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CA Chemist Ricardo Francisco, to recall all

33 SCRA 1 daily employees who are connected in the
production of Mafran Sauce and also some
FACTS: additional daily employees for the production of
Porky Pops. On December 29, 1960, another
This is a petition for certiorari by the UFC against memorandum was issued by the President and
the CA decision of February 13, 1968 declaring the General Manager instructing Ricardo Francisco, as
BILLOF ASSIGNMENT rescinded, ordering UFC to Chief Chemist, and Porfirio Zarraga, as Acting
return to Magdalo Francisco his Mafran sauce Superintendent, to produce Mafran Sauce and Porky
trademark and to pay his monthly salary of P300.00 Pops in full swing starting January 2, 1961 with
from Dec. 1, 1960 until the return to him of said further instructions to hire daily laborers in order to
trademark and formula. cope with the full blast operation. Magdalo V.
Francisco, Sr. received his salary as Chief
In 1938, plaintiff Magdalo V. Francisco, Sr. Chemist in the amount of P300.00 a month only until
discovered a formula for the manufacture of a food his services were terminated on November 30, 1960.
seasoning (sauce) derived from banana fruits On January 9 and 16, 1961, UFC, acting thru its
popularly known as MAFRAN sauce. It was used President and General Manager, authorized Porfirio
commercially since 1942, and in the same year Zarraga and Paula de Bacula to look for a buyer of
plaintiff registered his trademark in his name as the corporation including its trademarks, formula
owner and inventor with the Bureau of Patents. and assets at a price of not less than P300,000.00.
However, due to lack of sufficient capital to finance Due to these successive memoranda, without
the expansion of the business, in 1960, said plaintiff plaintiff Magdalo V. Francisco, Sr. being recalled
secured the financial assistance of Tirso T. Reyes back to work, he filed the present action on February
who, after a series of negotiations, formed with 14, 1961. Then in a letter dated March 20, 1961, UFC
others defendant Universal Food Corporation requested said plaintiff to report for duty, but the
eventually leading to the execution on May 11, 1960 latter declined the request because the present
of the action was already filed in court.
aforequoted "Bill of Assignment" (Exhibit A or 1).
On May 31, 1960, Magdalo Francisco entered into 1. Was the Bill of Assignment really one that
contract with UFC stipulating among other things involves transfer of the formula for Mafran sauce
that he be the Chief Chemist and Second Vice- itself?
President of UFC and shall have absolute control and 2. Was petitioner’s contention that Magdalo
supervision over the laboratory assistants and Francisco is not entitled to rescission valid?
personnel and in the purchase and safekeeping of
the chemicals used in the preparation of said Mafran RULING:
sauce and that said positions are permanent
in nature. 1. No. Certain provisions of the bill would lead
one to believe that the formula itself was
In line with the terms and conditions of the Bill of transferred. To
Assignment, Magdalo Francisco was appointed Chief quote, “the respondent patentee "assign, transfer
Chemist with a salary of P300.00 a month. Magdalo and convey all its property rights and interest over
Francisco kept the formula of the Mafran sauce said Mafran trademark and formula for MAFRAN
secret to himself. Thereafter, however, due to the SAUCE unto the Party of the Second Part," and the
alleged scarcity and high prices of raw materials, on last paragraph states that such "assignment, transfer
November 28, 1960, Secretary-Treasurer Ciriaco L. de and conveyance is absolute and irrevocable (and) in
Guzman of UFC issued a Memorandum duly no case shall the PARTY OF THE First Part ask,
approved by the President and General demand or sue for the surrender of its rights and
Manager Tirso T. Reyes that only Supervisor Ricardo interest over said MAFRAN trademark and mafran
Francisco should be retained in the factory and that formula."
the salary of plaintiff Magdalo V. Francisco, Sr.,
should be stopped for the time being until the “However, a perceptive analysis of the entire
corporation should resume its operation. On instrument and the language employed therein
December 3, 1960, President and General Manager would lead one to the conclusion that what was
Tirso T. Reyes, issued a memorandum to Victoriano actually ceded and transferred was only the use of
Francisco ordering him to report to the factory and the Mafran sauce formula. This was the precise
produce "Mafran Sauce" at the rate of not less than intention of the parties.”
100 cases a day so as to cope with the orders of the
corporation's various distributors and dealers, and The SC had the following reasons to back up the
with instructions to take only the necessary daily above conclusion. First, royalty was paid by UFC to
employees without employing permanent Magdalo Francisco. Second, the formula of said
employees. Again, on December 6, 1961, another Mafran sauce was never disclosed to anybody else.
memorandum was issued by the same President and Third, the Bill acknowledged the fact that upon
General Manager instructing the Assistant Chief dissolution of said Corporation, the patentee rights

and interests of said trademark shall automatically No. The contract of sale contains no
revert back to Magdalo Francisco. Fourth, paragraph provision authorizing the vendor, in the event of
3 of the Bill declared only the transfer of the use of failure of the vendee to continue in the payment of
the Mafran sauce and not the formula itself which the stipulated monthly installments, to retain the
was admitted by UFC in its answer. amounts paid to him because of the purchase price.
The claim therefore, of the petitioner that it has the
Fifth, the facts of the case undeniably show that right to forfeit said sums in its favor is untenable.
what was transferred was only the use. Finally, our Under Article 1124 of the Civil Code, however, he
Civil Code allows only “the least transmission of may choose between demanding the fulfillment of
right, hence, what better way is there to show the the contract or its resolution. These remedies are
least transmission of right of the transfer of the use alternative and not cumulative, and the petitioner in
of the transfer of the formula itself.” this case, having elected to cancel the contract
cannot avail himself of the other remedy of exacting
2. No. Petitioner’s contention that Magdalo performance. As a consequence of the resolution,
Francisco’s petition for rescission should be denied the parties should be restored, as far as practicable,
because under Article 1383 of the Civil Code of the to their original situation which can be approximated
Philippines rescission can not be demanded except only be ordering the return of the things which were
when the party suffering damage has no other legal the object of the contract, with their fruits and of the
means to obtain reparation, was of no merit because price, with its interest, computed from the date of
“it is predicated on a failure to distinguish between a institution of the action.
rescission for breach of contract under Article 1191
of the Civil Code and a rescission by reason of lesion University of the Philippines v. De Los Angeles
or economic prejudice, under Article 1381, et seq.” G.R. No. L-28602 September 29, 1970
This was a case of reciprocal obligation. Article 1191
may be scanned without disclosing anywhere that FACTS: On November 2, 1960, UP and
the action for rescission thereunder was ALUMCO entered into a logging agreement under
subordinated to anything other than the culpable which the latter was granted exclusive authority, for
breach of his obligations by the defendant. Hence, a period starting from the date of the agreement to
the reparation of damages for the breach was purely 31 December 1965, extendible for a further period of
secondary. Simply put, unlike Art. 1383, Art. 1191 five (5) years by mutual agreement, to cut, collect
allows both the rescission and the payment for and remove timber from the Land Grant, in
damages. Rescission is not given to the party as a last consideration of payment to UP of royalties, forest
resort, hence, it is not subsidiary in nature. fees, etc.;

