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The English Connection TM-2

Worksheet 1

Reading comprehension

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Jumbino was the son of the Great Jumbo, the biggest of all elephants. Jumbino was very young and
small. He loved to see his father trumpet. Even his uncle, Jambo, was able to trumpet well. But, whenever
Jumbino tried to do the same, something like a hiccup came out.
Jumbino asked his mother how he could become big and strong like his father. She told him that he
should eat plenty of sugarcane and bananas. He should run many miles every day.
Jumbino decided that he had to become like his father pretty fast. So, he did whatever his mother told
him to. He ran a lot every day. He did other exercises as well. Soon Jumbino grew up to be a handsome
young elephant. He could even trumpet now... not like his father, though.

Tick (✓) the correct answer.

1. Who was the biggest of all elephants?
(a) Jumbino
(b) Great Jumbo
(c) Jambo
(d) mother elephant
2. What was the one thing Jumbino wished to do?
(a) whistle all his life
(b) trumpet like his uncle
(c) sing with all his might
(d) trumpet like his father

The English Connection TM-2

3. What happened when Jumbino tried to trumpet?

(a) a hiccup came out
(b) a yawn came out
(c) a sneeze came out
(d) a whistle came out
4. What did his mother advise Jumbino to do?
(a) eat sugarcane
(b) eat bananas
(c) run a lot
(d) all the above
5. How did a grown up Jumbino trumpet?
(a) not very good
(b) well
(c) like an expert
(d) like his father

The English Connection TM-2

Worksheet 2

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.
1. This is a library book. ____________ can read it if you want.
2. Look at the little boy. ____________ is pulling the dog’s tail.
3. Crickets are lazy. ____________ never work for their food.
4. This squirrel is so cute. ____________ lives in the tree.
5. ____________ like my new school uniform.
6. All of us live together. ____________ are a happy family.
B. Underline the pronouns in the following sentences.
1. Nipun is seated at the dining table. He is making a loud noise with fork and knife on his plate.
2. He wants to have an unhealthy breakfast. It is made of bread with lots of butter and cheese, a
large burger and some French fries!
3. If we eat healthy food, we will be healthy and fit.
4. You must eat vegetables and fruits, too. They give you vitamins that keep you strong and help
you fight diseases.
5. He began eating healthy food like fruits, vegetables, cereals, bread, milk, eggs, fish and chicken.
6. Today I will have soup with mixed vegetables and fruit salad for dinner. From now onwards, I
will only eat healthy food.


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