had I driven a car? Shall I have driven a car ?
ÄÿÊ fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê „Ò / ÄÿÊ fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ÄÿÊ fl„U ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ê
øÈ∑§Ë „ÒU? øÈ∑§Ê ÕÊ /øÈ∑§Ê ÕË? „UÊ∞ªÊ / øÈ∑§Ë „UÊ∞ªË?
Has he/she driven Had he/she driven Will she/he have
a car? a car? driven a car?

ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ •¬ŸÊ ∑§Ê◊ øÈ∑§Ê „Í°U– ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ Á∑§ÃÊ’¥ π⁄UËŒ øÈ∑§Ê ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ¬˝Œ‡Ê¸ŸË Œπ øÈ∑§Ê
ÕÊ? „UÊ™°§ªÊ?
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ ‹Êª ‚◊ÊøÊ⁄U ‚ÈŸ ÄÿÊ ’ìÊ ◊‹Ê ŒπŸ ¡Ê ÄÿÊ ‚¢ªËÃÊ ªÊŸÊ ‚ÈŸ øÈ∑§Ë
øÈ∑§ „Ò¥U ? øÈ∑§ Õ ? „UÊªË?
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ ÁŒŸ‡Ê ŸÊfl ◊¥ ’Ò∆U ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ≈UË.flË. Œπ ÄÿÊ ’ìÊ ªÎ„U ∑§Êÿ¸ ∑§⁄U
øÈ∑§Ê „ÒU? øÈ∑§ Õ? øÈ∑§ „UÊ¥ª?
_________________ _________________ _________________

¬˝Œ‡Ê¸ŸË - exhibition, ŸÊfl - boat, ‚◊ÊøÊ⁄U - news, ◊‹Ê - fair

Translate these following sentences into English :

v. ◊ËŸÊ S∑ͧ≈U⁄U ø‹Ê øÈ∑§Ë „ÒU– w. fl ÉÊ⁄U ¡Ê øÈ∑§ „UÊ¥ª–

___________________________ ________________________________

x. „◊ ªÊŸÊ ªÊ øÈ∑§ Õ– y. ‚ÈŸËÃÊ ≈UË.flË. Œπ øÈ∑§Ë „ÒU–

___________________________ ________________________________

z. „U◊ ŸÊ‡ÃÊ Ÿ„UË¥ πÊ øÈ∑§ „Ò¥U– {. „U◊ ªÎ„U∑§Êÿ¸ ∑§⁄U øÈ∑§ Õ–
___________________________ ________________________________

Work Book for General English 163

|. ÄÿÊ ‚ËÃÊ ¡Ê øÈ∑§Ë „UÊªË? }. ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ∑§◊⁄UÊ ‚Ê»§ ∑§⁄U øÈ∑§Ë ÕË?
___________________________ ________________________________

~. ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ’Ê¡Ê⁄U ¡Ê øÈ∑§ „UÊ•Êª? vÆ. ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ∑§„UÊŸË Ÿ„UË¥ Á‹π øÈ∑§ „UÊ•Êª?
___________________________ ________________________________

Finally we will see the perfect continuous form of Present, Perfect and Future
Tenses in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.

Perfect Pr
erfect Proogressive Tense

Afffir ma
irma ti
mative Sentences

Structure : sub + had + been +
verb Ist form + ing + other words.
I +had +been +driving +a car **for two hours.
Structure : sub + have/has + been +
verb Ist form + ing + other words.
I+have+been+driving+a car *since 9 o’ clock.
Clear your doubt Future
” Since - we use since when we say Structure : sub + will/shall + have +
the start of a period ( 8 o’ clock, been + verb Ist form + ing + other words.
monday, 1985 etc): I+shall+have+been+driving+a car for two hours.
I have been driving a car since 9 o’ clock.
9 o’ clock --------------> now
”” For - we use for when we say period of time (two hours, six weeks etc.)
I have been driving the car for two hours.
Two hours ago --------------> now
Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future

◊Ò¥ ŸÊÒ ’¡ ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ/ ◊Ò¥ ŸÊÒ ’¡ ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ / ◊Ò¥ ŒÊ ÉÊá≈U ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ „UÊ™°§ªÊ U/
⁄U„UË „UÍ°– ⁄U„UËU ÕË– ⁄U„UËU „UÊ™°§ªË–
I have been driving a car I had been driving a car I shall have been driving
since 9 O’ clock. since 9 O’ clock. a car for two hours.

164 Work Book for General English

fl„U ŒÊ ÉÊá≈U ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ / „U◊ ŒÊ ÉÊá≈U ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„U Õ– fl ŒÊ ÉÊá≈U ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ªU/
⁄U„UË „ÒU– ⁄U„UË „UÊ¥ªË–
He/She has been driving We had been driving They will have been driv-
a car for two hours. a car for two hours. ing a car for two hours.