MAGDALENA ESTATE VS. MYRICK That ALUMCO cut and removed timber
therefrom but, as of 8 December 1964, it had
71 PHIL. 344 incurred an unpaid account of P219,362.94, which,
despite repeated demands, it had failed to pay;

Magdalena Estate, Inc. sold to Louis Myrick that after it had received notice that UP
lots No. 28 and 29 of Block 1, Parcel 9 of the San would rescind or terminate the logging agreement,
Juan Subdivision, San Juan, Rizal. Their contract of ALUMCO executed an instrument, entitled
sale provides that the Price of P7,953 shall be "Acknowledgment of Debt and Proposed Manner of
payable in 120 equal monthly installments of P96.39 Payments," dated 9 December 1964, which was
each on the second day of every month beginning approved by the president of UP, which expressly
the date of execution of the agreement. states that, upon default by the debtor ALUMCO,
the creditor (UP) has “the right and the power to
In pursuance of said agreement, the vendee consider the Logging Agreement as rescinded
made several payments amounting to P2,596.08, the without the necessity of any judicial suit.”
last being due and unpaid was that of May 2, 1930.
By reason of this, the vendor, through its president, ALUMCO continued its logging operations,
notified the vendee that, in view of his inability to but again incurred an unpaid account. On July 19,
comply with the terms of their contract, said 1965, petitioner UP informed respondent ALUMCO
agreement had been cancelled, relieving him of any that it had, as of that date, considered as rescinded
further obligation thereunder, and that all amounts and of no further legal effect the logging agreement
paid by him had been forfeited in favor of the that they had entered in 1960. UP filed a complaint
vendor. To this communication, the vendee did not against ALUMCO for the collection or payment of the
reply, and it appears likewise that the vendor herein before stated sums of money and it prayed for
thereafter did not require him to make any further and obtained an order for preliminary attachment
disbursements because of the purchase price. and preliminary injunction restraining ALUMCO from
continuing its logging operations in the Land Grant.
ISSUE: Was the petitioner authorized to forfeit the Respondent ALUMCO contended that it is only after
purchase price paid? a final court decree declaring the contract rescinded
RULING: for violation of its terms that U.P. could disregard

ALUMCO's rights under the contract and treat the despite demands to pay and to vacate the premises,
agreement as breached and of no force or effect. and that thereby the contract was converted into
one of lease, petitioner commenced an ejectment
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner U.P. can suit against respondent before the MTC-Pasig.
treat its contract with ALUMCO rescinded and may Respondent controverted by contending that the
disregard the same before any judicial Municipal Court had no jurisdiction over the nature
pronouncement to that effect. of the action as it involved the interpretation and/or
rescission of the contract; and made some
HELD: UP and ALUMCO had expressly affirmative defenses and counterclaim. Lower court
stipulated in the "Acknowledgment of Debt and found in favor of plaintiff, and asked defendant to
Proposed Manner of Payments" that, upon default vacate and pay back rentals, etc. CA reversed and
by the debtor ALUMCO, the creditor (UP) has "the ruled against the Justice of the Municipal Court
right and the power to consider, the Logging finding the case as one of interpretation and
Agreement as rescinded without the necessity of any rescission of contract because the contract to sell
judicial suit." In connection with Article 1191 of the was converted to contract of lease. MR denied.
Civil Code, the Court stated in Froilan vs. Pan
Oriental Shipping Co that “there is nothing in the ISSUE:
law that prohibits the parties from entering into
WON the original contract to sell was
agreement that violation of the terms of the contract
rescinded due to the automatic rescission clause in
would cause cancellation thereof, even without court
the contract, thus the case was unlawful detainer
intervention. In other words, it is not always
cognizable by the MTC or one of judicial rescission of
necessary for the injured party to resort to court for
contract cognizable by then CFI.
rescission of the contract.”
It must be understood that the act of party
in treating a contract as cancelled or resolved on Thus, the basic issue is not possession but
account of infractions by the other contracting party one of rescission or annulment of a contract, which
must be made known to the other and is always is beyond the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court to
provisional, being ever subject to scrutiny and review hear and determine.
by the proper court. If the other party denies that
rescission is justified, it is free to resort to judicial A violation by a party of any of the
action in its own behalf, and bring the matter to stipulations of a contract on agreement to sell real
court. Then, should the court, after due hearing, property would entitle the other party to resolved or
decide that the resolution of the contract was not rescind it. An allegation of such violation in a
warranted, the responsible party will be sentenced detainer suit may be proved by competent evidence.
to damages; in the contrary case, the resolution will And if proved a justice of the peace court might
be affirmed, and the consequent indemnity awarded make a finding to that effect, but it certainly cannot
to the party prejudiced. declare and hold that the contract is resolved or
rescinded. It is beyond its power so to do. And as the
illegality of the possession of realty by a party to a
contract to sell is premised upon the resolution of
111 SCRA 206 the contract, it follows that an allegation and proof
of such violation, a condition precedent to such
FACTS: resolution or rescission, to render unlawful the
possession of the land or building erected thereon by
Petitioner Jose C. Zulueta is the registered the party who has violated the contract, cannot be
owner of a residential house and lot situated within taken cognizance of by a justice of the peace court
the xxx .

Antonio Subdivision, Pasig, Rizal. On True, the contract between the parties
November 6, 1964, petitioner Zulueta and private provided for extrajudicial rescission. This has legal
respondent Lamberto Avellana, a movie director, effect, however, where the other party does not
entered into a "Contract to Sell" the aforementioned oppose it. Where it is objected to, a judicial
property for P75,000.00 payable in twenty years with determination of the issue is still necessary.
respondent buyer assuming to pay a down payment
of 5,000.00 and a monthly installment of P630.00 A stipulation entitling one party to take
payable in advance before the 5th day of the possession of the land and building if the other party
corresponding month, starting with December, 1964 violates the contract does not ex proprio vigore
– WITH FURTHER SPECIFIC STIPULATIONS IN CASE OF confer upon the former the right to take possession
BREACH OF SUCH contract. thereof if objected to without judicial intervention
and' determination.
Avellana occupied the property but title
remained with petitioner Zulueta. Upon the But while respondent Judge correctly ruled
allegation that respondent had failed to comply with that the Municipal Court had no jurisdiction over the
the monthly amortizations stipulated in the contract, case and correctly dismissed the appeal, he erred in

