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Name: _____________________________ Date:_______________

How I Read

Directions: ​Check the circle for each of your choices.

O I like reading a lot.
O Reading is okay.
O I’d rather be doing other things.

What kinds of books do you like to read? Check as many as you like!
O realistic fiction O picture books
O poetry O true facts
O fantasy O mysteries
O myths O plays
O historical fiction O science fiction
O biographies (about real people) O ebooks
O graphic novels
O (write any other kind you like here)

How do you choose something to read? You can check more than one!

O I listen to a friend. O I follow my teacher’s suggestions.

O I look at the front cover. O I read the back cover.
O I pick it if it’s part of a series I like. O I look to see if it’s hard enough.
O I read the first few pages. O I look to see if it’s easy enough.
O If pick it if I’ve liked other books by that author.

How often do you read outside of school?


Do you prefer to read with someone or read by yourself?


What is your favorite book?


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