◊Ò¥ •Ê¡ ‚È’„U ‚ πà ◊¥ ∑§Ê◊ ÃÈ◊ ß‚ Áfl·ÿ ∑§Ê ÃËŸ fl·ÊZ ‚ ÃÈ◊ ŒÊ¬„U⁄U ‚ »È§≈U’Ê‹ ◊Òø π‹
∑§⁄U ⁄U„UÊ „Í°U– ¬…∏U ⁄U„U Õ– ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

¡ÊÚŸ wÆÆy ‚ ß‚ ‡ÊÊ‹Ê ◊¥ „U◊ ÃËŸ ÁŒŸÊ¥ ‚ ’Ê…∏U ∑§ ©U·Ê ‚È’„U ‚ ߢáÊ⁄U ∑§⁄U ⁄U„UË
¬…∏U ⁄U„UÊ „ÒU– ¬ÊŸË ◊¥ »°§‚ Õ– „UÊ¥ªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÃÈ◊ ◊¢ª‹flÊ⁄U ‚ ¬⁄UˡÊÊ ∑§Ë ª¡ãº˝ ‚È’„U ‚ ‚Êß∑§‹ ø‹Ê ◊Ò¥ ÃËŸ „UçÃÊ¥ ‚ ¬⁄UˡÊÊ ∑§Ë ÃÒÿÊ⁄UË
ÃÒÿÊ⁄U ∑§⁄U ⁄U„U „UÊ– ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ– ∑§⁄U ⁄U„UË „UÊ™¢§ªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

πà - field, ߢáÊ⁄U - wait, ’Ê…∏U - flood

Neggative Sentences

Structure : sub + had + not + been +
verb Ist form + ing + other words.
I +had +not+been+ driving+ a car since 9 o’ clock.
Structure : sub + have/has + not +
been + verb Ist form+ing + other words.
I+ have+ not+ been+ driving+ a car
since 9 o’ clock.
Structure: sub + Shall/will + not + have +
been + verb Ist form+ing + other words.
I +shall +not +have +been +driving +a
car since nine o’ clock.

Work Book for General English 165

Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future

ÃÈ◊ ŸÊÒ ’¡ ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ÃÈ◊ ŸÊÒ ’¡ ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ÃÈ◊ ŸÊÒ ’¡U ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ ø‹Ê ⁄U„U
⁄U„U „UÊ /⁄U„UË „UÊ– ⁄U„U Õ /⁄U„UËU ÕË– „UÊ¥ª U/ ⁄U„UËU „UÊ¥ªË–
You have not been You had not been I will not have been
driving a car since driving a car since driving a car since
9 o’ clock. 9 o’ clock. 9 o’ clock.

◊Ò¥ ŒÊ ‚Ê‹Ê¢ ‚ Á∑§ÃÊ’ Ÿ„UË¥ ◊Ò¥ Á¬¿U‹ ‚Ê‹ ‚ fl„UÊ° Ÿ„UË¥ ◊Ò¥ ¬Ê°ø ’¡ πÊŸÊ Ÿ„UË¥ ’ŸÊ ⁄U„UË
Á‹π ⁄U„UÊ „Í°U– ⁄U„U ⁄U„UË ÕË– „UÊ™¢§ªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

◊ŒŸ ¬Ê°ø ÉÊá≈U ‚ ¬…∏UÊ߸ ÃÈ◊ ¿U„U ÉÊá≈U ‚ ◊Òø ◊⁄UÊ ŒÊSà ∞∑§ fl·¸ ‚ ÁŒÑË
Ÿ„UË¥ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„UÊ „ÒU– Ÿ„UË¥ Œπ ⁄U„U Õ– Ÿ„UË¥ ¡Ê ⁄U„UÊ „UÊªÊ–
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÃÈ◊ ∑§ß¸ ÁŒŸÊ¥ ‚ π‹ •flÃÊ⁄U Á‚¢„U ŒÊ ÉÊá≈U ‚ ªÊ«∏UË Áπ‹Ê«∏UË Á¬¿U‹ ‚Ê‹ ‚ ◊Òø
Ÿ„UË¥U ⁄U„U „UÊ– ø‹Ê ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ– Ÿ„UË¥ „UÊ⁄U ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

Interrrogative Sentences

Structure : Had + sub +been + verb Ist
form+ing + other words.
Had+I+been+driving+a car since 9 o’
Structure : Have/Has + sub + been +
verb Ist form + ing + other words.
Have+I+been+driving+a car since nine o’ clock?
Structure: Shall/will + sub + have + been
+ verb Ist form+ing + other words.
Shall+ I+ have+ been+ driving+ a car
since 9 o’ clock?