assuming original jurisdiction, in the face of the up with another letter dated June 20, 1973
objection interposed by petitioner. Section 11, Rule reiterating the same request. Replying petitioners
40, leaves no room for doubt on this point: informed respondent that his Contract to Sell had
long been rescinded pursuant to paragraph 6 of the
Section 11. Lack of jurisdiction. A case tried contract, and that the lot had already been resold.
by an inferior court without jurisdiction over the
subject matter shall be dismissed on appeal by the Questioning the validity of the rescission of
Court of First Instance. But instead of dismissing the the contract, respondent filed a letter complaint with
case, the Court of First Instance may try the case on the National Housing Authority (NHA) for
the merits, if the parties therein file their pleadings reconveyance with an alternative prayer for refund.
and go to trial without any objection to such NHA ruled in favor of Dumpit (private respondent).
The petitioner appealed to the Office of the
There was no other recourse left for President but the latter affirmed the decision of the
respondent Judge, therefore, except to dismiss the NHA.
If an inferior court tries a case without
jurisdiction over the subject-matter on appeal, the Whether or not there is a valid rescission.
only authority of the CFI is to declare the inferior
court to have acted without jurisdiction and dismiss RULING:
the case, unless the parties agree to the exercise by
No. Well settled is the rule, as held in
the CFI of its original jurisdiction to try the case on
previous jurisprudence, that judicial action for the
the merits.
rescission of a contract is not necessary where the
The foregoing premises considered, contract provides that it may be revoked and
petitioner's prayer for a Writ of Execution of the cancelled for violation of any of its terms and
judgment of the Municipal Court of Pasig must conditions. However, even in the cited cases, there
perforce to be denied. was at least a written notice sent to the defaulter
informing him of the rescission. In other words,
PALAY VS. CLAVE resolution of reciprocal contracts may be made extra
judicially unless successfully impugned in Court. If
124 SCRA 638 the debtor impugns the declaration, it shall be
subject to judicial determination.
Topic: Remedies for Breach of Obligations
In this case, private respondent has denied
FACTS: that rescission is justified and has resorted to judicial
action. It is now for the Court to determine whether
On March 28, 1965, petitioner Palay, Inc., resolution of the contract by petitioners was
through its President, Albert Onstott executed in warranted.
favor of private respondent, Nazario Dumpit, a
Contract to Sell a parcel of Land (Lot No. 8, Block IV) We hold that resolution by petitioners of
of the Crestview Heights Subdivision in Antipolo, the contract was ineffective and inoperative against
Rizal, with an area of 1,165 square meters, - covered private respondent for lack of notice of resolution, as
by TCT No. 90454, and owned by said corporation. held in the U.P. vs. Angeles case, supra
The sale price was P23,300.00 with 9% interest per
annum, payable with a downpayment of P4,660.00 The contention that private respondent had
and monthly installments of P246.42 until fully paid. waived his right to be notified under paragraph 6 of
the contract is neither meritorious because it was a
Paragraph 6 of the contract provided for contract of adhesion, a standard form of petitioner
automatic extrajudicial rescission upon default in corporation, and private respondent had no freedom
payment of any monthly installment after the lapse to stipulate. A waiver must be certain and
of 90 days from the expiration of the grace period of unequivocal, and intelligently made; such waiver
one month, without need of notice and with follows only where liberty of choice has been fully
forfeiture of all installments paid. accorded.

Respondent Dumpit paid the downpayment As a consequence of the resolution by

and several installments amounting to P13,722.50. petitioners, rights to the lot should be restored to
The last payment was made on December 5, 1967 private respondent or the same should be replaced
for installments up to September 1967. by another acceptable lot. However, considering that
the property had already been sold to a third person
On May 10, 1973, or almost six (6) years and there is no evidence on record that other lots
later, private respondent wrote petitioner offering to are still available, private respondent is entitled to
update all his overdue accounts with interest, and the refund of installments paid plus interest at the
seeking its written consent to the assignment of his legal rate of 12% computed from the date of the
rights to a certain Lourdes Dizon. He followed this institution of the action

Palay, Inc. v Clave (1983) – Melencio-Herrera, J. 8. NHA: found the rescission void in the absence of
Petitioner: Palay, Inc and Albert Onstott either judicial or notarial demand. Ordered Palay
Respondents: Jacobo Clave, National Housing and Onstott to refund to Dumpit P13,722.50
Authority, and Nazario Dumpit with 12% interest from the filing of the
Concept: The Corporate Entity complaint on November 8, 1974.
o Palay’s Motion for Reconsideration
Brief Facts: Palay Inc and its President Onstott was denied
executed a Contract to Sell a Parcel of Land in favour 9. On appeal to the Office of the President:
of respondent Dumpit. Par 6 thereof provides for the Presidential Executive Assistant affirmed the
automatic extrajudicial rescission upon default of NHA Resolution.
payment of the monthly installments. Dumpit 10. SC issued a TRO enjoining the enforcement of
defaulted. 6 years later, he wrote Palay that he is the resolution. On Oct 28, 1981, the SC
planning to update all his overdue accounts, but the dismissed the petition. However, upon Palay’s
latter informed him that the contract was rescinded motion, the SC reconsidered and gave due
and that the land was already sold to a third party. course to the petition.
Dumpit filed a complaint, questioning the validity of
the rescission. The NHA and the Office of the ISSUES:
President ruled that such was void for lack of judicial 1. WON Palay was justified in rescinding the contract
or notarial demand. to sell without prior notice or demand (NO)
2. WON respondent had waived his right to be
Doctrine: As a general rule, a corporation may not be notified under Par 6 of the contract (NO)
made to answer for acts or liabilities of its 3. WON refund of the instalment payments is proper
stockholders or those of the legal entities to which it (YES)
may be connected and vice versa. 4. WON petitioner Onstott may be held jointly and
Mere ownership by a single stockholder or by severally liable with Palay (NO)
another corporation is not of itself sufficient ground
for disregarding the separate corporate personality.
1. Rescission of the contract was ineffective and
FACTS: inoperative against Dumpit for lack of notice of
1. March 28, 1965 – Palay Inc through its President resolution.
Albert Onstott, executed a “Contract to Sell a - Well settled is the rule that judicial action for the
Parcel of Land” in favour of Nazario Dumpit. rescission of a contract is not necessary where
o Sale price was P23,300 with 9% the contract provides that it may be revoked and
interest per annum, payable with a cancelled for violation of any of its terms and
down payment of P4,660 and conditions.
monthly instalments of P246.42 - However, as held in University of the Philippines
until fully paid. v de los Angeles, the act of a party in treating a
2. Par 6 of their contract provided for automatic contract as cancelled should be made known to
extrajudicial rescission upon default in payment the other.
of any monthly instalment after the lapse of 90 o The party who deems the contract
days from the expiration of the grace period of violated may consider it rescinded
one month, without the need of notice and and act accordingly, without
with forfeiture of all instalments paid. previous court action, but it
3. Dumpit paid the down payment and several proceeds at its own risk. For it is
instalments amounting to P13, 722.50. The last only the final judgment of the
payment he made was on December 5, 1967 for court that will conclusively settle
instalments up to September 1967. whether the action taken was or
4. May 10, 1973 or 6 years later, Dumpit wrote was not correct in law
Palay Inc, offering to update all its overdue - This was reiterated in Zulueta v Mariano, where
accounts with interest and seeking its written the court held that extrajudicial rescission has
consent to the assignment of his rights to legal effect where the other party does not
Lourdes Dizon. oppose it. Where it is objected to, a judicial
5. June 20, 1973 – Dumpit wrote Palay again, determination of the issue is still necessary.
reiterating the same request. - In other words, resolution of reciprocal contracts
6. Palay replied that their Contract to Sell had may be made extrajudicially unless successfully
already been rescinded pursuant to Par 6 of impugned in Court.
their contract, and that the lot had already been - However, the rescission made by petitioners was
resold to a 3rd party. ineffective and inoperative for lack of notice of
7. Dumpit filed a letter complaint questioning the resolution.
validity of the rescission of the contract with the - The indispensability of notice of cancellation to
National Housing Authority (NHA) for the buyer is underscored in RA 6551 1 wherein it
reconveyance with an alternative prayer of
refund. 1
An Act to Provide Protection to Buyers of Real
Estate on Installment Payments

