GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual ENU PDF

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.

3x Generator PTT User Manual


GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT

User Manual


© OMICRON electronics GmbH 1/13

OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

1. General ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Software and Hardware Requirements........................................................................................... 3
3. Hardware ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Functional Range ............................................................................................................................ 6
5. XRIO Converter ............................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Additional Information..................................................................................................................... 7
5.1.1 Trip/Alarm Output ..................................................................................................................... 7
5.1.2 Test Information........................................................................................................................ 8
6. Specific Protection Tests ................................................................................................................ 8
6.1 Stator Differential Protection ........................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Distance Protection .......................................................................................................................10
6.3 Generator Unbalance Protection ...................................................................................................11
6.4 Overcurrent Protection ..................................................................................................................11
6.5 Loss of Excitation Protection .........................................................................................................11
6.6 Volt Per Hertz Protection ...............................................................................................................12
6.7 Voltage Protection .........................................................................................................................12
6.8 Sensitive Directional Power Protection ..........................................................................................13

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

1. General
This user manual describes details of testing GE Multilin G60 relays with the OMICRON
Protection Test Template. General information on the usage of OMICRON Protection Testing Library
items can be found in the OMICRON PTL user manual.

The template has been tested with the following relay:

Manufacturer: GE
Model: Multilin G60
Firmware Version: 7.30

2. Software and Hardware Requirements

To use this template, you must have a valid test license for the OMICRON Test Universe 3.10 software or
higher versions and the following test modules:
 Control Center
 Quick CMC
 Ramping
 Pulse Ramping
 Advanced Distance
 Overcurrent
 State Sequencer
 Pause Module
 Advanced Differential (Diff Configuration)

A CMC test set with six current outputs is required to use the full functionality of this PTT.

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

3. Hardware
There are multiple possibilities of wiring a GE Multilin G60 relay to a CMC test set. The advised
connections are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. These connections are the default settings in the
Hardware Configuration of the PTT.

The Figure 3 shows the default application configuration shown in the instruction manual of the
Relay, in case you have different configuration, please adapt your wiring accordingly especially the
current transformer assigned to each protection function.
N (~5c,~6c,~7c)*

Offline On
VC (~7a)*
VA (~5a)*
VB (~6a)*

Line End N
Line End IC
Line End IA
Line End IB

CB aux. [52a]

Neutral End IC
Neutral End N
Neutral End IB
Neutral End IA

* Only for WYE VT Connection.

For DELTA VT Connection: V1 -> ~5a and ~7c

V2 -> ~6a and ~5c
V3 -> ~7a and ~6c
N -> No connection

Figure 1: Default connection

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

N (~5c,~6c,~7c)*
VC (~7a)*
VA (~5a)*
VB (~6a)*

Offline On
Line End N
Line End IC
Line End IA
Line End IB

CB aux. [52a]


* Only for WYE VT Connection.

For DELTA VT Connection: V1 -> ~5a and ~7c

V2 -> ~6a and ~5c
V3 -> ~7a and ~6c
N -> No connection

Figure 2: Default connection for Ground Overcurrent Protection testing

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

Figure 3: Default application configuration

4. Functional Range
Supported functions:
 Stator differential (ANSI 87S)
 Phase distance backup (ANSI 21P)
 Phase overcurrent (ANSI 50P/51P/67P)
 Neutral overcurrent (ANSI 50N/51N/67N)
 Ground overcurrent (ANSI 50G/51G/67G)
 Phase overvoltage (ANSI 59P)
 Phase undervoltage (ANSI 27P)
 Neutral overvoltage (ANSI 59N)
 Negative sequence overvoltage (ANSI 59_2)
 Over-/underfrequency (ANSI 81)
 Loss of Excitation (ANSI 40)
 Volt per hertz (ANSI 24)
 Sensitive directional power (ANSI 32)
 Generator unbalance (ANSI 46)
 Thermal overload (ANSI 49)
 Accidental energization (ANSI 50/27)

Not supported functions:

