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By Sigmund Freud 48 avTomocearmicaL spy ‘Tar 10 AND TE 1D Naw ernopucTORY LECTURE OW PrvcHOANALYAs ‘AN OUTUNE OF PevcHOANALYSES ‘WE QUEETION OF Lay ANALYaS JONES Axo THEIR RELATION 0 TE UNCONIcIOUS ‘@vizaTion ANo 115 puiconreNTs ivilization AND ITS es Discontents SIGMUND EREUD Newly Translated from the German and Edited by ‘convmci @ 1981 aw jaseas srabcsry rimsr mnaeAN rosTi0N 1962 {trary of Congres Catalog Catt No, 81340 CONTENTS Ears Fnroduction « Civlinson and ie Dicontents Bibliography and Author Index (Gener Index 5 EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION DAS UNBEHAGEN IN DER KULTUR (0) Geawan Eprross: 1930 Vienna: Internationaler Prychoanalytischer Verlag. Pp. 136. 1931. nd ed. (Reprint of lat ed, with yome additions) 1934 GS. 12,29-114. Be 1949_GW., 14, 421-506, . (@) Bxouae Teanstarion: Grlization and ite Discontents 1930 London: Hogurth Press and Institute of Prycho-Analysiy, ‘New York: Cape and Smith. Pp. 144, (Tr. Joan Riviere) “The present tranalation is based on that published in 1990. ‘The fint chapter of the German original, was published slightly inadvance of the rest ofthe book in Payhoanel. Bowrpeng, 1 {4}, Noverber-December, 1929. The fith chapter appeared rately in the next iarue of the same periodical, 2 (1), ‘Fabwary-February, 1930. Two or three extra footnotes were ‘eluded in the edition of 1931 and a new final sentence wat fated to the work. None of these additions appeared in the tater version ofthe English translation. Freud hgd finished The Futwe of ox Iwsin in the autumn of 1927. Dunng the following-two years, chiefly, no doubt, on sgcognt of his ilnen, he tproduced wery Kile. But in the ‘nmer of 1929 he began writing another book, once more om J ecological subject. The first draft was finished by the end of “Jaly; the book was sent to the printers early in November ‘znd was actually published before the end of the year, though Hrcarvied the date 1980" on its tde-page (Jones, 1957, 157-8). ‘The original tie chosen for it by Freud was ‘Das Unplick i ‘dr Kaloe” ‘Unbappinees io Civilization’); but ‘Unghie was Inter altered to Usdehage’—a word for which it was dificult to

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