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Salsabila Setya C – Japan 5


Trump’s Policy Contradict With Many Countries


Since the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump, or
before Trump has a campaign promise known as the "America First" slogan has begun to
emerge many controversial. One of them is the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of
Israel. The policy was made not only destroys peace between Palestinian-Israeli, but also
generates reactions from many countries. Around 128 States rejected Trump's decision and
endorsed the United Nations Council's resolution (Muzayyin, 2017).

In the field of study of International Relations often conducted research in facing the existing
phenomenon which results can be obtained more clearly. Among the many instruments of
existing research, is often used by observers in analyzing the phenomena in international
politics including foreign policy. There are basically three levels that can analyze these
policies; namely State Level of Analysis, Individual Level of Analysis, and System Level of
Analysis. Then how to look at Trump policy on Jerusalem in research Level of Analysis?

Level of Analysis in International Relations

In the level of analysis there are three most fundamental in explaining the policy of state
actors that is system-level analysis which assumes that the power distribution owned by super
power states affect other countries and between three fundamental levels of analysis, this
level of analysis is the most comprehensive level of analysis because the system can provide
a general pattern of state behavior and the rate of reliance between them. If you want to
research by taking the level of system analysis, understand how the form of the international
system and how the system affects actor actions (Olivia, 2013).

The second level of analysis is state-level analysis. At this level of analysis, the explanation
of state behavior is determined by the internal factors of the country. According to Rourke,
what is needed when a researcher using state level analysis is an understanding of how
different actors (bureaucrats, interest groups and legislatures) within the state play a role in
foreign policy making. The level of state analysis will result in less macro explanations such
as those generated at the level of system analysis, but not as micro as when using individual
level of analysis (Olivia, 2013).

The last level of analysis is individual-level analysis where this level focuses on humans as
actors in the research. And the decision of an individual (human nature) very affects the
understanding of various factors. This level of analysis can be used to analyze how
individuals interact in groups (organizational behavior) or how idiosyncratic factors affect
foreign policy making (idiosyncratic behavior) (Olivia, 2013).

The Trump’s Policy Motive on Jerusalem

Trump is known as the President of the United States whose the statement always reaping the
controversy from building a wall as a US-Mexico border whose funds are borne by their
respective governments and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. That thing surely
sparking criticism from many sides. Indeed before Trump's inauguration he already holds the
slogan America First or american’s policy that emphasizes nationalist america or prioritize
america above all (Dorell, 2018)

Related with Jerusalem’s policy, Trump has also stated blatantly that he is an Islamophobic.
In his campaign, he promise calling for complete shutdown of muslims entering the United
States and that thing is part of the promise of the Trump campaign to restrict immigrants from
certain countries, for the security of state (Beinart, 2017). In his policy, there is speculation
that Trump is attempting to change some things as a preparatory tactic for peace talks, but
there is more evidence to suggest that Trump focuses only on fulfilling campaign promises
against pro-Israeli American Jews and Evangelical Christian groups who are the basis of its
political mass. According to reports, Trump is frustrated by the continued opposition of his
national security team to discusses ignoring the redeployment of US embassies from Tel
Aviv to Jerusalem (Mark Landler, 2017).

Although from the beginning his policies have been criticized internationally and the United
Nations has also rejected Trump's decision on Jerusalem, but Trump still insist on Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel. But Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas responded coldly and
strongly rejected the US offer in a speech to the Palestinian Liberation Organization Central
Council (PLO) (Suastha, 2018).

In conclusion, the fundamental level of analysis is divided into three there is; individual level
of analysis, state level of analysis, system level of analysis. Foreign policy can be inspected
using one of the instruments of this research is Level of Analysis. The definition of level of
analysis itself is a way to identify and how to treat phenomena to be observed in international
politics. The Trump’s Policy get inside to individual-level of analysis because Trump
believes in his own decisions that he made and also the influence of other individual actors
that can influence the decision making so they can take decisions and assume that they are
right and thoughtful. Trump also has a great ego and ambition to get the territory of
Jerusalem despite they have broken the resolution of United Nation Council also get rejection
from the UN and various sides from many countries for actualize the promise of campaigns
that he has made. Trump is also frustrated by his national security team so he become
aggressive in policy making over Jerusalem.

Beinart, P. (2017, 11 29). Trump’s Anti-Muslim Political Strategy. Retrieved from The Atlantic:

Dorell, O. (2018, 1 19). Trump's foreign policy often put 'America first' — and alone. Retrieved from

Mark Landler, D. M. (2017, 12 5). U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, Trump Says,
Alarming Middle East Leaders. Retrieved from The New York Times:

Muzayyin, A. H. (2017, 12 22). 128 Negara Dukung Resolusi PBB Anti-Trump. Retrieved from CNN

Olivia, Y. (2013). Level Analisis Sistem dan Teori Hubungan Internasional. Jurnal Transnasional, Vol.
5, No. 1, Juli 2013, 898-900.

Suastha, R. D. (2018, 1 26). Keputusan Trump soal Yerusalem di Titik Frustrasi Palestina. Retrieved
from CNN Indonesia:

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