Tell Me About Him/her: Facilitadora. Fátima Sol Ramírez García

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Tell me about him/her

This anecdote belongs to my daughter Chelsea, more than a story to laugh I am proud to tell.
She was about to finish high school and the high school exams were coming, all of us at home felt
distant with no interest in studying or worrying a bit about her future, she had a bad streak at school
and her dad was pushing her hard about the exam. After seeing that his teammates began to worry
about the issue, I began to notice that Chelsea was worried and distant. We decided his dad and I put
her on a course so that she could reinforce her already acquired knowledge, at the beginning Chelsea
did not give importance and came to the house to play.
It was not long before the exam application date and everyone in the house began to see changes in
my daughter, her grades had a radical change, she paid more attention to the course and even came
home to study. On the way to school he always wore headphones which started to bother me, it did not
take me long to clarify my doubt and he showed me what he was listening to, those recordings were of
his own voice reading readings of the topics to study at that moment I knew that my daughter was
giving all their effort to go well in the exam.
Arriving on the day of the exam we were all very nervous but Chelsea was the only one sure that she
would do well, entering the exam with a lot of confidence, trusting in her we did not have more to wait
for those three hours of exam application. After three hours my daughter left very confident, wishing
that they would deliver her results, which are delivered one month after the exam date, that waiting
month was quite tense for us but not for my daughter. The day of the results we were anxious for them,
I knew that whatever happened would make me proud of my daughter, we were happy to enter the
school she wanted, get a very high score. Now we tell this story as a way of motivation since everything
with effort can be achieved

Santabalbina Quiroz Paola Jacqueline. M7S3.

Facilitadora. Fátima Sol Ramírez García

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