provided that “the actual cancellation of the - In this case, petitioner Onstott was made liable
contract shall take place after 30 days from because he was then the President of the
receipt by the buyer of the notice of cancellation corporation and he appeared to be the
or the demand for rescission of the contract by a controlling stockholder. No sufficient proof exists
notarial act and upon full payment of the cash on record that said petitioner used the
surrender value to the buyer…” corporation to defraud private respondent.
- He cannot, therefore, be made personally liable
2. There was no waiver of the right to be notified just because he "appears to be the controlling
since the contract is a contract of adhesion. stockholder".
- A waiver must be certain and unequivocal, and - Mere ownership by a single stockholder or by
intelligently made; such waiver follows only another corporation is not of itself sufficient
where liberty of choice has been fully accorded. ground for disregarding the separate corporate
- It is a matter of public policy to protect buyers of personality.
real estate on instalment payments against
onerous and oppressive condition to buyers of DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, the questioned
real estate on instalment. Resolution of respondent public official, dated May
2, 1980, is hereby modified. Petitioner Palay, Inc. is
3. As a consequence of the resolution by directed to refund to respondent Nazario M. Dumpit
petitioners, rights to the lot should be restored to the amount of P13,722.50, with interest at twelve
private respondent or the same should be replaced (12%) percent per annum from November 8, 1974,
by another acceptable lot. However, considering the date of the filing of the Complaint. The
that the property had already been sold to a third temporary Restraining Order heretofore issued is
person and there is no evidence on record that hereby lifted.
other lots are still available, private respondent is Digest maker: Kat
entitled to the refund of installments paid plus
interest at the legal rate of 12% computed from the
date of the institution of the action. 10 It would be Angeles v. Calasanz
most inequitable if petitioners were to be allowed
to retain private respondent's payments and at the G.R. No. L-42283, March 18, 1985, 135 SCRA 323
same time appropriate the proceeds of the second
sale to another. FACTS:

Ursula and Tomas Calasanz sold a piece of land to

4. In this case, petitioner Onstott was made liable
Buenaventura Angeles and Teofila Juani covered by a
because he was then the President of the
contract to sell. Angeles paid a down payment upon
corporation and he a to be the controlling
the execution of the contract and started paying the
stockholder. No sufficient proof exists on record
balance in monthly installments for nine years with
that said petitioner used the corporation to defraud
only a few remaining installments left to pay.
private respondent.
Although Calasanz accepted late payments before,
- It is basic that a corporation is invested by law
Angeles was now five months late. Calasanz
with a personality separate and distinct from
demanded payment of past due accounts, but did
those of the persons composing it as wen as
not receive any. Eventually, Calansanz canceled the
from that of any other legal entity to which it
said contract and Angeles asked for reconsideration,
may be related. As a general rule, a corporation
but was denied.
may not be made to answer for acts or liabilities
of its stockholders or those of the legal entities A provision in the contract to sell gave Calasanz the
to which it may be connected and vice versa. right to cancel the contract and consider the
- However, the veil of corporate fiction may be amounts paid as rent for the property. However, the
pierced when it is used as a shield to further an lower court ruled that the contract was not validly
end subversive of justice; or for purposes that canceled and ordered Calasanz to execute a final
could not have been intended by the law that Deed of Sale in favor of Angeles.
created it; or to defeat public convenience,
justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime; or ISSUE:
to perpetuate fraud or confuse legitimate issues;
or to circumvent the law or perpetuate Was the contract to sell validly canceled?
deception; or as an alter ego, adjunct or
business conduit for the sole benefit of the RULING:
No. The act of a party in treating a contract as
- We find no badges of fraud on petitioners' part.
canceled or resolved on account of infractions by the
They had literally relied, albeit mistakenly, on
other must be made known to the other and is
paragraph 6 of its contract with private
always provisional, being ever subject to scrutiny and
respondent when it rescinded the contract to
review by the proper court. If the other party denies
sell extrajudicially and had sold it to a third
that rescission is justified, it is free to bring the
matter to court. Then, should the court decide that
the resolution of the contract was not warranted, the

responsible party will be sentenced to damages; in board to approve a new date for the match. Yulo (P)
the contrary case, the resolution will be affirmed and protested against the new date even when another
indemnity awarded to the party prejudiced. proposed date was within the 30-day allowable
The right to rescind the contract for non-
performance of one of its stipulations is not Boysaw (P) and Yulo (P) filed for breach of contract
absolute. The general rule is that rescission of a when the fight contemplated in the original boxing
contract will not be permitted for a slight or casual contract did not materialize.
breach, but only for such substantial and
fundamental breach as would defeat the very object Issues: May the offending party in a reciprocal
of the parties in making the agreement. The question obligation compel the other party for specific
of whether a breach of a contract is substantial performance?
depends upon the attendant circumstances.
Ruling: No. Evidence established that the contract
The breach of the contract alleged by Calasanz is so was violated by Boysaw (P) when, without the
slight considering that Angeles had already paid approval or consent of Interphil (D), he fought a
monthly installments for almost nine years. In only a boxing match in Las Vegas. Another violation was the
short time, the entire obligation would have been assignment and transfer of the managerial rights
paid. over Boysaw (P) without the knowledge or consent
of Interphil (D).
To mitigate the unilateral act of Calasanz in
cancelling the contract, Article 1234 of the Civil Code
While the contract imposed no penalty for such
provides that: If the obligation has been substantially
violation, this does not grant any of the parties the
performed in good faith, the obligor may recover as
unbridled liberty to breach it with impunity. Our law
though there had been a strict and complete
on contracts recognizes the principle that actionable
fulfillment, less damages suffered by the obligee.
injury inheres in every contractual breach.
Boysaw vs. Interphil Promotions Those who in the performance of their obligations
are guilty of fraud, negligence or delay, and those
Boxer (P) vs. Promoter (D)
who in any manner contravene the terms thereof,
GR L-22590 [T are liable for damages.
—Article 1170, Civil Code.

