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In my opinion, I think that my success is I do well research, the information that I state in the

essay, I always have the reference. Therefore, this makes my essay look academic and trustful.

Moreover, I put a lot of effort into this research because it is the topic that I’m interested in. I

watch a lot of videos and read a lot of articles, I learn a lot of different things I don’t know.


In this project, I think my failure is my time management. I have a lot of time to do this project.

However, at first half of this period, I always playing the game and watching youtube, I start this

project slower than my classmate. As a result, the product is not perfect.

What can I learn from my mistake

If I have a big project, next time I will manage time properly in order to finish work completely. In

my point of view, I think the things that help me to achieve this goal is making a time table. Time

table will help me keep track of the thing that I should do. If I don’t have a time table, I will

always play a game and watch a video.

I think that my strength as a learner is when I’m interested in something, I will always have

questions with. For example, when I research about the topic that I’m, interested in, I always ask

myself “What”, ”When”, “Where”, “Why”. “How”.

When I doing this project, I notice my weakness as a learner. My weakness is when I’m not

interested in the topic that I have to research, I will do a very poor job on it. For instance, When I

do world history project, I don’t read any article or watch the video. The ways I do that project is
just to copy and paste the information on the internet. Hence, this makes me got a very bad

grade on the subject that I’m not interested in.

Next, time if I got a chance to write this essay again, I will put a more interesting quote, or phase

in this essay to make it more interesting. Moreover, I will create a better mind map and learning

record. I will do deep research on science website, and use that information to explain to other

people. To make my project more interesting.

At first, I always think that I am a bad learner because when I do the research, I feel very sleepy

and bored. However, when I start doing this project, I know that I’m not that bad learner

because when I do this research I feel that it very fun and I want to know more about this topic.

Lastly, this project helps me discover myself as a good learner.

This project relates to school ESLOs because Innovation occurs when students discover

connections between different disciplines. MUIDS has created a culture of collaboration that

empowers students to discover connections between different subjects. They learn to see the

Sciences and Humanities not as separate subjects, but as complements of each other.

Knowledge is no longer seen as the province of one subject, but rather as a set of ideas

frequently shared and built upon by different people who work in different fields. Students find

new life in ideas they once saw as old and irrelevant.

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