NaturalGasViscosity CKB

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Viscosity of Natural Gas
This spreadsheet employs the correlation of Carr, Kobayashi, and Burrows to calculate the viscosity of natural gas

Pressure 4.80E+07 Pa
Temperature 80 °C
Specific Gravity (air = 1) 0.65
N2 0.12 mole frac
CO2 0.14 mole frac
H2S 0.03 mole frac

Pseudocritical pres 4.94E+06 Pa
Pseudocritical temp 255.6291 K
Uncorrected gas visc 1.2111E-05 Pa s
N2 correction 9.6042E-07 Pa s
CO2 correction 6.3578E-07 Pa s
H2S correction 6.4249E-08 Pa s
Corrected gas visc 1.3771E-05 Pa s
Pseudo-reduced pres 9.7257466
Pseudo-reduced temp 1.8878454
Log term 1.3442365
Gas viscosity 2.7976E-05 Pa s

Empirical Parameters (Dempsey)

azero -2.4621182
aone 2.9705471
atwo -0.2862641
athree 0.0080542
afour 2.8086095
afive -3.4980331
asix 0.360373
aseven -0.0104432
aeight -0.7933857
anine 1.3964331
aten -0.1491449
aeleven 0.0044102
atwelve 0.0839387
athirteen -0.1864088
afourteen 0.0203368
afifteen -0.0006096
alculate the viscosity of natural gas

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