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February 17th, 2019

Dear, Colonel Thomas. S. Bundt

I am thrilled to be informed of the opening that you have for an emergency department nurse at
the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, WA. Because of my clinical nurse training
program through ROTC, as well as having a preceptorship in the emergency department with my
University, I believe I am an excellent fit as a new graduate nurse for your unit.

My name is Michael Pautler and I will be graduating from the University of Arizona’s bachelor
of science in nursing program this May. I will also be commissioning as a Second Lieutenant
through the University’s ROTC program. I have had two years of intense clinical rotations in
various units to teach different skills and learn about different diseases processes. I have learned
in a general medical surgical unit, obstetrics, pediatrics, psychiatric, and various intensive care
units such as trauma and neurological.

As a part of my ROTC training I was also afforded a month long rotation at Tripler Army
Medical Center in the emergency department that they have. I was able to learn about the Army
medical system with all members of the healthcare team, as well as hone my skills practiced in
school in a real life setting. I was further able to expand my emergency department knowledge
and skill practice by having my preceptorship in the same type of unit.

By having this dual education of both military training, as well as academia with the college, I
believe I am one of the best trained new graduate nurses and I will be a valuable member of your
hospital. I also want to grow with this organization and wish to further my career, knowledge,
and skillset and be able to provide even further care to military patients and their families. This is
only a small example of the dedication that I am willing to put forth with this job.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to meeting in person.

Very Respectfully,

Michael Pautler

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