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2 ‘week’ And the salads are the same everyday. doze ff while Tn eating” Lats dive dem tothe Esto place." “ge band to get i there at neon time No ane eats here any Bt acy ee fein ‘No tells, Duties so mechanical and dll around here Ws ike they don't ell think anyone eats he tf. They have an obligation to pot i ent and bing i back Do you think they even “Put a Bindu on ani e's go Uaough the bine." ‘Workshop: Assign speech topics tothe attendees, each speeth to ‘ue impromptu and coverne more than cwo minutes. Ask attends ‘olist he mest important aspect of making a speech, After all the responses have been ted, remind de group thatthe speaker as an obligation to be teresting, There aze-no dull subjects, just Unsnceresting speakers. Ask some people © pve an snteresing ‘speech —showing imaggnaton. Discussion: Why ts bagination an important pat ofthe man agement communication system? What dul things oul be Ine proved er thet would help dehasslo the place? ‘Work assignment; Go back and take bok ara. Detorine wnt job or place your cowarkers dishike the most See what It ‘woul take to reverse tha Feeling Tn a basle-fee company the employees have confidence that shemmansyentent expects them and needs thee ourpt- They know thatthe rogutements of the Jab ane eleay stated, and. they have Ina the oppurtunity to make Inputs to tat statement, "They ocopnize that management is commated Co petri to thse requirements and takes them serious. Mey see that recog nition is accarded to those who do well and help Is vento these friploees having dificly. They see thst management has its prerogative but fur the most part shares the bad. They respect ‘management ‘Making allthis come about requires that dhe cemmpany De i wted in 3 hifelong process of quality improvement. This process touches each employee, each fiction, and each bic of output ‘whether tee save or proce. “The next few chapters concentrate on ming qualty happen, ut the whole dehtsling business 1.4 roses, nota program, veces Py ating sandwich sa eogeam; asing children process. You ever get dane with «proces. “The value of the hassle fice company is obvious forthe mast st, One aspect hat may net leap immediatly rind is het {great place look lke a sensational manager. When all ou have {20s the ob, there plemty oft to cave alot of good Uns (0 happen. ‘THE PLANNING HASSLE ‘Wanting to make certain I offered « deta example of corporate ‘lanning [searched around to ind the company that wher plan ‘ers thought had the best sytem, antpited hat his would bea ful task but qucklyleamed that the "pro's pro” of planning ‘was the Lighthve Corporation [is nystem was overed in planning ‘rte, and CEOs were constant irng LB's junior peopl 0 set Up similar systems for tet corporations. "There were no negative stones about LB ofits planing whiz, seriorvice president Haron Wilson, Me Wilson agreed ta sae me inten days end ta devote fll atemaon tw my questions Than he promised 1o set me up with ober executives wo used the system In herr day today wark “Taie to his werd, Harrison Wien grocted me at 12:30 and {nite me jin him in his fice “1 ike to start mestings a his te" he said, “bocause everyone ‘nat lunch and one interspts me only eat an spp mel 50 Je sta ig dea” ‘We exchanged pleasantries for afew moments, discovering that, wehad several mutual fends and that we may even have played ‘on opposite ses of a Connecticut ineraclu gol? match the prev ariwn asked me ow auch I knew about dhe LB system. I replied tha akhough Fd seme informacion, a ckeechy best, and T would appreciate Wf we could just start from the beginning as though I knew nothing, This soemed to plese him, since he commented that it made the whole process much easier "Wht we ae ster in our stam it know exacdy whee we ao at all Umes and to be aware of jos whet driving ove varius operations Mic Roeque, our CEO, 1 very determined that We wl 26 eno sunprion, But hei ust as determined dat dhe execues tre assign fo un operations have enough freed of maverrent 0 lakoastion when ts necosary.Sowe ate looking oe an opm Infact lal ou system the ‘opuanal action conew, OA for short noted that LB was x averted company we sx groups, of which fr weve manufacturing an we weee financial of serves ‘ented Thi much t had detrmined fom he ning ete Fnrieer had sent me “Yes” he ai “we ae verse, but we ur the same OA system yall dveions. What is mpornt ts Uae acts of he people iveed, how whey cun thelr responsihlies, not how the products or services Ghmeslse are vowed. That i pata the Imacksing concept which we intogrte ito OA, of couse “Soyout planning if nd forte peopl,” I wie. Heveuurned {he smile rather manly but nodded “re iscrtanly no reesn fer dang alli doce ene syne Tht iene esson I hld formal reviews each quasar ost towce whether te materul being ured We have ne esiance planting or the sake of planing. Khas to stand ee esto sell in dhe oping, we ever the market projects for the lowing ee yeare—vht do we see happening, how wil fet ack Alton, and what che overall ceo. The marketing poaplelead thas bo my sa pulls together. "Each plat of ech dvsion mes in with projection; at Hat time thoy al get oer whats glng an in tha et ofthe crpora ‘in ance everyone stende th baie penton I takes abot two ocks to go oer everthing" Whore da you do this?” asked. We umsally tke over one afte big meting ses Inthe fot ofthe Pocono," he replied, “They ewe us a goo rate since nothing fac ging an ont there then. And une of the rea vais of his ‘ype of mening the chance all dh executes have o mingle and set know one anater After the marketing rarvey & complete tn cay sumer, we start ht in onthe Grancial rojetians These ate done a the tgoup and dvsion leven, We want to what de sas, mar ‘ins, ventry, compensa and other gure ate gang be oe {he next awe eats We sno sk fr the ih sear ha ast Be exci a to ts hs together ram the plan stage?” “The general manager ae the department heads