Summary: A boxer signed an agreement with a The power to rescind obligations is implied, in
promotions agency to arrange and promote a boxing reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors should
match with Flash Elorde. The boxer violated the not comply with what is incumbent upon him.
terms of the contract, but in spite of these, the —Article 1191, Civil Code.
agency proceeded except it negotiated for a new
date for the match. Eventually, the match as
The contract in question gave rise to reciprocal
originally stated in the contract did not materialize.
Boxer and manager is now suing the promotion
agency for breach of contract. Reciprocal obligations are those which arise from the
same cause, and in which each party is a debtor and
Rule of Law: Where one party did not perform the a creditor of the other, such that the obligation of
undertaking which he was bound by the terms of the one is dependent upon the obligation of the other.
agreement to perform, he is not entitled to insist They are to be performed simultaneously, so that the
upon the performance of the contract by the other performance of one is conditioned upon the
party, or recover damages by reason of his own simultaneous fulfillment of the other.
breach. —Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol. IV, p.
Facts: Solomon Boysaw (P), signed with Interphil
Promotions, Inc. (D), a contract to engage Gabriel
"Flash" Elorde in a boxing contest for the junior The power to rescind is given to the injured party.
lightweight championship of the world. Thereafter,
Interphil (D) signed Gabriel "Flash" Elorde to a similar Where the plaintiff is the party who did not perform
agreement—that is, to engage Boysaw in a title fight. the undertaking which he was bound by the terms of
the agreement to perform, he is not entitled to insist
The managerial rights over Boysaw (P) was assigned upon the performance of the contract by the
and eventually reassigned to Alfredo Yulo, Jr. (P) defendant, or recover damages by reason of his own
without the consent of Interphil (D) in violation of breach.
their contract. When informed of the change, —Seva vs. Alfredo Berwin, 48 Phil. 581.
Interphil (D) referred the matter to the Games and
Amusement Board culminating to a decision by the

Central Bank v Court of Appeals G.R. No. L-45710
Under the law, when a contract is unlawfully novated October 3, 1985
by an applicable and unilateral substitution of the
obligor by another, the aggrieved creditor is not MARCH 16, 2014LEAVE A COMMENT
bound to deal with the substitute. However, from
the evidence, it is clear that the Interphil (D), instead The bank’s asking for advance interest for the loan
of availing themselves of the options given to them is improper considering that the total loan hasn’t
by law of rescission or refusal to recognize the been released. A person can’t be charged interest
substitute obligor, really wanted to postpone the for nonexisting debt. The alleged discovery by the
fight date owing to an injury that Elorde sustained in bank of overvaluation of the loan collateral is not
a recent bout. That Interphil (D) had justification to an issue. Since Island Savings Bank failed to furnish
renegotiate the original contract, particularly the the P63,000.00 balance of the P80,000.00 loan, the
fight date is undeniable from the facts. Under the real estate mortgage of Sulpicio M. Tolentino
circumstances, Interphil's (D) desire to postpone the became unenforceable to such extent.
fight date could neither be unlawful nor
Facts: Island Savings Bank, upon favorable
recommendation of its legal department, approved
the loan application for P80,000.00 of Sulpicio M.
Pilipinas Bank vs IAC June 30, 1987
Tolentino, who, as a security for the loan, executed
FACTS: Hacienda Benito, Inc. as vendor, and private on the same day a real estate mortgage over his 100-
respondents, as vendees executed Contract to Sell hectare land located in Cubo, Las Nieves, Agusan.
No. over a parcel of land on monthly installments The loan called for a lump sum of P80,000, repayable
subject to the condition: “The contract shall be in semi-annual installments for 3 yrs, with 12%
considered automatically rescinded and cancelled annual interest. After the agreement, a mere P17K
and of no further force and effect upon failure of the partial release of the loan was made by the bank and
vendee to pay when due, three or more consecutive Tolentino and his wife signed a promissory note for
installments as stipulated therein or to comply with the P17,000 at 12% annual interest payable w/in 3
any of the terms and conditions thereof…” yrs. An advance interest was deducted fr the partial
release but this prededucted interest was refunded
During the contract, petitioner sent series of notices to Tolentino after being informed that there was no
to private respondents (PR) for thei latter’s fund yet for the release of the P63K balance.
balances/arrearages. From time to time, PR partially
complied with this and requested for extensions. On Monetary Board of Central Bank, after finding that
May 19, 1970, the petitioner, for the last time, bank was suffering liquidity problems, prohibited the
reminded the PR to pay their balance. After more bank fr making new loans and investments. And after
than two years, PR sent a letter expressing their the bank failed to restore its solvency, the Central
desire to settle their desire to fully settle their Bank prohibited Island Savings Bank from doing
obligation. On March 27, 1974, petitioner wrote a business in the Philippines. Island Savings Bank in
letter to PR , informing them that the contract to sell view of the non-payment of the P17K filed an
had been rescinded. PR filed Complaint for Specific application for foreclosure of the real estate
Performance with Damages to compel petitioner to mortgage. Tolentino filed petition for specific
execute a deed of sale. performance or rescission and damages with
preliminary injunction, alleging that since the bank
After trial, the lower court rendered a decision in failed to deliver P63K, he is entitled to specific
PR’s favor, holding that petitioner could not rescind performance and if not, to rescind the real estate
the contract to sell, because: (a) petitioner waived mortgage.
the automatic rescission clause by accepting
payment and by sending letters advising private Issues: 1) Whether or not Tolentino’s can collect
respondents of the balances due, thus, looking from the bank for damages
forward to receiving payments thereon. Said decision
2) Whether or not the mortgagor is liable to
was affirmed on appeal. Hence, this Petition For
pay the amount covered by the promissory note
Review on Certiorari,
3) Whether or not the real estate mortgage
ISSUE: whether or not the Contract to Sell was
can be foreclosed
rescinded, under the automatic rescission clause
contained therein. Held:
HELD: In case the rescission is found unjustified 1) Whether or not Tolentino’s can collect from the
under the circumstances, still in the instant case bank for damages
there is a clear waiver of the stipulated right of
"automatic rescission," as evidenced by the many The loan agreement implied reciprocal obligations.
extensions granted private respondents by the When one party is willing and ready to perform, the
petitioner. In all these extensions, the petitioner other party not ready nor willing incurs in delay.
never called attention to the proviso on "automatic When Tolentino executed real estate mortgage, he
rescission." The assailed decision is affirmed. signified willingness to pay. That time, the bank’s

