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Aga Khan University Examination Board

Notes from E-Marking Centre on HSSC I Biology Examination May 2012

This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the HSSC I course in
Biology. It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2012 Higher Secondary School
Certificate I (HSSC I) Examination, indicating quality of the responses and highlighting their
relative strengths and weaknesses. This document should be read along with the AKU-EB
Biology syllabus based on the National Curriculum (2006).

General Comments
Teachers and candidates should be aware that examiners may ask questions that address the
syllabus outcomes in a manner that requires candidates to respond by integrating knowledge,
understanding and skills they have developed through studying the course.
Candidates need to be aware that the mark allocated to the question and the answer space, are a
guide to the length of the required response. A longer response will not itself lead to higher
marks. Writing far beyond the indicated space may reduce the time available for answering other
Candidates need to be familiar with the command words in the student learning outcomes which
contains some terms commonly used in examination questions. However, candidates should also
be aware that not all questions will start with or contain one of the key words from the glossary.
Questions such as ‘how?’, ‘why?’ or ‘to what extent?’ may be asked as well.

Question 1a
Better responses successfully established the link between the given information (learning about
carbon cycle, conservation of endangered species and recycling of waste) in the stimulus and the
field of biology a student should choose.
Weaker responses identified the chosen branch as marine biology/ palaeontology.

Question 1b
Better responses drew the chain showing double bending of the chain and highlighted globular
shape. Weaker responses drew linear chain or coiled helically.

Question 2
Better responses clearly stated the ways in which viruses survive inside and outside the host cell
e.g. viruses lack metabolic machinery of their own/ they enter into the host cell and
multiply/reproduce/replicate using host cellular organelles/ incorporate into host DNA/ use
biosynthetic machinery/ products of viral proteins. For outside the host cell, such responses
mentioned that viruses take up the crystalline form outside the host to survive for longer period
of time/ they remain inactive/ non-living.
Weaker responses wrote about the composition of viruses that they have a protein coat or they
contain a type of nucleic acid which is either RNA or DNA.
Question 3a
Better responses gave two roles of mesosomes in bacterial cell i.e. they are responsible for DNA
replication/ cell division or are also involved in export of exocellular enzymes or respiratory
enzymes are also present in mesosomes.
Average responses stated only one of the roles of mesosomes.
Weaker responses wrote about the role of mesosomes as involved in protein synthesis or

Question 3b
Better responses correctly identified the process of reproduction in bacteria i.e. conjugation.
These responses described the transference of genetic material from an F+ cell to an F- cell
through a thin tube-like structure called pilus.
Average responses identified the process only and were unable to describe the phenomenon.
Weaker responses wrongly identified the process of reproduction as binary fission or budding.

Question 4
Better responses wrote precise features of plant like protists i.e. they are photosynthetic/ they
have unicellular sex organs/ the body cannot be differentiated into roots, stem and leaves/ the
body is called thallus/ some are unicellular, others are filamentous.
Average responses wrote two or three features out of four.
Weaker responses either wrote about general characteristics of protists e.g. these are eukaryotes
or mixed the features with that of animal like protists.

Question 5a
Better responses describe the phenomenon of mutualism with reference to mycorrhizal
association. These responses explicitly mentioned the role of fungus (increased surface area for
the absorption of water) and plant (supply of prepared food) to show how both are beneficial for
each other.
Average responses showed an understanding of the concept of mutualism but failed to express it
with the help of the said example.
Weaker responses mixed up mycorrhizal association with lichens and provided the role of algae
instead of vascular plants.

Question 5b
Better responses correctly supplied missing information in the question. They correctly identified
the type of hyphae in ascomycetes i.e. septate/ lengthy dikaryotic phase, sexual reproduction
through ascospores and asexual reproduction through conidia.
Average responses were unable to identify the type of hyphae.

Question 6a
Better responses defined correctly the term pentamerous i.e. the flower parts, such as petals,
sepals, and stamens are in sets of five.
Weaker responses gave general or literal meaning i.e. pentamerous means five, which did not
meet the requirement of the question.
Question 6b
Better responses drew solitary inflorescence showing one flower on a branch/ zygomorphic as
flower capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one longitudinal plane passing
through the axis/ diadelphous androecium as fusion of stamens where filaments fuse together
forming two bundles and superior ovary as an ovary attached to the receptacle above the
attachment of other floral parts.
Average responses drew only one or two structures or gave description in words. Candidates are
advised to focus on the command word provided in the question to meet the demand of the
Weaker responses were unable to draw any of the features of the parts of the plant.

Question 7a
Better responses mentioned three exclusive features of class arachnida (scorpio) like anterior
segments that are fused to form a combined cephalothorax/ a pair of appendages called
chelicerae with claws is present/ no antennae or true jaws/ two pairs as pedipalps and four pairs
of legs/ segmented or unsegmented abdomen/ transformed into telson, etc.
Average responses wrote only one or two features.
Weaker responses gave characteristics common among all arthropods like bilaterally
symmetrical/ Triploblastic/ coelomic cavity or jointed legs.

Question 7b
Better responses described the role of NAD in Kreb’s cycle i.e. NAD acts as a coenzyme/ it
behaves as an energy carrier by readily accepting or giving up hydrogen/ acts as oxidizing agent/
electron carrier in pay off phase or oxidation phase/ oxidation of pyruvate.
Weaker responses wrote about Kreb’s cycle instead of the precise role of NAD. This shows rote
memorization of the topic rather conceptual understanding.

Question 8
Better responses correctly mentioned the cause and two symptoms of sinusitis and pneumonia.
Average responses either provided only cause or one or two symptoms of the diseases.
Weaker responses gave generalized cause i.e. micro-organisms/germs or indiscriminate
symptoms like fever/ fatigue/ weakness.

Question 9
Better responses identified cell M correctly as companion cell and subsequently described its
role in the functioning of phloem.
Average responses identified the cell M only and failed to make its link with the working of
Weaker responses identified cell M as phloem or xylem vessels and ended up in wrong
description in consequent part of the question.
Question 10a
Better responses mentioned the bases of classification of enzymes and wisely choose one criteria
to be described with examples.
Average responses took examples from both categories. However, these responses were awarded
Weaker responses described the criteria without examples.

Question 10b
Better responses explained the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum in detail using
appropriate terminologies like network of tubules, vesicles and sacs, etc.
Average responses described either structure or function in detail.
Weaker responses mixed up the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum with Golgi

Question 11a
Better responses explained the life cycle of a flowering plant highlighting key events such as
formation of pollen tube, changes occurring in the anther, occurring in the ovary, fertilization of
egg and sperm to form zygote, formation of endosperm, etc.
Average responses missed some of the key events.

Question 11b
Better responses either discussed about the significance of insects or their harmful effects with
relevant examples.
Average responses wrote about the importance of insects in a very general way without
supporting it with concrete examples.

Question 12a
Better responses described the digestion of starch into maltose and finally into glucose with the
help of enzymes involved. These responses included approximately all the key events like
secretion of ptyalin/ salivary amylase, role of ptyalin/ salivary amylase, role of pancreatic and
intestinal juice, break down into glucose/ monosaccharide, process of diffusion etc.
Average responses skipped some of the important events or did not specify the role of each

Question 12b
Better responses identified the part of the heart correctly i.e. SA node. These responses explained
the location and function of SA node.
Average responses wrote either about location or function of SA node.
Weaker responses wrongly identified the part of the heart as AV node. This led to subsequent
wrong description.

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