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Hector Lopez

Personal Statement

Have you ever gone through that awkward stage in life where everything feels abnormal? The
feeling of not being accepted or being comfortable in your own skin? Growing up, this was all I ever felt. I
struggled with weight and it was something I could not change overnight, yet many failed to realize that.
Fat jokes became my Hello and as much as I tried to show it didn't phase me, it did. It was almost as if
people would diminish the fact that just because I was overweight, I did not have feelings. When in fact
that was the complete opposite, as I stared at my reflection I was disgusted with myself. I was not Hector
anymore, I was “fat”, “chunk”, “lardo”, “a cow”, and so much more. I was tired of the constant judging
and bullying; tired of not having control of my own life and allowing others to make me feel as if I didn't
belong. This was the day I realized that I needed a change, not for others but for my own well- being and
for my own happiness.

The time for change came during my sophomore year. When I allowed myself to come out of my
shell by trying out for my high school basketball team. Not letting those memories of name calling get in
the way. I knew that I had the odds against me. My weight and the lack of experience played a major
role. I was determined to make the team and demonstrate that I was worth the time and effort. I told
myself that my weight should not stop me from reaching my goals. I started my challenge months before
tryouts. I did what everybody else does when they want to achieve a goal, I worked hard towards it. So I
began my training with a whole different mindset. I just kept telling myself to work harder and I can
achieve my goals. I was determined to demonstrate my best game forward.

The day of tryouts came. It was intimidating seeing kids that were bigger, stronger and faster than
me. I kept reminding myself that I was prepared for this moment. Yes, the odds were not in my favor, but
I had trained my body and my mind for this moment. To my surprise I made the basketball team. I guess
the coach saw something in me, that I didn't. This was a feeling I have never felt, a positive reinforcement.
I had became a part of something. Making the team was the first big step in helping me make a change in
my life. It confirmed that changing the way I ate, exercising, and having a positive outlook in life was a
key factor. Not allowing negative to continue to control me.

After I made the team I became more aware with my overall health and self image. I began working
on myself not caring about other people's opinion. My training became more aggressive as I started seeing
the results. I started exercising daily, implementing a workout schedule. It consistent of running, walking,
muscle strengthening, and building my stamina. Also, my eating habits had to change I adding more
vegetables and protein to my daily nutrition. At the beginning it was not easy, it became the most difficult
task. There was days in my weight loss journey when I felt the whole world was against me. The pressure
sometimes got to me, but it's known that with great pressure diamonds are created. I followed through all
adversity and created a diamond. I felt I had the weight of the world on my back, but I took it step by step.
I viewed everyday as a chance to be better than yesterday. Through my journey I learned alot about
myself. I learned that my mind is stronger than my body. I learned that I am willing to do anything to
achieve my goals. I have become the type of person who believes that if you work hard enough through
any situation you will prosper.

My experience with obesity has made me a whole different person both physically and mentally.
Physically I was originally 230 pound and I now weigh 190. I lost 40 pound of fat and I could say that I
worked hard to loss that weight. The physical change was drastic and helped me gain more confidence in
myself. Clothes fit better and I started walking taller. More importantly my mentality and the entire aspect
of life became more positive. I felt as if I proved everyone wrong and did what nobody expected of me. I
feel as if I could take on the world and could get through any adversity as long as I work hard.
Now I could say that I am 6’0” tall and weight 190 pounds. I used the names they would call me
fat, chunky, lardo, a cow, and used it as motivation. I changed the odds in my favor with hard work. I did
what wasn’t expected of and came out the other side of my journey. I am a whole different person. I now
believe that I am self motivated, a hard working person that would do anything to achieve my goals. This
experience with obesity wan not only about my weight but rather an opportunity to live again. It changed
my life and taught me to not let no one’s negative opinions control my thoughts, my emotions, or run my
life. Now I look in the mirror and I am proud of the person I see. Having a new view in life helped me
understand not only my personal goals in life but my educational goals as well.

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