obligation to furnish the P80K loan accrued. Now, the G.R. No. 149338 July 28, 2008
Central Bank resolution made it impossible for the
bank to furnish the P63K balance. The prohibition on UNLAD RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,
the bank to make new loans is irrelevant bec it did UNLAD RURAL BANK OF NOVELETA, INC., UNLAD
not prohibit the bank fr releasing the balance of COMMODITIES, INC., HELENA Z. BENITEZ, and
loans previously contracted. Insolvency of debtor is CONRADO L. BENITEZ II, Petitioners,
not an excuse for non-fulfillment of obligation but is vs.
The bank’s asking for advance interest for the loan is PERDITO, TEOTIMO BENITEZ, ELENA BENITEZ, and
improper considering that the total loan hasn’t been ROLANDO SUAREZ, Respondents.
released. A person can’t be charged interest for
nonexisting debt. The alleged discovery by the bank
Topic: F. Remedies for Breach of Obligations –
of overvaluation of the loan collateral is not an issue.
Judicial Remedies
The bank officials should have been more
responsible and the bank bears risk in case the
The parties entered in a Memorandum of
collateral turned out to be overvalued. Furthermore,
Agreement: respondents as controlling stockholders
this was not raised in the pleadings so this issue can’t
of the Rural Bank shall allow Unlad Resources to
be raised. The bank was in default and Tolentino may
subscribe to a minimum of P480, 000 common or
choose bet specific performance or rescission w/
preferred non-voting shares of stock with a total par
damages in either case. But considering that the
value of P4.8M and pay up immediately P1.2M for
bank is now prohibited fr doing business, specific
said subscription; that the respondents, upon the
performance cannot be granted. Rescission is the
signing of the said agreement shall transfer control
only remedy left, but the rescission shld only be for
and management over the Rural Bank to Unlad
the P63K balance.
Resources. The respondents complied with their
2) Whether or not the mortgagor is liable to pay the obligation but the petitioners did not, thus
amount covered by the promissory note respondents filed a Complaint for rescission of the
agreement and the return of control and
The promissory note gave rise to Sulpicio M. management of the Rural Bank from petitioners to
Tolentino’s reciprocal obligation to pay the respondents, plus damages. RTC declared the MOA
P17,000.00 loan when it falls due. His failure to pay rescinded &ordered to immediately return control
the overdue amortizations under the promissory and management over the Rural to respondents.
note made him a party in default, hence not entitled Petitioners appealed to the CA which dismissed the
to rescission (Article 1191 of the Civil Code). If there appeal for lack of merit.
is a right to rescind the promissory note, it shall Petitioners contend that the issues court are
belong to the aggrieved party, that is, Island Savings intra-corporate in nature and are, therefore, beyond
Bank. If Tolentino had not signed a promissory note the jurisdiction of the trial court. They point out that
setting the date for payment of P17,000.00 within 3 respondents' complaint charged them with
years, he would be entitled to ask for rescission of mismanagement and alleged dissipation of the
the entire loan because he cannot possibly be in assets of the Rural Bank.
default as there was no date for him to perform his
reciprocal obligation to pay. Since both parties were Issue #1: Does RTC have jurisdiction over the case?
in default in the performance of their respective Decision: Yes
reciprocal obligations, that is, Island Savings Bank Ratio:
failed to comply with its obligation to furnish the The main issue in this case is the rescission
entire loan and Sulpicio M. Tolentino failed to comply of the Memorandum of Agreement. This is to be
with his obligation to pay his P17,000.00 debt within distinguished from respondents' allegation of the
3 years as stipulated, they are both liable for alleged mismanagement and dissipation of corporate
damages. assets by the petitioners, which is based on the
prayer for receivership over the bank. The two
3) Whether or not the real estate mortgage can be issues, albeit related, are obviously separate, as they
foreclosed pertain to different acts of the parties involved. The
issue of receivership does not arise from the parties'
Since Island Savings Bank failed to furnish the obligations under the Memorandum of Agreement,
P63,000.00 balance of the P80,000.00 loan, the real but rather from specific acts attributed to petitioners
estate mortgage of Sulpicio M. Tolentino became as members of the Board of Directors of the Bank.
unenforceable to such extent. P63,000.00 is 78.75% Clearly, the rescission of the Memorandum of
of P80,000.00, hence the real estate mortgage Agreement is a cause of action within the jurisdiction
covering 100 hectares is unenforceable to the extent of the trial courts, notwithstanding the fact that the
of 78.75 hectares. The mortgage covering the parties involved are all directors of the same
remainder of 21.25 hectares subsists as a security for corporation.
the P17,000.00 debt. 21.25 hectares is more than The petitioners insist that the trial court had
sufficient to secure a P17,000.00 debt. no jurisdiction over the complaint because the issues
involved are intra-corporate in nature. This point has

been rendered moot by RA 8799, also known as the December 29, 1981. Article 1144 specifically
Securities Regulation Code, which took effect in provides that the 10-year period is counted from
2000, transferred jurisdiction over such disputes to "the time the right of action accrues." The right of
the RTC. action accrues from the moment the breach of right
or duty occurs. Thus, the original Complaint was filed
Issue #2: Has the action prescribed? well within the prescriptive period.
Decision: No
Ratio: Issue #3: Did the RTC correctly rule for the rescission
Petitioners contend that the action for of the MOA?
rescission has prescribed under Article 1398 of the Decision: Yes
Civil Code, which provides: The action to claim Ratio:
rescission must be commenced within 4 years. This is Petitioners failed to fulfill their obligation
an erroneous proposition. Article 1389 specifically under the MOA. Even they admit the same, albeit
refers to rescissible contracts as, clearly, this laying the blame on respondents.
provision is under the chapter entitled "Rescissible It is true that respondents increased the
Contracts." Rural Bank's authorized capital stock to only P5
Article 1389 applies to rescissible contracts, million, which was not enough to accommodate the
as enumerated and defined in Articles 1380 and P4.8 million worth of stocks that petitioners were to
1381. The "rescission" in Article 1381 is not akin to subscribe to and pay for. However, respondents'
the term "rescission" in Article 1191 and Article failure to fulfill their undertaking in the agreement
1592. In Articles 1191 and 1592, the rescission is a would have given rise to the scenario contemplated
principal action which seeks the resolution or by Article 1191 of the Civil Code, which reads:
cancellation of the contract while in Article 1381, the Article 1191. The power to rescind
action is a subsidiary one limited to cases of reciprocal obligations is implied in
rescission for lesion as enumerated in said article. reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors
The prescriptive period applicable to should not comply with what is
rescission under Articles 1191 and 1592, is found in incumbent upon him.
Article 1144, which provides that the action upon a The injured party may choose between the
written contract should be brought within ten years fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation, with
from the time the right of action accrues. the payment of damages in either case. He may also
Article 1381 sets out what are rescissible contracts, seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment,
to wit: if the latter should become impossible.
Article 1381. The following The court shall decree the rescission
contracts are rescissible: claimed, unless there be just cause authorizing the
(1) Those which are entered into by fixing of a period.
guardians whenever the wards whom This is understood to be without prejudice
they represent suffer lesion by more than to the rights of third persons who have acquired the
one-fourth of the value of the things thing, in accordance with Articles 1385 and 1388 and
which are the object thereof; the Mortgage Law.
(2) Those agreed upon in Thus, petitioners should have exacted
representation of absentees, if the latter suffer fulfillment from the respondents or asked for the
the lesion stated in the preceding rescission of the contract instead of simply not
number; performing their part of the Agreement. But in the
(3) Those undertaken in fraud of course of things, it was the respondents who availed
creditors when the latter cannot in any of the remedy under Article 1191, opting for the
other manner collect the claims due them; rescission of the Agreement in order to regain
(4) Those which refer to things control of the Rural Bank.
under litigation if they have been entered Having determined that the rescission of
into by the defendant without the the subject Memorandum of Agreement was in
knowledge and approval of the order, the trial court ordered petitioner Unlad
litigants or of competent judicial authority; Resources to return to respondents the management
(5) All other contracts specially and control of the Rural Bank and for the latter to
declared by law to be subject to return the sum of P1,003,070.00 to petitioners.
rescission. Mutual restitution is required in cases
The Memorandum of Agreement subject of involving rescission under Article 1191. This means
this controversy does not fall under the above bringing the parties back to their original status prior
enumeration. Accordingly, the prescriptive period to the inception of the contract. [14] Article 1385 of
that should apply to this case is that provided for in the Civil Code provides, thus:
Article 1144, to wit: The following actions must be ART. 1385. Rescission creates the
brought within ten years from the time the right of obligation to return the things which
action accrues: (1) Upon a written contract; were the object of the contract, together
Based on the records of this case, the action with their fruits, and the price with its
was commenced on July 3, 1987, while the interest; consequently, it can be carried out only
Memorandum of Agreement was entered into on

