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Health Insurance and Mobile Health Devices
Opportunities and Concerns
Inbar Raber, MD Promoting and incentivizing healthy lifestyle prac- over a 24-month period determined by their physical
Department of tices in the United States is of national importance. activity (payments may be as low as £0). In addition
Medicine, Beth Israel Digital health devices, such as mobile and wearable de- to discounts on mobile devices, life insurance partici-
Deaconess Medical
vices and software applications, have potential for pro- pants can receive premium discounts of up to 60% on
Center, Harvard
Medical School, moting healthy lifestyle practices and preventing the de- whole life insurance or 40% on fixed-term coverage
Boston, Massachusetts. velopment or progression of cardiovascular disease. The depending on their level of activity. For example, if a
use of mobile health devices has increased substan- member takes out a £150 000 (US $197 000) life
Cian P. McCarthy, MB, tially in recent years; a national survey of 4000 adults insurance cover over 25 years, they could save up to
in the United States in 2017 found that 24% of respon- £180 per year (US $240/y) on their premium.3
Department of Medicine,
Massachusetts General dents reported using wearable devices.1 Similarly, UnitedHealthcare has partnered with
Hospital,HarvardMedical Incentives to increase the uptake and usage of mo- Fitbit and, more recently, with AppleWatch to launch its
School, Boston. bile health devices are emerging as several health insur- UnitedHealthcare Motion program that offers mon-
ers are offering enrollees discounts on wearable de- etary rewards, including retroactive discounts on pur-
Robert W. Yeh, MD
Smith Center for
vices or on their insurance premiums if activity targets chased digital health devices based on successful
Outcomes Research are met. In this Viewpoint, we discuss the current inter- completion of daily fitness goals.4 Participants can save
in Cardiology, face between health insurance and mobile health, and over $1000 per year into their health savings account,
Department of
the potential benefits and unintended consequences of which can be used toward medical expenses or deduct-
Medicine, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical this interaction. ibles, if daily step targets are met.4 Health insurers
Center, Boston, Aetna, Qantas Assure, and Oscar Health, among others,
Massachusetts. A Shift in Policy are also incorporating physical activity programs into
Insurers are leveraging public interest in health technol- their health insurance policies.
ogy, and several companies have combined insurance
policies with mobile health. For instance, South African Potential Benefits
financial services company Discovery Limited con- Mobile health devices, such as wearable devices and
ceived a shared-value approach to health and life insur- mobile applications, are becoming increasingly more
ance and founded the Vitality program, which incentiv- sophisticated. These devices are capable of counting
izes healthy behaviors with rewards, such as lower steps, measuring blood pressure, and monitoring
premiums and discounts on mobile health devices.2,3 heart rate/rhythm. Smartphone health applications
Through the development of subsidiary companies and can (1) record and monitor personal health data,
partnerships in the United States (John Hancock), including physical activity, calorie intake, and weight;
United Kingdom (VitalityHealth, VitalityLife), and China (2) facilitate communication between the patient and
(Ping An), this model has spread and these insurance members of their health care team; and (3) provide
programs are now incorporating trackable information reminders regarding medications or upcoming
from health devices, including physical activity appointments. Taken together, mobile health devices
(eg, daily steps) and heart rate, into their policies. John may have the potential to increase physical activity,
Hancock, one of the oldest insurers in the United improve the coordination of health care, and improve
States, introduced a fitness-tracking life insurance medication adherence, although it remains uncertain
policy in 2015. Customers can choose either a Vitality whether alternative nondevice–based strategies
Go program, for which participants log their mobile might achieve similar results.5 For example, in a ran-
health data on an application or website and can domized clinical trial of 471 young adults with a body
receive gift cards and 20% to 40% discounts on wear- mass index between 25 and 40, the addition of a
able fitness devices, or their Vitality Plus program that wearable technology device to a standard behavioral
also includes discounted wearable devices and the intervention resulted in less weight loss (2.4 kg less)
opportunity to achieve discounts of up to 15% on their over 24 months.5
Corresponding life insurance premiums.2 Life insurance premiums will Financial incentives to utilize mobile devices
Author: Robert W. Yeh, vary depending on the participants’ age and comorbidi- appear, in a limited number of studies, to be a suc-
MD, Smith Center for ties and, consequently, so will their potential savings.2 cessful strategy to increase physical activity. A ran-
Outcomes Research in
Cardiology, Beth Israel
In the United Kingdom, Discovery has com- domized clinical trial of 281 adults who had a target of
Deaconess Medical bined mobile health devices with health insurance walking 7000 steps a day found that participants who
Center, 375 Longwood (VitalityHealth) and life insurance (VitalityLife). Par- faced financial ramifications for physical inactivity
Ave, Fourth Floor,
ticipants in VitalityHealth can receive an Apple Watch were more likely to meet exercise goals than those
Boston, MA 02215
(ryeh@bidmc.harvard. Series 4 for an initial payment of £99 (US $130; regu- offered rewards for exercise.6 The ACTIVE REWARD
edu). lar price, £399 [US $520]) with subsequent payments (A Clinical Trial Investigating Effects of a Randomized (Reprinted) JAMA Published online April 11, 2019 E1

