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Instrument Families Four Corner Project Evaluation

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________ Teacher Code: _________________

4-Corners Rarely-1 Sometimes-2 Mostly -3

Instrument pictures are Each instrument family Each instrument Each instrument family
included in the correct corner only included family corner only corner included all four
family’s corner one or two correct included three correct correct instruments.
instruments. instruments.
Instrument names are Each instrument family Each instrument Each instrument family
written in the correct corner only included family corner only corner included all four
family’s corner one or two correct included three correct correct instrument
instrument names. instrument names. names.
Instrument names are 1-7 instrument names 8-15 instrument All 16 instrument names
included on the diagram were on the diagram. names were on the were on the diagram.
Student’s name and Student’s name and Only Student’s name Students name and
teacher code are on the Teacher Code was or Teacher code was teacher code was visible
back of the project. omitted from project. visible on the project. on the project.

Instrument pictures are 1-7 instruments were 8-15 instruments were All 16 instruments were
included on the diagram on the diagram. on the diagram. on the diagram.

Students wrote the four Student wrote 1-2 Student wrote three Student wrote the four
instrument family instrument family instrument family instrument family
names on the diagram. names on different names on different names on different
One in each corner. corners of the diagram. corners of the corners of the diagram.
Student’s project was Student’s project Student’s project was Student’s project was
artistically done and eye lacked eye appeal and somewhat artistically very well done
catching. was sloppy in done and eye artistically and eye
presentation. catching. catching.

1. I learned most from doing this project…

2. If I could go back and redo anything over again, I would …

3. I will take away from this project, …

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