pinay. We Ihave a pling support aethity in cach plant represent ny ‘ice fu the main work upto dhe plane stall. We want itt be ‘her propeam. Odense just won happen “hen docs all his fnancal projection infrmation come o- cther"T aod Do cach fhe plant managers vont ght © ‘one office” ‘He shook his head pated He wanted me really understand ove di system worked "The dn presents pull together and hen work with their sroup executive in onder fo ensure shat # all ts Usually the ‘roupie will bring im me or perhupe discuset with Me, Recque forsee whedber tall wacks, “Then we put al the figures together and eck root with the ‘compiles, wl rates dhe margins to profit and balance sbost figures, When all of tht ead, we have «fll meeting, usually ‘round the Fourth of July weekend, and everyone gets 10 se dhe ramen a the sane Une" “tire do you have that mesg” 1 hove tt beadguarters We have a roam on the tp Hoar seat 173 cata and sales them oe the vere. iL ‘tour of ea room ands pejocion stup, We Ihave samething tia urge in carpocatiens "Me Hocgue tls tht people work burderand ve moreloyly ie they cam have mare sfotion That ts ome reason that we ‘amentrate on hat aspect "And how long do these meetings last Is everyne tn ate dance a all the meting” “The overview, presented by my staff executes, lass about ne sv shall days Then the dsonproventatins taka the rest of he ‘week, However, we do’ ask ven prsonne tay for sessions Iyer divisors sons dy want tim pleased to say that most tans Scene want 0. They get vey ave” “So you nom five the musket projected and you hive the fmaneiluspects well underetord and ste Ig host fe re spent in racing dese abjetves?™ “Oh my, nol” he exclaimed, “This is just ehe begining. ees do you much ged ust know what you want to achiw, Duar bave ue dawa aed een sal semuineenedy what 2 Is going tohave tobe dane to mee hose objectives. As soon ashe final planning e ver, wo stark busines pan “Now business planning where iy all at Each operation bas to say what they are gang i do to meet these objectives, how ‘much capita, any, dey need, wha hind of probes they visu ‘Die, and what dey think the competion eda,” “How fg do they geo prepare sese plans?” asked. Do they ‘end them into your ec fr reew?™ "They came (9 our office DUC ony after dhe sion stall, the soup people, snd headquarters staff have blessed them. We used tw have dhem come in here tue they were relly te Incorplte ‘That is ae reason we set up oar planing schoo. Every plant degaxtment head nthe corporation pes to that one-week Session Plant GMs and up ater a special rosy sean “Every yer” “Yes, every year We want to keep the up to date onthe bes. techies And we usually have the wvodsy session flowing dhe presidents sare-ot-he-compary weekend, The group executives tai dvsion presidente attend tat along with the senor exporate fal. We jr hula ew over and do the couse. They love the ‘hance to get oyether” "Whore do you conduct your planning school?” "We do itm eiferent nice rear places like Greenbrier, Bros moor, The Boca Raton Club, and eders. lt ves them the Fesing that we ae serious when we do it that way” F mae a point of ‘dropping in om each cits to show the fla,” “Ale your excotives prety dedicated planning on his ele? Doesnt ake a Tot of deste?" edocont take as much ime as you might hin.” he sai. “Bot ‘tls an investment by the copie. We thank 52 good cme and that we would be deri if We dd do it We ea pinpint al ur fsotites night down (othe ast and smaest em. If something fos mong. we can dele exactly hy and lec: rom “hat where we really pull i together nthe busines plan presentations. That i the most exiting pare ofthe year. Each ‘vison cells us plan by plant, operation by opertin, what is fing to do daring the coming tree sears 2nd how it parformed gait the previous three yeas “When dé you do dese sevsions, and where?” “all tese, excep far the ones from the Latin American and Far Pa Eastern operations, are dane right ere. We goto Sto Paulo and ong Kong forthe others, We schedule most of November and December for the BP metings All the top management sit through every one “theo man makes certain that he seks each manager atleast, ‘one questlon; that way they know for sue he i anerested in the tutcnne He wealy master at t and he never forges what you Fave promised hiss" ‘ater the eons plan mactings, whi happens to de plans?” Well, the actal plans themselves arestre, but the operations «sai boyin immediatly auditing the operons to ensure hat they Sire mestng or exceedina thes pogtams When a problem nse, 2 ‘pecial tak team is formed to help the eportion overcome is ‘ius, Since we Know what supposed to be happening. we ‘an tell immosiatly when senting I going asiay.” “And aller the hes ofthe year." "We bein the planning procese ssn Te 2 continua process because wo lve in an ever-changing Wot |e to think hat cars fare Uving plane; we can always be up w dave apd ean hit the ‘round running when We nocd action Have you figured out what thie proces cst?” ‘Notiealy, Weare mare concern wih what it would cose ‘Aidit do, Theres no veling how we waildeperate But the most f@roct cost is the planning stalf—about ninetyseven people throng the company.” Water Thoms, group executive, unqualified supporter ofthe OA system “Five years ago we ner knew where we were fing oreven were we'd ben. Now wecan make a clear plana {tack week by week I mee with each divin president wise a ‘mont and get them all gether every ax weeks s Gat your main status meting?” "Well we hate the monthly corporat meeting with the CEO snd hs tall, You'd ke se that one; is ealy a ell ae out Mu. The compiellr gives the status, the headquaters depar- tment ead talk about ther funcon the teasurer depans the Sccounts reeevable, ianufactring gives an foventony presenta: tien Then each division present makes & statement and 3s Slnzed on the operation. It sal) meaning session How lng docs aks?" [asked

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