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Opinion Viewpoint

Evaluation of Wearable Activity Trackers with Financial Rewards) The Affordable Care Act currently prohibits insurers from denying
trial randomized 105 patients with ischemic heart disease to an plans to individuals with preexisting conditions, but there is not yet
incentive group in which participants were provided with finan- legislation regulating whether digital health data, particularly life-
cial penalties if step milestones were not met or a control group. style information, can or cannot be used to discriminate against
Over the 24-week study period, patients in the incentive group individuals in this capacity.
had a significantly greater increase in mean daily steps from base- Another major concern is the accuracy of digital data because
line during an 8-week ramp-up phase (1388 vs 385; P < .01), large trials validating these devices are lacking. Some wearable life-
8-week maintenance phase (1501 vs 264; P < .001), and over style devices have been shown to undercount steps,9 which could
an 8-week follow-up (1066 vs 92; P < .01).7 unfairly preclude individuals from collecting incentives from insur-
Preliminary data from health insurers also seem promising. ance companies for healthy behaviors. As digital health devices ex-
A total of 422 643 participants in Discovery’s Vitality Rewards Pro- pand to diagnostic capabilities, such as detecting hypertension and
gram in the United States, United Kingdom, and South Africa were atrial fibrillation, false-positive results can lead to unnecessary
studied from 2015 to 2018. Members participated in 1 of 2 pro- and potentially harmful treatment. Thus far, insurance programs have
grams: an active rewards program with an Apple Watch benefit not targeted data from these diagnostic health devices.
(a loss-framed incentive; members received an upfront Apple Because these devices can be quite expensive, they could ex-
Watch with subsequent payments for the watch determined by acerbate health care disparities. Data from the 2012 Health Infor-
their physical activity levels) or an active rewards program without mation National Trends Survey found that patients of low socioeco-
an Apple Watch (a gain-framed program; participants received dis- nomic status were engaging less frequently with electronic health.10
counts on coffee and cinema tickets by recording their physical The cost of the devices may preclude individuals of lower socioeco-
activity but did not receive an Apple Watch incentive). Participants nomic status from participation in interactive insurance policies and
in the active rewards program with an Apple Watch benefit the potential financial rewards or health benefits that may result.
engaged in 34% more physical activity than participants in the In addition, the protection of individuals’ privacy is an ongoing
active rewards program without an Apple Watch.8 In 2018, partici- concern. Digital health devices generate substantive amounts of per-
pants in UnitedHealthcare’s Motion program completed an average sonal data that can be at risk for distribution to invested third par-
of nearly 12 000 steps per day.4 ties. Currently, these data are not protected by the Health Insur-
Beyond the direct benefits to patients, if mobile health de- ance Portability and Accountability Act.
vices meet expectations for physical activity, they could reduce hos-
pitalizations and the incidence of preventable cardiovascular dis- Conclusions
ease, potentially saving private and public health insurers significant In an era of record high rates of obesity and inactivity among adults
costs. However, randomized clinical trials with long-term follow-up in the United States, innovative strategies to promote healthy life-
of clinically meaningful end points will be necessary to determine style practices are welcome. To the extent that digital health de-
whether these benefits materialize. vices encourage healthy behaviors and empower individuals to par-
ticipate in their health, incentivizing use of these devices by
Potential Adverse Consequences integrating them in insurance policies may be attractive. However,
The widespread adoption of digital health is not without potential employing close regulation of the new technologies (including the
consequences. Although current insurance plans utilize digital personal data they accrue), ensuring equal access to devices for pa-
lifestyle information in rewards-based programs, data indicating tients of lower socioeconomic status, and implementing strict regu-
poor health or lifestyle habits could be used by insurers in the lations that prohibit the insurers from penalizing consumers who en-
future to penalize users with higher premiums or deny insurance. gage with these devices will be critical to their success.

ARTICLE INFORMATION 3. Vitality. Vitality website. https://www.vitality. devices: the ACTIVE REWARD randomized trial.
Published Online: April 11, 2019. Accessed February 28, 2019. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7(12):e009173. doi:10.1161/
doi:10.1001/jama.2019.3353 4. United Healthcare. Help your employees get JAHA.118.009173

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Yeh reports active. UnitedHealthcare Motion website. 8. Hafner M, Pollard J, Van Stolk C. Incentives and
receiving consultant fees from Abbott Vascular, Physical Activity: An Assessment of the Association
Asahi Intecc, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, and 33788.pdf. Accessed, February 28, 2019. Between Vitality's Active Rewards With Apple Watch
Teleflex; research grants from Abbott Vascular, 5. Jakicic JM, Davis KK, Rogers RJ, et al. Effect of Benefit and Sustained Physical Activity
Abiomed, AstraZeneca, and Boston Scientific; and wearable technology combined with a lifestyle Improvements. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corp;
salary from Baim Institute for Clinical Research. intervention on long-term weight loss: the IDEA 2018.
No other disclosures were reported. randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2016;316(11):1161-1171. reports/RR2870.html.
doi:10.1001/jama.2016.12858 9. Case MA, Burwick HA, Volpp KG, Patel MS.
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E2 JAMA Published online April 11, 2019 (Reprinted)

© 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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