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Water Pollution




Facultad de ingeniería de Sistemas- Uladech 2018

Why is it important to take care of the water?

Water is used for humans, in principle for the intake; for food and hygiene, while
it is also essential to keep all plant and animal species alive; since it is your vital
source during each passing day
Causes of the contamination of the water
1) Industrial waste
2) Increase in temperatures
3) Use of pesticides in agriculture
4) Deforestation
5) Oil spills
Solutions to water pollution

1) Plant trees on the banks of rivers or lakes.

2) Appropriate use of the products by the industries
3) Use the bicycle
4) Reduction of the use of chemical products in plantations
5) Control spills
As a conclusion, we must consider what planet we want to live on: paying
attention to species that are in danger of extinction and using technology to do
good and save the environment. Let's give importance to this type of activities
that benefit all the beings that inhabit this beautiful planet.

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