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1. I can’t find _______ calculator, may I use _________, Richard?

A. my, yours C. his, yours
B. my, his D. yours, mine
2. Of the following remarks from workers, which deserve a higher wage owing to effective speed that increases
work efficiency?
A. I have strong hands, willingness and honesty in work.
B. I have strong hands and I am willing worker.
C. I like people and listen to respond to their opinions and needs.
D. I have work well and plan my work to accomplish more.
3. Among the kinds of listening, which is the type that most students do in classroom/
A. For inspiration C. for “escape”
B. For information and ideas D. for enjoyment
4. In the speech process, which is concerned with amplifying and enriching the voice, using human amplifiers such
as the nose, windpipe and chest?
A. Resonation C. Phonation
B. Inflection D. Articulation
5. “I have always been financially independent by continuing to teach even when I got married. At times though
when the cares of life weighed heavily on me, I would think of my mother and her example of making the most
of what she had. She did her household chores methodically, tutored us in our lessons and gave modest
contributions to worthy causes.” What adjective best describes the mother?
A. suffering C. dutiful
B. sacrificing D. overworked
6. Because it will adversely affect the population’s food supplies, the most DISADVANTAGEOUS source of energy is
A. wind C. geo-thermal
B. sun D. plants
7. Imprisoned for 27 years, Nelson Mandela realized his dreamed of a free and non-racial South Africa by forgiving
his oppressors and negotiating in good faith for the peaceful transition to democracy. Nelson Mandela
demonstrated his trait of ____________.
A. friendliness C. forgiving
B. determination D. loyalty
8. What is the figure of speech in the sentence “The sun was a ball of fire over the mountain”?
A. Personification C. Metaphor
B. Simile D. Hyperbole
9. Let us campaign for the total ban __________ of harmful insecticides.
A. with the use C. on the use
B. on using D. with using
10. “The writer’s APOCALYPTIC account suggested the end of the world”. The capitalized word means ________.
A. attractive C. prophetic
B. careless D. encouraging
11. “Your statements are IMPERTINENT to the case”. The capitalized word means _________.
A. important C. violent
B. irrelevant D. malicious
12. If I ____________ known you before, we could have arranged a joint project.
A. have C. could
B. had D. will
13. Proposed project ____________ within the budget of the school.
A. are C. are appearing
B. is appearing D. is
14. That task was heavy for Samantha and __________.
A. me C. myself
B. her D. us
15. _________ finished eating we arrived.
A. should C. have
B. have been D. will have
16. The _________ lesson of the story is that honesty is the best policy.
A. morality C. moralism
B. morale D. moral
17. For the synecdoche figurative expression” It was a black tie affair”. What is the equivalent
A. Party for men only C. Senior citizen’s meeting
B. Formal gathering D. Costume party
18. For the synecdoche figurative expression “My mother has a green thumb. I can’t wait to show you her garden”.
What is the equivalent meaning?
A. She grows a vegetable garden
B. She cultivates a garden
C. She takes care of flowering plants
D. She is good at gardening
19. What figure of speech is: “ O wild west wind!”
A. irony C. apostrophe
B. metaphor D. hyperbole
20. What role of the women is displayed by the lines in Luis Dato’s Spouse: “She holds no joys beyond the day’s
tomorrow, finds no world beyond her love’s embrace, looks upon the form beyond the furrow, her mind,
motion, time and space?”
A. Work partner C. House wife
B. Lady entrepreneur D. Career woman
21. What became prophetically true in France when Edwin Markham saw the French peasant as “The man with the
Hoe, “a plundered slave under the rule ok kings and princes?
A. French revolution
B. Advent of mechanized agriculture
C. Cult of Reason in France
D. Napoleon’s imperial rule
22. Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict Filipino-Spanish cultural beliefs and traditions.
A. Edilberto Tiempo C. N.V.M. Gonzales
B. Bienvenido Santos D. Nick Joaquin
23. “To be or not to be” is the beginning of the soliloquy of _________.
A. Richard III C. Macbeth
B. Julius Caesar D. Hamlet

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