In School PLN - Dropbox and Google Classroom

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One of my most successful PLNs both within and outside of my school is our team Dropbox
folder. I started this folder for our team back in 2011. At the time there were only four people in
my department and two of us were teaching the same course. We would use the folder to
co-plan units and share lesson ideas. As my department has grown, so has the folder. As I
became more confident in my practice and started working with teachers outside of my school,
the folder became a collection of folders of resources. A lot of those resources are used by first
year teachers in my school or district. I actually have people message me and ask for access to
the folder, particularly for letters and templates that I have created. This has been a great,
low-key way to share and collaborate on materials within my school and district and with others
in other districts.
Google Classroom:

In my school we all have different planning periods and because our school is small, most of the
staff performs two or more roles. When we were creating our Technology Committee this
became an issue because it was almost impossible to find a time when all of the necessary
people could meet. To solve this issue within our school, we created a google classroom page
for our committee. Through Google Classroom I am able to post the topics and/or tasks we
need to complete and then the relevant people can do complete them when it is convenient for
them, according to their own schedule. This has been a great resource for us to do the work we
need to and still be able to include all of the people who want or need to be on the committee.

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