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Dear Sir/Madam

please see attached my portfolio designed with my chosen job role of a live music promoter in mind.
The portfolio covers the main units of my HNC Music Business course and demonstrates the skills
and knowledge I have learned during the course.

I am hardworking, intuitive and work effectively in a team. By studying this course, I feel my skills
have developed and thus make me a perfect candidate for the role of a live music promoter.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Jamie Black

 Contracts – the contract included in my portfolio is from my first event I ran and is between
myself and the venue, 13th Note in Glasgow. In this contract where clauses explaining the
rights the venue had and the rules and regulations that we as the promoters must make sure
are followed in the venue. This can be found in the My Work page

 Marketing Plan – The marketing plan used in this portfolio was created before any of the
gigs took place when we as the promotions company decided on how we would advertise
our events as well as what our target audience would be and the cost of using our preferred
forms of advertising. This can be found in the My Work page

 Promotional Materials – The promotional materials used are photos and taken from our
events in Glasgow and Dundee as well as the posters used for these events also. This can be
found in the My Work page

 Finance Plan – The finance plan used within the portfolio was our final financial plan after
we had ran our first phase of events. The plan clearly showed that in two out of the three
events we made a profit and overall as a collective we made a profit. There is also a
secondary spreadsheet which was produced for an assessment in college, this is used to
back up my understanding of finance sheets.This can be found in the My Work page.

 CV – Inside this portfolio is also a copy of my CV which details my skills and experience in
the music industry as well as my education history. This can be found on the CV page.

 Funding Sources – This portfolio also includes a page dedicated to funding sources. This
page lists sources of funding available to projects around Scotland who want to showcase
the creative arts. This can be found in the Funding Page.

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