166 Work Book for General English

Translate the following sentences into English :

e.g. Present Past Future

ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ŸÊÒ ’¡ ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ŸÊÒ ’¡ ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ŸÊÒ ’¡U ‚ ∑§Ê⁄U ø‹Ê ⁄U„U
⁄U„U „UÊ /⁄U„UË „UÊ? ⁄U„U Õ /⁄U„UËU ÕË? „UÊ¥ª U/ ⁄U„UËU „UÊ¥ªË?
Have you been Had you been Will you have been
driving a car since driving a car since driving a car since
9 o’ clock? 9 o’ clock? 9 o’ clock?
ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ ‚È’„U ‚ ªÊŸÊ ªÊ ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ øÊ⁄U ÁŒŸÊ¥ ‚ ‡ÊéŒ- ÄÿÊ ◊Ò¥ vÆ ’¡ ‚ ∑§Ê◊ ∑§⁄U
⁄U„Ë „Í°U ? ∑§Ê· Œπ ⁄U„UË ÕË? ⁄U„UË „UÊ™¢§ªË–
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ∑§‹ ‡ÊÊ◊ ‚ ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ŒÊ ÁŒŸÊ¥ ‚ ÄÿÊ ÃÈ◊ ⁄UÊà ‚ ŒflÊ
∑§„UÊŸË Á‹π ⁄U„U „UÊ ? ÉÊ⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê◊ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„U Õ? πÊ ⁄U„U „UÊ¥ª–
_________________ _________________ _________________

ÄÿÊ flÄÃÊ ∞∑§ fl·¸ ‚ ÷Ê·áÊ ÄÿÊ ◊ÃŒÊÃÊ ∞∑§ ‚#Ê„U ‚ ÄÿÊ ªËÃÊ Á¬¿U‹ ÁŒŸÊ¥ ‚
ŒU ⁄U„U „Ò? ÷Ê·áÊ ‚ÈŸ ⁄U„UÊ ÕÊ? Á∑§ÃÊ’ Á‹π ⁄U„UË „UÊªË?
_________________ _________________ _________________

flÄÃÊ - speaker, ÷Ê·áÊ - speech, ◊ÃŒÊÃÊ - voter

Work Book for General English 167

orddw hic
hichh ar
areeg oing to help y
going ou in tr
you ansla
transla ting
the sentences:
1. ÉÊ⁄U - home 25. ÷ËÃ⁄U/•ãŒ⁄U - in / inside

2. ⁄U‚Ê߸ ÉÊ⁄U - kitchen 26. ’ÊŒ‹ - clouds

3. ‚Ê»§Ê - sofa 27. ø◊∑§Ë‹Ê - bright / shiny

4. ◊$¡ - table 28. ◊ÊÒ‚◊ - weather

5. ÷Ê¡Ÿ - food / meal 29. Á‹πŸÊ - write

6. øÊfl‹ - rice 30. ¬…∏UŸÊ - read / study

7. ŸÊ‡ÃÊ - breakfast 31. ∑ȧ‚˸ - chair

8. øê◊ø - spoon 32. ÁŒŸ - day

9. ‚’ - apple 33. ⁄UÊÃ - night

10. ¡ÊŸÊ - go 34. „°U‚ŸÊ - laugh

11. ÷Ê¡Ÿ ∑§⁄UŸÊ - eat 35. ⁄UÊŸÊ - cry / weep

12. ©U∆UŸÊ - get up 36. ŒËflÊ⁄U - wall

13. fl·Ê¸ - rain 37. ‚Ë…∏UË - stairs

14. ∑§¬«∏U œÊŸÊ - wash clothes 38. Á∑§ÃÊ’ - books

15. ÉÊ¢≈UË ’¡ÊŸÊ - ring the bell 39. ¬¢πÊ - fan

16. ‚ÊŸÊ - sleep 40. •¢∑§ - marks

17. π‹ŸÊ - play 41. •ë¿UÊ - good

18. ’Êà ∑§⁄UŸÊ - talk 42. ’È⁄UÊ - bad

19. Ÿ„UÊŸÊU - bathe / take bath 43. •‹◊Ê⁄UË - cupboard

20. ’Ê$¡Ê⁄U - market 44. ÉÊ«∏UË (∑§‹Ê߸ ∑§Ë) - watch

21. π⁄UËŒŸÊ - buy 45. ÉÊ«∏UË (ŒËflÊ⁄U ∑§Ë) - clock

22. »§‹ - fruits 46. ’SÃÊ - bag

23. ‚Áé¡ÿÊ° - vegetables 47. ‡ÿÊ◊¬≈U - blackboard

24. ’Ê„U⁄U - outside

168 Work Book for General English

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