 Synchrocheck (ANSI 25)
 Third harmonic neutral undervoltage (ANSI 27TN)
 Negative-sequence directional overcurrent (ANSI 67_2)
 Auxiliary voltage (ANSI 27X/59X)
 Split phase protection (ANSI 50SP)
 Field ground protection (ANSI 64F)

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

 Sub-harmonic stator ground protection (ANSI 64S)

 100% stator ground (ANSI 64TN)
 Power swing blocking (ANSI 68)
 Out-of-step protection (ANSI 78)
 Rate of change of frequency (ANSI 81R)
 Restricted ground fault (ANSI 87RGF)

Although the functions listed above are not supported by the Protection Test Template, the
Relay Parameter Section of the XRIO Converter includes all protection parameters of the relay.

Not supported parameters or configurations:

 Neutral Directional OC: Polarizing set different than the value Voltage
 Neutral Directional OC: Polarizing Volt = Measured VX
 Overcurrent, Voltage protection: FlexCurves
 Distance Protection: Xfmr Vol/Curr Connection set different than the value None

As the GE Multilin G60 offers a high flexibility in setting and configuring protection functions, many
cannot be modeled in an automated way. Therefore checking the predefined PTT and adding custom
application conditions before testing may be required.

5. XRIO Converter
The Test Object already contains the GE Multilin G60 XRIO Converter, which includes setting
parameters of the modelled protection relay. The setting parameters are built as an image of the GE
EnerVista UR Setup software.

The Filter for GE Enervista.csv Settings can be used for importing settings into the Relay Parameter

General information about the converter structure can be found in the OMICRON PTL user manual. In this
chapter the specifics of the Trip/Alarm Output block and the Test Information block in the Additional
Information section of the converter are described.

5.1 Additional Information

5.1.1 Trip/Alarm Output

The block Trip/Alarm Output contains a check box (parameter of the data type Boolean) for each element
of the supported functions listed in chapter 4. Please activate the corresponding check box manually, if an
element has an influence on the Trip or Alarm Output of your relay setting. Figure 4 shows an example for
a relay setting, where the differential protection function, zones 1 – 3 of the phase distance protection
function and Stage 1 of the generator unbalance protection are able to activate the relay’s Trip Output,
Stage 2 of the generator unbalance protection activates the relay’s Alarm Output.

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Figure 4: Trip/Alarm Output example

5.1.2 Test Information

The Test Information block is divided into the sections:

 Phase Undervoltage
 Test Tolerance

The Phase Undervoltage block contains parameters for setting the test voltage of the fault state in
undervoltage trip time tests. If e.g. an inverse time curve is selected for the Phase UV1 element, the test
voltages can be decreased and thus the trip and test time. The Test Tolerance block contains an
additional test tolerance to calculate the start and end value for trip and pickup tests using the Ramping or
Pulse Ramping test module.

6. Specific Protection Tests

In this chapter the specific protection tests, which are not covered by the OMICRON PTT user manual,
are described.

6.1 Stator Differential Protection

The Pickup value and Trip Time of the Stator Differential Protection are tested in the PTT. The Ramping
test module is used for the Pickup test. Trip Time is tested with the State Sequencer test module. Both
test modules use a trip relay output as a trigger for the stop condition.

Because of the CT Saturation detection algorithm of the relay, the trip characteristic test is possible only
with a pickup contact. You can use the Diff Operating Characteristic test module for the test. In this case,
please route the Stator Differential Pickup signal to relay output as (for example) shown in the following

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

Figure 5: Routing of Stator Differential Pickup signal to the Trip Bus, example

The Prefault and Trigger Condition needed for the test are shown in the Figure 6.

Figure 6: Prefault and Trigger Condition for the Stator Diff Characteristic Test

The Stator Diff Characteristic Test can be done with a Search Test. Possible test results are shown in the
following Figure.

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Figure 7: Stator Diff Characteristic test results, example

6.2 Distance Protection

Because of the wide range of possible distance settings, all distance trip time tests do not contain
predefined test points. The test points have to be set manually for each test. Possible test points are
shown in the following figure.

