Special Crime Investigation

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Answer the following on a one whole sheet of yellow pad.

1. Why is it that the special crime investigator must have specialized training or skill
on investigative works?

2. For a competent reactive response in controlling criminals, there are 8

responsibilities that are being required to be meticulously performed by the
investigator in handling special crimes. Write down your understanding on every
responsibility of a special crime investigator.

3. The three tools of crime investigation such as information, interview/interrogation

and instrumentality.
 What do you think if the information being gathered was unfactual? (answer it
in an essay form)
 Since interview is just a simple inquiry/ conversation type of elicitation of
information and interrogation is a skillful questioning of a hostile suspect.
If it happens that the suspect’s unenthusiastic attitude persist, what would
happen to the case?

4. Why do think that the interrogation techniques be applied to the hostile suspects?

5. Among those interrogation techniques, what interrogation methods would you

apply if your subject is suspected to the crime of homicide?

6. In reconstructing the past, the information needed are available to the three
sources, such as people, physical evidence and records. What is their significance in
reconstructing the past?

7. Why do think that the most feared crimes is the unlawful killing?

8. What is meant by asphyxia?

9. Why is it that the motives for the crime of homicide must be established?

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