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Caitlin Lockey

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is more involved than an adult standing in front of the classroom for 90 minutes
and executing a lesson. Teaching is one profession that has the ability to impact and change the
life of many students. As a current student, I have been greatly influenced by my previous
teachers. The teachers who would make and effort to go out of their way to help me, not just in
an academic way, but in a personal way as well, have played a significant role in why teaching is
important to me. I believe it is vital in the field of education that students are able to trust and
feel comfortable around their teachers at all times. This relationship of trust truly opens the door
to a world of learning that is most effective for the students.

When students have a lot on their mind, learning in the classroom is least of their
concerns. As a teacher, I will strive to be available for all of my students, during a time of need,
academically or personally. The goal is to make the students comfortable enough to effectively
learn. All of my students should feel like they are in an environment where they are able to learn
to their full capacity. A student that does not feel comfortable enough, can result in a hindrance
in their academic performance. Sometimes, a toll can be taken on the entire class, disrupting the
learning abilities of many, opposed to just one. From the minute the students walk into the
classroom, I need them to be engaged and involved in their own learning. As the teacher, I
cannot do it on my own. It is the responsibility of the student to want to learn. Through their
learning, I want my students to find their own identity and embrace the differences within the
classroom. Not all of the students think alike, and it is important that students can shine through
their differences.

I strongly believe in student- centered classrooms, especially when it comes to early

education. That way, students are able to let their curiosity flow and are able to begin the process
of critical thinking. Teaching methods that are hands-on will be more prominent in my
classroom. Hands-on learning allows for the teacher to clearly see who is engaged in their
learning, compared to who is not. Also, this learning method gives clear indications on who is
able to grasp the concept and who is not. That way, the teacher is able to make room for
improvements as they see best fit. Following the lesson, I will find time to open up the classroom
for group discussions. Discussions allow for students to be able to reflect on their own learning.
Often times, students will be able to notice where they need to improve based off of other
comments from classmates. Another benefit of class discussions is students can hear information
from someone other than the teacher, which will help them understand a little better.

Effectiveness cannot be measured by a number in a classroom. Therefore, I will measure

the effectiveness by how engaged the students are in the curriculum based learning. For example,
if students are too busy on their technology devices and not completing their work, I know that
effective learning is not taking place. On the other hand, if a majority of the students are
participating in discussions and completing their assignments on time, I will be able to see there
is effective learning taking place. Assessments, such as quizzes and tests, will determine how
well they are comprehending the material being taught. Also, participation in group discussions
will demonstrate to what extent the students are learning. I will improve my teaching by paying
close attention to the failures of each and every lesson and changing them in a way that promotes
learning. I will also seek feedback from the students to see what was effective and what isn't, and
how I should change it for the future.
Overall, teaching is a profession that is not just about the teacher in the classroom. It is
about how well the teacher is able to communicate and interact with their students in order to
promote an environment that is most applicable for learning. Teachers are not able to do it alone,
either. Students, administrative teams and co-workers all play a crucial role in what takes place
in a classroom. Any and all of those groups of people can be impacted in a positive way that
would promote growth and success. The classroom is just a start where young minds can let out
their potential and find their place in the bigger world.

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