Figure 8: Test points for trip time tests, example

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OMICRON PTL GE Multilin G60 V7.3x Generator PTT User Manual

6.3 Generator Unbalance Protection

The Stage 2 element (definite time element) is typically set below the Stage 1 pickup and used to
generate an alarm. The Generator Unbalance Alarm Delay test is active if the Stage 2 is defined as an
alarm stage in the Trip/Alarm Output block. The State Sequencer test module is used to test alarm delay.
The test is divided in the following states:
 Pre-Fault 1
 Test Negative (below Stage 2 pickup, no alarm)
 Pre-Fault 2
 Test Positive (over Stage 2 pickup, alarm)
 Post-Fault
The alarm delay is measured and evaluated.

6.4 Overcurrent Protection

Because of the wide range of possible overcurrent configurations, all overcurrent trip time tests do not
contain predefined test points. Please set the test points according to your active overcurrent elements
and use corresponding fault types.

 Fault type
o A-B-C for phase elements
o 3I0 for neutral elements
o A-N for ground elements
 Test inverse time elements with 3 Test Points on the Inverse Curve
 Test definite time/instantaneous elements with 2 Test Points at 0.9 and 1.1 x Pickup

Test points for the directional tests are fully automated.

6.5 Loss of Excitation Protection

For testing the Loss of Excitation function the Advanced Distance test module is used. This module
enables testing of the operating characteristics as well as the trip times of the elements.

Note: No test points are predefined in the module. Test points shown on following figure can be used to
test set parameters.

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Figure 9: Loss of Excitation test shots, example

Note: If the test current is too high, the module may not execute the test for some points with big
impedances. This test points are out of range and are represented pink colored. In this case remove the
link of the test current and set the ITest manually.

6.6 Volt Per Hertz Protection

The Volt Per Hertz pickup is typically used to generate an alarm. The Pickup/Alarm test is active if the Volt
Per Hertz Alarm is activated in the Trip/Alarm Output block and uses the relay alarm output as trigger for
stop conditions and test assessment. The Ramping test module is used to test pickup value.

For the trip time test the State Sequencer test module is used. Three points at 1.05, 1.10 and 1.15*Pickup
are tested for each stage. Please ensure that there is no overlapping between the stages of Volt Per Hertz
Protection for the chosen test points! In other case the test points must be adjusted accordingly.

6.7 Voltage Protection

The Pulse Ramping test module is used to test the pickup settings of phase undervoltage protection
elements and phase, neutral, negative sequence overvoltage protection elements. Depending on the type
of the tested element, the voltage is de- or increased in the fault state. The pickup value is measured
recording a trip signal of the relay. Additionally to the pulse ramping pickup tests of phase undervoltage
protection elements, a pickup test using the Ramping test module is implemented in the PTT to ensure a
faster pickup test for a selected inverse time curve. This test uses manually trigger as stop condition (stop
key when the Undervoltage Pickup LED illuminates).

The trip times of undervoltage and overvoltage protection elements are tested with the State Sequencer

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test module. The test is divided into a pre-fault, fault and post-fault states. In the Fault state, an under- or
overvoltage condition is simulated depending on the type of the element under test. The trip time is
measured and evaluated.

6.8 Sensitive Directional Power Protection

The Pulse Ramping test module is used to test the pickup settings of sensitive directional power
elements. The pickup settings are converted into voltage and current values. The voltage is set as a
constant (nominal value) and the current is increased in the fault state. The pickup value is measured
recording a trip signal of the relay.

The set mode Powers of the State Sequencer test module is used for trip time tests of sensitive directional
power. The trip time is measured from the beginning of the fault state until the recorded trip signal and the
result evaluated. For testing sensitive directional power protection elements, the power magnitude and
angle settings are converted into an active and reactive power quantity and linked in the fault state.

The current and voltage of the reset and pre-fault state are set to the nominal values, the angles of the
reset and pre-fault state are shifted in 180° to the fault angles.

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