when he who demands rescission can Makati, with an area of 137.30 square
return whatever he may be obligated to restore. meters for the total contract price of
Neither shall rescission take place when the P7,519,371.80, payable in equal monthly
things which are the object of the contract are legally instalments until September 24, 1997.
in the possession of third persons who did not act in Respondent likewise purchased a parking
bad faith. slot in the same condominium building for
In this case, indemnity for damages may be P600,000.00.
demanded from the person causing the loss.
This Court has consistently ruled that this  On September 24, 1997, respondent paid
provision applies to rescission under Article 1191: the full purchase price of P7,519,371.80 for
[S]ince Article 1385 of the Civil the unit while making a down payment of
Code expressly and clearly states that P20,000.00 for the parking lot. However,
"rescission creates the obligation notwithstanding full payment, petitioner
to return the things which were the failed to complete and deliver the subject
object of the contract, together unit on time prompting respondent to file a
with their fruits, and the price with its Complaint for Rescission of Contract with
interest,"the Court finds no Damages before HLURB
justification to sustain petitioners' position
that said Article 1385 does not apply to  On October 19, 2004, the HLURB rendered a
rescission under Article 1191.[15] Decision dismissing respondent’s complaint.
Rescission has the effect of "unmaking a It ruled that rescission is not permitted for
contract, or its undoing from the beginning, and not slight or casual breach of the contract but
merely its termination."[16] Hence, rescission creates only for such breaches as are substantial
the obligation to return the object of the contract. It and fundamental as to defeat the object of
can be carried out only when the one who demands the parties in making the agreement.
rescission can return whatever he may be obliged to
restore. To rescind is to declare a contract void at its  Respondent then elevated the matter to the
inception and to put an end to it as though it never HLURB Board of Commissioners.
was. It is not merely to terminate it and release the
parties from further obligations to each other, but to  The HLURB Board of Commissioners
abrogate it from the beginning and restore the reversed and set aside the ruling stating
parties to their relative positions as if no contract has that he delay in the completion of the
been made.[17] project as well as of the delay in the
Accordingly, when a decree for rescission is delivery of the unit are breaches of
handed down, it is the duty of the court to require statutory and contractual obligations which
both parties to surrender that which they have entitles respondent to rescind the contract,
respectively received and to place each other as far demand a refund and payment of damages.
as practicable in his original situation. The rescission
has the effect of abrogating the contract in all parts.  Petitioner moved for reconsideration, but
the same was denied by the HLURB Board
Clearly, the petitioners failed to fulfill their of Commissioners.
end of the agreement, and thus, there was just cause
for rescission. With the contract thus rescinded, the  Petitioner then appealed to the Office of
parties must be restored to the status quo ante, that the President on August 7, 2007 which
is, before they entered into the Memorandum of dismissed petitioner’s appeal on the ground
Agreement. that it failed to promptly file its appeal.
Immediately, petitioner filed a motion for
___________________________________________ reconsideration against said decision.

Case Title: SWIRE REALTY DEVELOPMENT  In a Resolution 10 dated February 17, 2009,
CORPORATION, PETITIONER, VS. JAYNE YU, the OP, through then Executive Secretary
RESPONDENT Eduardo Ermita, granted petitioner’s motion
G.R. No. 207133, March 09, 2015 Date: 27 of Sept and set aside Deputy Executive Secretary
2017 Gaite’s decision.
Ponente: PERALTA, J
Topic: Rescission of obligations in case of failure on ISSUE 1: Whether or not rescission of the contract is
the part of the obligor to deliver/perform his proper in the instant case.
 Respondent Jayne Yu and petitioner Swire  Yes, Article 1191 of the Civil Code sanctions
Realty Development Corporation entered the right to rescind the obligation in the
into a Contract to Sell on July 25, 1995 event that specific performance becomes
covering Condo Unit 3007 of the Palace of impossible, to wit:

forfeit all the improvements it may have introduced
 Article 1191. The power to rescind on the property.
obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in Olivarez Realty failed to comply with the conditions,
case one of the obligors should not comply to wit: a) pay the full purchase price; b) failed to file
with what is incumbent upon him. any action against PTA; c) failed to clear the land of
the tenants nor paying them disturbance
 The injured party may choose between the compensation. For breaching the contract, Castillo
fulfilment and the rescission of the prayed for rescission of contract under Art. 1191 of
obligation, with the payment of damages in Civil Code, plus damages.
either case. He may also seek rescission, In their defense, Olivarez Realty alleged that Castillo
even after he has chosen fulfilment, if the failed to fully assist in filing the action against PTA;
latter should become impossible. that Castillo failed to clear the property of the
tenants within 6 months from the signing of the
 In this case, it is evident that, petitioner had deed. Thus, they had all the legal right to withhold
incurred delay in the performance of its the subsequent payments to fully pay the purchase
obligation amounting to breach of contract price.
for failing to finish and deliver the unit to Both RTC and CA ruled that Olivarez Realty breached
respondent within the stipulated period. the contract and ordered the rescission of the sale
The delay in the completion of the project plus damages.
as well as the delay in the delivery of the Issue #1:
unit are breaches of statutory and What is the nature of obligations undertaken by both
contractual obligations which entitle parties?
respondent to rescind the contract, demand Held #1:
a refund and payment of damages. Olivarez Realty’s obligation to pay the disturbance
compensation is a pure obligation, and hence,
G.R. No. 196251 July 9, 2014 demandable at once. With respect to Castillo’s
OLIVAREZ REALTY CORPORATION and DR. PABLO R. obligation to clear the land of the tenants within six
OLIVAREZ, Petitioner, months from the signing of the contract, his
vs. obligation was an obligation with a resolutory period.
BENJAMIN CASTILLO, Respondent. The obligation to clear the land of the tenants took
Facts: effect at once, specifically, upon the parties’ signing
Castillo was the owner of a parcel of land covered by of the deed of conditional sale. Castillo had until
TCT 19972. The Philippine Tourism Authority October 2, 2000, six months from April 5, 2000 when
allegedly claimed ownership of the same parcel of the parties signed the deed of conditional sale, to
land based on TCT 18493. clear the land of the tenants. Olivarez Realty
Castillo and Olivarez Realty Corporation, represented Corporation, therefore, had no right to withhold
by Dr. Pablo Olivarez, entered into a contract of payments of the purchase price. As the trial court
conditional sale over the property. The details were ruled, Olivarez Realty Corporation “can only claim
as follows: non-compliance of the obligation to clear the land of
1. Under the deed of conditional sale, Castillo agreed the tenants in October 2000.
to sell his property to Olivarez Realty; with Olivarez Issue #2:
Realty delivering the downpayment and the rest to Whether or not rescission of the contract is proper.
be paid in 30 equal monthly installments every 8th of Held #2: NO.
the month beginning in the month that the parties SC characterized the contract as a contract to sell,
would receive a decision voiding the PTA’s title to the not a contract of conditional sale. In a contract of
property. conditional sale, the buyer automatically acquires
2. Under the same deed, Olivarez Realty will file the title to the property upon full payment of the
action against PTA with full assistance of Castillo; and purchase price. This transfer of title is “by operation
that should the petition be denied, Castillo shall of law without any further act having to be
reimburse all the amounts paid by Olivarez Realty. performed by the seller.” In a contract to sell,
3. Under the same contract, Olivarez Realty transfer of title to the prospective buyer is not
undertook to pay the legitimate tenants of the land automatic. “The prospective seller must convey title
disturbance compensation, while Castillo undertook to the property through a deed of conditional sale.”
to clear the land of the tenants within 6 months from The distinction is important to determine the
the signing of the deed; that should Castillo fail to applicable laws and remedies in case a party does
clear the land within 6 months, Olivarez Realty may not fulfill his or her obligations under the contract. In
suspend its monthly downpayment until the tenants contracts of conditional sale, our laws on sales under
vacate the property. the Civil Code of the Philippines apply. On the other
4. The parties agreed that Olivarez Realty hand, contracts to sell are not governed by our law
Corporation may immediately occupy the property on sales but by the Civil Code provisions on
upon signing of the deed. Should the contract be conditional obligations.
cancelled, Olivarez Realty Corporation agreed to Specifically, Article 1191 of the Civil Code on the right
return the property’s possession to Castillo and to rescind reciprocal obligations does not apply to
contracts to sell. Failure to fully pay the purchase

