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Case Study

Phase 1

1. What is the problem Mia wants to address?

 Mia would like to include a more multicultural learning experience for her
students that will involve personal interaction with students around the globe.
2. What evidence does she have that there is a problem?
 Mia has heard students making disparaging comments about people of other
3. What would be the relative advantage of the method she is proposing?
 Each student would have personal interaction with another student from a
different country. They would have to get to know one another and learn about
the others different culture to finish their assigned project. This is a wonderful
method to address the issue she is facing, because students would have a
challenging time making fun of someone they have had to work so closely with.
4. In what ways does she hope this method will be better than previous ones?
 Mia hopes that this method will bring a more personable experience to her
5. What deficits does she have in technology, content, and pedagogical knowledge?
 Mia has little to no understanding of technology, content, and pedagogical
knowledge. In the case study, it mentions that she only has a basic
understanding of cameras and online content.
6. How could she go about addressing these needs to improve her Tech-PACK?
 She has a few options. First, she could simply research the needed instruments
and methods needed to make this technology centered assignment possible. She
could get in contact with the teachers from the workshop that have already
done a similar assignment. Or, she could hire someone (like me) to create the
content for her. However, in order for her to truly improve her Tech-PACK, she
will need to learn, research, and practice technology integration on her on.
Phase 2

Set 1

1. How do you think Mia should use the product rubric to assign grades?
 I believe that Mia is off to a great start. However, in the description of how she
will determine the grading for each section of the project seems a little vague. I
think that she should create levels (1-4, 1 being the lowest and 4 being the
highest) to localize each category she is testing on. Like I said, the overall
assessment strategy is great, it just needs to be broken down a little bit more.
2. What kinds of questions could Mia include in a survey to measure how much students
liked this way of learning?
 Reflect on your thinking, learning, and work for this project. What were you
most proud of?
 Where did you encounter struggle during this project? How did you deal with it?
 How did this project help you?
 What can I do to make the next lesson better?
Set 2

1. Is Mia's approach primarily directed or constructivist?

 I believe that Mia has taken a more constructivist approach, because she helps
her students along the way while allowing them to learn on their own.
2. Why did she decide to take this approach?
 I believe that she took this approach simply because that is what the lesson
called for. From the beginning, she said that she wanted her students to have
hands-on experience with students form another culture and learn from
communicating with one another. This could not have been done by her
standing in front of the class and telling them about another culture… it simply
wouldn’t achieve the same outcome.
3. At which point should Mia do the pre-assessments to measure students' skills and
attitudes prior to the project?
 Per the outline that is laid out, this would take place in step 6, just before the
students send out their initial emails/chats. This is a perfect time, because before
this she is just getting things set up on her side and explaining what will be done.
4. How should Mia determine students' level of required Internet and email skills?
 Simply have them attempt it. If they do not understand, give them step-by-step
instruction on how to do what is required. The students who do not have the
necessary knowledge of the skills will ask for help and then Mia can work a little
closer with them.
Set 3

1. If Mia wanted to do a demonstration and display of the project website to the whole
class at once. What resource(s) would she have to arrange to do this?
 There are many different software’s out there, such as whiteboards, that will
allow for users to display websites, wikis, PowerPoints, etc. to an audience.
2. Mia was concerned about students revealing too much personal information about
themselves to people in their partner schools. What guidelines should she give them
about information exchanges to protect their privacy and security?
 She should create a list of things for her students to not ask and not answer,
such as their address, parents’ names, their birthday, etc. She should set aside a
time in class before the lesson to establish the importance of not giving out too
much personal information and the dangers that may come with it.
3. If the network or Internet access were interrupted for a day. What could Mia have the
students do to make good use of their time during the delay?
 She could have students go the library and checkout a book on the country in
which their partner is from. They could use the time to research more on that
country. If students in the class are working on the same country, they could
exchange the information they have gathered. This time could also be spent
designing their brochures or at least creating rough drafts.

Phase 3

1. Although all of Mia's groups did well on context overall, rubric scores revealed that most
groups scored lower in one area: spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the products.
What steps could Mia add to the production work checklist that might improve this
outcome next time?
 Perhaps, after step 10, Mia could include a peer review. Students would read
and review each other’s work and provide feedback. They would have a rubric of
their own to follow and it would include checking spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. This would provide students with more practice looking and
identifying errors on the topics and give them a period to perfect their work
before turning it in for a final grade.
2. If Mia found that only five of the seven groups in the class were doing well on their final
products, what might she do to find out more about why this was happening?
 Mia could do check-ins throughout the project to ensure that each group is
meeting the requirements. However, if she did not do this, at the end of the
project she could give out a survey with localized question on the areas in which
the two groups were lacking.
3. One teacher who observed the project told Mia that it might be good to have the school
district medial materials production office do the final work on the products for the
students. Does this seem like a good idea? Why or why not?
 It depends on the overall goal. It seems to me that Mia wasn’t too concerned
with what the website or brochures really looked like, as long as the students
were learning about cultural differences and putting forth an effort. So, in this
instance, I do not see the harm in having the production team do the final work
on the projects once they were completed.

Final Questions

1. Did you find the TIP Model as helpful resource for technology integration? Explain your
 I did. Following along with the TIP Model allowed me to better understand how
Mia should plan and execute her lesson.
2. Do you foresee yourself using a model or framework like the TIP model for technology
integration? Yes or No? Why or why not?
 I believe that in my chosen career field (Instructional Design), that this method
would be very useful. Following the TIP Model would give me a structured plan
to make designing employee training programs, multimedia instructional
graphics, etc. much simpler.
3. If you responded "yes" to question 2 - Why do you think this sort of model is helpful for
technology integration?
 There are so many different technology outlets to include in learning. By
following the TIP Model, I would be able localize the exact form of technology to
use in the classroom.
4. If you responded "no" to question 2 - Why do you think this sort of model is not helpful
for technology integration?
 N/A

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