price in contracts to sell is not the breach of contract Contract of Sublease. LMI entered into a Contract of
under Art. 1191. Failure to fully pay the purchase Lease with Proton over the subject premises. NCLPI
price is merely an event which prevents the seller’s demanded Proton to vacate the leased
obligation to convey title from acquiring binding premises. However, Proton replied that it was
force. This is because there can be no rescission of occupying the property based on a lease contract
an obligation that is still nonexistent, the suspensive with LMI. In a letter of even date addressed to LMI,
condition (the condition of having the buyer pay the NCLPI asserted that its failure to pay rent does not
full purchase price) having not happened. automatically result in the termination of the
In this case, Castillo reserved his title to the property Contract of Lease nor does it give LMI the right to
and undertook to execute a deed of absolute sale terminate the same.
upon Olivarez Realty Corporation’s full payment of
the purchase price. Since Castillo still has to execute ISSUE:
a deed of absolute sale to Olivarez Realty Whether the contract can be rescinded
Corporation upon full payment of the purchase price, extra-judicially despite the absence of a special
the transfer of title is not automatic. As this case contractual stipulation therefor.
involves a contract to sell, Article 1191 of the Civil
Code of the Philippines does not apply. The contract
to sell is instead cancelled, and the parties shall
stand as if the obligation to sell never existed. RULING:
SC cancelled the deed of conditional sale. Olivarez Yes. Art. 1191 provides that the power to
Realty was ordered to return to Castillo the rescind is implied in reciprocal obligations, in cases
possession of property, together with all where one of the obligors should fail to comply with
improvements that it introduced. Olivarez Realty was what is incumbent upon him.
also ordered to pay moral damages, exemplary
damages, and attorney’s fees to Castillo. It is clear from the records that NCLPI
committed substantial breaches of its Contract of
GR No. 176986, January 13, 2016 Lease with LMI. Aside from non-payment of rentals,
Nissan Car Lease Phils Inc (Petitioner) v LICA it appears that NCLPI also breached its obligations
Management and Proton (Respondents) under Paragraphs 4th and 5th of the Contract of Lease
Third Division which prohibit it from subleasing the premises or
Ponente: Jardeleza, J. introducing improvements or alterations thereon
without LMI’s prior written consent. As revealed
Nature of Action: Petition for Review on Certiorari from the evidence presented by PROTON however,
assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals in even before NCLPI represented that it would try to
ruling for the validity of extra-judicial rescission. negotiate a possible sub-lease of the premises, it
had, without any semblance of authority from LMI,
FACTS: already effectively subleased the subject premises to
PROTON and allowed the latter not only to enter the
LMI is the absolute owner of a property
premises but to renovate the same. It is true that
located at Pasong Tamo Extension, Makati City. It
NCLPI and LMI’s Contract of Lease does not contain a
entered into a contract with NCLPI for the latter to
provision expressly authorizing extrajudicial
lease the property for a term of ten (10) years with a
rescission. LMI can nevertheless rescind the contract,
monthly rental of ₱308,000.00. Subsequently, NCLPI
without prior court approval, pursuant to Art. 1191
became delinquent in paying the monthly rent.
of the Civil Code.
Nissan and Lica verbally agreed to convert the
arrearages into a debt to be covered by a promissory Art. 1191 provides that the power to rescind
note and twelve (12) postdated checks each is implied in reciprocal obligations, in cases where
amounting to ₱162,541.95 as monthly payments one of the obligors should fail to comply with what is
starting June 1996 until May 1997. While NCLPI was incumbent upon him. Otherwise stated, an aggrieved
able to deliver the postdated checks per its verbal party is not prevented from extra-judicially
agreement with LMI, it failed to sign the promissory rescinding a contract to protect its interests, even in
note and pay the checks for June to October 1996. the absence of any provision expressly providing for
Thus, in a letter dated October 16, 1996, LMI such right. The rationale for this rule was explained
informed NCLPI that it was terminating their in the case of University of the Philippines v. De los
Contract of Lease due to arrears in the payment of Angeles wherein this Court held:
rentals. It also demanded that NCLPI (1) pay the
amount of ₱2,651,570.39 for unpaid rentals and (2) The law definitely does not require that the
vacate the premises within five (5) days from receipt contracting party who believes itself injured
of the notice. In the meantime, Proton sent NCLPI an must first file suit and wait for a judgment
undated request to use the premises as a temporary before taking extrajudicial steps to protect
display center for "Audi" brand cars for a period of its interest. Otherwise, the party injured by
ten (10) days. NCLPI entered into a Memorandum of the other's breach will have to passively sit
Agreement with Proton whereby the former agreed and watch its damages accumulate during
to allow Proton "to immediately commence the pendency of the suit until the final
renovation work even prior to the execution of the judgment of rescission is rendered when

the law itself requires that he should
exercise due diligence to minimize its own
damages (Civil Code, Article 2203).

An extrajudicial rescission based on grounds

not specified in the contract would not preclude a
party to treat the same as rescinded. The rescinding
party, however, by such course of action, subjects
himself to the risk of being held liable for damages
when the extrajudicial rescission is questioned by the
opposing party in court. In other words, the party
who deems the contract violated may consider it
resolved or rescinded, and act accordingly, without
previous court action, but it proceeds at its own risk.
For it is only the final judgment of the corresponding
court that will conclusively and finally settle whether
the action taken was or was not correct in law.


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